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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
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Users’ Review on Converged News: Indonesia News Apps Case Irwansyah, Irwansyah
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Review is important for users to adapt, adopt, and accept new mobile applications. The digital and Internet have changed the way of users viewing and reading news. Since news outlet has transformed from print to website, mobile website, and mobile application, the users’ testimony could make them install, use, and be loyal. At the developers’ perspective, the review could make new ways to improve the features of news apps. The news apps that have better features could give better impression to readers. Moreover, news apps could make so much easier for users or readers to keep up with the latest news and information. It makes a lot of interest in the world of news on mobile platforms especially the news outlet that concern on the behaviour of users such as Kompas and Republika. By collecting the reviews and categorizing them with rating appreciation, PACMAD, EMA, TAM, and Nielsen’s Acceptability, this study found that not all categories were relevant and considered perfectly fit in news apps. The new construct has been developed about user appreciation of news apps. The elaboration of measurement gives new implication toward converged news media. The implication of this study would be also discussed and would give theoretical and methodological suggestions for further study
Hashtags and Digital Movement of Opinion Mobilization: A Social Network Analysis/SNA Study on #BubarkanKPAI vs #KamiBersamaKPAI Hashtags Eriyanto, Eriyanto
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji peranan tagar (#) dalam mobilisasi dukungan opini digital. Apakah tagar (#) yang berbeda bisa menciptakan mobilisasi yang berbeda. Teori yang dipergunakan adalah Gerakan Opini Digital (Digital Movement of Opinion / DMO), yaknu sebuah aktivisme digital yang ditandai oleh adanya reaksi yang spontan dan tidak terorganisir dari pengguna media sosial. Kasus yang diteliti adalah pertarungan antara tagar #BubarkanKPAI vs #KamiBersamaKPAI. Metode yang dipakai adalah Analisis Jaringan Sosial (Social Network Analysis/SNA). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan #BubarkanKPAI lebih mampu menciptakan mobilisasi dibandingkan dengan tagar #KamiBersamaKPAI. Keberhasilan tagar #BubarkanKPAI karena lebih emosional, menciptakan imajinasi naratif dan mempunyai frame yang jelas. This study examined the role of hashtag (#) in the mobilization of digital opinion supports. Could different hashtags (#) create different mobilizations? The theory used in this study is the Digital Movement of Opinion (DMO), which is a digital activism marked by spontaneous and unorganized reactions of social media users. The case investigated is a hashtags match between #BubarkanKPAI and #KamiBersKKAI. The method applied is the Social Network Analysis (SNA). The results showed that #BubarkanKPAI was more able to create mobilization compared to the hashtag #KamiBersamaKPAI. The hashtag #BubarkanKPAI was successful because it is more emotional, creates narrative imagination and has a clear frame.
Privacy Management of Facebook Users: A Study on Adolescents Living in West Jakarta Slums Andriyani, Esy; Mangun, Fatmala Kirana; Hendiastutjik, Healza Kurnia; Saidah, Musfiah; Hidayanto, Syahrul
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Remaja memiliki kebutuhan untuk membentuk identitas dan diakui lingkungan sosialnya. Dalam hal ini, media sosial mengekstensi para remaja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Namun, media sosial cenderung mendorong para remaja untuk mengungkapkan informasi pribadi mereka secara terbuka. Media sosial tanpa disadari mengaburkan batas informasi yang dapat diungkapkan dan tidak. Sedangkan saat ini, pengelolaan data atau informasi pribadi menjadi tantangan besar yang harus dihadapi di era komunikasi digital. Hal ini pada gilirannya berdampak pada polemik pengelolaan privasi di media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivis dan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian konstruktivis untuk mempelajari pemahaman remaja dalam memperlakukan privasi dengan mengacu pada pengalaman unik dan spesifik dari setiap individu. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara semi-terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja di pemukiman kumuh menggunakan Facebook sebagai media untuk memelihara pertemanan, membangun hubungan percintaan, dan wadah dalam mengekspresikan diri. Pemahaman mengenai informasi pribadi disikapi secara beragam sesuai keyakinan dan pengetahuan dari remaja. Selain itu, remaja di pemukiman kumuh secara umum belum memahami apa itu privasi dan bagaimana mengelola informasi pribadi di Facebook. Cara remaja di pemukiman kumuh dalam membuat aturan dan kontrol mengenai kepemilikan informasi pribadi mereka yaitu dengan memilih orang yang akan diceritakan mengenai informasi pribadinya sebagai upaya mengelola informasi pribadi mereka agar tidak mengalami pelanggaran aturan privasi. Temuan lainnya, remaja di pemukiman kumuh yang menutup akses informasi pribadinya di Facebook memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan keterlibatan organisasi yang baik, penge-tahuan akan resiko dalam bermedia sosial, dan mendapatkan pengawasan langsung dari orang tua. Teenagers have a need to form an identity and be recognized by their social environment. In this case, social media caters the youth to meet these needs. However, social media tends to encourage teens to disclose their personal information. So-cial media unwittingly obscures the limits of information which can be disclosed or not. In this era of digital communication, managing data or personal information is a big challenge which must be faced. This in turn causes a polemic of privacy management on social media. This study uses a post-positivist paradigm and qualitative approach with constructivist research strategy to study the adolescents’ knowledge in managing their privacy by referring to the unique and specific experiences of each individual. Data of this study were collected by observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The data which have been collected were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed that teenagers living in slums used Facebook as a medium to maintain friendships and build love relationships, and a place to express themselves. These teenagers addressed their personal information management in various ways according to their beliefs and knowledge. In addition, adolescents in slums generally do not understand what privacy is and how to manage personal information on Facebook. Teens in slums make rules and control the ownership of their personal information by selecting people who will be told about their personal information. These are their efforts to manage their personal information in or-der not to experience any violations of privacy rules. Other finding explained that the teenagers in slums who closed access to their personal information on Facebook had a good educational background and organizational participation, knowledge of risks on social media, and had direct supervision from parents.
The Emergence of Hybrid Journalism Practice in Travel Destination Coverage on and Cinti, Putu Intan Raka; Badriati, Meily
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Perkembangan pariwisata mendorong media daring nasional memproduksi kanal khusus wisata. Destinasi wisata menjadi salah satu objek liputan kanal-kanal itu, dengan kualitas liputan berbeda-beda. Adu cepat produksi berita ternyata memunculkan praktik mengambil sumber dari tulisan wisata non jurnalis. Penelitian ini melihat pemahaman dan praktek jurnalis mengenai liputan destinasi wisata yang dikaitkan dengan konsep jurnalisme wisata. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, paradigma konstruktivis, dengan metode wawancara mendalam terhadap empat wartawan dari dan Temuan menunjukkan, pengalaman, kebijakan redaksi, serta berbagai hal dari luar individu berperan dalam membentuk pemahaman liputan destinasi wisata. Praktik jurnalisme hibrida muncul. Liputan wisata tidak lagi mengandalkan liputan otentik jurnalis sendiri. The development of tourism encourages Indonesian online media to produce special tourism channel. Travel destination news dominate those channel. This thesis is about to see the comprehension of travel journalist about travel destination coverage with the concept of travel journalism. This qualitative research used constructivist paradigm and in-depth interviewsmethod. In this thesis, writer interview four travel journalists from and The findings indicate the editorial policies, as well as various things outside the individuals play role in shaping the comprehension of travel destination coverage.
Indonesian Blogger Communities: Display of Digital Artefacts As The Legitimate Ruling Mechanism Triastuti, Endah
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Makalah ini membahas pertanyaan seputar ‘Apakah komunitas blogger yang direartikulasikan dari ‘hubungan hegemonik konservatif’ memiliki potensi untuk memberdayakan blogger Indonesia?’ Atau apakah berpotensi mereproduksi bentuk lain dari hubungan kekuasaan untuk blogger Indonesia, seperti dunia maya yang tidak selalu menjamin demokratisasi. Hal ini berkisar pada gagasan tentang komunitas, dimana era digital telah mengubah hubungan kekuasaan. Terdapat argumen bahwa apa yang disebut komunitas virtual cenderung mereproduksi mekanisme yang berkuasa dengan menciptakan kembali artefak digital sebagai pengingat untuk mempertahankan wilayah budaya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian etnografi tentang blogging dan mencakup hampir empat tahun pengamatan partisipan dan wawancara informal dengan beragam blogger termasuk pria, wanita, pengadopsi awal dan pendatang baru, pendiri, administrator, orang-orang yang menulis blog secara profesional dan mereka yang menulis blog di waktu luang. Temuan saya menunjukkan bahwa budaya blogging Indonesia tidak merujuk pada ‘komunitas modern’. Budaya blogging orang Indonesia tetap mempraktikkan bahasa-bahasa kuno primordialisme tetapi dimediasi melalui model-model baru. Komunitas Blogger di Indonesia mencerminkan transaksi unik antara civitas dan polis. Di satu sisi mereka siap membangun identitas mereka sebagai anggota masyarakat (komunitas) tetapi di sisi lain, banyak juga yang mengembangkan identitas mereka sebagai anggota polis (masyarakat) dengan membangun artefak digital. Selain itu, praktik-praktik ini membutuhkan keanggotaan yang sangat melekat pada daerah dan wilayah. This paper discusses questions around ‘Do blogger communities that are rearticulated from ‘old school hegemonic relations’ have the potential to empower Indonesian bloggers?’ Or do they, on the other hand, potentially reproduce other forms of power relationships for Indonesian bloggers, as cyberspace does not always guarantee democratisation. It revolves around the notion of community, which in digital era has decentre power relations. It offers an argument that what so called virtual community tends to reproduce ruling mechanism by recreating digital artefacts as trivial reminders to maintain cultural territories. This study is an ethnographic research on blogging and includes almost four years of participant observation and informal interviews with a diverse range of bloggers including men, women, early adopters and newcomers, founder, administrator, people who blog professionally and those who do so in their free time. My findings shows that Indonesian blogging culture does not refer to a ‘modern community. It remains practicing old languages of primordialism but mediated through new models. Blogger communities in Indonesia reflect a unique transaction between civitas and polis. On one hand they readily establish their identity as members of civitas (communities) but on the other hand, many also develop their identity as members of polis (society) by establishing digital artefacts. Additionally, these practices require memberships which are strongly attached to localities and territories.
When the Truth is Decided by Media Buzzers: The Case of Power Balance Akbar, Moh Rifaldi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Tulisan ini akan membahas peran buzzer pada industri iklan. Tulisan ini memberikan argumen bahwa bukan kualitas barang yang menentukan banyaknya pembeli sebuah barang tetapi buzzer. Buzzer membentuk Word of Mouth(WoM) ke tengah khalayak, menciptakan mitos, dan dipercayai secara sadar atau tidak sadar. Melalui media baru, kemajuan industri dan teknologi menyebabkan khalayak mendapatkan pesan berantai semakin cepat dan mudah. Tidak heran jika lakunya sebuah produk bukan lagi ditentukan oleh kualitas, melainkan ditentukan oleh pembicaraan dari orang-ke-orang. Pada tahun 2006, gelang kesehatan bertajuk Power Balance (PB) menjadi salah satu aksesoris paling laku di Dunia. Atlit, selebriti, sampai politisi menggunakan gelang yang "dimitoskan" dapat membuat tubuh menjadi seimbang, fleksibel dan kuat. Peran atlit dan selebriti sebagai Buzzer turut serta membentuk rantai informasi dari mulut-ke-mulut. Khalayak kemudian percaya bahwa gelang itu memberikan khasiat. Namun, pada 2009 gelang PB melalui website aslinya menyatakan bahwa gelang tersebut tidak memiliki bukti ilmiah yang cukup untuk memberikan khasiat pada tubuh manusia. Gelombang magnetik yang dimilikinya hanya sedikit sehingga tidak memberikan efek berarti apapun kepada tubuh apalagi kesehatan manusia. Seketika, penjualannya menurun dan pabrikan PB dinyatakan bangkrut. Kita berada pada era di mana kebenaran ditentukan oleh buzzer. Alih-alih membeli barang berdasarkan kebutuhan dan kualitas, namun pola konsumsi khalayak sebenarnya telah ditentukan dan diarahkan. Dengan bantuan media dan teknologi komunikasi, buzzermembentuk buzz marketyang kemudian dilanggengkan dengan informasi dari mulut-ke-mulut WoM.
Book Review: “Understanding New Media”, 2nd Edition (2018) by Eugenia Siapera Ibrahim, Adamkolo Mohammed; Pate, Umaru A.
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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With the first edition of this work conceived well over a decade ago and the present edition published just about a year ago, there is still much to understand about technologies and new media intellectually and empirically. Dr Eugenia Siapera’s work “Understanding New Media”, 6th Edition eases the task for readers by providing comprehensive and readable information about much that we need to know on the concept ‘new media’, its variants and their relationships with the social and other non-social elements of society. Diversity, hegemony, production, consumption, theories and political economy are some of the key themes Dr. Siapera examined critically in her work. Because of the importance she attaches to the issue of political economy, the author dedicated a whole chapter (Chapter 2) to political economy of new media. Using critical discourse analysis approach, we reviewed chapters 1, 2 and 5 only. This is because of the critical importance of the analysis provided in these chapters on some of the most intriguing topics in media studies and research such as issues surrounding the concept of new media, the influence of political economy on media content dissemination and consumption as well as the negative uses and effects of new media in society, especially on young users.

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