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Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
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Tadulako Sciencetech Journal is an open-access global publication for scientific articles which is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of new finding research results on science and technology. Manuscripts that are published in Tadulako Sciencetech Journal develop underlying science principles for innovative technologies and presents scientific advances for enabling real-world application across multiple disciplines. Papers published in Tadulako Sciencetech Journal are therefore available to a much wider readership that not only to the traditional academic sector but also to policy institutions, industry, the general public and the media. It is published two times a year, published in July, and December in electronic format with free online access. Submitted papers must be written in English for an initial review stage by editors and further review process by a minimum of two international reviewers. These topics are addressed in full-length academic articles, critical statements on current issues, developmental practice, and reviews of books based Science and Technology. The purpose of the journal is to publish original and high-quality research papers in the field of Science and Technology. The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. Finally, accepted and published papers will be freely accessed in this website and the abstracting & indexing databases, such as Google Scholar, PKP Index, Dimensions, etc. The journal invites original, significant, and rigorous inquiry into all subjects within or across disciplines related to Science and Technology. It encourages debate and cross-disciplinary exchange across a broad range of approaches.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 54 Documents
Creative Hub as a Creative Space for Young People of Palu City With Plowright Pattern-Based Design Method Andi Faidilah; Fuad Zubaidi; Lilies Handayani
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): TADULAKO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v4i1.16339


This res earch is motivated by the increas e in the creative indus try s ector in Palu City, es pecially in the craft, film and performing arts s ubs ectors and als o the adjus tment of s pace for the public in the new normal era so that the urgency of the need for s paces that can facilitate creative activities , es pecially during this pandemic, needs to be provided, es pecially in the Palu City area s o that the title rais ed in the form of "Creative Hub as a Space for Youth Creativity in Palu City" can be a forum for utilizing exis ting potential. The des ign of the Creative Hub of Palu City is intended to provide good interaction for the s urrounding environment and can als o be a des ign s olution in the new normal era and in accordance with the context of the city of Palu for the completion of the des ign of the Creative Hub of Palu City us ing the de s ign method of Plowright Pattern bas ed des ign where the key operation of patterns / s hapes in architecture as s tructuring, organization and pattern compos ition games . The des ign of the Creative Hub of Palu City is expected to be a place that can s upport th e creativity and productivity of creative indus try players and als o the general public and can be a planning s olution for the Covid -19 pandemic-friendly des ign principles .
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): TADULAKO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v4i1.16392


Air is a mixture of gases found in the layer that surrounds the earth. The cokriging method is the development of the kriging method to estimate a variable that minimizes estimation errors by utilizing cross-correlation between several variables. This research was conducted using data from 45 coordinate locations for air monitoring by the Department of Environment and Forestry of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017. The results showed that the best model for estimating sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide air pollution was the spherical model with the smallest Mean Square Error (MSE) value. which is 317,527. Interpolation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide content values using cokringing resulted in 100,390 new points. The value of air pollution is in the range of 0-40, which according to ISPU means that at that point, good air quality has no impact on humans but causes a certain smell and injury to some plant species.
Grouping of Provinces in Indonesia Based on Infrastructure Development Indicators Using the Ward Method with a Multiscale Bootstrap Approach Nurfatra; Junaidi; Iman Setiawan
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): TADULAKO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v4i1.16393


Infrastructure plays an important role in improving the quality of life and human welfare. Infrastructure is a facility that is needed by every country, including Indonesia, to support various community activities in general in everyday life. However, the problem of inequality in infrastructure development in Indonesia is still a challenge for the government. This study aims to classify provinces in Indonesia based on indicators of infrastructure development. The method used in this grouping is the ward method with the multiscale bootstrap approach to determine the validity of the formed cluster. The results of the grouping show that we obtained 7 clusters where clusters with poor infrastructure development status are cluster 7, clusters with fairly good infrastructure development status, are cluster 6, clusters with good infrastructure development status, are cluster 1, cluster 2, cluster 3 and cluster 4, while cluster with a very good infrastructure development status, are cluster 5. From the 7 clusters formed, we obtained 4 clusters with an approximately unbiased (AU) value greater than and equal to 95, defined as valid clusters and 3 clusters with an AU value of less than and equal to 95, defined as invalid clusters
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): TADULAKO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v4i1.16394


The Palu City area is one of the areas that are vulnerable to the impact of the earthquake, seen from the seismicity and the Palu-Koro fault. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the seismic vulnerability index and the thickness of the sediment layer in the Palu city area. This study uses the microtremor method with HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectrum Ratio) analysis. The HVSR method produces natural frequency parameters (fo) and amplification (Ao) which are presented in the form of an H/V curve so that this method can estimate the seismic vulnerability index (Kg). The H/V then becomes the input for the ellipticity curve analysis to get the thickness of the sediment layer (h). The results of the study show that the Kg value ranges from 0.16 to 37.09. The lowest Kg value is located at the point MP2234-14 (Kawatuna Village). ) and the highest Kg value is located at MP2234-06 (Petobo Village), the high Kg value tends to be in the valley area and areas close to the coast, while the hillside tends to be low. The results of the analysis of the thickness of the sediment layer (h) ranged from 7 m to 128 m, the thick sediment layer is in the valley and coastal areas, while the thin sediment layer tends to be in the area oh the hills
E-Surveillance System Security Using RSA-AES Algorithm (Rivest Shamir Adleman - Advanced Encryption Standard) Hajra Rasmita Ngemba; Aimar Anand; Syaiful Hendra; Anita Ahmad Kasim; Elyana Aulia Chandra
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17175


Introduction: The Regional Inspectorate of Central Sulawesi Province has the task of supervising and fostering the implementation of government such as conducting audits, evaluations, reviews, and monitoring. The Regional Inspectorate of Central Sulawesi Province built a system for fostering Regional Apparatus Organizations called the E- E-Monitoring system. However, the files uploaded by the Regional Device Organization have not been encrypted in this system, so this study aims to use the RSA-AES algorithm in the E-Pengawasan system to increase system security. Method: The process that occurs in the RSA-AES algorithm is that the RSA key is used to encrypt the AES key and the AES key is used to encrypt and decrypt the file. Results and Discussion: The test results used are the black box testing method and also usability testing. Black box testing is used to test whether the functions on the system are running smoothly or not and usability testing is used to test efficiency in encryption and decryption based on file size. Conclusion: Based on the tests carried out, it was found that the amount of time used to encrypt files with a file size of 1MB - 50MB was 0.182 - 0.393 seconds. The test results for decryption were found with a file size of 1MB - 50MB, namely 0.050 - 0.148 seconds.
Green Open Space Design in Papan Island Township Arrangement Muhammad Bakri; Afiat Muhammad; Lutfiah Thaha
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17176


: The purpose of open space is as a forum for organizing activities that are not only limited to human activities but also as a forum for nature conservation Papan Island has the potential as a tourist destination with its cultural wealth and biodiversity, by creating a space for tourists and still paying attention to the needs of the people of Papan Island and its environment, a tourist area will be created with the concept of Green Open Space (RTH) Method: The method used in this research is the Architectural design method. This method uses an analysis of the activities and needs of tourists and the community on Papan Island. Data obtained through interviews, observations, documentation, and literature studies Results and Discussion: This research makes the concept of shared space in architecture refer to an area or environment designed to be used and enjoyed together by a group of people. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the following design response will be made, namely making flexible openings such as large sliding door openings but at the same time can be closed. Conclusion This research shows that green spaces can be a key element in creating a healthier, more comfortable, and sustainable environment on Papan Island:
Effect of Eco Enzyme on Television Electromagnetic Radiation Nurhamida; Anis Nismayanti; Sitti Rugayya; M. Syahrul Ulum; Kasman; Maskur
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17177


Research has been carried out on the effect of eco enzymes on television electromagnetic radiation. This research aims to determine the amount of electromagnetic radiation on live television before and after using an eco enzyme. Measurements were made of the amount of electromagnetic radiation from the television when it was off, and the television when it was on before and after using eco enzyme, using 2 types of eco enzyme (pineapple eco enzyme and organic material eco enzyme) with a volume of 1 liter (for 1 bottle) and 2 liters (for 2 bottles). The position of the eco enzyme with the surface of the bottle cover open is placed in front of the television screen at a measuring distance of 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm, 100 cm, 125 cm, 150 cm, 175 cm, and 200 cm. Television electromagnetic radiation in the form of the highest electric field and magnetic field when the television is on before using eco enzyme at a measuring distance of 25 cm respectively is 30 V/m and 0.22 μT. After using the eco enzyme, the highest reduction in electromagnetic radiation occurred at a measurement distance of 25 cm. Treatment using 2 liters of pineapple eco enzyme can reduce television electromagnetic radiation in the form of electric fields and magnetic fields respectively, namely 6 V/m and 0.18 μT. In the treatment using eco enzyme, a variety of organic materials with a volume of 2 liters can reduce television electromagnetic radiation in the form of electric fields and magnetic fields respectively, namely 7 V/m and 0.19 μT.
Determination of Slope Safety Factor Based on Hoek & Brown Collapse Criteria on Ampera-Surumana Road Section Agung Nugraha; Irianto Uno; Asrafil Asrafil
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17178


Introduction: One way to determine whether a slope is stable or not is by using the safety factor criterion. The method to determine the safety factor using the limit equilibrium method. Administratively the research area is located in the village of Salubomba, Central Banawa District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The results of the study are also expected to be used as one of the basis for planning the design of stable slopes in the area Method: The methods used in this research were qualitative and quantitative. The process in this research was carried out with each method. The process of collecting secondary data and primary data is carried out by Geology and Geological Engineering methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results and Discussion: Observations in this study were made in the field in the form of observations of bridging on road slopes. The bruises in the study area are grouped on the basis of their shape and genetics. Through the results of observations and measurements on rock slopes at the research site. Based on data processing on the GEOSTUDIO 2018 R2 software application. Then, the value of the slope safety factor at observation station 1 is 2.316. Conclusion: Based on testing and analysis of the Hoek & Brown collapse criteria method, it can be concluded that the value of the slope safety factor at observation stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is 2.316; 2.029; 1.765; 1.658; 2.622 respectively. At station 4 the level of vulnerability is medium (Landslides can occur), at station 3 is at a low level of vulnerability (Landslides rarely occur), while at stations 1,2 and 5 are at a very low level of vulnerability (Landslides very rarely occur).
Effect of Food Safety Education on Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of School Community and Retail Community in Ampibabo Sub-district Nur Mutiawati; Jamaluddin; Samaal Mallisa
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17179


Food safety is a condition to prevent food from possible biological, chemical, and other contaminants that can harm and endanger human health. This study was conducted to determine the effect of food safety education on the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the school community and retail community before and after the intervention. This type of research is an experimental study with a total sample of 60 people from the school community and 54 people from the retail community. This research began in March-October 2021. The analysis used in this study was the Wilcoxon analysis with the SPSS application. The results of the effect of food safety education on the school community in aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior with the value of Sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05 consecutively 0.030 < 0.05; 0.000 < 0.05 and 0.000 < 0.05. H0 is rejected so that there is an effect of food safety education on food safety knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. The effect of food safety education on the retail community on the knowledge aspect with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there is an effect of food safety education on the knowledge aspect of the retail community. While on the aspect of attitude and behavior aspect with the value of Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 0.106 > 0.05 and 0.363 > 0.05, which means that H0 is accepted, so there is no effect of food safety education on aspects of attitude and behavior in the retail community. The conclusion obtained is that there is an effect of food safety education on the knowledge of attitudes and behavior of the school community, there is an influence towards a better direction after food safety education is carried out on aspects of knowledge of the retail community and there is no effect of conducting food safety education on aspects of attitudes and behavior of the retail community.
Post-Tsunami Shoreline Changes in Parts of Palu Bay Rifdan Rifandi; Rahmawati; Iwan Alim Saputra
Tadulako Science and Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Tadulako Science and Technology Journal
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/sciencetech.v5i1.17180


This research was conducted in part of Palu Bay which is included in the administrative area of Palu City. The problems in this study are: (1) How is the change of coastline in some parts of Palu Bay? (2) How much area was affected by the Tsunami in parts of Palu Bay? This study aims to: (1) To know the changes of coastline in some parts of Palu Bay. (2) Know the area affected by the Tsunami in part of Palu Bay. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The method used to obtain data is by using Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis with overlay techniques. The results showed that there were changes in the coastline in the form of abrasion or loss of land with a total area of 61.53 hectares and additional land (accretion) with a total area of 5.1 hectares. The total area affected by the tsunami in parts of Palu Bay amounted to 622.83 hectares. The sub-districts that experienced the largest tsunami impact were the Tawaeli district with an area of 169.96 hectares, Mantikulore sub-district with an area of 145.55 hectares, the North Palu sub-district with an area of 116.25 hectares, the Ulujadi sub-district with an area of 104.66 hectares, the West Palu sub-district with an area of 58.39 hectares, while East Palu sub-district was the smallest tsunami impacted area with an area of 28.02 hectares.