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Journal of Health Research and Technology
ISSN : 29859492     EISSN : 29857953     DOI : 10.58439
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Journal of Health Research and Technology, with ISSN 2985-9492 (print) and ISSN 2985-7953 (online) numbers, is a scientific health journal based on research published by Sahabat Publikasi Kuu. The Journal of Health Research and Technology is a national standard journal that has a main focus on the development of health, nursing, and midwifery sciences and focuses on the fields of health promotion and education, health information and technology, health administration, hospital administration, and health management. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas that have been achieved in the field of research. The Journal of Health Research and Technology is published twice a year, in February and August.
Articles 17 Documents
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Effectiveness Of Butterfly Hug Therapy On Reduction Of Stress And Anxiety Of Students' Anatomy Laboratory Examination Basic Biomedical Sciences Diploma 3 Nursing Study Program Erik Adik Putra Bambang Kurniawan; I Wayan Sudarta
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.176


Background: In order to improve the quality of globally competitive education, the anatomy examination system is very helpful for students in recognizing and understanding anatomy and physiology in basic Biomedical Sciences courses, but it also has the impact of creating feelings of anxiety and stress in preparing for the examination. Excessive anxiety and stress will have an impact on students' psychological problems. One type of therapy that can help deal with stress and anxiety is Butterfly. Butterfly Hug (BH) is a psychotherapy technique to calm anger and get rid of a person's feelings of traumaObjective: To determine the effectiveness of Butterfly Hug Therapy in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Students in Anatomy Laboratory Exams in Basic Biomedical Sciences for Diploma 3 Nursing Study Program.Method: This research uses a quasi-experimental research method.Research Results: Wilcoxon test results show Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) on the stress level is 0.025. Because the P value < α : 0.05, then Hα is accepted and Hο is rejected, whereas for Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) for anxiety at stress levels is 0.127. Because the P value > α : 0.05, then Hα is rejected and Hο is accepted.Conclusion: There is effectiveness of butterfly hug therapy in reducing stress in students in basic biomedical sciences anatomy laboratory exams and there is no effectiveness of butterfly hug therapy in reducing anxiety in students in basic biomedical sciences OSCE exams in Nursing Diploma 3 Study Program.Suggestion: Future researchers are expected to develop this research, hopefully re-examine the effectiveness of Butterfly Hug Therapy in overcoming mental health problems: anxiety.
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.178


Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB sufferers feel sad because they receive statements about disease transmission which can give rise to negative perceptions and cause stress. Effective coping mechanisms can influence the patient's self-efficacy towards healing. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between coping mechanisms and self-efficacy in TB sufferers at the Tamansari Public Health Center, Tasikmalaya City, Indonesia. The population in this study was people with TB disease. Total sample was 41 respondents with a random sampling technique. Quantitative research and cross-sectional method used in this study. The research results showed that the majority of TB sufferers had adaptive coping mechanisms with high self-efficacy. The results of the Chi-Square test obtained a p-value of 0.001 < 0.05, meaning that there was a relationship between coping mechanisms and self-efficacy in TB sufferers. Coping mechanisms can influence sufferers' self-confidence in their abilities, adaptive coping mechanisms can make TB sufferers have high self-confidence to achieve optimal recovery. The results of this research are expected to play a role in providing health education and family support to sufferers to increase sufferers' confidence in recovery.
Exploring Health Science Students' Experiences of Learning Management Systems: Through the Lens of the Community of Inquiry Framework Untoro Dwi Raharjo; Praptana Praptana; Heri Hernawan; Suryo Nugroho Markus; Ristiana Eka Ariningtyas; Ratna Prahesti
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.185


The digital revolution in education, particularly in higher education, has led to the widespread adoption of online learning platforms like Learning Management Systems (LMS). The Faculty of Health at Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta has embraced this trend, employing Moodle for blended learning. However, there has been a lack of formal evaluation of students' experiences with the LMS. This research aims to fill this gap by comprehensively evaluating the user experience and learning experience of students within the Faculty of Health using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. The study collected data from 201 respondents and analyzed their experiences across various CoI domains. Results indicated positive perceptions of teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence, with teaching presence scoring the highest. However, social presence remained the lowest aspect, highlighting the need for more personalized engagement on the LMS. While the study identified areas for improvement, it also underscored the LMS's potential in modern learning and its role in enhancing the flexibility of higher education. Further research was recommended to address the study's limitations and continue improving online learning experiences on the LMS.
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.200


A person's Attitude towards an object is a feeling of support or favor (favorable) or feelings of not supporting or not taking sides (unfavorable) on a particular object. The Attitude of teenagers who are not good is a factor in the occurrence of child marriage; they generally do not understand the risks to their bodies. The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of adolescents about the risk of child marriage. This research uses a descriptive method. The population is all teenagers at Ahmad Yani 2 Baureno High School, Bojonegoro Regency; in June 2022, there are as many as 226 teenagers. The sample in grades X and XI was taken by accidental sampling, so the number of samples was 125 people. Collect data using a questionnaire, then edit, code, score, and tabulate, which is then presented as a frequency table with percentages and narration. The results showed that more than half of the respondents, namely 66 children (52.8%), were favorable/positive (supportive) that child marriage could result in negative risks, and less than some of the respondents, namely 59 children (47.2%) were unfavorable/negative (does not support) that child marriage may result in negative risks. More than some teenagers have a favorable/positive attitude (support) that child marriage can lead to negative risks, it is hoped that the active role of health workers is to provide counseling to adolescents about child marriage. Especially adolescent girls about a good age for reproductive health and the impact that can be felt when doing child marriage
The Relationship between the role of parent and self-Esteem to acceptance parents with mentally retarded children in Extraordinary school Bf Mandara Kendari Indonesia Sri Wahyuni
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.201


Children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a higher prevalence (18.30/1000) than adults (4.94/1000). Furthermore, it is estimated that around 1% of children between the ages of 3 and 10 are affected by intellectual disability worldwide. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the role of parents and self-esteem towards the acceptance of parents with mentally retarded children at the extraordinary school Mandara Kendari, Indonesia.The research method uses quantitative research with a cross sectional design. The population of all parents of children with mental retardation is 340. The research sample consists of 184 respondents. Data analysis using chi-square analysis. Based on the chi-square test, there were 79 respondents (42.9%) in the category of good parental roles and 105 respondents in the poor parental role category, while in the class of parents with good self-esteem, there were 67 respondents (36.5%) and in the type of low self-esteem, there were 117 respondents. With a 95% confidence interval of 0.05, the result is a p-value of 0.05. The conclusion is that the role of parents and self-esteem have a relationship with the acceptance of parents with mentally retarded children at BF Mandara Kendari Extraordinary School, Indonesia.
Reducing Insomnia in the Elderly With Lavender Aromatherapy In Karyamulya sud-district, Kesambi District, Cirebon City : Reducing Insomnia in the Elderly With Lavender Aromatherapy Dewi Erna Marisa; Musheer al-Jaberi; Asita Elengoe; Santi Wahyuni; Yudi Supriyadi
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.202


Introduction: Insomnia is a problem that often occurs in elderly people, namely the inability to sleep. Management and treatment of elderly people who suffer from insomnia are broadly divided into two categories of pharmacological treatment and nonpharmacological treatment. Pharmacological treatment focuses on drug delivery. Lavender aromatherapy is a non- pharmacological intervention that can improve sleep quality in the elderly. Purpose: The aim of this research is to reduce insomnia in the elderly with Lavender aromatherapy. Methods: This type of research is quantitative with a research design using one group pretest-posttest with the pre- experimental method and paired t-test. as many as 30 elderly people aged 55-65 years and over and will be given the IRS (Insomnia Rating Scale) questionnaire which will be given before and after giving lavender aromatherapy. Respondents received lavender aromatherapy for 8 consecutive days. Results: The results showed that lavender aromatherapy had a significant effect on reducing insomnia in the elderly. Before being given lavender aromatherapy, there were 25 respondents (80.6%) with severe insomnia and 5 respondents (16.1%) with mild insomnia. After being given lavender aromatherapy, 27 respondents (90.0%) had no insomnia and 3 respondents (10.0%) had moderate insomnia. the p value is 0.00 or <0.05, thus it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Conclusions: In administering lavender aromatherapy to the elderly in Karyamulya Village, Kesambi District, Cirebon City, there was a in the level of insomnia before and after giving lavender aromatherapy for 8 consecutive days
The Relationship Of Temporary Job Rotation And Nurse Work Stress Rusdi Rusdi; Faridah Mohd Said; Nur Syazana Umar
Journal of health research and technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Journal of health research and techonology
Publisher : Sahabat Publikasi Kuu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58439/jhrt.v2i1.203


Background: Work rotation does not always have a positive impact; productivity will decrease due to moving nurses to a new position, so there needs to be an adjustment again. In this type of temporary work rotation, there is a risk of problems because it is carried out in a relatively short period, and there is a lack of opportunity to adapt to a new environment, which can increase the work stress of nurses. Objective: To analyze the relationship between temporary work rotation and work stress of nurses in the Inpatient Hospital of the Hospital. Methods: Descriptive analytical research design with a cross-sectional approach, a total sample of 54 respondents selected using the Proportional Random Sampling technique. Results: The analysis test showed that as many as (53.7%) of respondents rated the temporary work rotation activity as "not good," and most of the respondents (70.4%) experienced "moderate" work stress. From the statistical test results obtained, p-value= 0.008 <0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between temporary work rotation and the work stress of nurses. Establish an appropriate policy regarding the appointment of officers and placement of work units according to their competence or clinical area, a schedule of rotation activities and a rotation process, a program of direction related to Rotation, and application of Rotation so that nurses are not bored and stressed

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