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Jurnal Portofolio: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Published by Prisani Cendekia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28296109     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
Jurnal PORTOFOLIO adalah jurnal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana akademisi (dosen, mahasiswa), praktisi dan peneliti untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian, pemikiran, kajian dan pengembangan yang mencakup semua aspek bisnis dan manajemen Tujuan PORTOFOLIO adalah untuk membangun saluran komunikasi yang efektif antara pemangku kepentingan, termasuk lembaga akademis dan penelitian, bisnis, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. PORTOFOLIO juga bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dalam pengembangan ilmu dan praktik bisnis dan manajemen. Jurnal PORTOFOLIO menerima artikel ilmiah dengan lingkup penelitian pada: Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Manajemen Operasi, Manajemen Strategi, Manajemen Sistem Informasi, Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika, E-business, Manajemen Agribisnis Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Inovasi Bisnis Ekonomi Kreatif dan Turisme, Kewirausahaan Tema penelitian lain yang relevan dengan Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital" : 10 Documents clear
Pengaruh E-Services Quality Terhadap E-Loyality Yang Dimediasi Oleh Variabel E- Satisfaction Pada Pengguna Ojek Online Go-jek di Jabodetabek Henny Armaniah; Wasilatun Nikmah
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of this research is to ascertain how electronic service quality influences customer loyalty and satisfaction, the impact of customer experience on customer loyalty, and to what extent electronic satisfaction mediates electronic services. quality on customer loyalty for Go-Jek users in Jabodetabek. Explanatory research using a quantitative approach is a research methodology. 155 people were included in the sample, and a questionnaire was used to collect information. The research variable is e-service quality (X), the dependent variable is customer loyalty (Y), and the mediating variable is e-satisfaction (Z). The results of this study indicate that there is a direct influence between e-service quality (X) on customer loyalty (Y) and e-service quality (X) also has a direct effect on e-satisfaction (Z) for Go-Jek services in Jabodetabek. In addition, e-satisfaction (Z) is able to mediate the effect of e-service quality (X) on customer loyalty (Y).
Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Online Shop Tokopedia Dengan Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Ahmad Rafik; Nyoman Suardhita
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of perceived convenience on satisfaction, to analyze the effect of perceived convenience on purchasing decisions, to analyze the effect of satisfaction on purchasing decisions and to analyze the effect of perceived ease of purchase on purchasing decisions through satisfaction at Tokopedia's Onlie Shope. The research approach used in this study is the associative method. The analysis technique uses Partial Least Square (PLS). As for the results of the study, it shows that there is an effect of perceived convenience on purchasing decisions at the Online Shope Tokopedia. There is an influence of Perceived Convenience on Purchasing Decisions at Online Shope Tokopedia. There is an influence of Perceived Convenience on Purchasing Decisions with Satisfaction as an intervening variable at Tokopedia Online Shope
Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahan dan Persepsi Kemanfaatan Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Go-Pay Dengan Kepercayaan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Sonny Fransisco Siboro; Ahmad Taufik
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of this study is to find out how much interest in using Go-Pay with trust as a moderating variable in the Jabodetabek community is influenced by perceptions of convenience and benefit. This type of research uses differential semantic association research. Primary and secondary data are used in this study. Purposive sampling was used in this research sampling technique, resulting in 130 respondents for the research sample. In this study, the structural equation model (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 for Windows is used as a data analysis method. The results of this study indicate that perceptions of convenience partially have no effect on interest in using Go-Pay, while perceptions of usefulness and trust partially have a positive effect on interest in using Go-Pay partially on interest in using Go-Pay
Loyalitas Nasabah di Bank Mandiri Cabang Kota Jakarta Ditinjau Dari Kualitas Pelayanan Dengan Kepuasan Nasabah Sebagai Variabel Intervening Faif Yusuf; Syamsudin Syamsudin
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of this study is to analyze customer loyalty in terms of service quality with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This type of research uses differential semantic association research. Primary and secondary data are used in this study. Purposive sampling was used in this research sampling technique, resulting in 100 respondents for the research sample. In this study, the structural equation model (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 for Windows is used as a data analysis method. Research results show that service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, service quality also has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, while customer satisfaction has no significant effect on customer loyalty.
Keputusan Berkunjung Wisata Ke Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Fasilitas Tempat Wisata Dengan Loyalitas Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Nurul Aisyah
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of writing this research is to find out the Decision to Visit a Tour to Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol which is influenced by tourist facilities with visitor loyalty as a mediating variable. This type of research is explanatory research which explains the causal relationship between the variables through hypothesis testing. This study used a sample of 100 respondents, these respondents were individuals who had visited Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol 2 times, were aged more than or equal to 17 years, and were decision makers. By using non-probability sampling technique. Hypothesis testing is done by T test and Sobel test. Data analysis uses Partial Least Square (PLS) and is assisted by SmartPLS 3.0 software to facilitate research. From the results of this test it can be concluded that the variable tourist facilities has a positive and significant effect on the decision to visit a tour to Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. Variable Tourist attractions facilities have a positive and significant effect on Loyalty visiting a tour to Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. Loyalty variable visits have a positive and significant effect on the decision to visit a tour to Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. Variable tourist facilities positive and significant to the decision to visit a tour to Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol with visitor loyalty as a mediating variable
Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahaan terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Dompet Elektronik Ovo dengan Persepsi Manfaat sebagai variabel Mediasi Eneng Iviq Hairo Rahayu
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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This study uses a quantitative approach to the survey method. The data used is primary data in the form of a questionnaire totaling 100 respondents. The subject of this research is the Ovo e-wallet user community in Jabodetabek. Data analysis uses a partial least square which has the aim of simplifying the results of processed data, so that it is easy to understand and interpret. The results of this study indicate that Perceived Benefits have a significant influence on Decisions. The path coefficients value shows a positive number of (0.656) which indicates that Perceived Benefits have a positive influence on the decision to use the Ovo e-wallet. Perceived convenience does not have a significant effect on the decision to use the Ovo e-wallet. Perceived convenience does not have a significant effect on the decision to use the Ovo e-wallet. Perceived convenience has a significant influence on perceived benefits
Pengaruh Suasana Hati Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan : Studi Kasus Karyawan Mbizmarket di PT. Brilliant Ecommerce Berjaya Usran Masahere; Fadli Ilyas
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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Performance is a working activity conducted by the employees in a timeframe that had already designed for their evaluation. One of the factors that utilized as a background is the mood. The objective of this research is to find out the influence of mood toward Mbizmarket staff’s performance in PT Brilliant Ecommerce Berjaya. This research utilizes qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this research are five staffs in PT Brilliant Ecommerce Berjaya. The outcome of this research shows that both internal and external factors within inner self of employees also form their mood in their working days. Mood has a characteristic component which is attached on every individual. The majority of Mbizmarket’s staffs had already built tendency to experience particular mood by the rolling of time suitable to the internal and external factors. The staffs have various moods based on time and day. Therefore, most of them follow the same frequent patterns from social creature’s natural behavior according to their interaction patterns.
Pengaruh Citra Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Erigo Siti Mabrur Rachmah
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Brand Image on Purchase Intention Erigo product. This research uses quantitative research type. The data source of this research is primary data by using consumer and buyer of Erigo as sample. Data were collected by accidental sampling with 100 respondents of Erigo. This study uses simple regression analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the Brand Image significantly influence the Purchase Intention of Erigo
Pengaruh Iklan, Public Relations, Direct dan Online Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Properti di Depok Siti Nurafiah
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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This study aims to analyze the effect of advertising, public relations, direct and online marketing on property purchasing decisions in Depok. The data collection method uses purposive sampling, where the sample criteria for this study are property consumers in Depok City who have bought housing in the last 5 (five) years. From the results of distributing the questionnaires during October - November 2022, 90 data were collected from respondents who deserved further processing. The data that has been collected was processed using multiple linear regression with SPSS software version 26.00. The results of the study show that advertising has no significant effect on purchasing decisions. According to respondents, even though there are advertisements that they see on the street, because in general developers use banners, this does not influence them in making decisions to buy housing in Depok, because most of the respondents belong to a group of customers who do not pay attention to the advertisements that appear on the road. The results showed that public relations had a significant effect on purchasing decisions, then, direct and online marketing had a significant effect on purchasing decisions, together with advertising, public relations and direct and online marketing had a significant effect on purchasing decisions
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Saluran Distribusi, dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Logam Mulia : Pada PT. Pegadaian Di Jakarta Sylvia Kartika Dhamayanti
Jurnal Portofolio : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Disrupsi Manajemen di Era Digital
Publisher : Prisani Cendekia

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This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of service quality, distribution channels and promotions on metal purchasing decisions starting at PT. Pawnshop. The sample of this research is Pawnshop customers in DKI Jakarta who have purchased precious metals at least once. The calculation of the number of samples to be studied uses the unknown population formula, the calculation results produce 100 respondents who must be taken so that the research results represent the population. Data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire, the collected data was analyzed using a Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the SmartPlS version 3.0 analysis tool. The results showed that service quality had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, distribution channels did not significantly influence purchasing decisions, promotion had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions

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