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Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan
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Quranic Edu
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28092481     DOI : 10.37252/quranicedu.v4i1.526
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education (E-ISSN 2809-2481) is a national journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah Institut Ilmu Al Qur’an (IIQ) An Nur Yogyakarta, posted twice a year on February and August. The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic Education. We invite scholars, scientists, researchers, teachers, as well as profesionals in the field of Islamic Education to publish their researches in our journal.
Articles 7 Documents
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Manajemen Kepala Sekolah dan Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Peserta Didik di MIN 1 Bandung Mufatihatut Taubah; Imro’atul Nur Hidayah; Yulia Farikha Nurshofia; Suti’ah; Muhammad Dimas Saputra H.; Evi Wijayanti
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.196


The profesionalism of a school principal was a reflection for educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in schools. The purpose of this research was to find out how the profesionalism and leadership management of Madrasah heads at MIN 1 Bandung are highly respected by everyone because of their wisdom and profesionalism, The role of teachers in guiding students at MIN 1 Bandung, so that they won many awards in the field. national and international. This research was a qualitative research with interview and observation method. The results of the research revealed that all schools were required to understand all forms of school needs, so that the competence of educators and educators experienced significant growth and development. With that, the profesionalism of educators and education staff could be realized properly and correctly. Profesional education personnel of course not only master teaching materials, fields of science, and appropriate methods, but they had to be able to motivate students to have high skills and broad insight into the world of education.
Studi Penerapan Pembelajaran Al Qur’an Hadits di MIN 3 Banjarnegara Maulida Aprilia Ma’ruf; Ahmad Hanany Naseh; Muhammad Aufal Minan; Muhammad Ghozil Aulia
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.257


This research discussed the learning of Al-Qur'an Hadith at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Banjarnegara starting from lesson planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation. This research used qualitative research with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results showed that the learning of Al-Qur'an Hadith at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Banjarnegara had several models: First, the learning planning activities went well, mainly because of the teacher's understanding of the curriculum, thus facilitating learning planning. Second, the implementation of learning activities was based on what had been previously designed in the lesson plans at the beginning of each semester and the learning was developed with more creative learning. Third, evaluation of learning activities based on what was already in the lesson plan.
Pembelajaran Daring Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan Model Problem Based Learning di SMK 3 Kasihan Bantul Muslim
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.333


The research purpose was to increase learning motivation and learning outcomes of students when learning online by applying the Problem Based Learning learning model in class X Animation at SMK N 3 Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta. This research type was Classroom Action Research with descriptive method. The research results in cycle I and cycle II the average teacher observation, including the criteria of good or increased where before the action with online learning was carried out the student attendance rate was 21% then in Cycle 1 the student attendance rate was 76%, and in Cycle 1 Action student attendance rate was 88%. The data from the two cycles in this research indicated that the application of the Problem Based Learning Learning Model had increased student learning outcomes successively, the first cycle to the second cycle, namely the average value of students before the action was taken by 65 increased to the first cycle. by 75 and increased to the second cycle of 82. The increase in learning outcomes did not only occur in the average score of students, but also in classical learning completeness. It could be seen that there was an increase in the percentage of students' learning mastery successively, from the first cycle to the second cycle, that was, the percentage of students' learning mastery before the action was taken by 30%, increasing to the first cycle by 63% and increasing to the second cycle by 84%.
Analisis Pengaruh Media MP3 terhadap Kemampuan Menghafal Surat Pendek di SMP N 1 Tanah Abang Kabupaten Pali Dwi Oktaria
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.334


This research aimed to analyze the effect of MP3 media on the ability to memorize short letters. This research type was quantitative research using an experimental design. The design used was in the form of Posttest-Only Control Design. In this design, there were two groups that were chosen randomly, namely the group that was given the treatment (experimental) and the group that was not treated (control). The samples used in this research were grade IX students. To obtain data, interview, observation, documentation and test techniques were used. The research results indicated that the application of the media to memorize short letters of class IX students in the subject of Islamic Education at SMP N 1 Tanah Abang, Pali Regency was included in the low category. The media commonly used was the whiteboard media. The ability to memorize short letters at SMP N 1 Tanah Abang, Pali Regency was high when using MP3 media, and low without using MP3 media. It was evidenced by both the 5% significance level and the 1% significance level. Thus, Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.
Pembelajaran Tematik (Telaah Kritis Metodologi Pendidikan Islam) Lailatul Munawwaroh
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.335


This study aimed to determine thematic learning and its relation to the methodology of Islamic education. This study was a literary research through document analysis in the form of literature study. The form of this study was descriptive qualitative in the form of a description of a certain situation using interactive methods. This study reveald how thematic learning (basic concepts of thematic learning), thematic learning foundations, thematic learning principles, thematic learning characteristics, signs for thematic learning implementation, and the integration of Islam in thematic learning. Thematic learning was one form or model of integrated learning, namely the webbed model. The philosophical foundation consisted of various things, namely progressivism, constructivism, and humanism. While the juridical basis was rooted in the law, and the psychological basis was the basis for the psychological development of children. In relation to Islamic education, thematic learning could integrate Islamic values ??and allowed students to integrate ideas in inter-fields of study enabling students to study, conceptualized, improved and assimilated ideas in solving problems, especially in the frame of Islamic morality and spirituality.
Implementasi School Well Being bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: (Studi Kasus Sekolah Inklusi “Sekolahku-My School” Yogyakarta) Rifka Khoirun Nada
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.343


The research purpose was to analyze the implementation of school well being for children with special needs in the inclusion class at Sekolahku-My School during the pandemic. This research approach used analytical studies. Data collection techniques were with interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using was the stages of Sugiyono. The research results revealed that: 1) My School-MySchool had implemented school well being well as a whole, reinforced by school goals that approach every element, such as having, loving, being, and health even during a pandemic. 2) Factors supporting the implementation of School Well Being at Sekolahku-My School included self-assessment, initial assessment of student characteristics, teacher-student relationships, parent-child relationships, friendships, and adequate health services. While the inhibiting factors included: less than the maximum of students in doing learning, the environment of students who were less comfortable, and students were not able to actualize properly because of the influence of the environment.
Pembelajaran Fikih Era New Normal di MA Nurul Iman Sidodadi Pringsewu Lampung Masamah Yukita; Waluyo Erry Wahyudi; Jamal Fakhri
QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : IIQ An Nur Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37252/quranicedu.v2i1.344


This research aimed to determine the process of learning fiqh in the new normal era at MA Nurul Iman Sidodadi Pringsewu. In the new normal era, the learning process was carried out face-to-face limited in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). This type of research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique used the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, display data, and conclusions. Meanwhile, checking the validity of the data using source triangulation. The subjects of this research were students of class X in learning fiqh at MA Nurul Iman Sidodadi Pringsewu. The results showed that in the process of learning fiqh the new normal era at MA Nurul Iman had not gone well. Less than optimal learning planning was good in compiling lesson plans using one sheet with limited time for teaching and learning activities. Implementation of teaching and learning activities which include three activity components, namely the beginning, core, and closing. Evaluation of learning in terms of planning was done by determining goals through questions, while analysis of questions was not carried out. Implementation of evaluation in the form of pre-test and post-test to determine the level of student understanding of the learning material.

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