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Furaida Khasanah
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Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27461491     DOI : 10.29238/jkpm
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat fokus pada publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang kesehatan. Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2" : 7 Documents clear
Sosialisasi pelaksanaan Active Case Finding Tuberculosis pada petugas Tuberculosis di Wilayah Kabupaten Sleman Sri Arini Winarti Rinawati; Nur Hidayat
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The behavior of Tuberculosis (TB) officers in Yogyakarta in carrying out active case finding activities is still relatively lacking, therefore it is necessary to disseminate active case finding to TB officers. The purpose of this activity is to improve the implementation of TB Active Case Finding (ACF) among TB officers. The method of community service by providing socialization to TB officers in the Sleman area on October 6, 2019. There is an increase in knowledge about activities (ACF), from the results of the 2019 Risbinakes research measurement compared to the measurement results after this outreach (ACF). There was an increase in participants' knowledge about ACF activities, mostly after the socialization was carried out.
Upaya peningkatan keterampilan anak balita tentang cuci tangan efektif guna pencegahan diare di Posyandu Kampung Malabar Cibadak Lebak Tutik Iswanti; Nintinjri Husnida; Ayi Tansah Rohaeti
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/jkpm.v1i2.966


Diarrhea is an endemic disease in Indonesia and is a potential disease of Extraordinary Events (KLB) which is often accompanied by death with CFR from 2010-2017 still quite high (>1%). One of the preventions of diarrheal disease is to maintain personal hygiene by washing hands, but it was found that only about 15% of pre-school age children washed their hands with soap before and before. This community service aims to improve the skills of children under five about effective hand washing. This community service was divided into 2 meetings with the target children under five at the Posyandu Kampung Malabar, Cibadak, Lebak. At the first meeting, counseling and stimulation of effective hand washing were given. The second meeting was to evaluate how to wash hands effectively. As many as 85% of children under five can practice effective hand washing on their own without assistance. This shows an increase in skills and is statistically proven that the intervention provided can improve skills. This service activity is effective in improving the skills of children under five who previously were still many who could do effective hand washing.
Sosialisasi penanganan pertama pingsan (sinkop) terhadap pengetahuan murid SMPN 1 Kayen Kidul dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan siswa sekolah Didit Damayanti
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Adolescent groups in society who are at risk of health problems due to dynamic activities, one of which is syncope. Students and the Youth Red Cross (PMR) need to receive socialization on the management of syncope so that morbidity does not occur and can improve health status in schools. The purpose of this community service socialization activity is so that health workers at schools can carry out the first treatment for syncope. The method used was to provide training and health counseling on handling (syncope) to students at SMPN 1 Kayen Kidul in February 2020. Initial results showed as many as 23 students (76.7%) with insufficient knowledge before being given counseling and training on handling (syncope). Posttest results as many as 23 students (76.7%) have less knowledge after being given counseling and training on handling fainting (syncope). Counseling and training activities for handling fainting (syncope) for students at SMPN 1 Kayen Kidul is one of the health activities provided to the school community level to improve health status and prevent morbidity due to fainting (syncope) at school.
Pendampingan ibu balita dalam melakukan deteksi dini stunting melalui skoring menggunakan Kartu Prediksi Stunting Heni (KPSH) Heni Puji Wahyuningsih
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The problem of stunting or stunting is one of the nutritional problems faced in the world, especially in poor and developing countries. Stunting can have both long- and short-term effects. In 2017 22.2% or around 150.8 million children under five in the world came from ASIA (55%). The prevalence of stunting for stunting in Indonesia is 30.8% in 2018. Early detection of stunting which requires a detailed assessment needs to be packaged in a simple, accurate and inexpensive method, so that the stunting scoring prediction card can be a method that can be used as an aid in detection. stunting. For this reason, it is necessary to create a quality of life for toddlers, maintain and detect developments and growth child well, so it is necessarydetection of the risk of stunting in children under five. UTo achieve this, passistance to mothers of children under five to screen the risk of stunting in children. Community service activities are carried out in stages with the stages of identification, implementation, monitoring, evaluation. Kegtrue this was carried out on the month February 2020. The means required are KPSH stunting screening card (Heni Stunting Prediction Card). The community service activities carried out are in the form ofassisting mothers under five in stunting detection. The provision of materials is tailored to the needsmothertoddler. From the results of the evaluation carried out after training, 85%toddler mother already able to do screening risk of stunting in toddlers, but there are still some mother who do not understand how to be screened risk of stunting onchildren so they need to exercise regularly. Based on the results of the activity, it can be concluded that the community has good enthusiasm so that the service activities can run smoothly
Modifikasi bahan ajar mata pelajaran sekolah dasar bermuatan gizi seimbang dan makanan jajanan anak sekolah Almira Sitasari; Weni Kurdanti; Lastmi Wayansari
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Fighting malnutrition should also target school-aged children and adolescents. Development of teaching materials containing nutrition education could be alternative for structured intracurricular education in schools. Objective: To modified elementary school teaching materials and develop teaching tool with nutrition content. Partners: Partners are teaching staff at SDN Kembangjitengan 2 Balecatur Yogyakarta, school that located in the Nutrition Awareness Village (Assisted Village) of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Methods: Development of teaching materials and learning tools with nutrition content following the DeSPIS framework by fulfilling the supply of education materials containing nutrition education. Results: The development of teaching materials containing  education about balanced nutrition and snack foods for school children can be done in teaching materials of grade 1 and grade 5. Importance: This community service can help elementary school teaching staff to educate students regarding balanced nutrition and snack foods for school children in a structured manner in the intracurricular learning program.
Penyuluhan ASI eksklusif pada ibu hamil di Desa Wirokerten Kabupaten Bantul pada masa pandemic COVID-19 Tri Siswati; Aulia Putri Utami
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Early supplementary breastfeeding was cause of stunting. Health education was strategy to increase knowledge skills on exclusive breastfeeding. This was community empowerment to increase mother’s and community health worker’s understanding on exclusive breastfeeding. We facilitate online education by google meet and maintaining their knowledge by WhatsApp groups. Participants were 14 persons (mothers and cadres) in Wirokerten Village, Banguntapan, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. The indicator output was participant attendance (minimum 80%), increasing of knowledge and interactive online discussions. This was conducted in January 2021 for two weeks. Overall, all of participant were attended (100%), discussion interacted, and knowledge increased by 17%. Online education is effective strategy to increase knowledge participants on exclusive breastfeed during COVID-19 pandemic.
Pendampingan kader dalam pembuatan OVITRAP fermentasi perangkap nyamuk Rustam Aji; Gustomo Yamistada; Sherly Ratih Frichesyarius Santi Aji; Roro Ajhie Ayuningtyas; Jessy Novita Sari
Jurnal Kesehatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (JKPM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Mosquitoes have a radar that can detect various things. With this radar, mosquitoes detect an object by sensing the temperature emitted by the object. Government efforts have been made by distributing abate powder, fogging, mosquito nets and others. The purpose of community service activities is to reduce the mosquito population. The problem is that the mosquito population continues to grow. The method of solving the problem. Assistance of cadres in making fermented ovitraps for mosquito traps, benefits for cadres to increase knowledge and can teach the community in making fermented ovitraps as mosquito traps, so that they have opportunities to help others in their work. The conclusion of fermented ovitrap can help reduce the population of mosquito development, so that the surrounding community is free from dengue fever mosquito bites.

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