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Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Manajemen Bencana Dengan Prevention Masyarakat Dalam Menghadapi Bencana Gunung Meletus Pada Kepala Keluarga Di Rt 06/Rw 01 Dusun Puncu Desa Puncu Kecamatan Puncu-Kediri Didit Damayanti; Pria Wahyu R.G; Muhanni’ah Muhanni’ah
coba Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Mei 2017
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Dharma Husada Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.038 KB) | DOI: 10.32831/jik.v5i2.143


Introduction: Disaster management is a dynamic, continual, and integrated process as to increase the qualities of the actions which are relevant to the process of observation and analysis of disaster as well as minimalizing the negative impacts, mitigation, readiness, early warning, immediate emergency, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The aim of this research is to analyse theconnection between disaster management and the prevention of community breakdown in order to face a volcanic eruption for every head of household. Method: The design of this research is correlational research with a cross sectional approach. The demographic group that is used for this research is the head of households in Rt 06/Rw 01 dusun Puncu desa Puncu, by using the purposive sampling technique which has been collected from the sampling of the 33 heads of households. Independent variable is the knowledge of disaster management, and the dependent variable is the prevention of community breakdown in the handling of the disaster. The data has been received by using the questionnaire, and the results have been analysed by using spearman rho test. Result: As according to the statistics test, it is found that p-value= 0,000 on the significant level (α) = 0,05 and r = 0,752. It is concluded that there is a connection between knowledge and the prevention of community breakdown in handling of the volcanic eruption in Rt 06/Rw 01. This research shows that the level of knowledge within the community about disaster management and prevention in handling volcanic eruption has been increasing. Conclution: This is shown by the capability of the community in mitigating the effects of the disaster. It is hoped that the community will further engage in training education and simulation to reduce the negative impacts of a disaster. The location where the participants resideis Kelud Volcano, and it is therefore hoped that the communities are willing to participate in better handling of any disaster by joining the education training and simulation Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Manajemen bencana, Prevention.
Manajemen Edukasi Preventif dan Penatalaksanaan Covid-19 Berbasis Home Learning System Pada Remaja Nian Afrian Nuari; Didit Damayanti; Sony Susanto
Jurnal SOLMA Vol. 10 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/solma.v10i3.7204


Background: The high number of Novel Coronavirus Diseases (Covid-19) cases in Indonesia has caused the public to need proper education regarding the prevention and management of Covid-19, especially teenagers. Teenagers are part of the community who need to know about Covid management to maintain healthy living behaviours. This preventive management education using the home learning system method is very suitable for use during the pandemic. The purpose of this community service was to increase the knowledge and skills of adolescents in taking preventive measures and the management of Covid-19. Methods: This activity includes two stages of providing education and demonstration using online media. Results: Based on the post-test results, it was found that almost all teenagers had scores of knowledge scores at 8-10 intervals after a preventive education and Covid-19 management based on a home learning system. The results of the skills indicator show that almost all teenagers can knowledge again with a score of 8-10. Conclusion: The application of the Home Learning System is very suitable for students to increase their knowledge and abilities in taking preventive and curative actions independently.
Pendampingan Keluarga dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Dwi Setyorini; Didit Damayanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Januari 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32583/pskm.v12i1.1842


Keputusasaan dan frustasi banyak dirasakan oleh penderita Diabetes Mellitus yang sering berobat. Kadar gula darah yang tinggi dalam waktu lama dapat menyebabkan banyak masalah kesehatan dan penurunan kualitas hidup. Pendampingan keluarga sangat penting untuk perawatan pasien Diabetes Mellitus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pendampingan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup penderita Diabetes Mellitus di Poli Penyakit Dalam RS Amelia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain korelasional dengan metode retrospektif. Data Frekuensi kunjungan menggunakan observasi status rekam medis pasien, sedangkan data kualitas hidup pasien menggunakan kuesioner WHOQoL. Populasi seluruh pasien Diabetes Mellitus yang berkunjung ke poliklinik penyakit dalam RS Amelia dari bulan Mei sampai Agustus berjumlah 270 orang. Dalam satu tahun terakhir jumlah kunjungan rata-rata 60 orang per bulan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel sebanyak 52 orang dan uji statistik yang digunakan adalah sperman rank(α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden mendapatkan pendampingan keluarga pendampingan keluarga (55,8%) dan hampir seluruhnya memiliki kualitas hidup baik (80,8%). Pendampingan Keluarga berhubungan dengan Kualitas Hidup pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (p-value 0,002), artinya adanya pendampingan keluarga semakin meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita diabetes melitus, namun ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya (r=0,422). Pendampingan keluarga dapat meningkatkan motivasi pasien DM dalam proses pengobatan, manajemen diri, strategi pencegahan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.
Late Menstruation Education for Young Women Who Experience Anxiety at MTS Darussalam Blitar Didit Damayanti; Efa Nuraini; Ayuni Syeifina
Healthy-Mu Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : MBUnivPress

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Menstruation is a sign of sexual maturity in young women. Late menstruation is influenced by several factors, namely overweight, nutritional deficiencies, diseases related to reproduction, the influence of smoking, psychosocial factors, genetic disorders, strenuous exercise, anxiety, stress levels of activities and consumption of certain drugs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of late menstruation education on adolescent girls with anxiety at MTS Darussalam Blitar. This type of research is pre-experimental with one group pre-test – post-test design. The population of this study was 40 respondents by using purposive sampling technique to get a sample of 36 respondents. The statistical test used is the Wilcoxon test. The results of the statistical test showed that most (75%) of 27 respondents had severe anxiety before the intervention and almost entirely (97.2%) of 35 respondents did not experience anxiety after the intervention. The Wilcoxon test results obtained p value 0.000, which means that there is a significant effect on providing late menstruation education to adolescent girls who experience anxiety. Late menstruation education can help adolescents increase their level of knowledge about menstrual health, and can reduce female adolescent anxiety levels regarding reproductive cycle health. It is suggested that young women can increase their knowledge about reproductive health so as to prevent further anxiety.
Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan (JKK)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.214 KB) | DOI: 10.54630/jk2.v12i2.149


Luka bakar yang sering terjadi dan banyak ditemukan adalah luka bakar derajat II. Tumbuhan alam yang berkhasiat obat telah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia sejak lama. Salah satu tanaman alam yang mengandung banyak khasiat adalah olive oil. Olive oil memiliki kandungan senyawa penting dalam penyembuhkan luka antara lain oleochantal, sterol, fenol, squalen, vitamin C, E dan K yang dapat berperan mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka. Kandungan vitamin A dan vitamin E telah diketahui sebagai vitamin yang dapat membantu dalam proses penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini menggunakan olive oil yang di buat dalam bentuk balutan basah untuk perawatan luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode true experiment dengan desain posttest only control design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2020. Sampel penelitian adalah 20 kelompok perlakuan (tikus putih yang diberikan balutan basah olive oil) dan 20 kelompok kontrol tikus putih. Dengan teknik random sampling. Data diolah dengan SPSS menggunakan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian di dapatka P-value 0,00 < α (0,05) yang berarti adanya pengaruh Perawatan Luka Bakar Derajat II Dengan Balutan Basah Olive Oil Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus). Diharapkan dengan pemanfaatan bahan alam untuk kepentingan sehari-hari dapat meminimalkan efek samping dari penggunaan bahan kimia yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat saat ini. Kata Kunci: Luka Bakar Derajat II, Olive Oil, Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Abstract Burns that often occur and are commonly found are second-degree burns. Natural medicinal plants have been widely known by the people of Indonesia for a long time. One of the natural plants that contain many benefits is olive oil. Olive oil has important compounds in wound healing including oleochantal, sterol, phenol, squalen, vitamins C, E and K which can play a role in accelerating the wound healing process. The content of vitamin A and vitamin E has been known as a vitamin that can help in the wound healing process. This study used olive oil which is made in the form of a wet dressing for the treatment of second-degree burns in white rats. This study used the true experiment method with the posttest only control design. The research was conducted in March 2020. The study sample was 20 treatment groups (white rats given wet olive oil dressing) and 20 control groups of white rats. With random sampling technique. Data were processed with SPSS using the Mann Whitney test. The results of the study obtained a P-value of 0.00 <α (0.05), which means that there is an influence of Grade II Burn Treatment with Olive Oil Wet Wrap on White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus). It is expected that the use of natural materials for daily use can minimize the side effects of the use of chemicals that are often used by the community today. Keywords: Grade II Burns, Olive Oil, White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
Late Menstruation Education for Young Women Who Experience Anxiety at MTS Darussalam Blitar Didit Damayanti; Efa Nuraini; Ayuni Syeifina
Healthy-Mu Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : MBUnivPress

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35747/hmj.v6i1.282


Menstruation is a sign of sexual maturity in young women. Late menstruation is influenced by several factors, namely overweight, nutritional deficiencies, diseases related to reproduction, the influence of smoking, psychosocial factors, genetic disorders, strenuous exercise, anxiety, stress levels of activities and consumption of certain drugs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of late menstruation education on adolescent girls with anxiety at MTS Darussalam Blitar. This type of research is pre-experimental with one group pre-test – post-test design. The population of this study was 40 respondents by using purposive sampling technique to get a sample of 36 respondents. The statistical test used is the Wilcoxon test. The results of the statistical test showed that most (75%) of 27 respondents had severe anxiety before the intervention and almost entirely (97.2%) of 35 respondents did not experience anxiety after the intervention. The Wilcoxon test results obtained p value 0.000, which means that there is a significant effect on providing late menstruation education to adolescent girls who experience anxiety. Late menstruation education can help adolescents increase their level of knowledge about menstrual health, and can reduce female adolescent anxiety levels regarding reproductive cycle health. It is suggested that young women can increase their knowledge about reproductive health so as to prevent further anxiety.
Pengaruh Simulasi Tentang Cara Menghadapi Bencana Dengan Kemampuan Penanganan Bencana Gempa Bumi Di MAN 3 Kediri Didit Damayanti
Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta Vol 5 No 2 (2018): MEY 2018
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35842/jkry.v5i2.218


Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang memiliki 17.504 pulau dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Indonesia merupakan tempat pertemuan 2 rangkaian gunung berapi aktif (Ring of Fire). Dari keadaan geografis tersebut Indonesia sering mengalami bencana alam, baik bencana gunung meletus, tsunami, banjir, kebakaran dan lainnya. Banyaknya korban akibat bencana alam memberikan indikasi bahwa kesiagaan masyarakat terhadap bencana masih sangat buruk. Masyarakat memiliki peran penting dalam penanganan bencana. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut perlu adanya pelatihan simulasi bagi siswa SMU cara mengehadapi bencana untuk mencegah korban lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari penelitian mengetahui pengaruh simulasi cara menghadapi bencana terhadap kemampuan penanganan bencana siswa MAN 3 Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasy eksperiment dengan menerapkan simulasi penanganan bencana pada kelompok intervensi. Pemantauan kemampuan penanganan bencana menggunakan lembar kuesioner dilakukan pada saat pre test dan post test dan kemudian dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon.  Dari hasil uji statistik di dapatkan hasil  Pvalue= 0,000 kurang dari α= 0,05, yang perarti ada pengaruh simulasi penanganan bencana  terhadap kemampuan kemampuan penanganan bencana siswa MAN 3 Kediri. Pemberian simulasi penanganan bencana dapat melatih ketrampilan , memperoleh pemahaman tentang suatu konsep atau prinsip, melatih memecahkan masalah, meningkatkan keaktifan belajar, memberikan motivasi belajar, melatih untuk mengadakan kerjasama, kreatifitas dan, melatih untuk mengembangkan sikap toleransi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penanganan bencana pada siswa MAN 3 Kediri.
Kejadian Bullying Dengan Kualitas Tidur Remaja Pada Siswa MAN 1 Kota Kediri DINI MAYA SAPUTRI; Linda Ishariani; Didit Damayanti
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): SPIKesNas - Agustus 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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Bullying is an unwanted action that occurs in adolescents, bullying incidents have the potential to occur repeatedly and at any time.  The impact of bullying incidents is the feeling of discomfort, fear, to the occurrence of sleep pattern disturbances in the victim. The aim of research was to determine the correlation between bullying incidence and adolescent sleep quality in students of MAN 1 Kediri city. The design of this research used correlation with cross-sectional approach, with purposive sampling technique, obtained a sample of 63 respondents from 220 populations. Data collection for this research used a questionnaire and PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), followed by analysis used the Spearmen's Rank test. The results showed that the incidence of bullying in students of MAN 1 Kediri City was almost entirely (77.8%), namely 49 respondents experienced a moderate level of bullying, while the sleep quality of adolescents in MAN 1 Kediri City students was mostly (55.6%), namely 35 respondents had poor sleep quality. Analysis of the Spearmen's Rank test data (p-value 0.017 <0.05) showed that there was a correalation between the incidence of bullying and adolescent sleep quality in students of MAN 1 Kediri city with the category of moderate relationship closeness (r = 0.300). The bullying that students get is verbal and psychological bullying such as being called an inappropriate name, getting body shaming, feeling ostracized. It is better for adolescent to increase their knowledge about the incidence of bullying starting from the factors, criteria, until the impact occurs due to bullying so that adolescent can improve their attitude in combating bullying behavior and reduce the incidence of bullying.    
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): SPIKesNas - Agustus 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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The high level of physical activity carried out by school adolescents is one of the factors that causes the condition of the sprain strain to occur in students. The high enthusiasm for sports such as playing soccer, running and other sports can trigger the condition of a sprain strain that is difficult for students to avoid. Improving the health status of the school community can be done through various activities, one of which is the provision of first aid training for sports injuries (sprain strain) using the RICE method. Students of SMAN I Plosoklaten are a group of teenagers in a community setting who have a risk of health problems due to dynamic activities. First aid for a sprain strain can be a treatment that can be given immediately. This is to prevent the injury from getting worse. One method that can be used to treat cases of sprain strain is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) by keeping the leg that has a sprain strain still, compressing it with ice or cold water to relieve pain, Giving an elastic bandage to prevent swelling and also This can be done by elevating the injured body part to improve blood flow. Community service activities in the form of Sports Injury First Aid Training (Sprain Strain) at PMR SMAN I Plosoklaten are very positive activities to be carried out in order to disseminate health knowledge so as to increase the knowledge and ability of each student in providing assistance to muscle injuries.
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): SPIKesNas - Agustus 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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Computer Vision Syndrome or someone who has complaints when doing activities with computers that are too long. Because the use of eye muscles that require high concentration can cause eye fatigue. Eye fatigue can be overcome by giving eye exercise therapy and cold compresses. This study aims to prove that the combination of eye exercises and cold compresses can overcome eye fatigue. This study used a Quasy Experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design method. The research population of undergraduate nursing students was 79 students and the sample consisted of 24 respondents who were selected using the purposive sampling technique which was divided into 2 groups, namely the treatment group and the control group. Data collection using an eye fatigue questionnaire. Based on the results of posttest research in the treatment group, all respondents (100%) experienced mild fatigue. While in the post-test control group half of the respondents (50%) experienced severe fatigue. Data analysis used the Mann-Whitney test with results in the treatment group and posttest control group (0.000 < 0.05). That the combination of eye exercises and cold compresses are given 4 times in 2 weeks can reduce eye fatigue by training the eye muscles and providing a relaxing effect. It is recommended for students to rest their eyes with the 20-20-20 rule and implement a combination therapy of eye exercises and cold compresses to reduce eye fatigue.