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Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan
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Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan (E-ISSN : 3031-7983 ) Diterbitkan CV.ITTC INDONESIA adalah yang berisi artikel ilmiah, kajian teoritis dan empiris hasil penelitian mahasiswa, akademisi maupun praktisi di bidang Pendidikan IPA dan Sains Terapan yang dapat diimplementasikan dalam konteks pembelajaran IPA. Scope IPA dalam jurnal ini termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, dan Ilmu Kebumian.
Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September" : 20 Documents clear
Pengembangan Permainan Monopoli Sebagai Media Pada Materi Puisi Kelas IV SDN 105352 Pasar Miring Kecamatan Pagar Merbau Yesi Wulandari; Syarifah Ainun Harahap; Nuri Ramadhan
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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This development research aims to explain the procedures for developing monopoly game media and analyze student responses to monopoly game media. The development of monopoly game media was carried out to foster students' enthusiasm for learning in poetry material. Apart from that, this media was developed in accordance with the characteristics of students and the students' learning environment, namely the school environment implements a teaching and learning process through collaboration between subject matter and the natural environment, so that the learning process is done while learning. play. This research includes Research and Development research using the ADDIE (Analize, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) development model which was tested on 30 class IV students at SDN 105352 Pasar Miring, Pagar Merbau District. Data collection techniques in this research used questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques use quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis. This monopoly game media was developed as a learning medium for poetry material for class IV Indonesian language subjects at SDN 105352 Pasar Miring, Pagar Merbau District. This monopoly game media product has several components, namely a container, game board, manual and answer key, icon cards, dice and player miniatures. This research and development produces monopoly game learning media products. The validation results for the monopoly game media product obtained valid criteria with a score from the material expert validator of 97.5%, the media design expert validator 87.5%, the learning expert validator 95%. The monopoly game media also received a positive score from student responses, namely 97.5%. Based on the student response criteria, the monopoly game media as a medium for learning poetry material in Indonesian subjects is positive.
Development of Hydroelectric Turbine Generator to Store Electrical Energy for Basic Home Appliance Regyta Annafi Hidayat; Muhammad Asyraf Bin Zulkipli
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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In response to the increasing demand for sustainable and decentralized energy solutions, the study investigates the integration of hydrokinetic power generation with effective energy storage systems Through meticulous engineering and technical innovation, the proposed system attempts to capture the renewable energy potential of flowing water, providing a stable supply of electricity for off-grid and remote households. A turbine derived from the overshot type used to transform the water distributed to the home, which has a significant flowrate, into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is turned into electrical energy by a single-phase generator, data collected with time intervals and variable heads. The electrical energy produced by the generator is then stored in a battery for future use. Experimental results indicated varying efficiencies and charging durations for different water head levels. For instance, at a lower head level, the system required a longer charging duration. Increasing the head level led to improved efficiency and reduced charging times. These outcomes highlight the impact of water head variation on the performance of the hydroelectric turbine generator system. Higher head levels generally resulted in better efficiency and shorter charging times. Overall, the study provides insights into optimizing household-scale hydroelectric systems for sustainable electricity generation.
Pteridophyta Yang Terdapat Pada Kawasan Air Terjun Tansi Ampek Dan Alirannya Di Kabupaten Solok Selatan Di Sumbangsihkan Sebagai Herbarium Mutia Farina
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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Pteridophyta adalah suatu divisi yang telah jelas dapat dibedakan akar, batang, dan daunnya, pada pteridophyta ini belum menghasilkan biji, pteridophyta bersifat heterogen, baik ditinjau dari segi habitus maupun cara hidupnya, pada umumnya tumbuhan paku tumbuh pada daerah yang lembab. Pada kawasan Air Terjun Tansi Ampek dan alirannya di Kabupaten Solok Selatan berada di kota Padang Aro, kota ini dikelilingi oleh sungai dan lembah, sungainya pun banyak dari hulu yang kecil hingga ke hilir yang semakin melebar, lokasi air terjun yang terpencil, dan kondisi lingkungan yang mendukung akan memungkinkan tumbuh dan berkembangnya berbagai jenis-jenis tumbuhan di kawasan tersebut, termasuk tumbuhan paku (Pteridophyta), maka perlu dilakukan  identifikasi Pteridophyta di kawasan Air Terjun Tansi Ampek, hasil identifikasi disumbangsihkan dalam betuk media  herbarium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan paku apa saja yang terdapat pada kawasan air terjun tansi ampek dan alirannya di kabauten Solok Selatan, untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berupa herbarium pada materi Keanekanragaman Hayati Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan juni-agustus 2024 pada kawasan air terjun Tansi Ampek Dan Alirannya Di Kabupaten Solok Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan menelitian survey deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel lakukan dengan metode jelajah pada sisi kiri dan kanan dari aliran air terjun tansi ampek sampai titik jatuhnya air terjun tansi ampek. Identifikasi dilakukan di laboratorium botani universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat data observasiyerkait penentuan nama spesies. Pteridophyta di analilis secara deskriptif dengan identifikasi menggunakan buku   Manuel J. G. C (2006) Guia Preliminar Generos de Helechos de Cuba, Gabriela Zuquim (2008) Reserva Biologica do Utuma, Amazonia Central, Brasil Pteridophyta do Uatuma, Data analisis secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitia tumbuhan paku yang dilakkukan  di kawasan air terjun tansi ampekk ditemukan sebanyak 20 jenis spesies yaitu: : Lycopodiella cernnum L., Asplenium nidus, Asplenium leutum Sw, Nephrolepis biserrata, Pyrrosia  piloselloides (L) M.G. Price, Lepisorus longifolius (BL.) Holtt, Thelypteris opulenta (kaulf) fosberg, Anetium citrifolium, Lepidogrammitis rostrata (Bedd.) Ching, Camphyloneurum repens (Aubl.)C.Presl, Christella parasitica, Blechnum serrulatum (Rich.), Tectaria heracleifolia (willd.) Underw. Selaginella caudate (Desv.) Spring, Selaginella pedata, Selaginella plana (Desv.) Hieron, Selaginella willdenowii (Desv) Backer, Lygodium circinatum (Burm.) Sw, Elaphoglossum cardiophyllum (Hk) Moore.
Pengembangan Media Bergambar Flipbook Pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 101965 Kotasan Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 Suriandari, Tri Puja; Syarifah Ainun Harahap
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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The aim of this research is to determine the development and feasibility of flipbook learning media. This research is research and development (R&D) using the Borg-Gall method. The data taken from this research are media experts, material experts, teacher responses, and student responses. The results of the research show that the flipbook learning media is suitable for use as a learning media for social studies subjects for class IV students at SDN 101965 Kotasan. This is proven by 98% of the questions being assessed by media experts, 94% by material experts, 93% by teachers, and 94% by students. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the flipbook learning media is suitable for use as a learning media for social studies subjects for class IV students at SDN 101965 Kotasan.
Pengembangan Media Bigbook Berbasis Multimedia Untuk Melatih Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas II SD Negeri 101965 Kotasan T.A 2023/2024 Putri Lestari Br Sembiring; Mastari Ramadhani
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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This research aims to determine the development of multimedia-based bigbook media to train the beginning reading skills of class II students at SD Negeri 101965 Kotasan. To determine the feasibility of developing learning media at the beginning of reading for class II at SD Negeri 101965 Kotasan in the form of a bigbook. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). The subjects of this research were class II students at SD Negeri 101965, totaling 39 students, consisting of 17 female students and 13 male students. The research results show that the media developed meets the requirements for use as learning media. Based on material expert assessment states that the feasibility percentage is 92% "Very Eligible" criteria. The media expert's assessment states that the percentage Eligibility is 90% "Very Eligible" criteria. Student responses are based on tests try the percentage of eligibility obtained is 4% criteria "Very Worthy". Based on the teacher's response, the eligibility percentage is 96% of the criteria “Very Worth It”. The media has been validated by media and material experts and stated very suitable for use as a learning medium in initial reading lessons for class II at SD Negeri 101965 Kotasan.  
Perancangan Desain Kemasan Produk Basreng pada UMKM Kusukangemil Menggunakan Metode Kansei Engineering I Made Yudi Mertha Antara; I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi; Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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UMKM Kusukangemil is one of the UMKMs that sells basreng products in Denpasar. Currently, the packaging design for the basreng products used is quite simple, making it difficult for the product to compete in the market. To increase competitiveness, a redesign of the product packaging is required to make it more attractive and innovative. This study aims to determine consumer preferences for basreng product packaging using the Kansei Engineering method, and to design the basreng product packaging based on these consumer preferences. The Kansei Engineering method is used in this study because it can interpret consumers' emotional responses and needs toward a product or concept. Through this approach, Kansei Words were collected through a questionnaire given to 50 respondents. These words were then analyzed to determine the most desired design elements by consumers. The results of the study indicate that consumers want basreng product packaging to be colorful, made of food-grade material, include expiration date and composition information, BPOM certification, be vertical in shape, made of thick material, be in the form of a bag, have motifs, halal certification, include address and social media information, and use bold fonts. Based on these results, two packaging design concepts were developed and selected based on consumer preferences. The resulting packaging design is expected to increase the attractiveness of UMKM Kusukangemil’s basreng products, making them more competitive in the market. Additionally, good packaging design is also expected to represent a quality product image and increase sales.
Penggunaan Multimedia Untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS Di Kelas V SDN Pelandakan 2 Akdila Praka Utami; Nugraha Permana Putra; Nila Novi Marliana
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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The rapid development of the time and technology requires teachers to adjust the use of learning media that is varied and in accordance with the characteristics of students in the 21st century era, such as utilizing multimedia in learning. The aim of this study is to improve student learning outcomes in the subject of Natural Science (IPAS) in grade V at SDN Pelandakan 2. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection phases. Various types of multimedia, such as videos, animations, and interactive presentations, were used to deliver IPAS material with the aid of interactive Canva media and the use of Wordwall. The data were collected through learning outcome evaluation tests, observation of student activities, and student questionnaires regarding the use of multimedia, including interactive Canva media and Wordwall, in the learning process. Data analysis shows that the application of multimedia significantly improved students' understanding and learning outcomes. Before implementing multimedia, the average test score was 55.5, which increased to 78 in Cycle I and reached an average of 89 in Cycle II. Additionally, observations revealed increased participation and motivation among students during the learning process. This study recommends multimedia as an effective strategy to enhance the quality of IPAS teaching in primary schools.
Implementasi Model Problem Based Learning Perbantuan Multimedia Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Adisti Fitriyani; Bagus Nurul Iman; Putri Rahmawati
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran PBL (Problem Bsed Learning ) menggunakan bantuan media google sites dan kombinasi quiz wordwall. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode nelitian berupa Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Kemmis and M.C taggart. yang   memiliki   empat   tahapan   yaitu   (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaaan, (3) pengamatan,  (4) refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III B SD Negeri Pelandakan 1 Kota Semarang dengan jumlah siswa 26 orang yang terbagi menjadi 12 siswa laki-laki dan 14 siswa perempuan. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan angket dengan bentuk pertanyaan yang dilakukan di kelas. Observasi dilakukan oleh peneliti dalam proses asistensi pada PPL 2 untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai masalah atau keluhan yang dihadapi guru dan siswa terkait permasalahan dalam pembelajaran di kelas III B SD Negeri Pelandakan 1 Kota Cirebon. Sementara itu, tes tulis dalam bentuk quizz diberikan setelah pemberian tindakan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning dengan berbantuan media wordwall pada Siklus I dan Siklus II. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sebelum implementasi model pembelajaran PBL berbatu media google site dan kombinasi quiz wordwall (pra siklus) Dari 26 siswa hanya 15 siswa (57,70%) mendapat nilai diatas KKM, sedangkan 22 siswa (84,62%) siswa mendapat nilai dibawah KKM. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa minat belajar Pendidikan Siswa Kelas III B SDN Pelandakan 1 masih rendah. Pada siklus I terlihat bahwa dari 26 siswa hanya 20 siswa (76,93%) yang mendapat nilai diatas KKM, sedangkan sisanya 6 siswa mendapat nilai dibawah KKM. pada siklus II dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran PLB (Problem Based Learning) berbantuan media pembelajaran google site dan kombinasi game wordwall. Terlihat bahwa dari 26 siswa terdapat 22 siswa (84,62%) yang mendapatkan nilai diatas KKM, sedangkan dari 26 siswa hanya 11 (57,70%) siswa yang mendapat nilai dibawah KKM. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa model PBL dapat meningkatkan minat dan aktivitas belajar siswa serta performansi guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila materi hak dan kewajiban di rumah dan di sekolah  di kelas III B  SD Negeri Pelandakan 1 Kota Cirebon.
Pengembangan Buku Ilmiah Populer tentang Struktur Populasi Tumbuhan Pinang (Areca catechu L.) di Sempadan Sungai Aluh Aluh Desa Simpang Warga Kabupaten Banjar Meydina Hutabarat; Dharmono; Nurul Hidayati Utami
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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The population structure of refers to the presence of a group of plants in a specific area. The pinang (Areca catechu L.) were found along the border of the Aluh Aluh River in Simpang Warga Village, Banjar Regency, which has the potential to serve as a local learning resource through a popular science book. This research aims to describe the population structure of pinang, outline the development process, and describe the validity and readability of a popular science book on the population structure of pinang as a supporting material for plant ecology. The popular science book was developed using Plomp's 3-phase development step: (1) preliminary research analysis, (2) prototyping phase, and (3) assessment phase (Plomp & Nieveen, 2013). The validity was assessed by 2 experts, and readability was tested by five students who had taken Plant Ecology courses. The population structure of pinang along the Aluh Aluh River border revealed a density of 192,85 ind/km² in the pre-reproductive phase, 314,28 ind/km² in the reproductive phase, and 85,7 ind/km² in the post-reproductive phase, with a pitcher or urn-shaped pyramid form. The developed popular science book attained a validity score of 3,59, indicating high validity, and achieved a readability score of 88.33% among students, indicating excellent readability.
Analisis Kepuasan Pemustaka Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Di Perpustakaan Universitas Udayana Dengan Metode CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) Dan IPA (Importance Performace Analysis) A Rizal Rifandi; I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi; Desak Ayu Sista Dewi
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983 Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juli - September
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Terapan | E-ISSN : 3031-7983

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Penelitian ini membahas tentang tingkat kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Udayana. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Udayana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Udayana, dari populasi tersebut ditentukan sampel berdasarkan rumus Slovin dan diperoleh sampel sebesar 100 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan didapatkan nilai sebesar 78,66%, yang menunjukkan bahwa pemustaka sudah puas dengan layanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Udayana, namun belum maksimal secara keseluruhan sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan untuk mengetahui atribut apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pemustaka terhadap pelayanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Udayana maka dilakukan analisis dengan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).  Hasilnya atribut yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk diperbaiki berada pada kuadran 1 yaitu ketepatan pencarian dan tata letak buku, kelengkapan ragam koleksi buku, dan peralatan pendukung belajar (stopkontak, meja, kursi, rak, dan sebagainya).

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