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Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science
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Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science publishes basic research articles and conceptual of Chemistry, issued three (3) times a year, overall 10 articles per issued. To commemorate important events and agenda, may be issued a special edition that will include 10 articles in each issue.
Articles 20 Documents
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Andaliman fruit is one kind of spice that has antioxidant benefits. Secondary antioxidants are needed by the human body to combat internal and external free radicals. Effort can be made to eliminate these free radicals by eating foods that have active compounds with adequate antioxidant activity. The study aims to identify the group of secondary metabolite compounds and the antioxidant activity of fruit flesh and seeds. The extraction method used is maceration using a 70% ethanol-acidified solvent. The phytochemical screening method is a color reaction. The method of antioxidant activity is DPPH. Result of the phytochemical screening of simplisia and extract of fruit (seeds and flesh) show the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and tannins. The results of the phytochemical screening of seed simplisia revealed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, and tannins. The antioxidant activity of seed and flesh extracts falls into the strong category with IC50 values of (56,80 and 52,32) ppm. It has been suggested that the maceration method using the acidified solvent affects the antioxidant activity of seeds and flesh of the andaliman fruit.
Synthesis and Characterization of Banana Hump Waste-Based Bioplastic with the Addition of Banana Pseudostem Nanocellulose and Glycerol Iva Maylana Devi; Sigit Priatmoko
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Indonesia menghasilkan limbah plastik di laut 1,29 juta metrik ton per tahun berdasarkan laporan Nova Chemicals. Lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan plastik untuk terdegradasi secara sempurna yaitu lebih dari 100 tahun. Bioplastik muncul sebagai alternatif ramah lingkungan karena dapat terurai. Bonggol pisang di dalamnya terkandung pati dalam kadar tinggi sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan baku pembuatan bioplastik. Penambahan filler berupa selulosa dalam bioplastik pati dapat meningkatkan kekuatan bioplastik.  Batang semu pisang kadar selulosanya tinggi dapat dijadikan nanoselulosa yang digunakaan sebagai filler untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik bioplastik. Peningkatan elastisitas bioplastik dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan zat pemlastis berupa gliserol. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan nanoselulosa dan gliserol terhadap bioplastik berbasis pati. Metode pembuatan nanoselulosa berupa hidrolisis asam dan metode pembuatan bioplastik berupa metode casting. Hasil uji yang didapat pada bioplastik yaitu nilai kuat tarik 1,83 MPa, elongasi 11,45% modulus young 48,12 MPa, persen kehilangan berat biodegradasi 64,44%. 
Interaction Study of BCN OH ( Bicyclononyn ) and Pertuzumab in the Development of ADC ( Antibody Drug Conjugation ) Through Virtual Screening Nisa Alwia; Aden Dhana Rizkita1; Tris Ella Julita Gulo; Nisa Sri Wahyuni; Risma Eka Putri Selay; Ayu Andini Rizki Lestari Rohman; Efriyana Oksal; Kumam Pinky Chanu; Asaduzzaman; Taufik Muhammad Faqih5
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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ADC (Antibody Drug Conjugation) is a complex molecule consisting of antibodies designed as a targeted therapy to treat disease, or a biologically active cytotoxic drug. Docking simulations of the pertuzumab antibody with the BCN OH ligand were carried out to see the interactions and stable conjugates between the antibody and the ligand as a form of ADC development using three software, consisting of Discovery Studio, pymol and pyrex. The pymol application is used for the preparation of pertuzumab, namely removing residues and water and is used to combine the ligand with the antibody, while the use of Pyrex Autodocx Vina is to determine the conformation of the ligand in binding with the macromolecule. Discovery studio is used to realize the bond between the linker and antibody and see the interactions that occur. This research aims to determine the interaction of pertuzumab with BCN OH as a starting point for selecting a suitable ligand for the ADC product so that later the ADC will be more stable until the target of the simulations carried out is obtained by the results of interactions that occur between pertuzumab and the BCN OH molecule. After being realized in two dimensions, it can be seen that there are amino acid compounds that bind to BCN OH on side B:103, there is lysine, side B:40 proline, side B:38 Arginine, side B:85 Threonine, and on side B:415 there is Air molecules. In the docking process, the presence of lysine bonds is an important factor in looking at the interaction of compounds with their macromolecules, considering that lysine is one of the residues that will bind to the functional groups on the linker to produce ADC products.
Cr (VI) Removal from Aqueos Solution by Coagulation – Adsorption Integrated System Fikrah Dian Indrawati Sawali; Fery Setyawan; Moh Azhar Afandy; Mega Mustikaningrum
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Industrial wastewater generated by nickel mining has a high content of heavy metals, one of which is Chromium Hexavalent or Cr(VI) metal. Commonly used methods in reducing Cr(VI) metal concentration are coagulation and adsorption. This method is the most economical, simple and highly efficient method. This research uses the coagulation - adsorption integration system method, which is a combination of coagulation and adsorption methods in stages and uses the same wastewater. The purpose of this research is to see the performance of alum, FeSO4 and a combination of alum: FeSO4 as coagulant and fly ash as adsorbent in the removal of Cr(VI) levels in wastewater samples. Also, the efficiency of using the coagulation - adsorption integration system in the removal of heavy metal levels. The adsorption capacity value of this process can also be calculated. The resulting data were then evaluated using a spectrophotometer visible to assess the reduction of Cr(VI) concentration in wastewater. Based on the experiment, alum type coagulant with a waste and coagulant composition ratio of 2:3 and a stirring time of 60 minutes can reduce Cr(VI) levels to 14.18 mg/L from 100 mg/L. The addition of the adsorption process using fly ash helped reduce the concentration of heavy metal Cr(VI) to 12.15 mg/L and the highest efficiency value was 87.9%, and the adsorption capacity value was 0.087 mg/gram.
Qualitative and Quantitative Identification of Alcohol using the Conway Microdiffusion Method and Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) on Evidence at the East Java Polda Bidlabfor Lailatul Mubarokah; Meilisa Rusdiana Surya Efendi
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Driving under the influence of alcohol is a safety issue of increasing public concern. Alcohol is a factor in many categories of accidents. Investigations and resolution of legal problems need to be followed up until the case is resolved in court. Items in the form of physical evidence related to the crime scene, victims and suspects need to be identified. Based on this, one of the topics raised in this research includes the results of identification and analysis of criminal cases involving alcohol consumption which were tested qualitatively and quantitatively, so that evidence can be determined during the investigation process as to whether there is alcohol content in it. In the process of qualitative identification of alcohol content, it is carried out using the Conway Microdiffusion method which states that the urine evidence is positive for alcohol, which is indicated by the color changing to green. Meanwhile, identification of alcohol levels in evidence is carried out using a Gas Chromatography -Flame lonization Detector (GC-FID). Analysis of the alcohol content in the evidence stated that the presence of ethanol was 0.0352%.
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): Medicinal Marvel or Menace? Assessing Potency, Risk, and Future Prospect of Herbal Medicine Neli Syahida Ni'ma
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) boasts a rich historical legacy as an herbal plant employed across generations for diverse therapeutic purposes, including pain relief, inflammation mitigation, anti-diarrheal effects, cough suppression, alleviation of fatigue, and anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties. Despite its acclaimed medicinal versatility, this plant harbors psychoactive attributes, thereby posing the risk of misuse and potential dependence, along with withdrawal effects. The alkaloid composition of kratom, featuring opioid receptor agonist properties, underscores its analgesic efficacy, thereby carrying a risk of dependence and withdrawal akin to other opioid agonists. Beyond its role as an opioid agonist, the analgesic mechanism of kratom extends to additional complementary pathways, presenting a potential superiority to morphine. Notably, kratom constituents inhibit key drug-metabolizing enzymes (CYP) and the multidrug transporter, p-glycoprotein, potentially leading to heightened levels of co-administered drugs that are substrates for these proteins, presenting a potential risk of adverse outcomes, including fatality. Given the perceived imbalance of risks versus benefits, there arises a rationale for the prohibition of kratom use as an herbal remedy. However, the exploration of purified drugs derived from kratom isolates remains a promising avenue for research, with the potential to surpass standard pharmaceutical interventions.  
Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Nano silver-Aloe vera as Wound Gel Preparation and Antibacterial Activity Test of Staphylococcus aureus Tsani Astuti; Sari Edi Cahyaningrum
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Luka akut terbuka dapat dengan mudah terkena infeksi jika tidak ditangani dengan baik sehingga dapat menyebabkan proses penyembuhannya lebih lama. Salah satu bakteri yang sering menyebabkan infeksi adalah bakteri Staphylococcus aureus karena terdapat pada permukaan kulit. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi adalah dengan memberikan sediaan topikal yang berbahan kitosan-nanosilver-lidah buaya karena memilliki sifat antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan sintesis dan karakterisasi serta uji antibakteri dari bahan dan sediaan topikal berupa gel untuk luka. Sediaan gel dibuat dengan 8 formula yaitu F0 (tanpa lidah buaya), F1(tanpa kitosan), F2(tanpa kitosan), F3-F7 dengan variasi penambahan lidah buaya secara berturut-turut (5,10,15,20 dan 25) %. Hasil karakterisasi FTIR sediaan gel menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi O-H, N-H, C-C, N-O dan C-H. Hasil uji PSA nanosilver menunjukkan bahwa nanosilver yang disintesis memiliki ukuran patikel sebesar 30,47 nm. Pengukuran uji aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan bahwa formulasi sediaan gel kitosan-nanosilver-lidah buaya mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Diameter zona hambat tertinggi terdapat pada formula yang ditambahkan lidah buaya 25% yaitu sebesar 12,22 mm.
Vapor Phase Polymerization of Pyrrol on the Surface of Photo Paper as a pH Sensor Hoirun Nisa; Cepi Kurniawan
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Polipirol merupakan polimer konduktif heterosiklik bermuatan positif yang mengandung nitrogen dalam bentuk teroksidasi, memiliki sifat konduktif, mudah disintesis dan stabilitas yang baik pada suhu kamar. Beberapa aplikasi telah dilaporkan, salah satunya digunakan untuk sensor pH. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode polimerisasi fase uap, dimana monomer diperkenalkan ke substrat berlapis oksidan dalam bentuk uap. Penelitian ini menggunakan kertas foto termodifikasi polipirol dengan oksidator FeCl3, KMnO4 dan dopan HCl. Untuk mengetahui aktivitas sensor pH, dilakukan metode siklik voltametri. Hasil terbaik menggunakan oksidan FeCl3 dan dopan HCl, sedangkan dengan oksidan KMnO4, kestabilan polipirol di permukaan kertas kurang. Dengan dopan HCl memiliki nilai resistivitas yang lebih rendah dibandingkan tanpa dopan HCl. Elektroda dari kertas foto termodifikasi polipirol ini mampu mendeteksi aktivitas sensor pH dalam pH asam (rendah) dengan range kisaran resistivitas yaitu sebesar 1 x 10-5 sampai dengan 5 x 10-5. Hasil pengujian SEM diamati pada permukaan kertas foto sebelum polimerisasi berpori dan tidak merata, sedangkan setelah polimerisasi teramati  berkurangnya kekasaran permukaan pada kertas.
Formulation and Sunscreen Activity of Cream Preparation from Iler Leaves Extract (Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth) Endah Widhihastuti; Dhatu Sekar Larasati; Sigit Priatmoko; Senda Kartika Rakainsa
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Paparan sinar ultraviolet memiliki efek positif seperti membantu produksi vitamin D, tetapi jika terlalu berlebihan dapat menyebabkan inflamasi akut, eritema, hiperpigmentasi, penuaan dini, dan kanker kulit. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perlindungan tambahan yaitu tabir surya untuk menyerap atau memantulkan sinar UV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji potensi ekstrak etanol dari daun iler (Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth) sebagai tabir surya dan memformulasikannya menjadi krim. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi simplisia daun iler dengan metode maserasi dan pelarut etanol 96%. Uji fitokimia dilakukan pada ekstrak  untuk menentukan kandungan metabolit sekunder. Ekstrak dengan berbagai konsentrasi diuji aktivitas tabir surya dengan menentukan nilai SPF, %Te, dan %Tp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun iler dengan nilai SPF terbaik adalah pada konsentrasi 0,3% dengan nilai SPF 29 yang berada dalam kategori tabir surya dengan perlindungan ultra. Formula krim F1 dengan kandungan asam stearat 17% dan trietanolamin 2% paling memenuhi evaluasi persiapan krim dengan nilai SPF 5 yang tergolong sedang, serta nilai %Te dan % Tp berturut 0,26359 dan 0,38828 yang tergolong sunblock.
The Influence of Nutrient Types and Starter Concentration of Clostridium acetobutylicum in Fermentation of Pineapple Peel into Bioethanol Nabilla Sania; Silvy Indah Safitri; Sintha Soraya Santi
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science
Publisher : Prodi Kimia

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Bioethanol is an alternative energy source that can be used to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This study aims to produce bioethanol from pineapple peel waste using Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria with initial pre-treatment to separate cellulose and lignin. The research methods include raw material preparation, delignification, hydrolysis, and fermentation. The results show that pre-treatment with NaOH solution successfully reduces lignin content in pineapple peels, while hydrolysis using HCl solution increases glucose content. Fermentation with variations in starter concentration and nutrient type resulted in the highest bioethanol content of 4% with the use of urea nutrient and 7% starter concentration. GC-FID analysis indicates that besides ethanol, methanol is also detected as a by-product. In conclusion, Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria can be used to produce bioethanol from pineapple peel waste, with the concentration of starter and nutrient type influencing the ethanol content produced.

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