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International Journal of Business and Quality Research
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Core Subject : Economy, Science,
International Journal of Business,and Quality research (IJBQR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
Articles 123 Documents
Determination Of Factors Affecting The Ethical Behavior Of Internal Auditors In Higher Education Arifudin Arifudin; Satia Nur Maharani; Eka Ananta Sidharta
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): June, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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The focus of this research is to find out how the auditor's perception is related to determining the factors that influence the ethical behavior of auditors in the college environment. This research was conducted at the Internal Supervisory Unit of a state university. This study uses a phenomenological approach as part of qualitative research, data collection using interviews with auditors in the financial section of the Internal Supervisory Unit of State Universities. Based on research on the factors that influence the ethical behavior of auditors in the tertiary environment, there is an auditor's ethical reasoning, the professional commitment of an auditor, environmental conditions related to the influence of superiors, and also ethical, moral support, as well as the spirituality of the auditor
The Influence Public Interest in BTN Home Ownership Credit (KPR) Financing Seniorita Seniorita; Ridwan Ridwan; Ratna Ratna; Ilyas Ilyas
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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For credit housing area Banks act as institutions that have an intermediary function to manage the finances of various parties who have excess funds and those who have limited funds which also function as institutions to facilitate payment traffic. This study aims to see the effect of income level, number of dependents, education level, age, and location of the house on people's interest in financing BTN housing loans (KPR) in Minasatene , Pangkep Regency . The data used in this research is primary data. The data collection technique used a questionnaire which was distributed to the community in Minasatene , Pangkep Regency . This research uses normality test , validity and reliability test, and hypothesis test. The results of the study show that there is a significant influence between the variables of income level, number of family dependents, education level, age, and housing location on people's interest in financing BTN Housing Loans (KPR).
The Operational Procedures Good Fish Quarantine Standards For Export Marine Ornamental Fish At PT Banyu Biru Sentosa, Tanggerang Wahyuni Zam; Mauli Kasmi; Alfina Damayanti; Sitti Fakhriyyah
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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The carnivorous fish is one of the many commercial commodities of the sea and is of great interest to the public because of its many varieties and diverse features.The objective of the problem of the latter is to optimize the use of the soup in see-based fish maintenance to be made available at the Indonesian stock exchange.Based on the formula and goals to be achieved in this final assignment the type of data used that is secondary and primary data data with data collection techniques done are interviews, library studies, and observations.According to the last job this can be established to demonstrate optimally the maintenance standards of the oinfish procedure to improve the quality of the sea fish, administer ckib as appropriate, maintain the quality of the water by paying attention to salinity, temperature and ph of the water, maintain the quality of feed, regularly conduct water spines, regularly conduct disinfectant for maintenance of the fish.
The Influence of Brand Identification and Brand Trust on Brand Evangelism Muhammad Fa'iq Muna; Yuslinda Dwi Handini; Wheny Khristianto
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This study aims to test and determine the effect of brand identification and brand trust on brand evangelism. This study used primary data from questionnaire results. The object of this research is consumers who have made purchases and transactions directly through the Shopee e-commerce application. The method used in this study is a type of explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses the non-probability sampling method. The survey data was collected online and the sample number of the study was 100 respondents. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS as its analysis tool. The results showed that brand identification has a positive and significant effect on brand evangelism. Brand trust has a positive and significant effect on brand evangelism. Brand trust and brand identification have a simultaneous positive and significant effect on brand evangelism. The majority are more dominant in brand trust in brand evangelism than in brand identification. The theoretical implications in this study can contribute to future studies related to the field of brand marketing, especially on brand evangelism which is still not widely studied in Indonesia.
Analysis Of Supply Chain Development Strategy For Ornamental Corals Agribusiness, UKM Gapekhi Makassar Andi Baso Adil Natsir; Mauli Kasmi; Asti Sugiarti; Sitti Fakhriyyah
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This research aims to understand and analyze the supply chain development strategy for ornamental corals agribusiness in UKM Gapekhi Makassar, including the upstream supply chain, internal supply chain, and downstream supply chain. The research method used is a case study. The research location and respondents were purposively selected from UKM Gapekhi Makassar and the distribution areas of ornamental corals in Jakarta, Java, and Bali. The data analysis methods used include Benchmarking Supplier analysis, IFE Matrix analysis, EFE Matrix analysis, IE Matrix analysis, SWOT Matrix analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), and analysis of marketing distribution channel margin and efficiency. The research findings indicate that the company receives the highest supply of ornamental corals from the supplier Rezky Bahari, while the highest number of rejected corals comes from the supplier Hidayah. The highest number of coral shipments is from Supplier Banyu Samudra Lestari, while the lowest number of coral shipments is from Supplier Virly Jaya Abadi. The IFE Matrix score is 3.416, the EFE Matrix score is 3.400, the IE Matrix indicates the company is in Cell 1, and the SWOT Matrix produces several strategies that can be implemented by the company to foster its development. The marketing distribution channel flow starts from the producer (UKM Gapekhi), to the distributor (Coordinator), to the wholesaler/depot (Leader), to the retailer (Loper), and finally to the end consumer (Buyer). The DEA analysis reveals inefficient areas in the distribution of marketing products. The margin and efficiency of the marketing distribution channel are good and efficient, with an average product marketing percentage of 68.25%.
Marketing Prospects of Omega-3 Thornless Milkfish Agribusiness Andi Rusdi Walinono; Rahmayati Rahmayati
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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Milkfish is a significant fish species in meeting fish consumption needs, with a production volume exceeding 158,321 tonnes in 1989. However, the presence of thorns limits its consumption in certain regions. To overcome this, a technique of processing spine-free milkfish has been developed through special treatment and cultivation in floating net cages along coastal concessions, showing promising market prospects in marine fisheries agribusiness. Compared to soft-boned milkfish products like presto milkfish, thornless Omega-3 milkfish demonstrates a 75% increase in added value, with a price increase from Rp 15,000/kg to Rp 27,500/kg, and processing costs of Rp 2,000/kg, resulting in a value increase of Rp 10,500/kg or 70%. This research aims to determine the supply and sales growth of spine-free Omega-3 milkfish and their impact on future profitability. The findings reveal that CV.Dinar Bali successfully meets the market demand for spine-free Omega-3 milkfish, with sales having a significant influence on profitability, indicating prospective opportunities for future development.
The Effectiveness of English Dialogue Study for Agricultural Business Students in the Language Laboratory at Pangkep State Agricultural Polytechnic Yusri Muhammad Yusuf
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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Learning the English language is not easy, but it is also not as difficult as turning one's hand. What matters is willingness and perseverance. The aim of this research is to enable students to learn English easily and quickly. The method employed in this study is experimental (action research). The analysis utilized involves processing the data obtained in this research through scoring, assigning a score of ten to each word eliminated in the dialogue. The total number of words eliminated in the dialogue is ten. The results of English Language Teaching at Pangkep State Agricultural Polytechnic are still considered a challenging subject for students, encompassing aspects of content, methodology, and the evaluation tools used to assess their mastery of the taught material.
Exploring the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Competitive Advantage, and Technological Factors on SMEs Digital Performance: A Comprehensive Analysis Ridha Rizki Novanda; Hariz Eko Wibowo
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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SMEs have been lagging behind in the adoption of digital technologies, and the smaller the enterprise, the higher the risk of being left behind in the digital transition. Despite the potential benefits offered by emerging technologies, SMEs face challenges in fully embracing digital transformation. This study aims to analyze the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Competitive Advantage, and Technological Factors on SMEs Digital Performance. The subjects of this study are SMEs business owners who have used digital marketing and have business licenses. 100 SMEs from all throughout Indonesia are the 100 samples. This study will use a convenience sample strategy by giving out questionnaires to SMEs actors in Indonesia. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was used in this research. The technology element has a substantial impact on SMEs' digital performance, according to the results of hypothesis testing, with a P-Value of 0.005. Meanwhile, competition has no discernible impact on the digital performance of SMEs. How effectively digital-based SMEs market their products is influenced by a number of factors, including technology. Where perceived benefits, suitability, and cost indicate how digital marketing makes use of technology. Indonesian SMEs are very accustomed to using digital technology, especially social media, to advertise products that are available to a larger audience.
Capital Structure Analysis Of Foreign Investment Companies With Domestic Investment Companies In An Effort To Optimize Company Capital Structure Risma Rahmadani; Dr. Hj. Andi Ratna Sari Dewi, SE, M.Sc
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This study provides an overview in determining the optimal capital structure that is able to minimize the cost of capital, and then maximize the value of the company. Although from an academic perspective, the issue of whether there is an optimal capital structure is still controversial, from a practical point of view, capital structure has an effect on firm value. Multinational companies have different characteristics from domestic companies, so that the optimal capital structure for the two types of companies is also different. In other words , can multinational companies achieve a more optimal capital structure when compared to domestic companies?
Financial Performance Analysis at Politeknik Kesehatan Kendari as Work Unit of Non-Tax State Revenue Towards Public Service Agency Rochmad Munandar; Andi Ratna Sari Dewi; Pratiwi Febrianti
International Journal of Business and Quality Research Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): September, International Journal of Business and Quality Research
Publisher : Citakonsultindo

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This study aims to measure and present the financial performance of the Politeknik Kesehatan Kendari as a NTSR Satker to a Public Service Agency work unit.A Cash Ratio of 0% gets a score of 0 out of a maximum score of 3. Thus the Cash Ratio gets a score of 0 in the Bad category (C). The current ratio of 511.92% gets a score of 3.6 out of a maximum score of 4.8. Thus the current ratio gets a score of 80 in the Good category (A). Receivables Collection Period 7 days, gets a score of 4.5 out of a maximum score of 4.5, thus getting a score of 100 in the good category (AAA). Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio of 12.66 with a score of 0.6 out of a maximum score of 1.5 with a score of 80 in the Moderate category (B). Return on Fixed Assets of Negative 38.96 gets a score of 0 out of a maximum score of 1.5, So the Return on Fixed Assets is 0 with a Bad category (C). Equity Return is Negative 38.66, getting a score of 0 out of a maximum score of 1.5, So the Equity Return Value is 0 with the Bad category (C). The ratio of NTSR Revenue to Operational Costs of 26.47% gets a score of 0.9 out of a maximum score of 3, so that the Ratio of NTSR Revenue to Operational Expenses ratio gets a score of 30 in the Bad category (CC). Overall the Performance Assessment from Financial Ratio analysis at the Politeknik Kesehatan Kendari got a score of 9.6 out of a maximum score of 19,5, so that it got a score of 49 in the moderate category (BB). Referring to No. 129/PMK.05/2020 pasal 7 Politeknik Kesehatan Kendari a healthy financial performance by category MEDIUM (BB), so that it can be considered to become a PSA work unit.

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