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Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
ISSN : 14118890     EISSN : 25414518     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dengan tujuan sebagai media publikasi ilmiah di bidang ke-teknik elektro-an yang meliputi bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik (STL), Sistem Isyarat dan Elektronika (SIE) yang meliputi Elektronika, Telekomunikasi, Komputasi, Kontrol, Instrumentasi, Elektronika Medis (biomedika) dan Sistem Komputer dan Informatika (SKI).
Articles 26 Documents
The Influence of Kalman Filtering on the Received Signal Strength Indicator in Multi-node Bluetooth Low Energy Communications Musayyanah Musayyanah; Hendra Daniswara; Pauladie Susanto; Harianto Harianto
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 2: July 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i2.2355


Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is one of low power Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Technology. BLE has high data transfer rate at a low range, but implementation of BLE is easier than other WPANs. Distance conversion in wireless communication is a challenge in itself for the accuracy of distance estimation, one of them is the RSSI parameter. The RSSI fluctuating value generated by BLE caused by multipath fading and noise phenomena in observation environment. This article aims to apply the Kalman Filter to fine-tune the RSSI value so that the distance estimation to be precise. Testing was carried out in environment with many obstacles, on a BLE multi-node systems. The test results prove that the Kalman filter can correct the distance estimation error by 27.48\%. In addition, the results of this distance conversion are sent by LoRa communication to be displayed on the website page.
Perancangan Perangkat Modular Kendali Suhu dan Aliran Gas Elpiji Berbasis Fuzzy Logic Harsawardana; Maria Ulfah; Bayu Samodro
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2393


AbstractTemperature is very significant in every stage in the heating processes and will affect the quality of the resulting product. The inaccuracy of temperature control causes the production process to change from time to time, in addition to the increasingly inconsistent quality of the resulting product. In this study, the use of a closed loop system based on fuzzy logic will be applied to control the temperature and flow of fuel. Temperature control is connected to gas flow control because this equipment is specifically for gas (LPG) fueled equipment. By the fuzzy logic system, it is expected to produce a control equipment that can control temperature accuratly and can save fuel. This control equipment is modular in nature so that it can be applied to all bakery & cake oven equipment, coffee roasters, tea leaf wiping machines, fryers and other small scale industrial machines without having to change and modify the original design. The temperature settling point can be adjusted from 80oC to 300oC as desired in the heating process. The test results show that temperature control using fuzzy logic control system on coffee roasters and bread ovens obtains a maximum overshoot value which is still within the tolerance of 1.3% and fuel savings of around 13%
Analisis Preferensi Konsumen dalam Memilih Produk Hortikultura Menggunakan Metode Algoritma C45 dan Naive Bayes Said Ridho
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2401


Saat ini, pertanian dan hortikultura memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia. Dalam hortikultura, tomat dan cabai merupakan dua jenis tanaman sayur yang sering dibudidayakan. Kedua bahan makanan ini memegang peran penting dalam makanan tradisional Indonesia. Ketersediaan tomat dan cabai rawit yang melimpah memberikan lebih banyak pilihan bagi konsumen sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Namun, jika ketersediaan tomat dan cabai terbatas, konsumen akan memiliki pilihan yang terbatas dalam perilaku konsumennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis preferensi konsumen terhadap kombinasi atribut tomat dan cabai rawit di Pasar Keramat Baamang Sampit. Dalam analisis preferensi konsumen ini, digunakan dua metode algoritma yaitu C4.5 dan Naive Bayes dengan menggunakan software RapidMiner untuk melakukan klasifikasi. Hasil analisis menggunakan algoritma C4.5 untuk memilih tomat menunjukkan tingkat akurasi antara 60,00% hingga 63,06%, sedangkan algoritma Naive Bayes memiliki akurasi antara 45,00% hingga 49,05%. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam hal ini, algoritma C4.5 memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi. Namun, analisis preferensi konsumen untuk memilih cabai rawit menunjukkan bahwa algoritma C4.5 memiliki tingkat akurasi sekitar 89,00% hingga 89,05%, sementara algoritma Naive Bayes memiliki tingkat akurasi sekitar 89,05% hingga 90,00%. Oleh karena itu, algoritma Naive Bayes menunjukkan tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi.
Analisis Jaringan 4G untuk Aplikasi Smart Ambulance Ari Endang Jayati; Harmini; Diah Setyati Budiningrum
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2445


Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is an intelligent traffic system used for traffic management and engineering. The ITS network uses inter-vehicle telecommunication technology. The city of Semarang is one of the cities that will establish ITS technology. One area that applies technology is health. The telecommunications system applied in the health sector today allows medical staff to treat patients in ambulances before arriving at the hospital. This communication system needs to be supported by a good cellular network so that data can be sent to the server. This study aims to measure QOS (Quality of Service) including the characteristics of delay, packet loss, jitter, and throughput from various cellular providers. The results of data measurements using wireshark software with TIPHON standard guidelines obtained an average value for delay obtained by Provider A with the best result of 86.22 ms. The average value for packet loss obtained from the measurement results from the Penggaron Terminal to the City Hall Bus Stop was obtained by Provider A with the best result of 0.474% d for the City Hall Bus Stop to the Penggaron Terminal obtained by Provider B with the best result of 0.574%. The average value of jitter obtained from the measurement results from the Penggaron Terminal to the City Hall Bus Stop was obtained by Provider B with the best result of 0.42 ms, for the City Hall Bus Stop to the Penggaron Terminal, Provider A was obtained with the best result of 0.57 ms. The average throughput value obtained from the measurement results for Penggaron Terminal to City Hall Bus Stop was obtained by Provider C with the best result of 6631 Kbps, for City Hall Bus Stop to Penggaron Terminal obtained by Provider B with the best result of 6339.5 Kbps. Based on this, knowing the value of delay, packet loss, jitter and throughput is expected to be a consideration for the development of a smart ambulance system in the city of Semarang. There are two measurement points, namely the Penggaron Terminal to the City Hall Bus Stop and the City Hall Bus Stop to the Penggaron Terminal using the Semarang BRT.
Evaluation of 20 KV Distribution System Using SAIDI and SAIFI Reliability Indices at PT PLN Abdul Muis Prasetia; Linda Sartika; Al Amin Hanifa Muslim
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 2: July 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i2.2482


Currently, power outages in Tarakan City are still frequent, both planned and due to disturbances such as fallen trees, lightning strikes or damage to the distribution equipment itself. PT PLN (Persero) Tarakan continues to make improvements to improve the reliability of the distribution system in Tarakan City using standard values, the reliability index for duration of disturbance (SAIDI) and the number of blackouts (SAIFI) so that the distribution of electrical energy continues to be channeled to customers. SAIDI and SAIFI values will be calculated every month to find out corrective actions against disturbances or damage that occur. Reliability is a benchmark value to see the reliability of the distribution system. The reliability index of SAIDI and SAIFI of PT. PLN (Persero) Tarakan in 2020 was 2.81 hours/plg/month and 2.55 times/plg/month. In 2021, SAIDI and SAIFI received 1.72 hours/plg/month and 2.45 times/plg/month. Based on the reliability index, PT PLN (Persero) Tarakan is categorized as reliable because the SAIDI and SAIFI values obtained do not exceed the existing standard values based on SPLN 68-2: 1986
Evaluation of Electrical Harmonics in Building Installations Rizky Aprylianto Susilo; Fransiskus Sandi Tolanda; Arif Hidayat; Patrik Handriano; Vita Amalia; Besse Ita Basari
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 2: July 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i2.2590


This study aims to determine the level of harmonics, and conduct harmonic analysis on the electrical system in the new Building of the Information Technology Department of Samarinda State Polytechnic. Harmonics are electric waves that have frequencies with multiples of the base frequency of the power source (50 Hz in Indonesia). Harmonics can arise due to the use of electronic equipment that has non-linear load properties. This is becoming a major problem for power quality issues and harmonic analysis is required to scrutinize in component modeling to minimize or eliminate these harmonic disturbances. Based on research that the harmonic content in the new building of the Information Technology Department of Samarinda State Polytechnic has not met the standards. In this case, the power quality in such buildings exceeds the specified standards. The method used is the design of passive filter simulation in distribution transformers using ETAP  software. The result of this study is a decrease in harmonic currents after installing a passive filter with an initial THDi value in phase S of 59.84% for IHDi values in the 5th order of 57.25% the value does not meet IEEE 519-2014 standards, the use of single-tuned passive filters can reduce the THDi content in phase S to 10.94% and the 5th order phase S down to 10.46 already meets IEEE 519 – 2014 standards, namely THDi 15% and IHDi in the 5th order 12% with SCRatio between 100-1000 A.
Rancang Bangun Penakar Hujan Dengan Peringatan Dini Hujan Lebat Menggunakan Tipping Bucket dan Mikrokontroler ESP32 Verga Philipus Bangun; Kanton Lumban Toruan
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2612


Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki dua musim, yaitu musim kemarau dan hujan. Salah satu parameter yang menjadi salah satu penyebab bencana alam ialah hujan Pengamatan curah hujan di Indonesia dilakukan oleh Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG). Automatic Rain Gauge (ARG) merupakan salah satu alat pengukur hujan otomatis yang digunakan oleh BMKG untuk memperoleh data curah hujan di Indonesia. Kebutuhan peralatan penakar hujan di Indonesia semakin banyak untuk menunjang kurangnya kerapatan pos hujan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang sebuah penakar hujan menggunakan tipping bucket, dengan prinsip kerja menampung curah hujan melalui corong dan mengalirkannya ke jungkat-jungkit sehingga menghasilkan tip dan dikonversi menjadi curah hujan. Penakar hujan ini diintegrasikan dengan ThingSpeak dan website untuk mendiseminasikan data curah hujan serta telegram untuk memberikan peringatan dini hujan intensitas lebat. Penakar hujan dirancang dengan menggabungkan beberapa komponen seperti sensor reed switch, Mikrokontroler ESP32, RTC DS1302, MicroSD, baterai LiFePO4 dan panel surya sebagai catu daya serta memiliki luas penampang 10.000 mm2 dengan tinggi 1,2 m. Percobaan dilakukan dengan sistem komparasi yaitu membandingkan jumlah air pada gelas ukur yang dikonversi menjadi curah hujan uji dengan curah hujan yang terukur pada penakar hujan. Hasil pengujian penakar hujan memberikan nilai yang baik serta memberikan hasil yang baik pada pengiriman data ke website dan ThingSpeak serta mengirimkan peringatan dini ke telegram.
Analisis Ketercukupan Daya Listrik Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hybrid (Angin dan Surya) Pantai Baru Muhamad Roy Ananda Saputra; Noor Hudallah
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2741


Perhatian akan pengembangan energi terbarukan semakin meningkat dikarenakan polusi lingkungan yang semakin memburuk serta masalah kekurangan energi. Salah satu pengembangan energi terbarukan yang ada di Indonesia adala PLTH Pantai Baru yang terletak di Desa Poncosari, Srandakan, Bantul. Umumnya, pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan memiliki kelemahan yaitu sangat bergantung pada kondisi alam. Hal yang sama pun terjadi pada PLTH Pantai Baru. Selain itu, juga perlu diketahui apakah daya yang dibangkitkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan beban yang ada. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Menurut Walliman (2011: 10), penelitian deskriptif merupakan penelitian yang bergantung pada kegiatan observasi dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan data. Data-data yang dikumpulkan berupa data tegangan, arus, dan daya dari PLTH Pantai Baru. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan selama tiga hari dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan variasi kondisi lingkungan dan beban. Data-data tersebut kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi melalui aplikasi Homer. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu pada hari pertama daya yang dihasilkan PLTH Pantai Baru sebesar 74.204,05 W dengan efisiensi 52,07%. Hari kedua sebesar 55.393,45 W dengan efisiensi 38,87%. Hari ketiga sebesar 40.250,47 W dengan efisiensi 28,25%. Sementara itu, hasil simulasi hari pertama sebesar 80.656,88 W, hari kedua sebesar 67.228,42 W, dan hari ketiga sebesar 61.646,48 W.
Desain dan Analisis PID Controller Menggunakan Metode Genetic Algorithm pada Boost Converter Tipe CCM Ayu Kusuma Dewi; Dyah Lestari; Muhammad Afnan Habibi
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1: Maret 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i1.2817


Boost converter merupakan DC-DC Converter yang berfungsi untuk menaikkan tegangan. Namun untuk menghasilkan tegangan keluaran yang stabil dan sesuai dengan nilai yang diinginkan diperlukan suatu controller, salah satunya PID controller. Apabila penentuan konstanta PID tepat, maka akan didapatkan respon tegangan yang memiliki settling time cepat serta mampu menghilangkan overshoot. Namun, tuning PID controller menggunakan metode konvensional kurang optimal jika digunakan untuk sistem nonlinear dan memiliki orde tinggi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendesain dan menganalisis PID controller menggunakan metode genetic algorithm yang diterapkan pada boost converter. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, (1) studi literatur; (2) desain open loop boost converter; (3) analisis perhitungan boost converter; (4) tuning PID controller menggunakan metode genetic algorithm dan ziegler nichols; (5) simulasi desain rangkaian; (6) membandingkan respon tegangan output antara metode genetic algorithm dan ziegler nichols; (7) analisis hasil simulasi. Proses pembuatan desain boost converter tipe CCM dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan software MATLAB/SIMULINK. Perbandingan dilakukan berdasarkan nilai overshoot dan settling time yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai overshoot yang dihasilkan oleh boost converter tanpa. PID controller adalah 55,7% dengan settling time 0,0767s. Overshoot paling kecil dari metode genetic algorithm adalah 0%, sedangkan settling time paling singkat adalah 0,000294s. Overshoot yang dihasilkan metode ziegler nichols adalah 3,35% dengan settling time 0,1302s. PID controller dapat memperbaiki overshoot serta settling time pada respon tegangan output boost converter tipe CCM. Penggunaan genetic algorithm dalam proses tuning PID controller mampu memberikan overshoot yang lebih kecil dan settling time yang lebih singkat jika dibandingkan dengan metode ziegler nichols.
Impact of Shading on the I-V Characteristics and Power Output of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels Andyka Lesmana; Belly Yan Dewantara; Iradiratu Diah Prahmna K.
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 2: July 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v24i2.2830


Solar panel is a tool composed of several solar cells assembled in series or parallel by utilizing the photovoltaic effect so that it can convert solar energy into electrical energy. Solar panels have several types, namely monocrystalline and polycrystalline where each type of solar panel has different absorption efficiency based on the constituent materials. According to several surveys, obstacles that often occur in the field in the installation of solar panels are due to external influences which include influences (shading, soiling, and spot) so that it has an impact on the performance of solar panels which results in power instability due to non-linear current-voltage (I-V) relationships. This study tested the power output of monocrystalline and pollycrystalline 100 Wp solar panels with several levels of shading testing The results of testing research data that have been carried out show that there is an influence of shading on current and voltage, resulting in a decrease in output power. It was found that the partial and overall shading effects caused a decrease in power by -71% and -75% respectively from the normal conditions of monocrystalline solar panels. Polycrystalline solar panel testing due to partial shading effect of -75\% and total shading of -77\% of normal solar panel output power without conditioning.

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