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Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 16932951     EISSN : 25032372     DOI :
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro (MITE) is peer review journal, published twice a year by the Study Program of Magister Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Udayana. This journal discusses the scientific works containing results of research in the field of electrical, include power systems, telecommunications, informatics, and electronics. Authors are expected to include original scientific papers in accordance with the scope of the discussion of this journal including all aspects of the theory and practice are used.
Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro" : 20 Documents clear
Pendeteksi Penggunaan Masker Wajah dengan ESP32Cam Menggunakan OpenCV dan Tensorflow Putu Adhitya Santika Dharma; Komang Agus Widyatmika; I Nengah Suparta; I Made Sumerta Yasa; Anak Agung Ngurah Gde Sapteka
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P01


The government's recommendation to wear masks daily is very important to avoid the Covid-19. This article analyzes the use of the ESP32 Cam as a mask detector, where proper use must cover the nose and mouth. The captured images can be retrieved and executed by a program created using Python. The OpenCV library is used to access the camera, while the TensorFlow library with training files in the datasheet performs mask detection. The experimental results of detecting masks in bright conditions show the fastest time is 1 second with an ideal distance of 1m and a maximum distance of 2.5m. On the other hand, in dark conditions, the fastest time is 2 seconds with an ideal distance of 1m and a maximum distance of 1.5m.
Sistem Pemantauan Kekeruhan dan Suhu Air Pada Akuarium Ikan Hias Air Tawar Berbasis IoT (Internet of Things) Efina Marianis; Lie Jasa; Pratolo Rahardjo
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P15


The aquarium monitoring system in the maintenance of ornamental fish is fundamental to maintaining the survival of the aquatic biota in it. In this study, a prototype of a water condition monitoring system such as turbidity and water temperature in freshwater ornamental fish aquariums was designed and integrated with IoT technology so that it could make it easier for ornamental fish owners to maintain freshwater ornamental fish remotely. In the prototype tool, there is a turbidity sensor SEN0189, a temperature sensor DS18B20, and an HC-SR04 sensor, which function to measure changes that occur in each parameter. Each sensor data will be processed by the Arduino Uno microcontroller, which is then sent to the NodeMCU ESP8266 (Wi-Fi module) via serial communication so that sensor data readings can be displayed on the Blynk application. As a result of the tests, the system can monitor the turbidity of the water and drain the water if the turbidity reaches >= 25 NTU and refill the aquarium with clean water. In addition, the system can also monitor and control the water temperature in the aquarium. The aquarium water temperature level is maintained in the range of 24°C – 28°C.
Literatur Review Analisis metode De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) dan Switch Port Security Sebagai Metode Keamanan Jaringan Ni Komang Ayu Sri Anggreni; Lie Jasa
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P06


Over time, the development of technology is very rapid. It is certainly inseparable from the role of networks that can connect devices to be able to exchange information. Therefore, there is a need to secure computer networks to prevent cyber crime. The most commonly used attacks are Port Scanning and DoS (Denial Of Service). There are various ways to secure a computer network, one of which is by Switching port security. In addition to using Switch port security, the technique for securing network crimes is to use the De-Militarized Zone (DMZ). This study aims to compare network security performance with the Port security and DMZ methods where the tests obtained based on the review literature concluded that the use of the DMZ method carries out security by filtering requests by clients through firewall routers while Port security can provide security to the network by providing access to the server to registered ports only.
Simulasi Penggunaan Komponen Smart Building untuk Meningkatkan IKE di Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana Adhi Permana; Rukmi Sari Hartati; I Nyoman Satya Kumara
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P11


Salah satu aspek penting dalam manajemen energi adalah kegiatan audit energi. Manfaat audit energi yaitu diperoleh rekomendasi tindakan yang harus diambil untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi, mengurangi biaya dan menghemat uang pada tagihan energi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi efisiensi penggunaan energi listrik di gedung rektorat Universitas Udayana serta seberapa besar potensi penghematan energi listrik melalui pengujian peralatan hemat energi. Hasil dari pengukuran, pengamatan dan pendataan beban di rektorat Universitas Udayana, total daya dan konsumsi energi listrik gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana sebesar 120,12 kW dan 15521,02 kWh. Kebutuhan penyediaan daya listrik terbesar adalah pada pengkondisian udara yaitu 61.5 kW dengan konsumsi energi sebesar 62%. Secara umum gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana memiliki nilai IKE sebesar 49.43 kWh/ m2/ tahun. Untuk nilai IKE dengan kategori gedung AC/ non AC sebesar 4.12 kWh/ m2/ bulan (sangat efisien). Sedangkan dari sisi IKE per ruangan masih terdapat nilai dibawah kategori efisien yang disebabkan peralatan listrik masih/dibiarkan menyala saat jam kerja sudah berakhir terutama lampu dan AC. Penerapan peralatan Smart Building dengan tujuan pengefisiensian penggunaan energi listrik memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan konsumsi energi listrik pencahayaan sebesar 161,25 kWh (31%) sedangkan untuk pengkondisian udara sebesar 143,86 kWh (11%).
Analisis Penerimaan Aplikasi Hadir Sebagai Media Absensi Pada PT. Baliyoni Saguna Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model I Gusti Agung Made Yoga Mahaputra; Ida Bagus Alit Swamadika; Rukmi Sari Hartati
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P20


The era of globalization brings changes to all aspects of humanity. The development of inforamation/technologys encourages people/touse the/technology/to be able to keeping up with time, use of online attendance system technology by PT. Baliyoni Saguna. Therefore, its necessary to analyze the aceptance/of informationitechnology to examine whether the attendance technology used is acceptable and what factors influence the acceptance. One method to assess the aceptanceiofthe information technology is/the Technnology/Aceptance Modelsp(TAM). In this/studys, an analysis/will be carrieded/out on the acceptance ofithe attendance system technology used by PT. Baliyoni Saguna using the TAM method. The research was conducted by taking questionnaire data containing clauses from the TAM method from 75 Baliyoni employees. From the test results, validation and reliability tests were carried out where all data could be said to be valid and very reliable. Testing the relationship between TAM variables shows that all data havea a/posiitive influences/on attendance where the value of the t-statistical test is > 0.2272 and is significant where the p-value of all test data is < 0.05. The indicator that has/a major influence on/the/acceptance/of this attendance system is perceiveds/ease of/use which has t-statistic of/38,221.
Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Tangki Air Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Berbasis Bot Telegram Lanang Bagus Amertha; Rukmi Sari Hartati; Made Sudarma
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P02


Water tanks are often placed at a height to take advantage of the force of gravity so that water can flow optimally. The high position of the water tank is difficult for users to find out the quality and volume of water. Poor water quality such as experiencing turbidity can have a bad impact. So we need a system that can detect turbidity and water volume and can inform users remotely. The technology that can be used is the internet of things. The system built will monitor the turbidity and volume of the user's water tank, as well as control the pump in the form of turning it on and off. The interaction process between users and the system using bots from Telegram. The test results of the system can monitor turbidity and water volume and control the water pump through interaction with users using Telegram bots. The test results show the average speed of the entire system process is 1.48 seconds. The use of Raspberry Pi microcontroller can be used for future system development such as adding cloudy water treatment process features or others. Another development suggestion by adding bots as an interface from other instant messaging applications.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Irigasi pada Perkebunan Cabai Berbasis Arduino Uno dan Sprinkler Arraafi Rahman; Imelda Uli Vistalina Simanjuntak
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P16


Red chili is one type of vegetable widely used by the people of Indonesia because it has a reasonably high selling value. One of the causes of soaring chili prices is when there is much demand, but the farmers' harvest is insufficient. This incident often occurs because harvests often fail due to the manual and uneven irrigation system. So chili farmers in highland areas that rarely rain must be assisted by a regular and automatic irrigation system. Therefore, this study aims to help chili farmers to water the red chili plants as needed with the help of a water pump. The designed water pump system supports a DC of 12 volts and a power of 18 watts. The strategy used for watering chilies is a bulk water system, which emits water to the plants so that watering distributes at all points of the red chili. Transmission water velocity is measured using a water flow sensor. Likewise with the soil moisture parameters using sensors which state that the soil conditions are PH > 2.0 (wet) and PH > 5.51- 7.00 (very humid). After the soil, the moisture value is read by Arduino Uno Atmega 2560, and the results will display on the LCD. Watering will adjust to the water needs based on the PH value obtained.
Analisis Tekno-Ekonomi dari Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) sebagai Waste To Energy (WTE) di TPA Pakusari Jember, Jawa Timur Eka Yulia Indri Christanti; I Nyoman Satya Kumara; Cokorde Gede Indra Partha
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P07


The problem with waste in Jember Regency is that waste management has not been maximized. The abundant availability of combustible waste can be used as RDF as waste to energy. This study analyzed the potential RDF and the feasibility of constructing a PLTSa at TPA Pakusari using the life cycle cost method and the electricity cost is calculated by LCoE. Waste management of refuse-derived fuel in order to meet the quality standards of RDF is carried out by pre-treatment in the form of sorting, enumeration, natural or mechanical drying, and sifting. The capacity of RDF is 83.762 kg/day, with a potential power generated using gasification technology of 1.000.621 Watt. The level of GHG emissions produced is 1,8 tCO2. The PLTSa project plan is equipped with an air pollution management unit. The results of the economic analysis show that the LCC value during a lifetime is Rp. 75.903.806.400. The feasibility of the Pakusari PLTSa development plan is declared feasible with a PBP value of 13 years. The NPV value with an interest rate of 8,5% is Rp. 22.065.398.707, and the IRR value is 14,35%. In the profitability index and net B/C criteria, the project is declared feasible with a value of 2,3.
Perancangan RESTful API Menggunakan Java Quarkus Untuk Modul Mahasiswa Pada Layanan SIMAK-NG Universitas Udayana Ari Wijaya I Kadek; Dewa Made Wiharta; Nyoman Putra Putra Sastra
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P12


Information systems are very important in today's technological era. The services or methods used to deliver information are always evolving to provide better services. SIMAK-NG Udayana University is an information system built by the Udayana University Resources and Information Unit (USDI) to provide convenience to users (academic operators, lecturers and students) in online academic administration activities, which is Integrated Information System, known as Integrated Management Information System the Strategic of Udayana (IMISSU). Previously built on a monolithic architecture, SIMAK-NG migrate the service architecture to microservices. Therefore, need to customize the program code by implementing a RESTful API that supports the performance of SIMAK-NG service. In this study, the design of a RESTful API model was made This can be used by other applications that require student data from the SIMAK service and access RESTful API services instead of accessing the database directly. API was built using the Java programming language, the Quarkus framework, and a database schema that matched the database at the SIMAK-NG service at Udayana University. The test was run locally and show that the RESTful API program's response results are as designed and work well as shown in the tests using the Postman script. this indicates that the designed API program is ready for implementation.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Mobile Travel-Link untuk Penyedia Jasa dan Seni Pendukung Pariwisata Yohanes Yohanes; Linawati Linawati; Gede Sukadarmika
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P03


This Travel-Link Mobile Application for Tourism Supporting Services and Arts is software that provides information services for tourists who are looking for service and art providers in the user's tourist destination. This application is designed as a forum for users to promote their services and arts and also users can search for service and art workers, especially in the tourism sector. To ensure that the designed application is suitable for use by end users, interface testing is carried out using the SUS (System Usability Scale) testing instrument. The results of testing the Travel-Link Mobile Application for Service Providers and Arts using the SUS test instrument showed a score of 71. With a score of 71, it can be stated that the Mobile Travel-Link application for Tourism Supporting Services and Arts is acceptable and can be a tool for people who provide services and arts in the tourism sector or are looking for service and art providers in tourist destinations. The addition of the category of service providers and tourism supporting arts can increase the value of respondents when filling out the SUS According to the questionnaire for non-tourism workers.

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