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The glocalization of personal ethical threshold: an extension study on eastern context Setyabudi Indartono; Chun-Hsi Vivian Chen
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract: This paper extends the previous study of Debra R Comer and Vega publish at Journal of business ethics in 2008, which investigated 506 students representing eight business schools throughout the United States. Recent study tried to investigate more, in case to Indonesia and Taiwan context. The present study is aimed at finding out whether personal ethical threshold (TEP) applies to Indonesian and Taiwanese students. A total of 545 students from Indonesia and Taiwan were involved in the data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used for factor loading and six fit models were used for measurement of overall fits. Research findings indicate that (1) school status has correlation with ethical thresholds; (2) for Taiwanese students, gender correlates significantly (r. = …, p. = …); and the over-all fit of model is fair (stat).Keywords: personal ethical threshold (TEP), individualist cultures, collective cultures, glocalization, business ethics, regional contexts, moral intensity
Learning strategy training: Awakening students' awareness of learning strategy use Bambang Sugeng
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract:  The study aimed at finding  out the impact of learning-strategy training in the instructionalprocess. English Department students of semester3 and 5 were given training in learning-strategy skills in a regular 16-week semester program. SILL (Oxford, 2000), modifiedfor thepurpose of the study, was administered on the first  day of class. Group and individual students' learning strategy profiles were examined for follow-up action plans. Strategy skills were integrated in the instructional material and activities. Students assigned themselves to strategy groups, for  example. Compensation group, and practiced the assigned skills. Weekly reflections were written by students reporting theirprogress in the use oflearning strategies and in their language learning. At the end of the semester, SILL was given for  the second time for reflective comparisons. Findings indicated that students (1) became aware of their learning strategies, (2) were more prepared for  and concentrated on instructional tasks, (3) had more positive attitude towardsforeign-language learning, and (4) improved their language learning.Keywords: learning strategies, learning strategy profile,  learning strategy skills, learning strategy use, learning strategy training
New biocomposite material from ramie fibre and natural matrix of flee secretion on albasia tree as expansion effort of teaching material Mujiyono Mujiyono
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract:  A biocomposite is a composite which consists of natural fiber as reinforcement and  matrix  as  binder  agents.  Biocomposite  materials  are interesting phenomena   because  they  are  environmentally friendly,   are renewable resources, and can increase the economic level of the neighbouring people.  The objective of the present study is to look into the feasibility  of biocomposite material from secretion of albasia flea  as a binder agent and ramie fiber  as reinforcement. Secretion of albasia flea  was collected from Ciamisforest, WestJava, Indonesia with lumps type and then was reacted with methylated spiritus to liquefaction. Heating of the dilution offlea secretion at180°C in 15 minutes decreased the viscosity to become gel. The gels were layered on the surface of ramie fiber  woven roving with the hand layout method. Molding of the biocomposite was done at 180-200°C in 10 minutes after 2-4 layers of ramiefiber were soaked with gel, pressing with pressure 40MPa,  and  cooling  at room temperature in 4  hours. Density  and  tensile strengths of the biocomposite were evaluated with ASTM D638-90 standard and compared withpublicized biocomposites to know itsfeasibility. The tensile strength of the biocomposite from  60% of ramie fiber  woven roving andsecretion of albasiaflea was 80 MPa with a density of 1.17g/cm'. This result showed that the biocomposite had a relatively higher tensile strength and lower density than an epoxy or polyester  matrix. The biocomposite of the matrix of albasia flea  secretion can become a novel material, have high feasibility  based on availability of renewable resources, give simplicity of matrix processing, need no high technology on molding biocomposite, and have higher tensile strength relative to lower density. An implication of the results of the study can be in the development of new teaching material in the engineering  material  subject  of  study  in  the Faculty  of Engineering  of YogyakartaState University.Keywords: biocomposite, ramiefiber, secretion of .albasiaflea, natural matrix, tensile strength, density, binder agent, reinforcement
Collaborative teaching-learning between college and industry: A case study of steel practice subj ect matter in the technical faculty ofYogyakarta State University Suparman Suparman
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract: In vocational secondary school, a collaborative teaching-learning model is known as a dual education system where the students practice  in industries. Generally, that system is successful although there are variations among the school. Such collaboration needs relatively high cost and complicated coordination. As an alternative, teaching-learning collaboration between college and industry can be conducted by inviting guest lecturers from the well industry. Thepresent study is aimed at obtaining a model where practice products are marketable and students have co-operative attitudes in team work. Three teaching-learning models are compared. First, the teaching-learning process of thefirst half semester is conducted by a lecturer in college while the rest is conducted by two lecturers in industry. Second, as thefirst, but the teaching-learning process takes place in college only. Third, the teaching-learning process is conducted in college and without collaboration. Students are divided  into small groups of 3 or 4 to make marketable products.  The products  are measured by some college aspects according to industrial standards, whereas co-operative attitudes are measured by Johnson and Johnson definition. The results are subjected to nonparametric statistic analyses. In perspective of the practice product, the first teaching-learning model does not differ significantly from the teaching­ learning second model (t = 2,2; P 0.05); but differs  significantly from the third  (t  = 4.5;  pO.Ol);  the  second   teaching-learning   model  differs significantly from  the third (t  = 3.7; pO.Ol). In perspective  of the co­ operative  attitudes,   the first   teaching-learning   model  does  not  differ significantly from  the second (t=0.81; p0.05).  The guest lecturer model is able toproduce marketable products and well co-operative attitudes in a team work.Keywords: collaborative   teaching-learning   model,   well   industry,  dual education system, guest lecturing, practice products, co-operative attitudes, teamwork
Improving students' learning achievement in school musical ensemble through portfolio-based assessment Kun S Astuti
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract: In light of the implementation of the competency-based curriculum (CRC), the study aimed to (1) develop portfolio-based  assessment for  the School Musical Ensemble course and (2) find out its impact on the students' learning achievement. The subjects of the study were students of the Department of Music Education at the YogyakartaState University (YSU) who took the Advanced School Musical Ensemble class. Observation sheets were used to collect descriptive qualitative data and students' semester scores were used as datafor the descriptive quantitative analyses. Thefindings of the study indicated that  (1)  classification of students'  learning achievement  in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects can be used as components of portfolio assessment in musical ensemble and (2) based on the t-test analysis results, there is a significant difference in students' learning achievement before and after the implementation ofportfolio assessment.Key words:competency-based curriculum, education-unit level curriculum, portfolio assessment, authentic assessment, standard of competencies, cognitive domain, psychomotor domain, affective domain, attitudes towards learning
System of grading hand-written multiple-choice answer sheet based on neural network Arief Hermawan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract: The aim this study is to develop a system of grading hand-written multiple-choice answer sheets based on neural network. Through this system grading can be done by computer with high speed. The study was done by developing a software to read hand-written answers and to classify them into the answer A, B, C, D, or E. The neural network used is the Perceptron model. It is made with Borland Delphi 7 and Matlab. It was found out that the system could identify hand-written marks on the multiple-choice answer sheets with an accuracy level of 68%.Keywords: grading system, multiple-choice, neural network, Borland Delphi, vector, Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), pattern-mapping, processing unit, binary value
Improvement of reading comprehension and rhetoric speaking skills of elementary school students through mind-mapping strategies Ari Kusmiatun
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract:  This action research study aimed at improving students ~skills in reading comprehension and rhetoric speaking through mind-mapping strategies. The study was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan2 Yogyakarta. The subjects were 29 students in the VIa class consisting of 17 boys and 12 girls. Data were gathered by the use of intensive observations,questionnaires, and interviews. The study was conducted in two cycles. The results showed that the application of mind-mapping strategies in Bahasa Indonesia teaching-learning process, could improve students' speaking and reading skills".  Students were able to comprehend the passage  better and perform rhetorical speaking morefluently. Similarly, students' speaking skills in both language and non-language aspects improved significantly.Keywords: reading   comprehension,   rhetoric   speaking,   mind   mapping strategy,  silent  reading,  oral  reading,  communicative  language  skills,. motivation, reading texts

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