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Articles 63 Documents
The CNC Turning Virtual as Teaching and Training Aid of CNC Programming Bambang Setyo Hari Purwoko
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 6, No 1 (2013): November 2013
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The study is aimed at (1) describing   how the building process  of a virtual reality CNC can perceive  input and react as a real CNC machine, and (2) showing the results of of the real CNC machine as used as a programming learning media. The study involved 16 students of the Faculty of Engineering as the research subjects. Data collection method was conducted in a span of four months of effective face-to-face  class activities. Data collection took place in the CNC lab of the Faculty of Engineering,  UNY Results of the study show (1) the students are interested and excited to use the virtual CNC which provides  a visual effect of environment of CNC machine in the monitor, actively trying the simulation of numpad virtual in the monitor, inputting data on the panel virtual, and making simulation  or  execution  of  the  CNC program  at  CNC Machine Simulator, (2) the students practice to make and execute the CNC programming individually in the classroom or outdoor class. And (3) CNC Virtual can be used as teaching and training media classically (in classroom), individually learning, even E-Iearning.
System of grading hand-written multiple-choice answer sheet based on neural network Arief Hermawan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract: The aim this study is to develop a system of grading hand-written multiple-choice answer sheets based on neural network. Through this system grading can be done by computer with high speed. The study was done by developing a software to read hand-written answers and to classify them into the answer A, B, C, D, or E. The neural network used is the Perceptron model. It is made with Borland Delphi 7 and Matlab. It was found out that the system could identify hand-written marks on the multiple-choice answer sheets with an accuracy level of 68%.Keywords: grading system, multiple-choice, neural network, Borland Delphi, vector, Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), pattern-mapping, processing unit, binary value
Anxiety among football school students in “Rector UNY Cup 2014” national tournament - Sulistyono
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The study was aimed at explaining the anxiety level of Football School students who competed in “Rector UNY Cup 2014” national tournament. The  study was descriptive quantitative using purposive random sampling to obtain the subjects. Data were collected using the SCAT questionnaire. The results showed that, of the research participants, 43.27% had low anxiety, 53.13% had moderate anxiety, and 3.61% had high anxiety. On the average, the level of anxiety among the students who competed in the tournament was in the medium category. A possibleexplanation was that these students already had adequate experience from previouscompetitions. It seemed to be the case that these experiences had helped them toreduce anxiety despite the pressure to win the game
The application of the principles of effective schooling inSMP PIRI Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta Special Province Ing Chhaypor
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 3, No 01: November 2010
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The purpose of this study was to reveal the implementation of the three components of effective schooling: inputs, processes, and outputs of SMP PIRI Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Province. The qualitative method and narrative approach were used in this research study to analyze the data collected from observation, interview, and documentation. The results are as follows. (1) Inputs: The vision and mission of SMP PIRI Ngaglik are academically formulated and implemented well even though there are some obstacles occurring during the implementation processes such as the lack of human resources in the fields of computer, mathematics, and English. (2) Processes: The school management and leadership of SMP PIRI Ngaglik are termed as generally good. (3) Outputs: The academic achievements of SMP PIRI Ngaglik are quite high (93, 48 %) for the national examination at grade IX, even though the average scores of English, and mathematics of some students are still lower than the standard score (4.76)
The Teaching-Learning of Mathematical Case Problems through Problem Solving Approach for Elementary School Students Sarjiman Sarjiman
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 5, No 1 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The aims of the study were to: (1) improve the students' understanding in solving mathematical case problems,  (2) improve the students'  achievement by problem-solving strategies according to the types of the mathematical case problems, and (3) know the process  of teaching-learning  about that teaching­ learning model. The research method used was classroom action research. The study consisted of two cycles.'Each cycle consisted of plan, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 32 students of the fifth  grade of the Public Elementary School of Kota Gede V Yogyakarta. The research instruments were a pretest, an achievement test, and an observation sheet. The qualitative data collected through observations and direct interviews were qualitatively analyzed and interpreted, whereas the quantitative data were quantitatively described. The result of thefirst cycle was not satisfactory; the mean score of the posttest  was only 61,5, whereas the mean score of the pretest  was 41. In the second  cycle,  the mean score  was 78,00, above  the stipulated  criteria.  The teaching-learning process ran as expected.   Keywords: mathematical  case problems,  problem  solving,  students'  achievement
The effectiveness of English as a general course program in Yogyakarta State University - Jamilah
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at fi nding out the effectiveness of English as a general course program in Yogyakara State University using a survey technique. The population covered students, teachers, and program managers. Respondents from  students were selected by the cluster random sampling technique while respondents from teachers and program managers were purposively selected. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview guides, and documents, and were descriptively analyzed. Findings showed that English as a general course program in Yogyakarta State University was ineffective since there were a lack of management support and teacher’s support, no coordination among the parties involved, no sound curriculum to guide the teachers in implementing the program, a lack of teaching staff development, and low work satisfaction among the teachers and students 
Difficulties in writing in vocabulary and grammar of the second year students of SMP N I Selong East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara in the school year 2008/2009 Saiful Bahri
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 2: November 2009
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This research study aims at: (1) finding out the forms of difficulties in writing in vocabulary and grammar of the second year students of SMP 1 Selong East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara in the school year 2008/2009, and (2) finding out the causal factors of difficulties in writing in vocabulary and grammar of the second year students of SMP 1 Selong East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara in the school year 2008/2009. The study was a case study. It used a qualitative positivistic descriptive approach. The participants consisted of 34 students. The main data were obtained from the 34 students compositions. The other data were collected from observation, interviews, and recording. The results show that (1) eight most common errors of students writing were: verb-tenses, articles, word forms, capital letters, punctuation, missing words, spelling, and prepositions; (2) verb-tense errors occupied the first rank (23.76%), followed by article errors (20.85%), and word form errors (10.62%); (3) two kinds of direct factors caused the students to make errors in the writing skills were: negative interlanguage and intralingual transfers in the forms of adverb interference, copulative verb interference, word-order interference, tense-form interference, overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction, and incomplete application of rules; and (4) five sources of indirect factors caused the students to make errors in the writing skills were: students low motivation, lack of use of media, low frequency of the writing instruction, lack of parents support, and loose control of students learning.
Development of Computer Based Learning Media about Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) on Motorcycle Subjects at Vocational High School (SMK) Agus Budiman
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 5, No 1 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The purpose of this study was to identify computer-based learning media condition, development process, and proper assessment about CVT. The design of the study was Research and Development. Respondents of this study were eleventh-grade students of Automotive Skills Program at Vocational High School (SMK) in Cilacap Regency of Central Java. Field trials of the media were conducted three times at SMK Dr. Soetomo, at SMK Boedi Oetomo, and at SMK Negeri 2 Cilacap with 36 students of each school. The student's response toward the learning media appropriateness in the media aspect and in  the material aspect was collected by closed-questionare. In the media aspect, indicators offeasibility  consisted of (1) visual interpretation, (2) visual design, (3) graphics as a visual  media, and (4) procedure of media development. Indicators of feasibility in the material aspect were: (1) relevance between the material and the syllabus, and (2) self-learning.  The collected data of the learning media appropriateness was analyzed by descriptive statistics in percentages. The result of this initial study showed that based on the media aspect, the media of CVT were in proper  condition with a percentage of 86. 96. Meanwhile, based on the material aspect, the media of CVT was not in proper condition with a percentage of 14.28. Viewedfrom  the media aspect, the result of  the data analysis  was  in  proper condition with percentage of 87.05. Moreover, based on the material  aspect, the learning media was in proper condition with a percentage of 58.33%.   Keywords: computer-based learning media, continuous variable transmission (CVT), learning media appropriateness, feasibility
Improvement of reading comprehension and rhetoric speaking skills of elementary school students through mind-mapping strategies Ari Kusmiatun
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract:  This action research study aimed at improving students ~skills in reading comprehension and rhetoric speaking through mind-mapping strategies. The study was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan2 Yogyakarta. The subjects were 29 students in the VIa class consisting of 17 boys and 12 girls. Data were gathered by the use of intensive observations,questionnaires, and interviews. The study was conducted in two cycles. The results showed that the application of mind-mapping strategies in Bahasa Indonesia teaching-learning process, could improve students' speaking and reading skills".  Students were able to comprehend the passage  better and perform rhetorical speaking morefluently. Similarly, students' speaking skills in both language and non-language aspects improved significantly.Keywords: reading   comprehension,   rhetoric   speaking,   mind   mapping strategy,  silent  reading,  oral  reading,  communicative  language  skills,. motivation, reading texts
English education in EFL context: Integrated approach for collaborative writing in the university level Amrih Bekti Utami
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 7, No 1: November 2014
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This research was aimed at finding out the implementation of the integrated approach of writing in English for Foreign Language (EFL) context. The approach was set by adjusting three different approaches namely, product, process, and genre approach. There were 20 sophomores students of a private university in Indonesia who became the participants of this study. By implementing classroom action research, the study was carried out during the first half second semester. It consisted of two cycles and each cycle covered four steps: plan, observe, act, and reflect. The data were obtained from the observation during the implementation of the actions as the qualitative data and the students’ writing scores of the pre-test and post-test as the quantitative data. The result of this study showed that the use of integrated approach for collaborative writing was effective to improve students’ writing skills. Research results it showed that the students were able to create positive relationship when they worked collaboratively in groups. They were also offered the opportunity to give and receive immediate feedback on language used on their writings. Thus, the teaching-learning process became more interesting and the students enjoyed the writing process. The improvement was also found in the writing aspects namely, content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.  As a result, the students could perform better writing on their texts.