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Jurnal Teknik PWK
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Articles 7 Documents
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Soft Infrastruktur Model Untuk Mobilitas Masyarakat di Kawasan Universitas Diponegoro (Studi Kasus: Aplikasi YOKA) Muhammad Pradytio Nugroho; Maryono Maryono
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Kawasan Universitas Diponegoro yang berada di Kecamatan Tembalang merupakan kawasan yang menjadi representatif dari kawasan perkotaan. Kawasan ini memiliki tingkat mobilitas tinggi, tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi di kawasan tersebut dikarenakan banyaknya pergerakan yang dilakukan menuju kawasan tersebut dan adanya  pusat-pusat  aktivitas  baru  yang  terletak  di  kawasan  tersebut.  Contoh tempat-tempat aktivitas yang ada antara lain perumahan, kos-kosan, pusat jajanan makanan (kuliner), pusat perbelanjaan, pendidikan dan lain-lain. Dalam  melakukan  mobilitas  tersebut,  sebagian  besar  masyarakat  di  kawasan Universitas Diponegoro menggunakan moda transportasi pribadi dibandingkan dengan moda transportasi umum. Hal itu dikarenakan beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah adanya selisih yang cukup besar antara biaya menggunakan moda transportasi  pribadi  dengan  moda  transportasi  umum,  yaitu  dengan  rata-rata sebesar Rp 10.648 dimana menggunakan moda transportasi umum jauh lebih mahal selain itu faktor kenyamanan dan kehandalan juga mempengaruhi pemilihan moda tersebut  (Nasruddin,  2014).  Namun,  penggunaan  moda  transportasi  pribadi  oleh m. asyarakat di kawasan tersebut akan berdampak terhadap aksesibilitas dan tingkat efisiensi jalan sehingga dapat menimbulkan kemacetan. Untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan tersebut semakin membesar, perlu dibuat suatu alat (infrastruktur) yang mendukung mobilitas masyarakat.Penelitian  ini  menggunakan  pendekatan  pemodelan  dan  kuantitatif.  Pendekatanpemodelan digunakan karena laporan berusaha memberikan alat bantu untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada dengan merepresentasikan kondisi sebenarnya. Sedangkan  pendekatan  kuantitatif  digunakan  karena  proses  analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan indikator atau variabel terukur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan untuk menguji aplikasi tersebut kepada masyarakat. Sehingga diharapkan aplikasi tersebut dapat membantu masyarakat dalam melakukan mobilitasnya dan dapat mengurangi volume pergerakan yang ada di kawasan Universitas Diponegoro.
Penilaian Ketertarikan Masyarakat Terhadap Angkutan Umum (Angkot) Di Kawasan Pendidikan Tinggi Tembalang Dengan Pendekatan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Arma Nopianti; Maryono Maryono
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Penggunaan angkutan pribadi yang tinggi di Kawasan Pendidikan Tembalang menyebabkan angkutan umum (angkot) menjadi kurang dilirik oleh masyarakat. Hal ini semakin didukung oleh kondisi sistem transportasi berupa pelayanan angkutan umum (angkot) yang belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan perjalanan masyarakat. Penggunaan angkutan umum yang sepi penumpang juga disebabkan oleh skala pelayanan angkutan umum (angkot) yang belum mampu melayani seluruh Kawasan Pendidikan Tembalang. Apabila kondisi ini terus berlanjut, dikhawatirkan jumlah angkutan pribadi terus meningkat dan tidak terkendali sehingga berakibat pada vakumnya angkutan umum (angkot) beroperasi serta kemacetanpun akan susah dihindari. Padahal penduduk di Kawasan Pendidikan Tembalang didominasi oleh penduduk usia produktif yaitu penduduk usia 15-64 tahun sekitar 26.153 jiwa atau sekitar 77% dari total penduduk. Penduduk pada usia ini merupakan penduduk yang aktif dalam melakukan perjalanan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan penelitian untuk menilai ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap angkutan umum (angkot) di Kawasan Pendidikan Tembalang sehingga dapat disimpulkan kondisi sebenarnya penyebab sedikitnya demand angkutan umum (angkot). Dalam mencapai tujuan ini, maka analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)  merupakan analisis yang berguna untuk mengkonfirmasi tentang sebuah teori. Analisis ini dilakukan menggunakan alat analisis berupa software LISREL 9.0 Versi Student. Data yang digunakan berupa data hasil kuesioner tentang variabel ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap angkutan umum yang diberikan kepada masyarakat usia produktif (umur 14-65 tahun). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan penyebab rendahnya ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap angkutan umum (angkot) sebenarnya disebabkan oleh pelaku perjalanan atau pelaku masyarakat itu sendiri. Sedangkan faktor lain seperti kondisi sistem transportasi hanya berpengaruh sedikit pada ketertarikan masyarakat. Hasil analisis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu acuan untuk peningkatan ketertarikan masyarakat terhadap angkutan umum sehingga bisa menjadi salah satu solusi agar angkutan umum (angkot) semakin diminati dan penggunaan angkutan pribadi bisa diminimalisasi.
Keberlanjutan Industri Gula Kelapa Kecamatan Bagelen Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Anik Setyowati; Prihadi Nugroho
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Local economic development is one of the instruments to actualize regional development utilizing their local resources. Resource utilization in a region also depends on the potential in the region, such as the coconut sugar industry in the Bagelen District, Purworejo that use raw materials and local labors. Although coconut sugar industry is small-scale industries and households, but its existence began ogled by the international market. The high demand can not be met by the owner of the industry due to lack of manpower and the middlemen involved in marketing. Because of it, fears about the sustainability of the coconut sugar industry in the District Bagelen. This research used mixed method with Triangulation Design models. The results showed that coconut sugar and crystal sugar are difficult to continue to be a growing industry as the local economic development efforts. Coconut sugar faced a problem with the unstable price, while crystal sugar doesn’t have permission to label products, so they rely on the existence of the companies
Perubahan Luas Lahan Sawah menjadi Non Sawah di Wilayah Joglosemar Natasha Diofanny; Jawoto Sih Setyono
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Urbanisation process in Joglosemar region of Central Java has more or less affected the size of paddy field. Data from CSB (Central Statistical Board) estimate that during the last decade the land used for rice field has declined around 5,424 hectares. At the same time the number of people living in urban areas has increased by around 3 million people. If the conversion of rice field continues, it will likely to have an impact on food security for the region as well as its neighboring areas. This research aims to analyse the factors that contribute to the change in paddy field production areas in Joglosemar region. The research applies quantitative method to analyse the rate of conversion by using linier regression technique. Based on the analysis, it is found that the average rate of rice field conversion is 0.24% per year while the main cause of the conversion is the urbanization process. It is also found that the industrialisation process and land productivity have insignificant contribution to the conversion process.  From the findings, it can be estimated that if the urbanization rate reaches 4.64% annually as it happens recently, in the next decade until 2030 Joglosemar region will experience deficit of rice supply.
Kajian Tingkat Keterjangkauan Dan Pola Preferensi Bermukim Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Dalam Mengakses Rumah Di Kecamatan Ngaliyan Naufal Rabbani Priyandianto; Asnawi Manaf
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Housing development built by government and private developers are currently not able to provide affordable housing and according to the preferences of the low-income community. This condition causes a lot of low-income people prefer to inhabit the house who doesn’t belong to them (rent) and be resident commuters, so they were not able to afford their own house, due to limited purchasing power. This research aims to determine the level of affordability and preference patterns of low-income communities in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan. The research used Descriptive Quantitative Method. This research shows that the majority of low-income communities in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan who work as industrial and informal workers, are still not able to access the house according to 64% of the total respondents. While there are only 36% of respondents who work as private and civil employees have been able to reach the house. Respondents have the ability to make mortgage about Rp 300,000, - - Rp 400.000, -. While the lowest price of minimal house mortgage is Rp 650,000, - - Rp 750.000, -. This conditions indicate that there’s no suitable house  for the financial condition of the community. There are 4 factors that affect the preferences of low-income people living in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan, such as Physical and Building Location Factor, Infrastructures Factor, Social Environmental Factor, and Perception and Economic Conditions Factor. The pattern of community preference also strongly affected by the type of job, income level, and lifestyle.
Transformasi Sosial Ekonomi Penduduk Lokal Akibat Adanya Pembangunan Di Kawasan Solo Baru Kabupaten Sukoharjo Lintang Rahmayana; Wiwandari Handayani
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Solo Baru Region is located in Grogol,   Sukoharjo District. Formerly, Solobaru was a rural region, but with the building that was caused by the development of urban, makes the Solo Baru Region being urban built up area. Where there is the largest mall in Sukoharjo, the elite housing, apartments and hotels etc. The changes impact the socio- economic structural in its local communities. Based on these matters raise the question of how the socio-economic transformation of the local residents due to the construction in the area of Solo Baru? The research method in this study using quantitative methods with descriptive format in whict the data is obtained from the questionnaire and fiel survey. Weighting for the variables using analytic pairwise method technique. Based on the analysis can be seen there has been a change in the socio-economic of its local communities in  Solo  Baru Region due to the development  in  the  area. The greatest changes are on the economic aspect, while social changes are likely not to be too large because of changes in this aspect is slow. Changes in social aspects can be evidenced by 43% of respondents feel the changing skills, 18.8% of respondents feel the decline in customs, and in terms of accessibilities there are approximately 48.50% of respondents reporting an increase in the number of trips. As for changes in the economic aspects can be evidenced by 95% of respondents experienced an increase in revenue. In addition to a change in the livelihood of 63.40% of respondents. The majority of respondents who changed in  livelihood are become the sellers.
Kajian Pengembangan Kampung Nelayan Malabero yang Terintegrasi Dengan Kawasan Wisata Kebun Keling Deslei Aulianti; Mussadun Mussadun
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Agustus 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Malebero regency is located in the coastal city of Bengkulu with a majority population of livelihood as a fisherman. Kampung Nelayan Malabero has great tourism potential, both in terms of ecology and society’s culture. Malabero fishing village is located in the famous tourist area and the historical area in Bengkulu. Some tourist sites in this area are Tapak Paderi and Fort Malborough. Although the location close to the tourist areas, Malabero fishing villages looks like slum area and gives contrast impression to tourist sites that close to the village. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts for the development of Kampung Nelayan Malabero that integrated with Kebun Keling tourist area. The method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data used in this study were collected through interviews with Malabero fishing village’s community, tourists and other related agencies, literature studies and observation. The samples that taken in this study using snowball sampling technique. Based on the survey and analysis results that Malabero fishing village has the potential of tourism development which can be integrated with Kebun Keling tourist areas such as the development efforts for both regions.

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