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Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research discusses about Kenya policy towards Arms Trade Treaty. Kenya is a victim of the proliferation of illegal weapons, which worsens domestic conflicts. Kenya was part of six ATT sponsor countries, which is Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, Finland, Japan and the United Kingdom. At the regional level Kenya is incorporated in The Nairobi Protocol which discusses the control, prevention and reduction of illegal weapons with other African countries in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes of Africa. But in 2013 when ATT was adopted by the United Nations through a voting channel to become a resolution, Kenya took an anticlimax stance which initially supported and played an active role in the formulation of the resolution changed and choose abstain. This study tried to answer why there was a change from Kenya which initially supported the ATT and actively participated in the formulation of ATT to become passive by not taking action when ATT was adopted as a UN resolution. This study uses the Foreign Policy Decision Making framework described by William Coplin who emphasizes that in decision making in a country there are three determinant factors namely domestic political conditions, economic and military capabilities and an international context that encourages a country to take its foreign policy. This study found the reason for the refusal of the ATT ratification by Kenya was due to Kenya's unpreparedness to adopt ATT into its national law, concerns from Kenyan leaders about the relationship between ATT and the ICC and concerns that ATT could weaken Kenya's military capabilities.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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The United States is a country that takes HIV and AIDS cases seriously. They has seen HIV and AIDS as a threat and to overcome this threat, they launched a program called PEPFAR. PEPFAR is a program that has a goal to overcome the problem of HIV and AIDS, especially, in developing countries. Of the many continents in the world, the African region is an area that, it can be said, is highly preferred by PEPFAR to seek HIV and AIDS prevention in the region. Because, the number of HIV and AIDS cases in this region is very high. This research aims to describe the threat of HIV and AIDS in the African region. Using qualitative methods and analysis with the human security approach, it is known that the efforts of the United States to overcome cases of HIV and AIDS in the African region through PEPFAR are driven by the United States' concern for the threat of health security in the African region.
Analisis Trade Transparency Unit dalam Mengatasi Trade Based Money Laundering di Amerika Serikat Tahun 2004-2016 Dewandani, Nur Islamia; Wahyudi, Fendy Eko
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Trade Transparency Unit (TTU) cooperation was officially formed by the United States on 2004. The cooperation aimed to overcoming Trade Based Money Laundering (TBML) crime. This research aimed to analyze which factors most likely affected the formation of that cooperation (TTU). Quantitative research method was used in this research with independent variables such as GDP, Distance, Trade, membership of FATF and Egmont Group to the dependent variable TTU cooperation. By using the modification of gravity model and membership of international organizations toward TBML, this research obtained some results. That some independent variables such as GDP, Distance, Trade and membership of Egmont Group were significant to TTU cooperation meanwhile the membership of FATF was not significant to TTU cooperation.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Indonesia faced menace of transnational bribery problems within the escalation of international trade flows, yet Indonesia does not have rule settling transnational bribery. Indonesia is one of four countries in G20 who have not ratified OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. Whereas, as an ACWG G20 member, Indonesia is required to obey the Action Plan which one of the points is to ratify the OECD convention. This study aims to understand the background of Indonesia’s postponement policy of ratifying the convention related to Indonesia’s status as ACWG G20 member. Using non-compliance concept of compliance theory and qualitative method its is known the factors that resulted in the attitude of postponement policy, such as ambiguities in the interpretation of ACWG Action Plans, the incapability of Indonesia to fulfill the preconditions of OECD convention, and the influence of temporal dimension which influenced Indonesia primary priorities to improve the economy and the development of infrastructure as stated in Nawa Cita.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Money laundering through the football sector according to the FATF report can be present through several channels, one of which is betting activities that in practice has a close connection with match-fixing. The linkages between the two is carrying a complex and broad dimension. This is not separated from the role of Singaporean criminal organizations that involved in many cases throughout the world. In responding to this, Singapore took two crucial policies as a handling effort after previously not recognizing that its country was the base of the perpetrators of betting activities and match-fixing. This research aims to describe and analyze the influence of the FATF Recommendation which is understood as the AML / CFT regime towards Singapore in handling related cases. The conceptual framework used is the concept of an international regime from Krasner (1983) and Barkin (2006) by using a rationalist approach that has a focus of discussion on the regulative effects of a regime in influencing a country's attitude or behavior. This study shows that changes in attitude through a policy adopted by Singapore in handling betting activities and match-fixing as an influence of the process of "accepting" and "complying" with FATF recommendations.
Upaya Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia Menangani Kasus IUU Fishing: M. V. Hai Fa 2014 – 2017 Pamase, Fitriani Mutiara; Utomo, Tri Cahyo
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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In December 2014 the act of IUU Fishing occured in Papua waters conducted by Hai Fa motor vessel from China. Regarding this matter KKP made various efforts to resolve it and uphold the spirit of eradicating IUU Fishing. KKP has taken various efforts through national law by registration of the lawsuit to the Ambon District Court and appealed to the Maluku High Court as well as collaboration with other international organizations such as Interpol, IMO and the United Nations from 2014 to 2017. Responding to this, the study of this case aims to explain the various efforts taken by the KKP as well as the extent to which efforts can be carried out in handling the IUU Fishing case practiced by M. V. Hai Fa. Besides that the research also aims to describe the phenomenon of IUU Fishing in Indonesia as well as various driving and inhibiting factors in this case. This study uses the Regime Theory which links the procedures for handling IUU Fishing Hai Fa with regime expectations reinforced by the concept of non-conventional maritime sovereignty which focuses on economic, social and environmental areas doubled with the concept of maritime security which focuses on blue economy and human resilience which discusses economic sustainability, maritime ecosystem, food security for fisheries products and threats to the work of traditional fishermen. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive research types that utilizes interview and literature sources. The final result of this study shows that the various efforts taken by the KKP in handling the M. V. Hai Fa case from 2014 to 2017 did not produce results in accordance with the KKP's expectations. Responding to this, KKP should bring the Hai Fa case to ITLOS if It want to pursue the case further.
Kerjasama Indonesia dan Thailand dalam Menangani Kasus Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing di Indonesia Rikzan, M. Alvin; Susiatiningsih, Hermini
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Indonesia is an easy target for IUU actors (Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated) fishing due to abundant marine resources. IUU fishing is a problem that can not be underestimate because inflict many disadvantages for Indonesia. In handling IUU fishing, Indonesia requires cooperation with other countries, especially with neighbour countries to solve the problem. This research is aimed to studying the cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in handling IUU fishing. For analyzing the cooperation, this research use liberalism theory with qualitative method, and explanatory-based research by doing some literature studies. In this research we can see that cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand produces Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which are expected to help handling IUU fishing. With this cooperation, all the factors of IUU fishing shall be solved.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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The emergence of public distrust of the oil and gas giant ExxonMobil Indnesian was proven by various accusations that were filed for environmental pollution by ExxonMobil. The accusation was filed because there were several cases which resulted in an increase of temperature, gas leakage, and other charge that threatened human security. The thought framework used in this study uses the theory of good governance, human security, and also the preacautionarry principle. This type of research is descriptive-explanatory with qualitative data analysis techniques through data collection of library techniques. This study provides results that ExxonMobil isn’t the cause of environmental damage carried out in the Cepu Block exploration area. Through the results of the PROPER obedience (Corporate Performance Rating Assessment Program) applied by the Government, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility),  the implementation of the Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) as a guide in doing business, and enviromental care efforts carried out by the company  was enough to dismiss these environmental pollution allegations.
Kerjasama Pemerintah Republik Afrika Tengah dan UNICEF dalam Menangani Kasus Perekrutan Tentara Anak di Republik Afrika Tengah Kristy, Rahellia Bayu Stella; Pattipelohy, Shary Charlotte
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Continous humanitarian crisises in the Central African Republic are instigated by the armed conflicts involving underage combatants also known as child soldiers. Set against this phenomenon, the Goverment of Central African Republic is trying to overcome the issue by initiating collaboration with UNICEF, hoping to put an end to the use and recruitment of said underage soldier operating and fighting throughout the territory of the Central African Republic. The objective of this research is to analyze the existing collaboration between the Republic of Central Africa and UNICEF by firstly, describing the conflict in the Central African Republic and then followed by tabling the factors that enable the recruitment of the children of the war, and as well providing anlayses on the UNICEF’s role in hattling the case of child soldier recruitment and the obstacles that the organization has to endure from its attempt of doing so in the region of Central African Republic. This research employs qualitative method by collecting data from books, NGO’s reports, and mass media. The explanation about the collaboration between UNICEF and the Central African Republic is given by utilizing the standpoint of Liberalism together with the perspectives of the concepts of Cooperation and International Organization, respectively. This research concludes that the presence of a number of obstacles in the collaborative work between UNICEF and the Goverment of Central African Republic has been the primary reason that made the collaboration between the two actors, arguably, has not been entirely and fully succesful.
Analisis Implementasi Kerja Sama Filipina dan Amerika Serikat dalam Penanggulangan Aksi Terorisme di Filipina Wardani, Linda Ayu; Utomo, Tri Cahyo
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Terrorist acts in the Philippines come from terrorist groups such as MNLF, MILF, JI, NPA, and ASG, who have existed long before the events of 9/11 that hit United States. Not only are they created a number of losses to the Philippines but also to the United States. Military or non-military counter-terrorism cooperation with the United States is one of the Philippines' efforts to overcome the terror of these groups. This study aims to determine the implementation of counter-terrorism cooperation between the Philippines and the United States in dealing with act of terrorism in the Philippines from 2010-2016. This research was analyzed by using the framework of liberalism. This research was done by using qualitative research method with descriptive research type. The results of this study indicate that counter-terrorism cooperation between the Philippines and the United States has been quite successful as evidenced by the approval of military cooperation with the establishment of the JSOTF-P program to train AFP and PNP SAF, then ATA programs to train PNP SAF. In addition, from non-military cooperation, the humanitarian and development assistance from USAID is also used to build Mindanao communities, especially those affected by act of terrorism. However, the cooperation has not completely reduced the high number of terrorist attacks and captured all the most wanted terrorists in the Philippines.

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