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Journal of International Relations Studies
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Journal of International Relations seeks original manuscripts that provide theoretically informed empirical analyses of issues in international relations, as well as original theoretical or conceptual analyses. The journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field.
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Articles 32 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018" : 32 Documents clear
Analisis Kebijakan Penenggelaman Kapal sebagai Kebijakan Strategis Pemberantasan Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing di Indonesia Tahun 2014-2017 Munawar, Musthafa Hadi; Putranti, Ika Riswanti
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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IUU (illegal, unreported, and unregulated) fishing is addressed as a crime that has caused many losses for Indonesia. To deter the IUU fishing problem, Indonesia has initiated a vessel-sinking policy as a strategic policy. The mentioned problems in this research are why Indonesia implemented the vessel-sinking policy as a strategic policy to deter IUU fishing. In answering the research problem, researcher used the paradigm of constructivism, the concept of identity, and the concept of maritime power as an analytical tool. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with explanative research types through literature study techniques. The vessel-sinking policy as a strategic policy implemented by Indonesia is the result of the act of identity-acquiring as a maritime power carried out by Indonesia. As a country that has maritime superiority, Indonesia has an interest in maintaining its maritime territory from acts of fishing that harm Indonesia. The vessel-sinking policy as a strategic policy is an action prompted by the interests of Indonesia to maintain its maritime superiority
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Transnational crime is an important issue because the threat impacts take place across the borders of two or more countries. Armed violence by the Mexican Drugs Trafficking Organization is increasingly threatening the security of Mexico, due to the access of weapons smuggled from United States. The Merida Initiative was signed in 2008 with the aim of adressing the threat of transnational organized crime. But in 2007-2012, the number of smuggling of weapons continues to increase. This research then aims to analyze the constraints on Merida Initiative implementation in combating the smuggling of small arms and light weapons. This research uses the neoliberalism paradigm in understanding the inhibiting factors of the success of a cooperation, thus explaining the cause of the increased number of smuggling weapons after Merida Initiative was signed. The results showed that the inhibiting factor in combating the smuggling of small arms and light weapons is the absence of mutuality of interest. The absence of mutuality of interest is explained by the responses that are given not in accordance of what was expected from other country. The absence of mutuality of interest results in a tendency for a state to prioritize the national interest above the common interest.
Analisis Kelemahan Rezim European Union Emission Trading Scheme dalam Menghadapi Carousel Fraud pada Tahun 2010 – 2015 Wibowo, Muhammad Faris Hersanda; Wahyudi, Fendy Eko
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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European Union Emission Trading Scheme as the world largest carbon trading regime, has launched in 2005. From 2005 until now EU ETS has been pass three phase, which every period has a significant change on EU ETS regime. Carousel fraud is one of fraud which harms European union member states, in EU ETS carousel fraud is make EU country loss their GDP until 5 billion euro in 2011. EU ETS regime is struggling to counter this fraud, in order to secure their member states from carousel fraud in the future EU ETS through European Commision recommend anti-fraud mechanism which every country should implement. But not all states comply with the recommendation from European Commision. This research is struggling to find out why not all EU ETS member states comply with European Commission recommendation. For the record, EU ETS is “classic” fraud which also happens in many Europe commodity market. This research purpose is to find out why there is no consensus among EU member states. This research uses qualitative research method with international regime theory and compliance theory to analyze regime and states behavior. According to the result of this research, national interest is the main reason why states not meet the consensus, non-states actor also playing significant rules in EU ETS and them also responsible for carousel fraud which happens in EU ETS.
ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) dan Penyelundupan Tekstil Asal Tiongkok di Indonesia Agustina, Dyah Ayu; Windiani, Reni
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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This thesis aims is to analyze the effect of trade agreement between Indonesia and China in ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) for smuggling of Chinese textile in Indonesia on 2015-2017. This thesis begins with the descriptions of textile trading’s conditions respectively in Indonesia and China, textile trading between the two countries, textile trading between China and ASEAN, and an explanation of information on Chinese textile smuggling that occurred in the port of Batam. This research’s methode uses qualitative method with explanative type of research and analyzed by collecting data obtained from interviews, books, journals, reports of previous researchers and mass media. The range of research on this screening is from 2015 to 2017. The explanation of the effect of ACFTA on Chinese textile smuggling in Indonesia uses neoliberalism theory and the concept of free trade and deregulation. The results of this study indicate that the concept of deregulation in ACFTA is realized by the decrease of Chinese textile import duty to 0% makes Chinese textile imports in Indonesia cheaper than the domestic. This has resulted in losses for textile businessmen and guiding them to find ways to avoid losses by smuggling Chinese textiles through the port of Batam.
Analisis Serangan Drone dalam Aksi Counter Terrorism terhadap Hubungan Amerika Serikat dan Pakistan pada Masa Pemerintahan Presiden Barack Obama Tiolina, Jessica; Paramasatya, Satwika
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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The United States and Pakistan have decided to establish a counter terrorism cooperation since the 9/11 incident. This cooperation was initiated by President George Bush as an effort to fight the terrorists. The United States uses drone attacks in counter terrorism operations because they considered drone as a very effective weapon to reduce the number of victims in an arm conflict. The counter terrorism operations was implemented again during the administration of President Barack Obama. Since elected as president, President Barack Obama increased the number of drone attacks in counter terrorism with a targeted killing strategy. The cooperation which initially went well then experienced high tensions due to drone attacks that killed thousands of people in Pakistan. Drone attacks really affected the relations between the United States and Pakistan during the President Barack Obama’s administration. The result of this research indicated that drone attacks affected the relations between the two countries, the tensions between the United States and Pakistan were generated by the high number of drone attacks.
Perekrutan dan Radikalisasi Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Hongkong oleh Jaringan Kelompok Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Periode 2014-2016 Andayani, Agata Eta; Putranti, Ika Riswanti
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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This thesis discuss the phenomenon of Indonesian Female Migrant Worker in Hongkong who recruited and radicalised by ISIS group network in 2014 to 2016. This research aims to analyze why ISIS group network recruit and radicalise Indonesian Female Migrant Worker in Hongkong in 2014 until 2016. This research is an explanative research type that use qualitative method by collecting data from primary and secondary source by doing interview and collecting data from book, journal, report and mass media. The range of this thesis is from 2014 to 2016. This thesis elaborate recruitment and radicalisation concepts, New War Theory and woman and terrorism perspective as the tool of analysis. This thesis resulted in the factors that push ISIS to recruit and radicalise Indonesia Female Migrant Worker from 2014 to 2016. That factors including (i) social and environmental condition of the Indonesian Female Migrant Worker itself, (ii) internet convenience of Indonesia Female Migrant Worker in Hongkong, (iii) economic factor and (iv) gender factor.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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This study discusses Indonesian policy towards the AATHP agreement. Since the first AATHP haze agreement was formed in 2002, the Government of Indonesia has refused to ratify the agreement for almost 12 years. However, in 2014 a policy change occurred, with the Indonesian Government finally ratifying the agreement. This policy change raises the question, why Indonesia finally changed its policy towards AATHP. In explaining this research, the author uses the framework of liberalism theory to answer changes in Indonesian policy towards AATHP. Liberalism considers that this policy change is caused by the support of actors in Indonesian domestic politics. These actors in the form of private groups, interested actors and individual actors have become their own causes in Indonesia's policy changes to AATHP. Private groups, individual actors in domestic politics and interest groups are key actors in influencing how the Indonesian government takes its decisions on the AATHP agreement. In addition, support from ASEAN countries as well as the existence of domestic political turmoil were also the cause of the Indonesian Government finally changing its policy towards the AATHP agreement.
Peran Rezim Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) dalam Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Negara Anggota Terhadap Rezim Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) Internasional (Studi Kasus : Software Piracy di Vietnam Tahun 2007-2010) Rachmah, Adinda Gusty; Putranti, Ika Riswanti
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Intellectual Property Right is a sensitive issue for developing country such as Vietnam. Accession to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) at 2008 and approval TRIPS Agreement makes Vietnam engaged in a system to guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights. TPP is a free trade agreement that is projected to be a 'comprehensive and high standard free trade agreement' in the trans pacific region which aims to liberalize trade in almost all sectors of goods and services. This research aim to obtain an overview and analysis of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its relation to the crime of intellectual property rights, explaining the implementation of TPP in Vietnam in overcoming intellectual property rights. International Cooperation theory and International Regime theory are used to explain the fact and phenomenon and also as base in building the arguments to answer research questions. Built arguments are sourced from conference proceedings, report, protocols, conventions and other literature sources which are processed in qualitative way based on the theories which resulted an explanative argument as a research answer. The result of this study is Vietnam has joined the TPP but in its implementation of intellectual property rights were far from compliance with the TRIPS Agreement. Vietnam has not been able to comply with the commitments of this agreement because it could not provide sufficient protection and strict law enforcement towards the infringements.
Kepentingan Amerika Serikat dan Prancis dalam Intervensi Kemanusiaan di Libya pada Tahun 2011 Utomo, Adhika Isthianto; Windiani, Reni
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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United States and France were the two countries that had high involvement in humanitarian intervention in Libya in 2011. In fact, the humanitarian intervention process was deviated from the original goal of humanitarian intervention which was for humanitarian reasons. This indicates that the United States and France have their own interests behind humanitarian intervention in Libya. This research aims to analyze the interests of the United States and France in carrying out humanitarian intervention in Libya in 2011. In this study also briefly explained how the conflict in Libya occur until the UN Security Council gave a decision to intervene. This study uses qualitative and explanatory research methods with two data sources, primary and secondary data. The theoretical framework used in this research is Neorealism theory. From the research that has been done, there are three interests of the United States and France in carrying out humanitarian intervention in Libya. The First is the interests of the United States and France to control oil in Libya, and the second is the political factor of the United States and France, and the third is the interest of the United States to overthrow the Muammar Gaddafi regime.
Journal of International Relations Volume 4, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

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Tourism in Thailand has become a special attraction for local and foreign tourists to visit Thailand, especially for the purpose of sex tourism. The large number of sex tourists for sex tourism in Thailand is growing. Many children in Thailand who become child labor especially become Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). One of reason why this happened caused by the development of tourism sector in Thailand. Children who work as prostitutes are one form of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC). CSEC is one of the transnational crimes in which the crime of CSEC can be done in one country or more. This study aims to find out what is done by the government and the impact experienced by victims. The results obtained in this study are the Government of Thailand to make Child Protection Act and Anti-Trafficking in Person Act as one of the real forms of child conversion.

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