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Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
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Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.442 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3106


Human Resources is one factor that has important part of employee cooperation progress. Remember the interest of Human Resources, so the company should pay attention for any factors that affect Human Resources to cooperate. Which one is culture organization and also a good motivation so that could influence the employee to work adapted by standard and override their self-interests. Meanwhile, employee who have job satisfaction will maximize their work to increase employee cooperation.             The type of this research is using explanatory research. The resulting primary data is processed by using interview that consists of research instrument such as questioner and guiding question, and for the secondary data obtained by observation. Population of this research is all of PT. Janur Kuning Kudus workers that contained of 90 employee. Sample calculated by census technique because it has a homogen population's character and fulfill the term of conditions as sample research. Data analyzed by validity test, reliability test, cross tab, correlation simple linear regrecy, double linear regrecy, co-efficient determination, significance test and path analysis model to analyze the relation of causes-conclusions that occurred to double regrecy if independent variables affect to dependent variables directly and indirectly.              For the result, there are direct influences of culture organization variable (X1) to job satisfaction variable (Y1) at about 0,504. Motivation variable (X2) affects to job satisfaction (Y1) at about 0,204. Culture organization (X1) affects employee cooperation (Y2) at about 0,216. Motivation (X2) to employee cooperation (Y2) at about 0,345. Job satisfaction variable (Y1) to employee cooperation (Y2) 32,3 percent sub. While, indirect influences about affection of culture organization variable to employee cooperation variable through job satisfaction is 0,162792. And affection of motivation variable to employee cooperation variable through job satisfaction is 0,065892.
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Citizen Brand dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian AQUA Galon di Semarang Barat Taruli Sibarani; Apriatni Endang Prihartini; Reni Shinta Dewi
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.147 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3111


This study aimed to determine the effect of product quality, brand citizen, and promotion on purchase decisions AQUA gallon in Semarang barat. Type of research used in this research is explanatory research with 100 respondents drawn using purposive sampling technique. The method of analysis used in this study using linear regression analysis using SPSS for windows. The result of research showed that quality of product has a significant effect (partial) on purchase decisions AQUA gallons in Semarang barat  18.2 percent. Citizen brand has a significant effect (partial) on purchase decisions AQUA gallon in Semarang barat  37.7 percent. Promotion also has a significant effect (partial) on purchase decisions AQUA Gallons in Semarang barat 8.6 percent. Quality of product, citizen brand and promotion simultaneously have the effect on purchase decisions AQUA Gallons in Semarang 37.9 percent
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.202 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3065


This study aimed to determine the effect of cultural variables and the company's commitment to corporate social behavior within the company employees of PT. BRI (Persero) Branch Semarang. The population in this study were employees of BRI Semarang branch office. Samples were taken 60 respondents. Measurement scale using a Likert scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test with SPSS 15.00. Based on the survey results revealed a corporate culture category expressed a strong 71.7%, 70% category of the company's commitment powerful states, and categories of social behavior in the company (78.3%) stated either. F test results and corporate culture variables firm commitment variables are jointly significant effect on the social behavior of the variables in the company Fhitung> f table (4.0099> 24.031) so that Ha is accepted. The employees have a shared commitment to the work culture that generates social behavior and provide a positive impact to the company. Means to establish good cooperation between employees on corporate culture has a strong commitment to continue working in the company. Suggestions are given for PT. BRI (Persero) is to further improve the social behavior of the employees in the company should have a social life by providing the best service and It should further increase the commitment of employees to achieve work satisfaction.
Pengaruh Gaya Hidup (Life Style), Harga (Price), dan Kelompok Referensi (Reference Group) terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Telepon Seluler Blackberry (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Program S1 Angkatan 2009 Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro) Afrida Fatharani; Nawazirul Lubis; Reni Shinta Dewi
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.788 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.2857


High of competition motivated costumer to selective measures in purchase decision. Consumers purchase decision affected by many factors, between life style, price, and reference group. Based on that, problem in this research is decline of Blackberry user amount at 2010 in over midst rise of user amount in every year during 6 latest years. This research purpose to find out whether have influences between life style, price, and reference group on purchase decisions.This research used explanatory research. From 239 research population taked 71 respondents as sample with Simple Random Sampling method. Collecting data used questionnaire. Analysis data used correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, regression analysis, t test, and F test.The Result this research show that life style, price, and reference group have positive influence and significant on purchase decisions in partial (with result as bis as 40,6%, 41,7%, and 50,8% for each variable) as well as in simultaneous as big as 70,6% with reference group gave biggest influence.For Research in Motion (RIM) proposed to create with catchy design and establish price fits specification and product quality cause many competitors offering telephone cellular product with more excellent specification along with attractive features with affordable price like telephone cellular with Android operating system.  For next research need to research about factors be sides life style, price, and reference group influences on purchase decisions
Pengaruh Persepsi Bunga Bank dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap MInat Menabung Pada Bank BNI Syariah di Kota Semarang Asih Fitri Cahyani; Saryadi Saryadi; Sendhang Nurseto
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.358 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3120


Most of people in Indonesia have recognize a bank, but they know an Islamic banking in 1991 when Muamalat Bank first use syariah principle, with the “dual banking system” policy from Bank Indonesia, conventional banking can oper for syariah unit exercise. One of conventional banking that serve syariah unit exercise is BNI 46 with the name BNI Syariah. The fundamental aim of this research is to find out the effect of the interest perception and service quality to saving interest on BNI Syariah in Semarang. Type of this research is explanatory with 100 respondents taken using quota sampling, purposive sampling and  incidental sampling so that the sample of this research consist of 63 respondents (customers of BNI Syariah Ahmad Yani) and 37 respondents (customers of BNI Syariah Unisula). According to the result of regression analysis, this research shows that the interest perception ang service quality are significantly influence to saving interest on BNI Syariah in Semarang 36.3 percent and 47.2 percent. So that, it is recommended to management of BNI Syariah in Semarang to maintain and to educate their customers so they know the different between conventional and Islamic banking.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.852 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3107


PDAM is a company who have to proceed drinking water or clean water in order to maintain public welfare. Work environment and compensation is supporting factors to reached an optimal job satisfaction. A company’s goal will be achieved as well as job satisfaction get higher.The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of work environment and compensation on employees job satisfaction at central Office PDAM Semarang. The type of this research is Explanatory Research with data collection techniques by interviewing using questionnaire. Analysis of data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test with SPSS 16.0. While hypothesis testing using the t test, f test, correlation coefficient, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that working environment has an influence on job satisfaction with a correlation coefficient of 0.464 and a coefficient of determination of 21.5%, the compensation has an effect on job satisfaction with a correlation coefficient of 0.522 and a coefficient of determination of 27.2%, the working environment and compensation together have influence on job satisfaction with the equation Y = 4.150 + 0.107 X1 + 0.237 X2. This means a good working environment and compensation, it will get higher work satisfaction.The conclusion of this research is work environment and compensation has an influence on job satisfaction. Suggestion for the company, needs to improve the working environment in order to give a comfortable workplace and the company needs to review the compensation policy for its employees so that employees feel satisfied, and in the end they will be more motivated to improve their environment.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.575 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3055


Human resources becomesone of the factors that encourages the creationo the company’s competitive advantages over competitors. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of training and incentive toward employee’s performance of marketing divison PT. Nasmoco Gombel Semarang. Type of this research is explanatory research. Number of samples taken are 30 respondents with census method or examine the whole population. Collecting data using questionnaires. Hypothesis testing using statistical analysis includes correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, t-test and F test. Result of this study showed that the training had an influence on the employee’s  performance by 58,3% and incentive had an influence on the employee’s performance by 58,4%. Then training and incentive together have a significant influence on the employee’s performance by 64,4%.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.706 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.2820


This study aims to determine the most dominating factor between psychological factors, social factors, and personal factors / personal in influencing decisions PLN use prepaid electricity system and also to know the perceptions of consumers about prepaid electricity system. The research was conducted through descriptive research. The number of samples in this study amounted to 94 respondents were taken by purposive sampling technique. Measurement scale with a Likert scale. Data collection by interview using a guiding question and questionnaires. Analysis of the test data using factor analysis with SPSS 16.0.Statistical calculations it can be concluded that the personal factor variables / personal (X3) dominance is very strong, with the acquisition of a value of 0766. Psychological factor variable (X1) strong dominance, with the acquisition value of 0.692. Variable social factors (X2) dominance is strong enough, the acquisition value of 0.515.The conclusion is that the respondents felt a strong psychological factor in the decision category of prepaid electricity use, social factors in the category is strong enough for the decision of prepaid electricity usage, and personal factors / personal in a very strong category for decisions using prepaid electricity system. PT PLN (Persero) should consider social factors in order to attract more consumers to use or switch to a prepaid electricity system by way of more intensive socialization of the prepaid electricity. It is also recommended to management to improve the ease of the procedure can reload prepaid electricity anytime and anywhere. Improve the management of services to suit customer needs, such as providing complete information on the use of prepaid electricity system and provide ease of provision of purchase of prepaid electricity pulses.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.817 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.3112


The soundness of the bank is used as a benchmark for bank management to assess whether the management of the bank had was done in line with the sound banking principles and in accordance with applicable regulations. PT.BPR Setia Karib Abadi Semarang is one company that is engaged in banking carries on business as Rural Bank. In the normal course of business of PT. BPR Setia Karib Abadi Semarang experience performing loans which fluctuate each year thereby affecting the company's financial performance and earnings. The purpose of this study to determine the influence of financial performance with CAMEL method to total loans at PT. BPR Setia Karib Abadi Semarang.This type of research is explanatory research. In this study took a sample of 4-year quarterly financial statements of the year 2009 - 2012. Technique analysis data using simple linear regression and multiple regression, with significance testing using the t test and F test with SPSS tools 17.Based on the results of analysis of CAR variable does not affect the amount of lending and give a contribution of 11.3%. KAP variables did not affect the amount of lending and contributed 0.02%. PPAP variables affect the amount of lending and influence contributed by 52.5%. ROA variable does not affect the amount of lending and give a contribution of 7.2%. ROA variable does not affect the amount of lending and give a contribution of 21.2%. LDR variables affect the amount of lending and influence contributed 70.7%. NPL variable does not affect the amount of lending and give a contribution of 0.03%. Overall financial performance of the variable does not affect the amount of lending. Conclusions and Suggestions for the company. Financial performance PT. BPR Setia Karib Abadi in healthy condition in rate of the years and have strange influence to total loans.Company mus be order to always strive to maintain the condition of its financial performance and careful - cautious in lending to bank soundness is maintained with a healthy category. Because PPAP and LDR influence on lending.
PENGARUH MOTIVASI, DISIPLIN KERJA DAN PRESTASI KERJA TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA (Studi kasus pada bagian produksi PT. Kimia farma (persero) Tbk Plan Semarang) Muchammad Taufan; Handoyo Djoko Waluyo; Reni Shinta Dewi
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.349 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jiab.2013.2851


Productivity is a measure that is often used to determine the effectiveness of the organization. An organization can not flourish if their employees work productivity also increased especially with the high level of competition that exists in the business world. Motivation, discipline and work performance have been found to increase employee productivity. Therefore these three things need to be considered by the management company in order to increase employee productivity. PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang is one of the state-owned company that manufactures drugs. This study uses an associative approach to the 62 respondents with sampling purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, questionnaires and literature study. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by using tools such as cross-table analysis, validity, reliability testing, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing with the t test and F test with SPSS 17. These results indicate a positive significant effect between motivation toward work productivity of employees of PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang where t (14.701)> t table (1.670), a significant difference between the positive work discipline to employee productivity PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang where t (15.585)> t table (1.670) and a significant difference between the positive achievements of the labor productivity of employees of PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang where t (17.007)> t table (1.670). There is a significant positive influence between work motivation, work discipline and work performance of the employee productivity PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang where F count (149.641)> F table (2,76). The coefficient of determination for the work motivation variables (X1), labor discipline (X2) and work performance (X3) accounted for 88% of employee productivity PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Plant Semarang, while 12% are influenced by other factors. Suggestions can be submitted is a portion of the company must give priority to larger or better application of motivation in the company, due to the influence of motivation on employee performance is lower than the effect of labor discipline and job performance on employee productivity.

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