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Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah
ISSN : 26204789     EISSN : 26157993     DOI :
Focus and Scope 1. Learning History at school 2. Learning History in college 3. History education curriculum 4. Historical material (local, national, and world history) 5. History of education 6. Historical material in social studies
Articles 16 Documents
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Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (90.019 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12126


Medan has grown really fast since the farm development in Deli, East Sumtara has begun in the end !9th century. The development contributed a great impact to the development of the area sorounding East Sumtra. The cities surrounding the plantation had developed fast. Medan is one of the cities that develeloped as the impact of the wide development of the Ducth’s colonial platation, followed by a great migration to that area from various nation. One of the most important development was Medan as a growing publishing center, both for book and mass media, such as magazine and news paper. The publishing figures came from various races, ethnics, and cultures, particularly from Aceh, Minangkabau, Java, Mandailing, and Batak. In addition, foreing publisher also existed, such as Europ, China, and India. Medan press development was good in the movements era, it considered as equal as Batavia, Surabaya, and Padang.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (38.997 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12121


Since the reformation happened to this country, publications on several main events, which were sometimes causing some resentment, have been appeared. They include a widespread corruption issue involving executive, legislative, judicative or private elements; a notorious issue of a house member caught up as he played his gadget to watch a porn video; as well as an issue of a ruined PSSI congress held on May 20, 2011.  Then, why don’t we, as a nation well known for its decency and friendliness, show our tolerance? What is wrong with us? As this question showed up to the ground, there were also excuses replying; we are not ready for democracy, our leaders are indecisive, our education system was so messy, and so on and so forth.To analyze this, we can refer to a certain past moments. Koesome Oetoyo, in ‘Pewarta Prijaji’, August 1900 explained that priyayi were those who worked as clerk, teacher, foreman, police agent, and etc. Koesome Oetoyo, in ‘Pewarta Prijaji’, August 1900 explained that priyayi were those who worked as clerk, teacher, foreman, police agent, etc. Accordingly, those involving in the aforementioned cases are priyayi, even a high class priyayi. This article focuses on study of modern elite society and national movement in Java since 1900-1942.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2852.624 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12116


Malaysia is a heterogenic country as the nation is formed by multiracial.  Thus, national stability and racial harmony are depending on how relationship among ethnics is enhanced and preserved in order to form a strong nation state.  The government is fully aware that educational institutions are the most important  disseminators of unity values in enhancing the nation of Malaysia.  Schools are the main disseminators through curriculum development and evaluation towards values of unity and national integration, in restoring understanding on the nation and the country.   The Curriculum Development Model is the foundation of the research proposal to serve as an implementation manual to inculcate values of unity through History Curriculum.  The implementation involves  five  relevant constructs  in defining curriculum, involving comprehensive efforts in providing  students education, which are: (1) textual contents (text books)  (2) pedagogical elements, (3) inculcation of values, (4) usage of teaching aids and (5) assessment. This research evaluates the relationship among the five constructs towards the elements of racial unity in establsihing the nation state of Malaysia, with the demise of prejudiced and racial gap.  The comprehensive curriculum empathizes on the importance of holistic unity components to ensure that the inculcation of values is successfully done through multiple dimensions.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (62.789 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12127


This Working Paper is actually a wide research plan of its effort to review Indonesianess spirit which is lately facing a hard test and challenge. The odd thing is the threat to Indonesianess continue to occur when the age of NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) becomes older and older (currently, the age is 66 years old) and the macro economy is developed more (included in G20 Countries), the world respects formal existence of any country, human rights, the information technology development becomes more sophisticated.There are sufficient reasons to prepare indications that the glue for Indonesianess becomes more fragile and experiences deterotiation process. The question may arise: awhat is the glue and adhesive material for Indonesian people and what is the function of the flue and adhesive material in formation and development process of Indonesian nation? This glue and adhesive material are very important because Indonesian nation is formed by various and different ethnic, social, religion, race which in pre-Indonesian era, they became the cause of any serious conflict. Moreover, in many cases, race and ethnic become the glue in formation process of nation. In relation to the question concerning the glue and adhesive material in Indonesian nation formation process, leaders of the first national movement quoted Ernest Renan opinion that the collective wish and hope (in order to become a nation) will become the glue and adhesive material of the nation itself. He said that a nation is a soul, a  spiritual  principle. 
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (44.921 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12122


Since independence Indonesia’s military has played an active role in defending the territorial integrity of Indonesia. For example, the military has been used to put down rebellions in various regions, such as Darul Islam in West Java in 1948, the Acehnese rebellion that was led by Daud Beurueh in 1950, Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia (PRRI), the Revolutionary Government of the Indonesian Republic) in West Sumatra in 1958, and Piagam Perjuangan Semesta Alam (Permesta) Charter of Universal Struggle in North Sulawesi in 1958. Disagreements with central government policies were the cause of these rebellions since they were intended to change the central government, not to achieve separatism. In addition, in 1961 a military operation was used to support the claim of Indonesia to West Irian (now Papua). By carrying out a military operation and negotiating with those giving support from the United States, in 1969 Indonesia succeeded in its goal of claiming Papua as a part of Indonesia. The success in pulling Papua into Indonesia’s territory did not directly stop the military operation there because the military had to maintain order in the region to frustrate the Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM), Free Papuan Organisation, separatist movement that began in 1964 and continues to the present day
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (41.569 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12117


The above objectives of history education clearly indicate that history education aims at the development of students awareness of time concept; scientific knowledge of the society in the past in terms of their values, ways of thinking, attitudes and achievement; skills for understanding and generating  knowledge of the past; attitudes towards history as what happened in the past society, and history as a science that reconstruct the past . To put it in a simple way the objectives suggest that students should have knowledge about the past scientifically and this knowledge is gained through the application of historical thinkings and skills.  The objectives also suggest  that history education should  prepare students for their roles as a citizen who loves and is proud of the country, the nation and their past achievement. Further, the objectives place history as an education media for preparing the students for their future lives. Big potential of historical education is developing the nation’s identity.  Historical education is a vehicle that gives opportunities for young generations to conduct self identification as a member of this nation. History education potential in developing the nation with heroism,leadership, and willingness to sacrifice.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.63 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12128


We are still reminding that the long-term multidimensional crisis, the peak moment was in 1997-2000, was the worst experience in term of politic, economy, and law crisis after the Indonesia independence.The crisis may refer to a state-nation in turbulence (chaos) which many observers called as “A Country in Despair”, a country that is not only experiencing a disaster but also drowned in a deep despair. Indonesia’s multidimensional crisis had opened all the “masks”, to its most hidden parts.This multidimensional crisis- in despair, emotionally, and sinically- had showed Indonesia as "a heap of delusions", no more nationalism, heroism, justice, unity, honesty, or proud. In conclusion, the old institutions survived with no dignity This article focuses on Indonesia Nationalism’s Challenge In the Globalization Era.We are still reminding that the long term multidimensional crisis, the peak moment was in 1997-2000, was the worst experience in term of politic, economy, and law crisis after the Indonesia independence.Crisis may refer to a state-nation in turbulence (chaos) which many observer called as “A Country in Despair”, a country that is not only experiencing disaster, but also drowned in a deep despair. Indonesia’s multidimentional crisis had opened all the “masks”, to its most hidden parts.This multidimensional crisis- in despair, emotionally, and sinically- had showed Indonesia as "a heap of delusions", no more nationalism, heroism, justice, unity, honesty, or proud. In conclusion, the old institusions survived with no dignity This article focuses about Indonesia Nationalism’s Chalange In the Globalization Era
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (34.1 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12123


Indonesia is a multiethnic nation that has various physical characteristic and culture. Each ethnic has its own characteristic, the skin color, langguage, art, custom, social structurem and cultureThese variousity of human and culture is a form of human adaptation process into the different environment as the result of the wide archipelago area. In the process of a country development, since the independence era until today, it seems that one particular ethnic has a different development level to the other. In fact, today there is a high tendency of discrepancy among ethnics, whether it is the aspect of economy, social, technology, politic, or culture. This discrepency has an implicatioin of horizontal conflict trigerred by the jelousy regarding the matter of economy, social, culture. The ethnic of madura is one of some ethnics in Indonesia with a high rate of migration. They live in several area of Indonesia, particularly Java, Sumatera, and Kalimantan. Due to the natural resources limitation in madura, about 70 % Madurese live and reside the Madura island (Djojomartono, 1985). They work in various sector, particularly the informal sectors, services, and fisherman. This article is based on research focused on interethnic relationship and social harmony: social interaction between Madurese and other ethnics in Sumenep regency. 
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (876.558 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12118


This study explores the process of economic development of Surabaya residency in the period 1830-1930 and its implications for the natives’ economy. The indicator of economic development is focused on export of agricultural and export-import activities of Surabaya in 1830-1930. The natives’ economic progress will be seen at the level of their income. The minimum standard used to measure the level of prosperity is the per year income of a native.The rise and decline of the Surabaya economy during the period of Cultivation System and the liberal period can be observed from the export of agricultural products and the value of the foreign trade surplus. The highest value of foreign trade surplus in the Cultivation System period occurred in 1850s. At that time the overall value of foreign trade surplus of Surabaya showed was 0.54 per cent. The highest foreign trade surplus in liberal period was 0.96 per cent which occurred in 1920, when the price of sugar was rapidly increasing. The implication of the economic development of Surabaya for the native can also be differentiated between the period of the Cultivation System and the liberal period.  In the period of the Cultivation System the economic condition of people was really miserable, especially in sugar cane plantation areas. The hardship of the people in Surabaya was describe by the nineteenth-century historian Hageman as temporary slavery (tijdelijke slavernij). The economic condition of the people in Surabaya in liberal period can be considered prosperous, especially after the abolishment of the compulsory work. In the city of Surabaya which was the capital city of the residency, as a result of the expansion of trading, shipping and industry, employment was abundant and the people became prosperous too. After 1870 a skilled laborer (tukang) in the capital city of Surabaya received an income of 1.00- 1.50 guilders per day. The depression of the people resurfaced when the economic crisis hit 1930s. As a result, much investment went bankrupt. In addition, a number of development projects of the government had to be stopped which resulted in increasing unemployment.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Nationalism and History Education
Publisher : Prodi. Pendidikan Sejarah FPIPS UPI dan APPS (Asosiasi peneliti dan Pendidik Sejarah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2421.866 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/historia.v12i1.12113


National Integration covers the arrangement of culture, territory, power, value and behaviour. Basically, the integration process is a horizontal change for the view of local to national or even international people and vertical change of elite group establishment having power legitimation. Integration process in Indonesia experiences up and downs and it will not enable to satisfy any and all related elements. It is started by national revival to establish the independent country, to find the fit and proper governance, to build a country to be strong in the economy field and then find the independence in liberal democracy nature. National integration is processed in accordance with the history development.

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