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Asesmen Struktur Gedung Kantor Camat Nongsa Batam Murni, Cahaya; Rahmadi, Agus Parwito; syafii, syafii
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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Kondisi bangunan gedung Kantor Camat Nongsa Batam mengalami retak struktur yang menyebar pada beberapa bagian struktur bangunan. Retak tersebut secara visual terlihat adanya lendutan pada balok struktur, hal ini dikhawatirkan bangunan sudah tidak aman lagi sesuai fungsinya. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan pada komponen struktur bangunan serta mengetahui tingkat keamanan struktur pada kondisi eksisting bangunan. Tahapan asesmen yang digunakan yaitu tahapan asesmen awal dan asesmen detail. Tahapan analisis dilakukan terhadap kondisi kekuatan komponen struktur. Proses asesmen dilakukan melalui pengujian lapangan. Pengujian di lapangan menggunakan peralatan Schmidt Rebound Hammer Test untuk mengetahui kuat tekan beton dan mutu beton, Waterpass, Theodolite, , dan meteran untuk pengukuran geometris bangunan. Analisis data menggunakan ETABS V9.7.2. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa kualitas beton pada bangunan gedung ini bervariasi pada kolom 21.71MPa, balok 29 MPa dan Plat 30.6 MPa. Pada balok lantai dua ( 87%) dan balok lantai tiga (84%) mengalami lendutan yang sudah melebihi nilai batas lendutan yang diijinkan sesuai ketentuan di dalam peraturan yang ada. Nilai interstory drift terbesar 18.637 mm. Perlunya rehabilitasi pada komponen struktur sehingga direkomendasikan adanya perkuatan struktur pada komponen struktur. Kata Kunci : asesmen, pengujian, defleksi, interstory drift, analisis data, komponen struktur, perkuatan.
Design And Properties Of Split Mastic Asphalt Modified With Retona At Hot And Arid Region Almahdi, Mohammed; Setyawan, Ary; Yulianto, Budi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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The use of Retona as the additive material in the hot mix split mastic asphalt with a certain comparison is expected to improve the quality of the split mastic asphalt. This study aimed to determine the extent of Marshall properties (Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient, VITM, VFWA, and Air Void), ITS and UCS test at (30ºC, 40ºC, 60ºC) and Permeability Test. The objective of that is a comparing the results between SMA (AC 60/70) and SMA modified with retona to know the properties if to be used at hot and arid region. In comparison with the results of Marshall Test SMA modified with Retona and SMA (AC60/70) are : the stability value is higher by 11.52%, the flow value is lower by 11.89%, the marshall qoutient value is higher by 26.65%, the VITM value is lower by 1.93%, the VFWA value is higher by 90.57%, and the Air Void value is lower by 9.34%. The ITS value of SMA without Retona is higher than SMA with Retona is 49.28 % at temperature 40oC. The UCS value of SMA without Retona is higher than SMA with Retona is 18.99 % at temperature 30oC. The SMA modified with Retona is less sensitive to temperature changes by using ITS and UCS test compared with SMA without Retona. The coefficient of permeability value of SMA with Retona is higher than SMA without Retona 294% at water pressure 10000 dyne/cm² and by 348 % at water pressure 20000 dyne/cm². Where find that the mixtures are Practically impervious. Keywords: Split Mastic Asphlat (SMA), Retona, Marshall Test, ITS & UCS Test , Permeability test.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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ABSTRACT   Flood is known as a disaster that usually comes suddenly, and therefore, people are not prepared. As a result, it causes a dead loss, both human and material. In order to anticipate flood, some dikes have been built. Bengawan Solo dike has changed through time. Damages along the dike have been identified and followed-up by conducting some improvements to make it function well. However, since the repairs are carried out based on the occurrence of landslide or burst, there are many portions of the dike that are damaged but receive no rehabilitation. In fact, in some portions of the dike crossing densely populated settlements, there are many buildings cutting through the outside part of the dike base. Furthermore, portions of the dike in that area have been transformed to street with uncontrolled load. For example, it is found that some vehicles loading construction materials passing on the dike. But, in fact, this sort of loading has not been predicted in the planning. Hence, it is important to foreknow the benchmark of dike performance to assess the performance of dike before landslide or burst occurring. This research was conducted to the Jurug-Mojo portion of Bengawan Solo dike. It is 1.317 m long and is divided into 13 portions, each of which is 100 m long. The parameters applied in this research were cross-section, dike elevation and data about land, while the variables were debit, gravity acceleration, water surface elevation, soil pore index, shearing force, specific weight, and friction angle. There were 3 (three) methods proposed to assess the benchmark of the dike performance, including reliability assessment, dike surface assessment (PCI Mmethod) and dike stability assessment (Bishop Mmethod). The findings of the research are as follows. The maximum debit that can be embanked by the dike is 1,489 m3/s; the reliability index is 0.675; the PCI index is 59.4 (good); the dike stability index before overtopping is 2.771 (stable); the dike stability index when overtopping is 1.075 (unstable), the water stability index when lowering 1 m is 1.775 (stable). Keywords: dike, reliability index, stability, PCI (Pavement Condition Index)
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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AbstractStiffness modulus of asphalt concrete mixture is one of the most important parameters for the flexible pavement design that is very susceptible from temperature and time loading. The stiffness modulus here may be defined as a measure of the load spreading ability of material. The stiffness of asphalt mixture can be measured through various laboratory researches and empirical methods. Various laboratory researches have been employed to measure this property of asphalt such as indirect tensile modulus test, ITSM.The aims of this research were to achieve the viability of using asphalt 60/70 pen with different temperature on strength and stiffness modulus on thin layer HMA (4 cm) compared to Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (6.8 cm). The other purpose is to get to know the effect of the using thin layer HMA (4 cm) in different climate region. All of the asphalt concrete mixtures of thin layer HMA and AC-WC which were used in this research based on Marshall Mix design according to Indonesian standard (Bina Marga 2010). The laboratories tests which have been conducted in this research were: indirect tensile strength (ITS), unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) at temperature 10°C, 20°C, 40°C and 60°C.In comparison with the results of indirect tensile strength test, indirect tensile stiffness modulus test and unconfined compressive strength test, it is noticed that the strength and stiffness modulus of thin layer hot mix asphalt was affected by the temperature which the temperature degree might increase to decrease or the way around. From the results of ITSM test for HMA and AC-WC showed that starting from the temperature 20°C to 60°C there is no significant value of stiffness behavior at them. However, there is slight different value at temperature 10°C mixture respectively. Keywords: Thin layer, AC-WC ,
PENGARUH KERUSAKAN JALAN TERHADAP EMISI GAS BUANG KENDARAAN BERMOTOR (Studi Kasus: Jalan Kartosuro- Klaten) Kusdiantoro, Irvan; Setyawan, Ary
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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AbstrakKerusakan jalan yang terjadi di beberapa ruas jalan menimbulkan kerugian yang sungguh besar terutama bagi pengguna jalan seperti waktu tempuh yang lama, kemacetan, kecelakaan, dan lain-lain. Selain itu kendaraan yang melaju dalam kecepatan lambat memancarkan emisi yang lebih besar, dan emisi yang besar berpengaruh pada kesehatan manusia.  Penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh kerusakan jalan terhadap kecepatan kendaraan dan selanjutnya berpengaruh pada emisi kendaraan bermotor. Tahapan penelitian ini meliputi penilaian kondisi perkerasan yaitu dengan metode PCI, kemudian dari hasil penilaian kondisi perkerasan dipilih enam lokasi dengan kondisi perkerasan yang berbeda (excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, very poor) dan dihitung kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan pada lokasi tersebut. Dan tahap selanjutnya dihitung nilai emisi pada enam lokasi tersebut dengan menggunakan softwer mobilev. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada jalan dengan kondisi excellent, kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan adalah 65,38 km/jam dan emisi CO sebesar 20818,63 g/jam/km, emisi CO2 sebesar 1632864,82 g/jam/km, emisi NO2 sebesar 476,39 g/jam/km, emisi Particulate Mass sebesar 168,078 g/jam/km, Emisi SO2 sebesar 4,262 g/jam/km. Dan pada jalan dengan kondisi very poor, kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan adalah 29,09 km/jam, emisi CO sebesar 21393,74 g/jam/km, emisi CO2 sebesar 1671812,447 g/jam/km, emisi NO2 sebesar 488,74  g/jam/km, emisi Particulate Mass sebesar 172,238  g/jam/km, Emisi SO2 sebesar 4,359  g/jam/km. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi penurunan kecepatan rata-rata sebesar  55% pada jalan dengan kondisi very poor dibandingkan dengan jalan kondisi excellent dan terjadi peningkatan emisi gas buang kendaraan rata-rata sebesar 2,49 % pada jalan dengan kondisi very poor dibandingkan dengan jalan dengan kondisi excellent. Maka dari itu sangat perlu menjaga kondisi jalan agar tetap dalam kondisi excellent. Kata kunci: kerusakan jalan, kecepatan kendaraan, emisi gas buang kendaraan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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AbstractSelf-compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight. Many countries have the problem of shortage of conventional cementing materials. Recently there is  considerable  efforts  worldwide  by  utilizing indigenous and waste materials in concrete. One of  such  materials  is  the  rice  husk  which  under controlled burning. Rice Husk Ash (RHA), produced after the burning of Rice husks (RH) has high reactivity and pozzolanic property. The use of RHA in this experiment is expected to determine the effect of RHA on Self Compacting Concrete. The use of Rice Husk Ash of Self Compacting Concrete as a matrix cannot increase the compressive strength of the SCC. Highest value obtained at RHA 0% of 27.18 MPa and RHA 20% of 22.08 MPa. Silica (SiO2) content in RHA of 82.59% (due to uncompleted burning) showed insufficient standard value required to produce optimal CSH bond on concrete,  which is silica content of at least 85% to increase the strength of concrete. Temperature reaction increases due to the increasing of calcium oxide. This condition makes more calcium hydroxide released by cement when cement reacts with water. With the higher of calcium hydroxide so that the adhesion of cement will be reduced and makes the structure weaker and then cause a lower compressive strength. Keywords: SCC, fly ash, RHA, consistency, compressive strength
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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AbstractThe use of Retona as the additive material in the hot mix split mastic asphalt with a certain comparison is expected to improve the quality of the split mastic asphalt. This study aimed to determine the extent of Marshall properties (Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient, VITM, VFWA, and Air Void), ITS and UCS test at (30ºC, 40ºC, 60ºC) and Permeability Test. The objective of that is a comparing the results between SMA (AC 60/70) and SMA modified with retona to know the properties if to be used at hot and arid region. In comparison with the results of Marshall Test SMA modified with Retona and SMA (AC60/70) are : the stability value is higher by 11.52%, the flow value is lower by 11.89%, the marshall qoutient value is higher by 26.65%, the VITM value is lower by 1.93%, the VFWA value is higher by 90.57%, and  the Air Void value is lower by 9.34%. The ITS value of SMA without Retona is higher than SMA with Retona is 49.28 %  at temperature 40oC. The UCS value of SMA without Retona is higher than SMA with Retona is 18.99 % at temperature 30oC. The SMA modified with Retona is less sensitive to temperature changes by using ITS and UCS test compared with SMA without Retona. The coefficient of permeability value of SMA with Retona is higher than SMA without Retona  294% at water pressure 10000 dyne/cm² and by 348 % at water pressure 20000 dyne/cm². Where find that the mixtures are Practically impervious.Keywords: Split Mastic Asphlat (SMA), Retona, Marshall Test, ITS & UCS Test , Permeability test.
EVALUASI PENYEBAB KETERLAMBATAN DALAM PENYELESAIAN PROYEK KONSTRUKSI (Studi Kasus: Rosalia Indah Group) Puruhita, Hanna Wardani; Suprapto, Mamok; As’ad, Sholihin
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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Proyek Konstruksi merupakan bentuk kegiatan yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu terbatas, dengan sumber daya tertentu, untuk mencapai hasil dalam bentuk bangunan atau infrastruktur. Dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi sering terjadi keterlambatan yang disebabkan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Keterlambatan proyek konstruksi dapat didefinisikan sebagai terlewatnya batas waktu penyelesaian proyek dari waktu yang telah ditentukan dalam kontrak, atau dari waktu yang disetujui oleh pihak terkait dalam penyelesaian suatu proyek. Keterlambatan proyek akan menyebabkan pembengkakan biaya serta hilangnya peluang untuk mengerjakan proyek yang lain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab, dampak, dan cara mengatasi keterlambatan proyek yang dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada 30 kontraktor yang berperan penting dalam proyek-proyek besar di Rosalia Indah Group. Dampak keterlambatan proyek dapat diindikasi menggunakan indikator biaya, waktu, dan pembayaran yang terlambat. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Validitas dan reliabilitas data dianalisis diuji dengan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Kemudian hasil analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) supaya didapatkan bobot dari hasil survey kuisioner. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh prosentase prioritas kriteria 5 faktor keterlambatan proyek di Rosalia Indah tertinggi yaitu: terjadinya perubahan desain oleh owner, perubahan spesifikasi pada saat proyek masih berlangsung, adanya pekerjaan tambahan, pelaksanaan jadwal proyek yang tidak sesuai, dan kekurangan tenaga kerja. Semua proyek yang diteliti mengalami keterlambatan dan berdampak pada pembengkakan biaya. Cara mengatasi faktor keterlambatan tersebut yaitu dengan cara owner tidak mengubah desain sewaktu-waktu dengan kapasitas yang besar.Kata Kunci : Keterlambatan proyek konstruksi, faktor, ranking, dampak, cara mengatasi, SPSS, AHP. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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Abstract Unexpected delays in construction projects are caused by owner,contractor, or a third party in which several types of delays may occurconcurrently. The effect of delays does not only influence the construction industry but the overall economy as well. As such, the objectives of the presented research in this paper are to identify, study, the factors that caused the delay in project duration. Simulation-based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Were collected the data from owner and companies in Ghat, Libya. The model is implemented to the collected data, which show robust results. Based upon collected the data for the project of 3000 Houses in Ghat. The priorities according to the analysis of hierarchical (AHP) are from the questioners, the most important in this problem of project is Management conditions ranked first at 0.470. The next is Project conditions ranked 0.370 the last Environmental conditions ranked at 0.160.This result is to the real case study of project. In management the result problem, payment delay and Time to make Decision and productivity uncertainty of labor is big problem from management condition. The Project conditions are the second problem from the project. In project conditions the result problem, material availability is biggest problem from project condition. The environmental condition is the third problem from the project. In environmental conditions the result problem, labor strike and shortage of human resources is largest problem from environmental conditions. Keywords: Factors, Delays, construction,  AHP, Libya. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

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AbstractHot arid region is a region when it is characterized by a severe lack of available water and has a high temperature like Australia and Africa. In this condition, hot mix asphalt (HMA) thin surfacing is chosen for road preservation. This study is aimed to study about modified asbuton for hot mix asphalt by thin surfacing overlay.For bitumen modified, researcher used three types of asphalt (asphalt penetration 60/70, retona blend 55 and polymer SBS) specimen which be add with 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5% and 7% for each sample with thickness of 30mm. Moreover, for the temperature test, it was tested at 20oC until 60oC. The test showed that polymer SBS can be used as a binder for alternative industrial asphalt in flexible pavement at hot and arid region. Polymer SBS is good material that has same sensitivity in the different temperature. Result of marshall test showed that Polymer SBS more stable than asphalt penetration 60/70 and retona blend 55. Polymer SBS also has the highest density. Retona blend 55 has the better result for the test average that was conducted in this study.Keyword: HMA, thin surfacing, asbuton, bitumen, hot and arid.

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