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Motivasi Masyarakat Desa Mire Terhadap Perlindungan Hutan Di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Kecamatan Ulubongka Kabupaten tojo una-una Septian Rulianto; Adam Malik; Andi Sahri Alam
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Population growth around the protected forest will increase the threat damage caused by uncontrolled land clearing which can damage the ecosystem environment. This study aimed to know people motivation in Mire Village, Ulubongka Sub-district, Tojo Una-Una Regency of protected forest area. Method of this study was qualitative descriptive, through collecting primary and secondary data. Both of these data were obtained from interview result with the respondent and some supporting data such as village government and literature study. Data analysis used Likert Scale 5-3-1, to find out how far community motivation toward protection forest in protected forest area in Mire. The result of this study indicated that ecological motivation is still quite dominant with a percentage (98,82%) by being in the motivated category compared with economic motivation by (62,35%) and social motivation (97,84%) in relation to regional safeguards of protected forest area in Mire. Ecology motivation is encouraged by the strong desire of people in Mire to preserve its forest area, including the preservation and ecosystem stability that will be maintained in the future. In an effort to protect the forest in Mire, people do replanting of critical lands and establishing village regulations along with the strict punishments for people violate the rules. Keywords: People Motivation, Protection Forest
Strategi pengembangan industri rotan di kota palu sulawesi tengah studi kasus cv. Bone layana jaya Rasdiyanah, .; Umar, Syukur; Sustri, .
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Forest product in Indonesia especially in Central Sulawesi has a very important role in the effort of  national and regional development evenly, because it will improve the state income and also provide job opportunity. In case that rattan is the most important nonwood forest product in Indonesia and one of superior commodity of Central Sulawesi. Since seventies, Indonesia has known as the biggest exporter country of rattan raw  material in the world. The aim of the research was to find out the development strategy of rattan industry in Palu City of Central Sulawesi, case study of CV. Bone Layana Jaya. The reasearch was conducted in Bone Layana Jaya Palu Central Suawesi Province, it was from March up to the month of May 2015. The analysis method that used in the resaerch was SWOT analysis with 2 strategy formulas, they were Internal and External (IE) strategies then SWOT matrix could be decided. Based on Grand Matrix  Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) was on the point of 3.49 and analysis  External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) was on the point of 3.27, the obtained rate on Matrix SWOT showed the strategy used in the industry more emphasized to WO (Weaknesse-oppurtunities) strategy, it was Government Contribution in Industry Development.  Therefore, in the curve of  Grand Matrix Strategy, the position of  enterprise industry was on quadrant I, it showed that the industry faced the environment that relatively had a bigger opportunity to handle its weakness.Keywords : Sulawesi Forest (Rattan),  Internal/External Strategy, SWOT matrix.
Komposisi Jenis-Jenis Pakan Anoa Di Kawasan Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Tadulako Kecamatan Bolano Lambunu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong Tangkoro, Iver Thomas Pirimoi; Labiro, Elhayat; Korja, I Nengah
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Sulawesi is one of island which large and imprortant in Indonesia. Geographically, the island including  as Wallacea area. The area consists of Sulawesi island, Maluku, Banda Island, and small islands in Nusa Tenggara. The are of forest education has the width ± 6000 Ha which has diversity of flora and fauna. The species of flora that were found in this area are woody and not woody plants, meanwhile the fauna consisted of mammals, aves, reptiles, amphibians etc. There were some species of endemic fauna and rare as well as endangered, it need to preserve. One of them is Anoa (Bubalus sp). The study used was descriptive method. In deciding sample, it applied purposive sampling based on traces, puddles, resting place, and foraging of Anoa (Bubalus sp). Plant species that can be forage for Anoa (Bubalus sp) were 30 species of forages vegetation type that found 22 types become the forage of Anoa (Bubalus sp) either tree level, pole, sapling, and seedling or undergrowth . The highest of INP value on the tree level Lengaru ( Macaranga hispida (blume) Mull Arg ) is  44,660 %. At the pole stage, there is Ara ( Moraceae ) 44,281 %, the sapling level is Jongi (Podocarpus nerifolius d.don) 52,820 % and seedling or undergrowth is fern (pronephirum sp) 34,386 %Keywords: Anoa, Compositition, Educational Forest
Tingkat Erosi Berbasis Data Spasial di Das Taipa Kota Palu Palar, Eddy Sugandi; Akhbar, .; Arianingih, Ida
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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This the study was conducted in Taipa, Palu Utara Regency of Palu City. The aims of this study to identify the attrition rate based on slope and river flow pattern used SPOT 6 of 2014 in Taipa watersheds. Method of the study was classification technique of image SPOT-6 2014, which to classify the river flow patterns and the gradual slope to find out the level of erosion in Taipa watersheds, Palu Utara Regency of Palu City. The results of calculation through image SPOT 6 of 2014 along with data covering this study that a very large erosion rate occurs at level 3 is 1181,02 ha, which is based on the relationships between slope classes and river flow. Based on data analysis of Rate of Erosion Hazard (TBE) the greater value of erosion rate then greater also the erosion hazard, so that the appropriate action is needed to reduce the level of erosion hazard in order to minimize the extent of changes that might occur. The value of X2 = 60.398,37, T table = 32.000, then 60.398,37 > 32.000 = Ha is accepted. Based on T counted and T table, then it can be found there is a correlation between the rate of erosion and slope classes used image SPOT 6. It can be stated that T counted is greater than T table. This correlation is based on the assumption that the other variables are same, which different only the slope. If the other variables are not similar, for examples rockresistance or the different land cover, then the correlation would be different also.Keywords: Erosion Rate, Spasial Data, Watersheds Taipa
Analisis citra landsat untuk mengestimasi potensi karbon Di atas permukaan tanah di kawasan hutan pendidikan Universitas tadulako Misra, .
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Information of aboveground carbon stock can be obtained convensionally, which request cost, power, and time. That is necessary to acquire technologi of remote sensing and global information system (GIS). The objectives are to estimate potency and distribution aboveground carbon stock using landsat 7 ETM image in forest education of Tadulako University. The research method  is supervised classification, normalized vegetation indeks (NDVI), field measurement (dbh), and alometric equation to estimate biomass. The study result showed that total aboveground carbon stock was  751.400, 26 ton. 377.286,53 ton in primary forest, 364.241,27 ton in secondary forest, 715,10 ton in scrubs and 9.157,37 ton in mixed farms. Keywords  : Aboveground Carbon Stock, Landsat 7 ETM image, Forest education
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Lore Lindu National park (TNLL) plays significant roles on ecosystem protection and biodiversity supporting system of such kind of floras and faunas. The aims of this study are: 1) to identify the conflicts in TNLL, 2) to identify the roles of stakeholders, and 3) to arrange the collaborative programs as an effort of conflict resolution in TNLL. The study had been done in Dongi – Dongi village of TNLL. There are three methods of analysis has applied for this study i.e., spatial analysis method, stakeholder ansysis (4 Rs), and descriptive analysis. According to Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 464/Kpts-II/1999, July 23rd 1999, the total area of TNLL is 217.991,18 ha. Based on the study the land occupancy increase from 3.078,86 ha (1,41%) to 3.299,74 (1,51%) in 2010 and became 3.840,64 ha (1,74%) in 2014. The study has also identified the stakeholders who are involved in management of Dongi –Dongi such as BBTNLL, BPKH, BPDAS, Local Government, FPM, Community, NGOs, and Universities. It can be concluded that collaborative management of TNLL is the most reasonable resolution to resolve the conflict in Dongi – Dongi. Keywords: Resolution, Collaboration, Lore Lindu National Park
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Block utilization is block whicnh functiones as the planned area to utilize limitedly according with the provision of forest legislation in the area. Forest management is always addressed to get the optimum benefits, understand the advantage of forest, implies the maning of all any types of benefits that can produced by forest. The utilization of timber forest product on the stand forest for various purposes, which done of types that have high economic value. This study aimed at finding in potential of stand block utilization in Karya Mukti village on Model of KPH Dampelas Tinombo. The study used Systematic Sampling with Countinous Strip Sampling. Utilization block area is 40 Ha by size 400 m x 1000 m. The length lines 400 m, then it was divided into 4 plots, so each plots have area 20 m x 100 m or the intesity of the sampling 8%. Data analyzed quantitatively by calculating the stand volume of block utilization, the measured parameter is circumference, diameter and high free branch. The results obtained are there are 36 species with number of stems 293 stems of the highest diameter 60 cm and the lowest 20 cm. Meanwhile for the total number of plot potential on the block utilization 225,59 m³, the total potential of stand are 40 Ha is 2.818 m³/ha.Keywords: Analysis, Potential of Stand, Block Utilization, KPH Dampelas Tinombo
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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AbstractLore Lindu National park (TNLL) plays significant roles on ecosystem protection and biodiversity supporting system of such kind of floras and faunas. The aims of this study are: 1) to identify the conflicts in TNLL, 2) to identify the roles of stakeholders, and 3) to arrange the collaborative programs as an effort of conflict resolution in TNLL. The study had been done in Dongi – Dongi village of TNLL. There are three methods of analysis has applied for this study i.e., spatial analysis method, stakeholder ansysis (4 Rs), and descriptive analysis. According to Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 464/Kpts-II/1999, July 23rd 1999, the total area of TNLL is 217.991,18 ha. Based on the study the land occupancy increase from 3.078,86 ha (1,41%) to 3.299,74 (1,51%) in 2010 and became 3.840,64 ha (1,74%) in 2014. The study has also identified the stakeholders who are involved in management of Dongi –Dongi such as BBTNLL, BPKH, BPDAS, Local Government, FPM, Community, NGOs, and Universities. It can be concluded that collaborative management of TNLL is the most reasonable resolution to resolve the conflict in Dongi – Dongi. Keywords: Resolution, Collaboration, Lore Lindu National Park

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