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METODE PEMBAHARUAN FIQH AL-NISA’ FEMINIS PESANTREN Studi atas Rekonstruksi Fiqh al-Nisa' pada Kelompok Pesantren Tutik Hamidah
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This research is a library research using phenomenological approach to enable the researcher to grasp the object as it is. The primary sources of this research are representative books by pesantren feminists, such as, Masdar Mas’udi, Islam Hak-Hak Reproduksi Perempuan. Dialog Fikh Pemberdayaan (1997), K.H. Husein Muhammad, Fiqh Perempuan. Refleksi Kiai atas Wacana Agama dan Gender (2001), Syafiq Hasyim, Hal-Hal Yang Tak Terpikirkan dalam Fikih Perempuan (2001), Siti Musdah Mulia, Islam Menggugat Poligami (2004), Maria Ulfah Anshor, Fikih Aborsi. Wacana Penguatan Hak Reproduksi Perempuan (2006). To analyze the data, the researcher uses critical and comparative method.The results of this research are (1) in reconstructing fiqh al-nisa, pesantren feminists used four methods; firstly, in understanding the Quran and Hadith, they divide Islamic teachings into two categories, i.e. universal principles (kulliyyat) and operative principles (juz’iyyat). The former signify qath’i (definitive), and the latter dzanni (speculative); secondly, universal principles become a basis to comprehend operative principles, adding it to several other principles, such as the principle of justice, gender equality, deliberation, well-mannered marital relationship (mu’asyarah bi al-ma‘ruf), and mutual help (ta‘awun); thirdly, operative principles allow any changes in accordance with universal principles and its moral value; fourthly, the method used in this research is twofold: understanding the Quran and Hadith in accordance with opinions of exegetes and jurists of both classical and modern period, and using kulliyat and juziyyat analysis and the approach of social science. (2) Method of pesantren feminists proves to be a continuity of Syatibi’s theory on kulliyat and juziyyat; the widening scope of universal principles reiterates Ibn Taymiyyah’s ideas of maslahah; changing the law by emphasizing maslahah (public interest) is identical with al-Thufi’s theory, rendering opinions of exegetes and jurists as the basis for understanding the Quran and Hadith is tantamount to method of Nahdlatul Ulama at Lembaga Bahtsul Masa’il; employing social sciences and kulliyat and juziyyat analysis is parallel with Sahal Mahfudh’s concept of contextual reading on classical fiqh books.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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The concept of child education nowadays mainly adopted from the West which is developed base on secular-positivistic-materialistic worldview although Muslim scholars already developed the concept of child education in past period. However, the researcher identify the gap in Islamic intellectual heritage regarding prior studies on the concept of Ibn Qayyim and Al-Ghazali is in partial and no study was conducted in comprehensive manner with regard to Ibnu Qayyim and Al-Ghazali conception on child education and its implication on contemporary Islamic education.The aim of this study is to compare the concept of Ibn Qayyim and Al-Ghazali on child education and reveals its implications for contemporary Islamic education.This research is a library research. The data gathering technique used is documentation. Data analysis utilize in this research are content, linguistic, concept, history and comparative analysis. The results of this research indicate that the concept of child education according to Ibnu Qayyim and Al-Ghazali have certain degree of similarity than its difference. Their concept developed profoundly insight on human nature, knowledge and values derived from Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Ibnu Qayyim conception on child education classify as perennials-essentials salafi, where is Al-Ghazali conception clasified as perennials-essentials mazhabi. Meanwhile, the concept of Ibnu Qayyim and Al-Ghazali on child nature categories is considered as theory convergences Theo centrism. The mayor differences between two conception lays on utilisation certain key term, some aspects of education discuss separately by Ibnu Qayyim while Al-Ghazali tends to use more general term.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This paper discusses about the making of an application program in mathematics and statistics intended for use on mobile devices (cell phone). This paper also describes the process how the programs created to read the input provided by the user via the textbox and translated as a command to run a number of mathematical and statistical operations which is summarized in a function, and the results are displayed back through the textbox. Several simulations using software that has been made also provided at the end of this paper, including the procedures concerning orders to call the functions defined in it. The defined functions in this software has reached 200 functions consisting of Mathematics and Statistics functions.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Soil is the natural media for growing plants that contains organic materials such as macronutrient, micronutrient and tracer. According to the amount of the nutrient, soil is distinguished into three classifications; they are low nutrient, average nutrient and high nutrient. The amount of the elements influences the productivity of the planted plants. Therefore, soil with low and average nutrient needs a fertilization to increase its productivity. The suggested amount of the administered fertilizer, usually called recommended fertilization, is given after such analysis was done as, soil nutrient analysis; plant tissue analysis or fertilization result analysis. In this research, the recommended fertilization is made based on the soil nutrient of N, P, K, C, Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg and sulfate from the soil sample typed yellow red podzolic which is a kind of soil with average nutrient. The recommended fertilization is made for cacao at the age of 0-1, with the rooting radius 10 cm, the depth 10 cm and the volume weight 1.2 kg/L. The results show that the sample soil needs some additional nutrients of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and sulfate. The need of nutrient from each element is (in gram) 2.753; 0.122; 384.2; 2437.4; 574.5 and 0.05606.
PERSEPSI GURU PAI DI MAN KOTA MALANG TENTANG PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI (Usaha Merekonstruksi Kurikulum Pendidikan Anti Korupsi di Madrasah Aliyah) Rahmawati Baharuddin
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Corruption is one of big problems of Indonesia, every side of this nation has been suffered by corruption. From the lowest upto top level of government. Corruption eradication can not be done quickly but step by step simultaniously. There are many ways and methods that can be applied, one of them is by making anti-corruption curriculum for our students.anti-corruption education is one of moral teachings that has relation with religion study. So that, the researcher takes teachers of subject of Islamic religion as subjects of this study, especially for Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), al-Qur’an-Hadith, and Aqidah Akhlaq in three state islamic senior high schools in Malang City. The focus of this research is to describe how are their perceptions toward anti-corruption curriculum for our student. By using qualitative approach with emic perspective, the researcher finds that there four kinds of perceptions toward anti-corruption curriculum. That are; it should be as one additional subject; it can be supplement for existed subjects; it should be done outside formal education; and it may give in university level. However, the teachers agree that the values of anti corruption curriculum will be put on education institutions.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Atherosclerosis is the primary cause of vascular disease is often fatal as coronary heart disease and stroke. The disease is common in chronic and critical stage, this is due partly because the method of early detection of atherosclerotic disease is less effective and clinical symptoms emerged after at this stage even more critical. Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease and occurs in old age, this causes most of atherosclerosis research conducted only on the chronic exposure for 3 months. Therefore needs to be an early marker of atherosclerosis through the observation of the major risk factors of atherosclerosis (lipid profile) in the early exposure (≤ 1 month or less) at a young age. The enzyme Lp-PLA2 is a non-conventional risk factors found in the latest, the activity produces sdLDL with the result also need to be assessed in the presence acute exposure of diet hypercholesterolemic. The research is an experimental research using mice (Mus musculus) aged 2 months with weight on average 200g, divided into two groups namely the control and treatment group of atherogenic diet. Diet treatment was given 4 weeks. At the end of the study, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL and apoB levels to be measured. To find the difference of these parameters, the data are tested using the test T. In addition, related atherogenic diet influence on plasma Lp-PLA2 conducted literature review and descriptive analysis of Lp-PLA2. The results showed that diet affects lipoprotein  metabolism characterized by very significance effects (p 0.01) increased levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and significantly (p 0.05) lower HDL cholesterol in the blood of mice at exposure for 4 weeks. Atherogenic diet has not shown its impact on apoB levels, which allegedly also had influence on levels of Lp-PLA2 in plasma 4 weeks, but based on literature studies, and levels of Lp-PLA2 activity has increased the exposure of cholesterol and diabetes for a month.
PERILAKU ZAKAT ELIT AGAMA KOTA MALANG (Studi tentang Konstruk Elit Agama Kota Malang terhadap Zakat Profesi) Fakhruddin, Erik Sabti Rahmawati
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2011)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This aim of research is to know how the comprehension of elite religion in Malang City in giving zakat profession. This research method used qualitative research stand on social construction Peter L. Berger theory. The result of this research is all research subjects (Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama’, and Majelis Ulama’ Indonesia) stated that the law of  profession zakat is a must. This is based on general lafadz about agriculture zakat command. On determining nisab for zakat profession, all think that zakat profession is being  qiyas by gold zakat and commercial. The only is there are differences of percentage. Muhammadiyah said the percentage of zakat profession is 2.5 %. But Nahdlatul Ulama’ said the percentage of zakat profession start from 2,5%-3,3%. Besides, MUI stated there are two views, they are 2,5 % and 2,5% - 5% for ihtiyath. The time to give zakat could be direct when getting income or collecting in one year.Key words: zakat profession, income, nisab, haul.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2011)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Conflicts  between  ethnic,  religions,  race  and  inter-community  (SARA) especially between religion members in Indonesia is still going on. It gives image that religion tolerant between members is still low. In the fact, it is not only among different religion but also it is among one religion, especially Islamic member, like physically conflict between Sunni and Syi’ah in Bangil Jawa Timur 2010. So, it needs quantitative research to survey the tolerant value in checking the different mazhab fiqh especially for young generation as like student. So that the problems of this research are: (1) is there any relationship between gender in toleranting mazhab fiqh on the new students of The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki) the academic year2011/2012? (2) is there any relationship between the difference of school background by  toleranting mazhab fiqh on the new students of The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki) the academic year 2011/2012?It is the type of quantitative method survey, data taking technique by non probability sampling-sistematis random sampling, research instrument by skala Likert model and data analisis technique with theta formulation tested with hypothesis chi-square test.The conclusion of this research are: (1) there is no significant relationship between gender in toleranting mazhab fiqh on the new students of The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki) the academic year 2011/2012 (2) there is no significant relationship between the difference of school background by toleranting mazhab fiqh on the new students of The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki) the academic year 2011/2012.Key words: relationship, tolerant in Fiqh thought, gender, school backgroun
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2011)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This research comes from a thoughtfulness of any problems about developing competence of pedagogic teacher in MIN Malang. This research tried to answer problems about developing competence of pedagogic of Islamic teacher doing in MIN Malang 1, and also the positive implication into the increasing of learning quality. The developing competence of pedagogic that was done are: (a) arranging developing planning based on teacher evaluation, (b) doing developing competence of pedagogic through any activities and research of PTK, aim to increase the teachers mutual in learning management, (c) increasing effort, done by government, islam school and especially the teachers indeed. The developing competence of pedagogic of Islamic teachers in MIN Malang 1 implicate positive to the increasing of quality in learning, this was signed by the indicators: a. there is reparation of learning process  appropriate with demand of modern learning world, b. there is reparation of teacher mutual in learning so implicate to the mutual/ achievement the studying result of students, both academic and non-academic.Key words: developing, pedagogic competence, islamic teacher, MIN Malang 1
MODEL PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI PERGURUAN TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM (Studi tentang Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Ulul albab di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) Muhammad Walid
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2011)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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UIN Maliki  Malang  is  one  kind  of  Islamic  University  having  concern  and attention much to the formation of student character. This is marked by the spirit of UIN Maliki trying to deliver alumnus, having spiritual depth, big character, knowledge comprehensiveness,  and  professional  ripeness.  Those  four  concepts  actually  was appropriate with the grand design of character education developed by Kemendiknas, that is the growing of cognitive aspect, affective, conative, and psychomotoric. Those four concepts  of UIN Maliki can also be grouped character education configuration into totality context of psychology process and social-cultural, they are: Spiritual and emotional development, intellectual development, Physical and kinestetic development, and Affective and Creativity development. The model of character education developed by UIN Maliki Malang create ulul albab frame as the basic. Inside of developing the students character, UIN Maliki Malang base on value of the existence of UIN and the vision, mission of the university. Theoritic base that is used as handle in developing character education ulul albab base is Islamic conception. The aim of character education based on ulul albab UIN Maliki Malang are: (1) shaping muslim having ulul albab values; (2) those values are religious, patient, sincere, tawakkal, tawadlu’, istiqamah, surrender, fair, honesty, soft hearted, high spirit, criticize, boarder education, can see natural and social phenomenon appropriately, caring, emphaty, tolerant, cooperation, professional; (3) becoming basic base inhabited all the implementation and academic activity in UIN Maliki Malang. There are night characters taking from ulul albab basic, they are: (1) Religius (patient, sincere, tawakkal, tawadlu’, istiqamah, surrender, fair, honesty, soft hearted, high spirit); (2) criticize (they like to ask) (3) having boarder knowledge; (4) can see natural and social phenomenon appropriately (smart); (5) caring  others;  (6)  emphaty;  (7)  Tolerant;  (8)  cooporation;  (9)  Professional.  Those nights characters be reduced again into five values developed in UIN Maliki Malang, they are: Jihad, Creatif, Inovative, Critis, Religius, Excellence and Smart shortly with J-CRES. The method used in shaping characters J-CRES ulul albab base through: (1) the education program  blending pesantren and university; (2) Tarbiyah Ulul Albab lecturing; (3) Intrakurikuler, kokurikuler dan ekstrakulikuler activities.

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