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Salam MediaTor, Dewan Redaksi
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?Bagaimana kita menjelaskan penerapan dan penggunaan teknologi? Cukup membingungkan memang. Tapi, Dhanik Sulistyarini dan Baroroh Lestari punya kiat khusus untuk coba menjelaskannya kepada kita, pembaca. Dalam pandangan kedua penulis ini, banyak sekali model yang menjelaskan ihwal penerapan dan penggunaan teknologi, khususnya sejak 1980-an. Untuk jenis penelitian dalam penerapan teknologi, misalnya, technology acceptance model (TAM) merupakan teori yang terkenal dan digunakan sebagai model teori. TAM mampu diterapkan untuk menjangkau teknologi yang cukup canggih. Selain itu, model ini juga mampu memprediksi penggunaan teknologi dan penerapannya oleh individu. Inilah sebagian penjelasan Dhanik dan Baroroh ihwal “Pengaruh Karakteristik Teknologi dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan terhadap Penerapan ‘Collaborations Technology Internet Content Filter’,” yang kami sajikan di nomor ini.Isu-isu lingkungan hidup dan kesehatan kini banyak disajikan sebagai berita penting di halaman muka surat kabar. Mengapa berita soal lingkungan ini mendapat perlakuan istimewa, artinya tidak lagi dijadikan buntut liputan berita? Alex Sobur membahasnya dalam “Peliputan Isu Lingkungan dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan”. Dua tulisan tersebut mengawali perbincangan kita di antara berbagai sorotan lain yang kami hadirkan ke hadapan Anda, pembaca. Tulisan-tulisan lain dengan tema berbeda melengkapi sajian kami kali ini. Redatin Parwadi menghadirkan “Studi Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik pada Komentar ‘Opini Anda’ di RRI Pontianak”. Muthiah Umar mengangkat soal “Propaganda Feminisme dan Perubahan Sosial”. Atie Rachmiatie mengkaji “Keberadaan Radio Komunitas sebagai Eskalasi Demokratisasi Komunikasi pada Komunitas Pedesaan di Jawa Barat.”Beberapa tulisan menarik lainnya perlu pula kita simak. “Ulama dan Jawara: Studi tentang Persepsi Ulama terhadap Jawara di Menes, Banten Selatan” merupakan laporan hasil penelitian yang ditulis Karomani. Ferry Darmawan dan Saefudin meneropong isu yang beda, “Kasus Pembajakan Karya Intelektual di Indonesia”. Sementara, Karim Suryadi, mencoba memokuskan kajiannya seputar “Transformasi Loyalitas Primordial sebagai Basis Identifikasi Kepartaian: Kasus Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa dalam Pemilihan Umum 1999 dan 2004,” dan M.E. Fuady mengangkat isu “Cybercrime: Fenomena Kejahatan melalui Internet di Indonesia”.Nila Nurlimah, Ida Nuraini, dan Novi Kurnia, masing-masing membahas “Pengaruh Informasi Kesetaraan Gender pada Rubrik Swara ‘Kompas’ terhadap Persepsi Pembaca tentang Kesetaraan Gender,” “Media Pembelajaran sebagai Pembawa Pesan,” dan “Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Media Baru: Implikasi terhadap Teori Komunikasi”. Sebagai penutup, berturut-turut kami ketengahkan karya Dadi Ahmadi dan Aliyah Nuraini, yang menyoroti “Teori Penjulukan”, Manap Solihat menawarkan bahasan ihwal “Komunikasi Orang Tua dan Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak”, dan Ani Yuningsih menutup semua tema Mediator kali ini dengan mengangkat “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Antara Publisitas, Citra, dan Etika dalam Profesi Public Relations”.Akhirnya, kami berharap, semua tulisan yang coba kami sajikan kepada Anda, pembaca budiman, dapat bermanfaat.PenyuntingAlex Sobur
Pengaruh Karakteristik Teknologi dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan terhadap Penerapan “Collaboration Technology Internet Content Filter” Sulistyarini, Dhanik
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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The purpose of this research was to empirically examine the influence of technology characteristics and task characteristics on the implementation of collaboration technology which is internet content filter. Data were collected using questionnaires. The respondents of this research were 15-19 years old teenagers in Bandar Lampung, which were 100 respondents. The research was conducted at Kecamatan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The results showed that among the two independent variables, task characteristics variable was the dominant variable in influencing the respondents to implement the collaboration technology internet content filter with the value of r partial of 0,317 with t hit=3,289 and p=0,001, since it had the biggest regression coefficient.
Peliputan Isu Lingkungan dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Sobur, Alex
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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The press role, in order to support development process, is undeniable. Such was the case of environmental issue when the news of possible environmental damage appeared as importantreports in the newspaper. Over the last 35 years, environmental issues has moved from periphery to central of state policy—thanks to the press who consistently reported and develop a kind of environmental journalism. This article describes characteristics of environmental report which concentrated more on the cause instead of effect.
Studi Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik pada Komentar “Opini Anda” di RRI Pontianak Parwadi, Redatin
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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This research aimed to investigate the use of public segment and audiences’ mapping of program Kopi Anda or Your Opinion Comment at RRI Pontianak. The research result showed that community’s response towards Your Opinion Comments segment at RRI Pontianak was highly positive. During a six-month research, the number of responses was reaching no less than 230 peoples, consisting of 200 males and 30 famales. There was 178 topics aired interactively and obtained 1.744 responses. On average, a topic was responded by 8 to 13 responses. The most favorite topic was politic (especially those which dealing with government administration). Mostly responses were addressed to executive officers and legislative members. Although the people were enthusiastically in participating to provide suggestion, inputs, and criticisms on the public policy, in terms of provincial or district/municipality, but responses requiring time, fund, and ideas from the people were rarely being cared. One possible reason for such problems derived for the fact that the officers and legislative members have never listened to the radio, despite the power of radio as communication media—therefore, as mediator—between people and their government as well as their representatives in regional legislative institution.
Propaganda Feminisme dan Perubahan Sosial Umar, Muthiah
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Feminist movement was born as reaction toward discrimination, unfairness, and oppressiontoward women in social system. In principle, the movement viewed that the root cause of such problem could be traced back to state development policy eternalized by patriarchal family system and religious doctrines. Upon its socializations, feminist movement utilizes propaganda technique to construct their message in order to provide different communication effects. For over the years, despite pro-cons over feminism, the feminist movement has significantly changed the world’s social system as appear on some levels such as patterns of behavior and human interactions. A solution focused on ethical dimension of Human Development which being framed and reinterpreted in the manner of theological beliefs was needed to increase the result of feminist movement.
Keberadaan Radio Komunitas sebagai Eskalasi Demokratisasi Komunikasi pada Komunitas Pedesaan di Jawa Barat Rachmiatie, Atie
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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The main problem researched in this thesis was the existence of community radios in villages, that was about the roles of function of them correlated with the escalation of democratization in communication. The research was conducted in two Kecamatans that had different characteristics, that was Kecamatan Cisewu which was minim in any information exposure and geographically closed (blank spot) and Kecamatan Wanayasa which was relatively open to access any information. The theory used to study the problem were Habermas Communicative society theory and Uses and Dependency theory. The theory explained the correlation between social system and communication media system at a community. The democratization of communication was explained by Communitarianism Democracy Theory – Tehranian. The research method used was qualitative method with etnography communication. Data were collected through depth interview and focus group discussion. The key informan woman were formal and informal social leaders and the person who managed community radios. Focus group discussion was conducted to group of women, men, youths, and others ot both of kecamatans. Analysis of etnography of communication try to explore the native language, that was sundanese, used by the member of community, wether with or without community media. The result of the research is accordance with research question.The availability contribute awwarness about communication and information right for the community members. The public community process through radio community is the implementation of the daily public behaviour pattern of the community. The process of democratization communication run slower in the closed area, yet it is more dynamic in the opened area.
Ulama dan Jawara: Studi tentang Persepsi Ulama terhadap Jawara di Menes Banten Selatan Karomani, Karomani
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Ulama (religious leader) and jawara (gank leader) become prominent local elites in Menes,South Banten. Long history of those two leaders resulted in amalgamation of both elites:alongside with pure ulama, there is also a group of ulama who is also jawara. Both eliteshave positive perception to each other. Jawara-ulama was perceived by ulama as figures who develop, maintain and preserve Banten cultural art. Jawaras are loyal to ulama and protect ulama as well. On the other hand, jawara from outside of ulama group was negatively perceived, assuming bad habits such as disobedience toward religious principles, bandit, doing many violence act. The perception of ulama toward jawara was affected by a closeness in terms of relationship with jawara, a resemblance of beliefs, values, worldview, religious understanding, prejudice and life experience.
Desain dan Kasus Pembajakan Karya Intelektual di Indonesia Darmawan, Ferry; Saefuddin, Saefuddin
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Design piracy, though considered as serious problems, is often overlooked. This phenomenoncommonly found in Third World countries. The government have been have been employing many ways to reduce piracy, such as adopting Intellectual Property Rights. But the effort to combat piracy was challenged by some parties which benefited from such activities. Piracy, in micro perspective, eliminates fair competition and creates unfair competition. The culture of piracy also harassed and submerged the role of law. Law enforcement toward Intellectual Property Rights is a must. The challenge is how to awaken members of society toward the importance of Intellectual Property Rights.
Transformasi Loyalitas Primordial sebagai Basis Identifikasi Kepartaian: Kasus Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa dalam Pemilihan Umum 1999 dan 2004 Suryadi, Karim Suryadi
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Transformation of primordial loyalty into the political sphere rather than understanding of the substance of the party’s platform is a key factor for PKB’s (National Awakening Party) devotees to adhere to the party. The platform has not been effectively socialized. The practice of the party has not been believed as a requisite condition to create an order society. On the other hand, adhering to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and inclining to submit to orders or wishes of Kiai (Muslim Scholars) is believed among PKB’s voters as a means by which a good community is created(khoerul barriyah). Therefore, since the 2004 General Election, Kiai’s political communication and orientations have become the partisans’ primary roles among PKB’s constituents.
“Cybercrime”: Fenomena Kejahatan melalui Internet di Indonesia Fuady, Muhammad
Mediator Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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It had been long known that technology, as Janus, has two side of coins: the good side,and the bad side. Everybody knows the benefit of technology development. But there aren’t much who realize the negative potent of technology. Cybercrime discussed in this article is an example of how crime was developed sophisticatedly by using technological means. Cybercrime, simply defined as criminal acts using cyber and Internet, has faced a new challenge for lawmaker and law enforcement mission. In Indonesia, carding become serious issues to be combated. Another type of cybercrime frequently occur in Indonesia are hacking and deface. Although Internet user in Indonesia is estimated no more than 5% of total population (4.38 million persons), everybody must attended cybercrime issues seriously. The loss of cybercrime reached unspeakable heights and damaged public safety in communication and information flows.

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