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Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology
ISSN : 20883219     EISSN : 24608467     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Journal of Educational, Health, and Community Psychology (JEHCP) published an article, and empirical study that have originality, novelty and fill the gap of knowledge, that focused on educational psychology, health psychology and community psychology. JEHCP is an open access peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes quality studies related to psychology. JEHCP is interdisciplinary in approach, and includes to reports of qualitative case studies, quantitative experiments and surveys, mixed method studies, action researches, meta-analyses, and discussions of conceptual and methodological issues. The field of educational psychology includes the effectiveness of educational interventions, the psychology of teaching, and the social psychology of schools as organizations, motor skills and other psycho-physiological processes; cognitive development involving areas such as problem solving, language acquisition; social, personality, and emotional development; self-concept and identity formation. The field of Health Psychology includes the stress-related ilnesses, the health coping strategy, resiliency, work on health attitudes and behaviour, health locus of control, quality of life in chronic disease, influence of emotion on health and health-related behaviours, psychological interventions in health and disease as well as psychological aspects of prevention. The field of Community Psychology includes research, evaluation, assessment and intervention, and review articles that deal with human behavior in community settings. Articles of interest include descriptions and evaluations of service programs and projects, studies of youth, parenting, and family development, methodology and design for work in the community, the interaction of groups in the larger community, and criminals and corrections.
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Articles 527 Documents
Mom, why dont you just look for a new good daddy? Womens lived experience in an abusive marriage Nurhayati, Elly
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 1 APRIL 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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This study aimed to understand womens experiences of domestic violence and their decision to terminate the abusive marriage in Yogyakarta. Criterion sampling of three woman survivor of domestic violence was performed. These consented to be interviewed and a semi structure interview guide was used. The women shared their life experiences since the dating time up to the time after divorce. A phenomenological approach was employed to analyze the data, to explore, share, and validate their feelings and insights on their life experiences. From this study numerous factors that facilitated as well as hindered the women to terminate their abusive relationships, and the dynamics of the transition process were identified. The womens experiences reflect the complexity of domestic violence. The womens transformation from victims, meaning women living under the authorities, into survivors, meaning woman with self-autonomy, is demonstrated through their stories. The complexity of domestic violence among Indonesia women is only a little known. By comprehending the complexity of domestic violence, a more visible and practical programs to address the national commitment to improve the Indonesian womens situation can be developed.
Influence of Organizational Justice and Career Success to The Organizational Commitment Nining Kunwantari, Marcham Darokah
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 2 SEPTEMBER 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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This research aims to observe the organizational justice and career success as predictors of organizational commitment are made on the Civil Service. The members measure in Organizational Commitment Scale, Organizational Justice Scale and Career Success Scale. The 96 respondents are civil servants working at the health centre in Kulon Progo District Health Office. The data obtained was processed by Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the hypothesis, it can be concluded that organizational commitment can be explained by significant with p < 0.05 by organizational justice and career success, in the equation : Organizational Commitment = (0.451 Organizational Justice) + (0.483 Career Success). Influence contribution of Organizational Justice is 20.34 % and Career Success is 23.17 %. It gives consequences that organizational justice, career success and organizational commitment have be managed positively.
Social Network Dynamics and Psychological Adjustment Among University Students Fukukawa, Yasuyuki
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 2 No 1 April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Abstract The present study investigated the social network structure in a university class and how it changed over time. In addition, student rankings of social status in the class based on different network centrality measures were compared, and associations between students’ social status and psychological adjustment were evaluated. One university seminar class in which ten juniors and ten seniors were enrolled was followed for six months. Although the class network consisted of some disconnected subgroups at baseline, it became a single group at follow-up. In addition to these structural changes, measures of network integration (density and transitivity) also increased from baseline to follow-up. Comparisons of centrality measures indicated that the information centrality measure best captured the network infrastructure compared to the betweenness, closeness, and degree centrality measures. Furthermore, among the centrality measures, information centrality had the most stable positive association with psychological adjustment. Theoretical and practical implications of these peer network dynamics and adjustment issues are discussed. Keywords: social network, centrality, psychological adjustment, classroom climate
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 2 No 2 September 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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AbstractInterest in the field of positive psychology has been overwhelming. This can be observed from the number of academic conferences and journals attributed to this field. Similar patterns can be observed in Asia where more and more research are concentrating on investigating constructs deemed as important within the field of positive psychology. However, comparable to other fields within psychology, positive psychology cannot ignore the importance of culture. This is especially true in South East Asian context when culture is arguably distinct from the American/European traditions in which positive psychology was originated from. Culture is likely to play a significant role in determining how human strengths are being conceptualized and nurtured and eventually determined a person’s well-being and success as experienced within that particular society. Based on some findings from a research of adolescent’s happiness and well-being in Malaysia, this paper highlights the importance of culture in advancing positive psychology in Asia. More specifically, findings from this research demonstrated the importance of positive psychology in understanding and improving quality of life for certain groups of people in a particular society and illustrated several significant cultural and subcultural differences that can potentially enrich our understanding of positive psychological constructs. Findings also indicated the importance of culturally embedded constructs such as family relations and spiritual elements in contributing to happiness. Finally findings from this study suggested the need to unpack more general constructs such as positive relationships and meanings of life as they are contextualized within a specific culture and the call for further exploration on other constructs related to human positive attributes and strengths.Keyword: positive psychology, wellbeing, culture, and
THE MEANING OF CAREER SUCCESS AMONG JOB-HOPPER IN THE BOUNDARYLESS CAREER (Phenomenological Research) Danita Irianti Malute, Marcham Darokah
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 1 APRIL 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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This phenomenology qualitative research was conducted in order to know the dynamics of career success among job hopper and how did job hoppers interpret the meaning career success in boundaryless career. This research used in-depth interview for collecting the data and supported by the data from the documents. The respondents involved in this research were fours job hoppers in the level of manager, five significant others, such as family, workmate, and a steady career. The findings revealed that: the job-hoppers individuals who frequently movement of job from one place to another place because of intrinsic factors (financial, interpersonal conflict, alternative employment opportunities, etc.), extrinsic factors (challenges, willing to learn, personal characteristics, family, etc.), proponent factors (networking, family support, and media). The meanings of career success among job-hopper in the boundaryless career namely; self-fulfillment (job satisfaction, life satisfaction, meeting personal goals, adding value to others), and work/life balance (family satisfaction and quality time with family). This study showed that being a job-hopper was a tool for pursuing the meaning of career success.
Streaming and Students Self-Esteem: A Qualitative Study on Teachers Correspondence Bias Chin Sook Fui, Prihadi Kususanto
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 2 SEPTEMBER 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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This study was aimed to investigate the effect of students streaming practice in Malaysian secondary on students self-esteem through teachers expectancy. 17 teachers and 20 students from art and science streams of secondary schools in Penang, Malaysia were participated in this study. Unstructured interviews were used on teachers to collect the qualitative data of teachers expectancy. The participating students were from the fourth year of secondary school in Malaysian school system (between 16-17 years old, 10 from science stream and 10 from arts stream) were interviewed in order to collect the qualitative data of teachers perceived behavior and self-esteem. Result of this study shown that teachers expected science stream students to have good academic performance but expected arts stream students to be involved in disciplinary problems. Furthermore, science stream students perceived that their teachers were academically supportive but arts stream students perceived that their teachers were focusing on controlling their behavior. On the other hand, findings of this study also revealed that science stream students possed higher level of self-esteem than arts stream students. Accordingly, it was indicated that teachers perceived behavior and teachers expectancy are correlated to one another, and teachers perceived behavior predicts students self-esteem. It was discovered that teachers expected science stream students to be eager to improve their academic performance, and students from arts stream class were likely to be involved in disciplinary problems. Students were found to be aware of their teachers expectancy, and their perception of teachers expectancy affected their self-esteem. While self-esteem was referred to a discrepancy between a students ideal-self and actual-self, it was discovered that both groups of students pictured their ideal-self differently to each other. Science stream students pictured their ideal-selves as a character with overall success, while arts stream students pictured their ideal-selves as a socially well-functioned character. Nevertheless, arts stream students found to have lower self-esteem. It was concluded that streaming affected the students self-esteem through teachers expectancy and perceived behavior.
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 2 No 1 April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Abstract Earlier researches show effects of self-efficacy on students’ learning and achievement. Self-efficacy has operationally defined as one’s belief that people can successfully perform a given task. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss how self-efficacy developed and the way it influences students’ academic performance in addition to social interaction with peers. A scenario was given to Pakistani schools’ student by solving mathematical problems. Present study was designed to study the impact of self-efficacy on 15 boys, students of the 5th grade of a local school. Hague’s (1990) Urdu Self-efficacy scale was administered. It was found that students with high self-efficacy obtained higher scores on 50 mathematical problems test. Further, content analysis of interviewees’ responses showed that students with high self-efficacy planned to study complex subjects in future. A cross-cultural study is strongly recommended in this issue that determines the students’ future. Keyword: Self-efficacy, Mathematical problems, Pakistani students, Complex course.
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 2 No 2 September 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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AbstractHappiness is an important thing in human life, so it’s not surprisingly that people tend to do anything they could to be happy in their life. So do the Betawi people which is known as the indigenous people in Jakarta. Betawi people now facing the unpleasant reality in spite of their inability to compete with the migrants community who come and dominate the economy growth in Jakarta. This inability to compete, forces the Betawi people to move from downtown to the suburbs of Jakarta. Another impact of this inability to compete is the low level of welfare among the Betawi people, which is in turn, affects their feeling of happy. This study aimed to describe the happiness among Betawi People who lived in Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan, South Jakarta. Happiness questionaire was used to collect the data from 55 Betawi People. This questionaire consist of some open question and some question with alternative choices. Open questions describe the definition and sources of happiness, while question with alternative choices describe the level of happiness. The result showed that the subject of this study is quitely happy. The definition of happiness answered by the subject was categorized then, and finally revealed 7 themes: relationship within the family member, something correlated with material, having a peacefull life, something really important, achieving for what they want, physical health and to share with other people. Meanwhile, categorization on the sources of happiness found 8 sources: relationship within the family, materials, giving happiness to their beloved ones, relationship with spouses, physical health, having children, success and developing Betawi culture.Keywords: happiness, level, meaning, sources, Betawi
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 1 APRIL 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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A number of researchers have found that adolescents who score high on measures of spirituality or religiosity are less likely than their peers to engage in violent or other antisocial behavior (Benda & Corwyn, 2002). This research explores selected spiritual factors (Islamic behavior) that research has indicated may play an important protective role in strengthening resilience in young people and minimizing at-risk behavior that may be associated with school violence in Indonesia. Islamic behavior and manners are supposed to be derived from the Quran and sunnah. In this research, we review the professional literature regarding selected Islamic tenet as they pertain to adolescents and at-risk behavior and consider these factors might be useful in the prevention of youth violence in Indonesia. We use these factors to treat the adolescents from, who were sentenced more than 3 months in Kutoarjo adolescents prison. The subjects were 30 adolescents who were approximately at the same age. Result: there was the important role of Islamic behavior toward youth emotion in prison.
Qualitative Research in Psychology Hanurawan, Fattah
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology VOL 1 NO 2 SEPTEMBER 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Abstract:Qualitative research is a research method studying subjective meaning of participants world about an object researched. Steps of qualitative research in psychology are: researchers select research topic, researchers formulate research questions, researchers design the study, researchers collect data, researchers analyses data, researchers generate findings, researchers validate findings, and researchers write research report. Some of the qualitative research designs are grounded research, phenomenology research, case study research, and ethnography research. In some situations, researchers often meet questions that reach beyond the prescription of the APA ethical guidelines concerning human participants. Researchers of qualitative research in psychology can generalize their research findings to other people, times, or treatments to the degree to which they are similar to other people, times, or treatments in the original research (naturalistic generalization). There are some strategies for expanding qualitative research as a research approach so the methodology can be accepted as one significant method in understanding psychological phenomena.

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