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Analisis Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pemerasan (Studi Kasus Putusan PNTK Nomor: 560/Pid/B/2011/PN.TK) . Kamilatun
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Crime is a form of behavior that is contrary to human morals (immoral), harmful to society and break the law, the problem of evil is unavoidable and is always there, crime and insecurity cause public disorder, development to achieve the welfare of the community, one form of crime or crime is extortion, as in article 368 of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to police efforts to prevent and combat crime in accordance with the Law. 2 in 2002. The issue in this study are: a. whether the legal basis in criminal extortion by ruling case number: 560/Pid-B/2011/PN.TK, The results of this study concluded that: consideration of criminal law decision extortion case number: 560/Pid-B/2011/PN.TK is Article 368 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, the defendant's criminal extortion's. Anugra Imanudin, Hasan Basri and M. Hidayat sentenced to imprisonment for 6 months, factors that cause crime of personal and situational factors. 
Analisis Terhadap Tugas dan Fungsi Jaksa Sebagai Pengacara Negara dalam Perkara Perdata Bambang Hartono
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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In running duty, function and authority of Public attorney pursuant to particular full power to conduct action and legal aid in and also extrajudical deputize importance of civil of state, governmental and society. Referring to this matter problems of this writing  is Attorney function and duty as Public Prosecutions in civil dispute This research use method approach of empiric and normatif, source of data of sekunder Data collecting primary data and bibliography study and field study and analysis qualitative. Result of research indicate that Attorney function and duty as Public Prosecutions in civil dispute for example as straightening of law, giving legal aid, giving consideration of law, giving service of law, and conduct action other law.
Pertimbangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kelas IA Tanjung Karang Tentang Pembagian Harta Bersama Antara Suami dan Isteri Meita Djohan Oelangan; . Kamsari
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Problem of community property is territory of jurisdiction whidh not touched or not thought (ghair al-mufakkar fih). Spouse of wife husband which have divorced even progressively noise with .Problem of community property which complicated, finally back part to progressively  make  conference hot in justice because both side claim even she/he which have rights to get bigger than his/her couple. But, time and social cortex in modern epoch now already different where with limitation and husband skill caused wife to not stay quite and follow to account family economy burden.  If happen  problem of community property must finished wih justice, consideration of judge with ½ : ½ feel not fair according to wife, so that arise a problem, how about consideration of judge in stop the dispute of community property and how about its solution. This research to analyzing considering of judge in comprehending section 97 KHI about divided dispute of community property. Method which used by passing Yuridis Empiris approach. Empiris approach because approach to get divide of community property data among wife and husband to give sense of justice to people. Result of research which get where judge in give considering and fairing just see with casuistis and tend to think doktriner-normatif-deduktif., though regulation about devide of community property  having character absolute. But according to judge to do ijtihad finding a new law to make the people feel fair. Example, if wife have contribution bigger than in community property, while husband is not work and have bad character hence the divide is not ½ : ½ but can other specified, example ¾ : ¼  ( wife get ¾ and husband get ¼, so the rights of wife is protected). 
Implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) pada PT.Kalirejo Lestari Tami Rusli
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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In this time company do not only having legal and economic obligations to stockholder ( shareholders) but also obligations to other partys which is have importance ( stakeholders) pass program of CSR. CSR meant to push behavioral corporate world [of] me more ethical by giving contribution to development of economics in running its effort activity. included of CSR into law and regulation of change over paradigm him of CSR, what initialy initialy have the character of voluntaryly ( voluntary) turn into a[n obligation ( mandatory). As for problem of this research is arrangement concerning social responsibility of company ( CSR) in Indonesia and also social responsibility implementation [of] company ( CSR) at PT. Everlasting Kalirejo. Result of research indicate that Arrangement concerning CSR in Indonesia for example in arranging in Code Number 19 Year 2003 about Body of[is Effort Publik Ownwrship, [Code/Law] Number 25 Year 2007 about Cultivation Of Capital, Code Number 40 Year 2007 about Limited Liability, Code Number 4 Year 2009 about Mineral and Coal, and also Code Number 32 Year 2009 about Protection and Management Of Environment. Implementation of CSR at PT. Kalirejo have walked is good enough, but still there is no Performance Report of CSR done by company. Execution of CSR done by companys in Indonesia still many in the form of development community, charity, or activitys of filantropi. And frequently activity of the CSR not yet been related to three element 3BL becoming key of development of have continuation 
Analisis Tolok Ukur Non Konstitusi dalam Pengujian Undang-Undang Terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 . Baharudin
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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This research study about Analysis Measuring Rod of Non Constitution In Examination Of Code To Constitution 1945, problems focus cover: rule condition and reason of non constitution can be made measuring rod in examination of code to Constitution 1945 at Lawcourt Constitution. Result of research of menunjukan that there are basis for idea enabling of usage of[is non constitution in decision, that is is: First, Lawcourt Constitution in testing Code obliged to dig values punish and sense of justice which live in society pursuant to UUD 1945 as highest elementary law and also Code as formulation of UUD 1945. Both, Praktik Lawcourt Constitution in former decision No. 27/PUUVII/2009, 16 June 2010 for example expressing "... as long as Code, product discipline institute state, and law and regulation arranging formal or mechanism of prosedural that emit a stream of from delegation of kewenangan according to constitution hence that law and regulation can be utilized or considered as measuring rod or acid test in examination of formal". Third, Usage of other Code as base consideration of law exactly to create fair rule of law as determined in Section 28D sentence (1) UUD 1945, and is Fourth, Enjoinment use other Code as base consideration of law [is] to reduce Lawcourt kewenangan as judicial power which independence to carry out jurisdiction utilize to uphold justice and law, and if section of a quo applied hence will limit Lawcourt function and duty in executing kewenangan given by UUD 1945.
Dimensi Moral dalam Bentangan Filsafat dan Teori Hukum Slamet Haryadi
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Expressing justice in law reality will never can penetrate sense of justice because life of construction have by modern life consequence which is materialistis and tend to do not want to strain after, paradigm of Positivism in the form of " modern law" legal of Menampakan character Positivistik. Moralitas to guide to action in role of judge, suggesting to human being to discontinue, to taking, revise and reorganize peran-2 which forming society in culture which is capitalist and materialistis and also not give assessment. Moral ideally earn critical merefleksi [of] problem punish which not be answered by modern law. To this is moral study become important discourse punish us is not platitude again. In Paradigm of Konstruktivisme which carrying Postmodernisme as resistance in philosophy of hermeneutika in the reality have trajectory with paradigm of Aristotellian about how its law [of] law, which both for giving justice.
Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Murabahah dalam Perjanjian Islam Lina Maulidiana
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Financial system and Islamic banking was part of economic concept of Islamic, which aimed to introduce value system and Islamic ethics in economical environment, because based of this ethics so financial and banking of Islamic to class moslem was not merely commercial transaction system, but looked from by many moslems circles as duty religion. Murabahah in Syariah Banking actually not limited marketing in customer that has religious emotional tie (moslem society). Syariah banking service could be enjoyed by everyone, did not depend on religion that professed, along ready to follow business manner that permitted according to syariah that is alliance did not contain gharar (indistinctness), maisir (gambling) and usury (interest) 
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dan Fungsinya Terhadap Penyelesaian Bank Gagal di Indonesia Zulfi Diane Zaini
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Trust of society to industry banking of national represent one of key to look after industrial stability of banking, so that monetary crisis goodness and also expected global crisis not recurred. Trust of society can be obtained with existence of rule of law in arrangement and observation of bank and also guarantee of bank client deposit to increase the continuity of the effort bank healthyly. If bank losing of trust of society so that the continuity of the effort such bank cannot be continued, hence such bank become Bank Fail causing to be abstracted its effort permit. On that account, owner goodness and organizer of related authority and also bank in arrangement and/or observation of bank have to work along to realize trust of society to industry bank. regulation of LPS specify guarantee of expected bank client deposit can look after trust of society to banking industry and risk minimization can encumbering State budget or risk generating moral of hazard. Guarantee of the bank client deposit carried out by LPS owning two function that is guarantying bank client deposit and partake active in looking after banking system stability as according to its. 

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