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Analisis Terhadap Tugas dan Fungsi Jaksa Sebagai Pengacara Negara dalam Perkara Perdata Bambang Hartono
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 2 (2012): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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In running duty, function and authority of Public attorney pursuant to particular full power to conduct action and legal aid in and also extrajudical deputize importance of civil of state, governmental and society. Referring to this matter problems of this writing  is Attorney function and duty as Public Prosecutions in civil dispute This research use method approach of empiric and normatif, source of data of sekunder Data collecting primary data and bibliography study and field study and analysis qualitative. Result of research indicate that Attorney function and duty as Public Prosecutions in civil dispute for example as straightening of law, giving legal aid, giving consideration of law, giving service of law, and conduct action other law.
Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Perempuan Pelapor Selaku Saksi Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Bambang Hartono
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Giving legal protection to women as a reporter / witness issues of domestic violence, witness protection should be consistent with the safety and comfort of physical, psychological, identity of another person with respect to the testimony to be given or have given up a criminal case. The approach used is to approach the problem of normative and empirical approach. The data analysis was done qualitatively The results of research and discussion, it is known that the form of legal protection against the complainant as a witness women victims of domestic violence done thoroughly ranging from prevention, treatment and recovery of victims comprehensively.
Analisis Pelaksanaan Pidana Ganti Kerugian (Denda) dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi Bambang Hartono
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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The corruption criminal based on Corruption law No.31 year 1999 jo CorruptionLaw No.20 year 2001 Change of Corruption law No.31 year 1999, then proved howbig executant deed consequence country loss and furthermore judge determine finemagnitude total that based on paragraph in law that base decision, when does Changeloss criminal not so be can be replaced cage. Change loss criminal can evoke scaredeffect for corruption doing an injustice executant, because besides to change loss,also must endure prison criminal and return state’s finance loss, when does changeloss criminal not paid and they also must endure cage criminal. But in fact, changesloss criminal doesn’t give scared effect for corruption doing an injustice executant,this matter is proven by stills corruption doing, an injustice quantity that in Indonesia.
Upaya Penegakan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Keimigrasian Bambang Hartono
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Relation Bilateral and also multilateral between Indonesia with the other;dissimilar state cause the current go out entry of foreigner become to mount the. Consequence from  that human being movement is to the number of happened by the that good immigration collision is administrative collision and also Doing An Injustice of Immigration like existence of abuse of immigration permit, passport forgery, visa forgery and others by international syndicate organized  and also oknum-oknum foreigner alone, others they conduct the doing an injustice narcotic, prostitution and terrorism,. Strive the straightening of law passing immigration action, not yet full executed. Where straightening of law of doing an injustice of immigration only limited to action imposition which is in the form of administrative do not reaching process criminal justice.
Optimalisasi Nilai Kearifan Lokal Rembug Pekon dalam Pengelolaan Taman Hutan Raya (TAHURA) Wan Abdurahman Propinsi Lampung sebagai Kawasan Hutan Konservasi Berbasis Masyarakat Erlina B.; Bambang Hartono; Anggalana ANGGALANA; Melisa Safitri
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 9, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Optimizing the value of local wisdom Rembug Pekon in the management of the Great Forest Park (TAHURA) Wan Abdurahman as a community-based Conservation Forest area is viewed in a legal and social perspective, is an idea of the management of the Great Forest Park based on the social values of the community based on participatory principles, benefits , balanced and sustainable.The revitalization of Wan Abdurrahman Forest Park in Lampung Province of Indonesia as a communal forest park regarded in law and social perspective is a brainstorming of a communal nature preservation guided by the principle of participation, utilization, harmony, and sustainability. This idea is made for the improvement of Indonesia current policy which is considered for being ineffective due to the construction of “Top Down Planning” where the government is not only as the main brainstormer but also dominantly taking part in constructing the whole plan of the policy. Plainly, the government is playing a role not only as the law maker, but also the inspector. The community should have gotten a wide access to fight for their communal value. In short, our observation shown that the model of “Bottom Up Planning” is suit perfectly with all of the communities since it is seeking for the communal brainstorming in its whole policy and how easy for the people to deal only with their own social value. Each community must be actively taking place in making the policy construction of their social values while the government will only be the landlord. As a result, the whole communal values will be uplifted owing to the community habits as the part of the conservation legislations. This research is using the qualitative analysis used for assessing the policy related to the forest park utilization, initially projected the social norm of law or legislations. Undoubtedly, the interpretation is based on the theoritical interpretation, likewise generalized an ideal form of policy (ius constitutum). The advantages for stakeholders are to give an illustration academically in the form of policy analysis as well as to force the community participation and ensure that the whole policy and communal value collaboration will deliver so many risets related to the form of the public policy for both lecturer and also researchers expecting the implementation itself will be manifested in any kind of communal forest park area.
Kebijakan Pengelolahan Sumbedaya Air dalam Hubungannya dengan Otonomi Daerah (Studi di propinsi Lampung) Lintje Anna Marpaung; Bambang Hartono; Tami Rusli; Erlina B.; Erina Pane
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 3 No 2 (2008): Juli
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v3i2.52


Pengaturan dan pengolahan sumberdaya alam khususnya air dirasakan semakin kompleks dalam era otonomi daerah dan berpotensi menimbulkan konflik antar-daerah otonom apabila tidak dipahami secara komprehensif atau menyeluruh. Secara ekonomi tidak ada satu daerah pun yang mampu mandiri tanpa kerjasama dan saling berinteraksi dengan daerah lainnya. Keterkaitan antar-wilayah baik secara ekonomis ataupun ekologis menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perbedaan karakteristik dan potensi sumberdaya yang dimiliki tiap daerah, oleh karena itu pengolahan sumberdaya alam lintas kabupaten/kota harus didasari sebagai konsekuensi alami dari disparitas sumberdaya alam. Pemahaman disparitas potensi sumberdaya dapat dijadikan dasar membangun kerjasama lintas kabupaten/kota yang saling menguntungkan antar-daerah.
Peran Penyidik Unit Narkoba Terhadap Analisa Pembuktian Sampel Darah Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Narkotika Dan Psikotropika Bambang Hartono
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 6 No 1 (2011): Januari
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v6i1.93


The investigators role of drugs unit in blood sample analysis of evidence criminal narcotics and psychotropic, the process of examination of blood samples based on the Healthy Minister Decision No. 923IMenkes/SK/X/12009 on Technical Guidelines for Laboratory Investigation Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic. The implementation of role, founded obstacle is: constraints on evidentiary analysis of blood samples in case of narcotic and psychotropic crime, among others: investigators were given 4 days, investigators here have difficulties because the examination of blood samples must be made at firensic laboratory in Jakarta, which takes a long time especially if conditions are unfavorable, limited personnel from Lampung Regional Police Drug Unit; legal culture of society, people seem less concerned with the abuse of narcotics. The power forensic results of blood samples as mail proof tool.
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Penyelundupan Manusia yang Melalui Jalur Provinsi Lampung Bambang Hartono
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 7 No 2 (2012): Juli
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v7i2.118


Indonesia as one of the world also has a strong potential for the practice of transnational crime. Transnational crime is not only driven by factors that are wide open free trade or the lack of law enforcement in Indonesia. the problem is how law enforcement against human trafficking through Lampung province? Law enforcement against perpetrators of human trafficking through the Lampung province by the Immigration and other agencies joined in the criminal justice system by doing activities such as: Preemptive, preventive, Repressive
Upaya Hukum Kepolisian Daerah Lampung dalam Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penyalahgunaan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Bambang Hartono
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 8 No 1 (2013): Januari
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v8i1.127


The emergence of the issue of misuse of fuel there are still those who perform illegal activities by abusing the fuel oil. Police as the executor of the government to enforce the law would need to take stern action against the perpetrators of the abuse of fossil fuels, the police are required to do a quick, responsive and appropriate in dealing with perpetrators of abuse fuel. Crime prevention efforts abuse (BBM) conducted POLDA Lampung and inhibiting factors in the response effort POLDA Lampung Crime fuel such abuse. Preventive efforts, namely direct action to prevent the abuse or misuse of fuel. Repressive efforts, which is a series of activities aimed towards action in criminal cases that the disclosure has occurred. Advice, that in the face of an increasingly complex task of the police themselves especially Lampung Police have to seek improvements in overall good that comes from within and from outside, such as improving police performance support facilities are located in the field. Whether its the procurement of communication equipment or operational support vehicles.
Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Tindak Pidana Carding Bambang Hartono
PRANATA HUKUM Vol 8 No 2 (2013): Juli
Publisher : Law Faculty of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/pranatahukum.v8i2.141


Carding a crime has been growing rapidly in Indonesia, while the legal system in Indonesia is still a gap and weak surveillance systems for this crime, where law enforcement is still very alarming. The research problem is how the application of criminal sanctions against criminal carding. Methods of research conducted juridical normative, using secondary data, obtained from literature studies and data analysis with qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study discusses Application of criminal sanctions against criminal carding device uses existing laws in the Criminal Code, especially in the Article 378 of the KUHP that is about fraud, because carding is a form of fraud as set out in Article 378 of the KUHP.