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Analisis Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Perantara Jual Beli Narkotika Golongan I (Studi Perkara Nomor 1066/PID/B/2012/PN.TK) Zainab Ompu Jainah
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Narcotics that occurs in the community and is an unlawful act, either offering for sale, selling, purchasing, receiving, became an intermediary in the sale and purchase, exchange or cede Narcotics Group I. The problem in this paper is how the criminal responsibility of the intermediary selling narcotics Category I not plant?,. The method used is a normative juridical approach. The collection of data based on literature studies, data analysis performed by qualitative analysis. Results of the study describes the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators as an intermediary for the sale and purchase of Narcotics Group I Not Plants by imprisonment for 5 (five) years and a fine of Rp 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) with the provision that if the fine is not paid to be replaced by confinement for 3 (three months). Suggestions can be submitted that needs to be disseminated and counseling dangers of drugs starting from elementary school students to the level of Higher Education.
Analisis Penerapan Batas Maksimum Kepemilikan Tanah Terhadap Luas Tanah Pertanian (Studi Kasus Pada Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan) Noviasih Muharam
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Soil limited number can not be increased then in terms of land ownership can not exceed the maximum limit of agricultural land, especially land ownership. Problems in this paper, how the application of the maximum limit land ownership to extensive farming. Method of approach is normative juridical approach, data source is secondary data. The collection of data carried out the study of literature and analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the maximum limit land ownership to agricultural land area is not in accordance with the legislation in force .. It should, the Government called on the public to inventory owned land as well as reporting so that the Government may determine ground objects that will be the object of reform.
Analisis Terhadap Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia (Studi Putusan PK MA Republik Indonesia No. 97 PK/PID.SUS/2012) Marsudi Utoyo
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Corruption in Indonesia is a nation that has faced problems since ancient times, so that the special court of corruption is expected to help resolve a number of criminal cases of corruption in order to restore the state of wealth that has been lost. The research problem is how the procedure of judicial review of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia on the Supreme Court Decision No. 97 PK / PID.SUS / 2012. Ie normative juridical approach method, data analysis is qualitative. The results showed the effort of law. Request for reconsideration on the basis of a) if there are new circumstances that give rise to strong suspicion, that if the circumstances had been known at the time the trial is still ongoing, the outcome would be acquittal or a verdict free from any lawsuits or claims prosecutor unacceptable or against The court applied the criminal provisions of the lighter, b) if there is a verdict in the various statements that something has been proven, but the thing or situation as the basis and reasons stated verdict has proved that, it has been at odds with one another and c) if the verdict it clearly shows a missjudge or a real mistake.
Analisis Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Antara Pihak Nasabah dengan Industri Jasa Keuangan pada Era Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Lukmanul Hakim
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 2 (2015): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Banking is one of the institutions that have an important and strategic role in various fields, among others in community activities, especially in the field of financial and economic activities to meet the needs of any particular individual. The continued development of the banking business is currently pushing the more the likelihood of disputes between bank customers and banks which could reduce public confidence in the Bank. As from January 2014 the functions, duties and powers of regulation and supervision of banking mediation activities previously carried out by Bank Indonesia (BI), which has now been transferred to the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Then, after the FSA has a role in dispute resolution, including out of court dispute resolution conducted by the FSA through the Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (LAPS).
Peran Badan Pengawas Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) sebagai Keterangan Ahli Terhadap Penanganan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Benny Karya Limantara
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Financial Supervisory Agency (BPKP) as an internal auditor for the government increasingly felt by the citizens' demands for state officials who are clean and free of corruption, collusion and nepotism ( KKN ) as mandated by Law No. 28 of 1999 , and the demands on openness and good governance. BPKP is the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency which is a non-departmental institutions established by the President by Presidential Decree , so that BPKP is directly responsible to the President related to performance. The principal tasks of the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency ( BPKP ) is carrying out government duties in the field of financial supervision and development in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force ( Article 52 of Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2001 on Status, Duties , Functions, Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of Non Departmental Government Institutions ).
Implementasi Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pers dalam Pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia (Sudi Kebebasan Pers Di Propinsi Lampung) Anggalana ANGGALANA
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 2 (2015): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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The fact that human beings have a fundamental right,such as human rights. Of the many human rights attached to these, there is a right to obtain information, where one means to obtain the information coming from the press. The embodiment of popular sovereignty in a democratic state is the guarantee of human rights including freedom of the press, including the Indonesian nation that embraces democracy. Freedom of the press is part of the constitutional rights of citizens of Indonesia as the mandate of Article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Of the mandate of the Constitution of the Republic  of Indonesia Year 1945, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia implements it in the form of a legislation, namely the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 1999 on the Press in order to provide legal guarantees for the independence and freedom of the press in Indonesia. Efforts to build a democracy with social justice and human rights guarantees necessary to have an atmosphere that is safe, orderly, peaceful, and conducted responsibly and in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.
Peran Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam Mengawasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Desa Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa (Studi pada Desa Sabah Balau Kec. Tanjung Bintang Lampung Selatan) S. Endang Prasetyawati
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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The village is a unit of community that has boundaries. Authorized to regulate and manage the affairs of government, local community interests and customary rights recognized and respected in the government system. Supervising the implementation of the village administration is the most important reason why the Village Consultative Body (BPD) to be formed. The problem in this research is, how the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in overseeing governance at village method used is, juridical normative and empirical approaches. Data collection procedures consist of literature studies and field studies. The analysis used is qualitative analysis. The results of the research, that the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in overseeing governance in rural Sabah Balau, are in accordance with Act No. 6 of 2014 concerning the village. But not maximum, low participation of rural communities in helping BPD supervision as well as delays in the provision of operational funds BPD in their duties, become an obstacle BPD in monitoring the fullest. The advice given is, should the Village Consultative Body (BPD) Sabah Balau can further maximize its performance in monitoring governance in the village. And the village government should be more transparent in organizing the village administration.
Implementasi Pasal 4 Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Lampung Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup (Studi Pada Badan Pengelolaan dan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandar Lampung) Agus Iskandar
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Indonesia is a unitary state with a Republican form , and the natural resources therein , should be maintained as much as possible for the prosperity of the people . In the management stages of Natural Resources and Environment , each region has authority to mengelolaa natural resources and environment, based on the principle of local autonomy . For in Lampung Province itself the management of Natural Resources and Environment is regulated through Lampung Provincial Regulation No. 3 of 2006 on the Management of Natural Resources and Environment .
Analisis Hukum Investasi di Pelabuhan Berdasarkan Undang- Undang No 17 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pelayaran sebagai Upaya Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional Recca Ayu Hapsari
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 6, No 2 (2015): September
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Fundamental changes that have a direct impact on the national economy , is globalization and trade liberalization . Globalization and trade liberalization means that the world market will be more open to our products , and vice versa domestic potential we will  be more open as well for the influx of capital, technology and ideas that can bring progress . Judging from the demand side , consumer goods and services will require an increasingly diverse and demanding higher quality assurance . Higher consumer demands it should encourage economic operators in the sector of manufacturing and service industries to translate consumer tastes at the opportunity to invest in particular on a cruise.
Analisis Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Kurir Narkotika (Studi Putusan Perkara Nomor : 414/PID-Sus/2014/PN.Kla) Zainab Ompu Jainah
KEADILAN PROGRESIF Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

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Circulation of Narcotics in Indonesia today has manifested in various forms since the Narcotics traffickers always find a loophole to run the circulation of narcotics. One case is the crime of illicit traffic of narcotics in the jurisdiction of the District Court Trump in Decision Case Number: 414 / Pid-Sus / 2014 / PN.Kla, defendant Syarbaini Bin M. Dahlan proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a crime do conspiracy unlawfully or unlawfully receiving Narcotics Group I in plants not exceeding five (5) grams. The main problem in this study include: a. What form criminal liability courier Narcotics, The study was conducted with normative and empirical approach. The data used in this study secondary and fiel study the data was analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of this study are:  criminal liability that is based on the courier Narcotics errors that meet the elements against the law and there is no reason for removing the unlawful nature of the actions performed. Executed criminal liability of punishment against the defendant for 15 (fifteen) years imprisonment and a fine of Rp., - (one billion rupiah) provided that if the defendant can not afford to be replaced by imprisonment for six (6) months. Suggestions in this study so that law enforcement officials should determine and follow up on the crime of Narcotics courier in the event of a deed investments / participating or participated stand alone.

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