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Faktor-Faktor Penghambat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah Eko Budi Sulistio
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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Otonomi daerah di Indonesia digulirkan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesejahteraan masyarakat daerah, setelah sekian lama dipinggirkan oleh Pemerintah Otoriter Orde Baru. Namun harapan besar tersebut, rupanya masih merupakan mimpi besar dan sulit terwujud. Salah satunya karena masalah sumber daya aparatur. Berbagai cara dan upaya telah banyak dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya aparatur tersebut. Namun sayangnya pemerintah daerah melupakan penyebab rendahnya kualitas sumber daya aparatur tersebut. Oleh sebab itu memahami secara baik “the root of problem” dari sulitnya mengembangkan sumber daya aparatur di daerah perlu dilakukan oleh segenap pemerintah daerah. Beberapa masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah daerah itu adalah: rendahnya kualitas sumber daya aparatur dan buruknya penempatan, seringnya terjadi perubahan peraturan kepegawaian, rendahnya mental aparatur dan terlalu gemuknya organiasi pemerintahan daerah
Hubungan Aliran Kas Bebas Dan Kebijakan Dividen Set Kesempatan Investasi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Ferry Hendro Basuki
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): April
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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The objectives of this study are to emprically examine the association between free cash flow and dividend policy, and test the influence investment opportunity set as moderating variable to the correlation. Variable used in this research is investment opportunity set measured hence proxy based on the price that is market to book value of equty (MBVE), free cash flow, and dividend policy. This variable are later then analysed by using method of pooled regression that is model the linear regresi by adding cross-product term. As much 89 company which have publik at Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) except mining company, bank, insurance, sekuritas, real estate, credit agent, hotel and travel which used as sampel research. Test the assumption classical indication there are trouble heteroskedastisitas, after done by remedial hence the rest of 216 from 445 perception weared to test the alternative hypothesizing one and alternative hypothesizing two. The empiric result obtained depict that free cash flow individually correlate the negativity and dont significan with the dividend policy without including moderasi set the invesment opportunity, and so do when testing free cash flow relation with the dividend policy by including to invesment opportunity set as its moderating variable result depict the negative relation and dont significan. this finding Impirik explain that invesment opportunity set unable to influence the free cash flow relation and dividend policy, even so there relation is very small.
Pengaruh Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Bandar Udara Radin Inten II Lampung Suwandi SUWANDI
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): April
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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At the level of national and international, the development of air transportation business at present shows encouraging prospective. It is characterized by the increasing number of scheduled airlines and the increasing frequency of flights at airports in Indonesia. In line with the natural conditions of Indonesia in which consist of thousands of islands, the air transportation has become the primary choice compared with other modes of transportation (sea and land) as the air transportotation has the advantages in term of a faster time and the convenience for the users who obtained the services. Airport as an element in the operation of aviation has a very important and strategic so that its implementation is controlled by the State and the sustainibilty is done by the government with a view to realize the safe, secure, smooth, orderly, comfortable, efficient, and equitable aviation organization, to support the growth and stability as the driving and supporting factors the national development. The formulation of the problem in this the research is to figure out whether there is a relationship between job training with work productivity of employees in the Raden Inten II Airport, and whether there is job training effects on the productivity of employees working in Bandar Lampung II Air Raden Inten Airport. After researchers conducted a study of a predetermined object , researchers can discuss and conclude that there is a positive relationship between job training with employee productivity in Airport Raden Inten II Lampung as it is seen from the results of 0.464 count r> r tables of both the tarafikan 5% 0.281 and the level of closeness relations is middle. Qualitatively, the implementation of job training and productive employees in Lampung Raden Inten II Airport falls in the very good category, the productivity of employees who followed the training at a moderate level with the average value of 3.16 of a scale of 5. This productivity is demonstrated by the speed of task completion, low level  errors, work neatness, better quantity results, improved discipline, cooperation. The influence of training on work productivity employees of Lampung Raden Inten II Airport is 21.53%. The remaining of 78.47% influenced by other factors.Dan institutional advice Airport Radin Inten II in order to create job training programs are scheduled with a good and sustainable, the material given in the training should be based on participant needs and adapted to the burden of duties and responsibilities.The institutional advice given to Radin Inten II Airport is to make the scheduled and continously job training programs. The material given in the training should be based on the participant needs and adapted based on to their duties and responsibilities.
Analisis Tipe Kepribadian Dan Komitmen Pengusaha Dan Kaitannya Dengan Kemajuan Usaha Tahu Tempe Di Bandar LampungAnalisis Tipe Kepribadian Dan Komitmen Pengusaha Dan Kaitannya Dengan Kemajuan Usaha Tahu Tempe Di Bandar Lampung Nur Efendi
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) tipe kepribadian, (2) komitmen, dan (3) kaitan antara tipe kepribadian dan komitmen pengusaha dengan kemajuan usaha tahu tempe di Bandar lampung. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 30 orang pengusaha tahu tempe dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) sebagian besar pengusaha tahu tempe memiliki tipe kepribadian B (73,3%), dan sebagian besar pengusaha memiliki komitmen yang sedang (40%). (2) Tipe kepribadian dan komitmen secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kemajuan usaha tahu tempe di Bandar Lampung. Secara keseluruhan besarnya pengaruh kedua variabel ini adalah 54,1%. Sedangkan secara parsial tipe kepribadian berpengaruh terhadap kemajuan usaha.The aims of this research are to know (1) Type of personality, (2) commitment, and (3) correlation between type of personality and commitment of entrepreneur with business improving in Bandar Lampung. The type of research is descriptive by using survey methodology. The number of sample is 30 entrepreneurs of tahu tempe and data analyzed using multiple regressions.The research result show that (1) Type of personality is B by majority (73,3%), and majority of entrepreneur with medium commitment (40%). (2) Type of personality and commitment influencing to business improving of tahu tempe in Bandar Lampung. Overall, both of variables effected about 54,1%. By partial, type of personality effecting to business improving.
Pengaruh Kesadaran Diri, Pengaturan Diri, Motivasi, Empati, Dan Keterampilan Sosial Terhadap Kinerja Auditor Pada Kap Di Kota Palembang Hendra Sastrawinata
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): April
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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This study aims to: Knowing The Empirical Effect of Self-Awareness, Self Setting, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills Performance In Simultaneous Against Auditors And Knowing The Empirical Effect of Self- Awareness, Self Setting, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills Performance In Partial Against Auditors. Type of data used in this study is the primary data. Primary data in this study were processed and the data collected by the researcher through the deployment questionnaire. In this study, the population used is the auditor in the Office of KAP which is 8 KAP. Determination of the sample using a convenience sampling method. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can diamabil conclusions as follows: 1. Self- regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills KAP auditors had no significant effect on the performance of partial KAP auditors with independent variables of significance p> 0.05. 2. Self-awareness, self-setting, motivation, empathy and social skills KAP auditors to simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of KAP auditors in Palembang, where the calculated F value of 50 258 and 0000 of significance (p <0.05) and R Square of 0937.
Pengaruh Perputaran Aktiva Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Industri Rokok yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia . Nurhadi
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): April
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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Growth in earnings is one of the information that describes the prospects of the business. Assets turnover ratio is an indicator used to measure the effectiveness of the use of corporate assets. This study aims to determine the effect turnover of fixed assets and current assets on earnings growth. The population in this study is the cigarette companys financial statements listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009. The sampling technique using a purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in this research uses documentary techniques. The independent variables include: Inventory Turn Over, Working Capital Turn Over, Fixed Assets and Total Assets Turn Over. Dependent variable is earnings growth. The data analysis technique in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The results prove that the simultaneous analysis of independent variables significant effect on earnings growth. Partially known that the Fixed Assets Turn Over, Total Assets Turn Over and Working Capital Turn Over significantly affect earnings growth. While Turn Over Inventory does not significantly affect earnings growth.
Komparasi Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Konvensional Dan Perbankan Syariah . Suripto
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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Performance of bank was measured using CAMEL (Capital, Assets, Management, Equity Liquidity) approach, which was generally used to identify level of health of a bank. In this  research, performance of the bank was measured based on the five aspects: capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earning and liquidity. This research was aimed to know difference of the financial performance of the conventional banking and the syariah banking. Financial measured by using ratios: ratio of capital to asset deliberated by according to risk, ratio of earning asset which classified to earning asset (KAP. I), ratio of allowance for possible earning losses to classified earning asset ( KAP.II), ratio of net operating income to operating income (NPM) representing proxy from management, ratio of profit before interest and tax to total asset ( ROA), ratio of operating expenses to operating income (BOPO), ratio of current assets to current liabilities and ratio of loan to deposit (LDR). This research use the saturated simple, that all bank of state of the public ownerships (BUMN) and bank of the Muamalat Indonesia, by using data of the secondary publicized by the Bank Indonesia each of semester, between period 1999 - 2003. The analysis instruments used was Multivariate Discriminant Analysis ( MDA). Results of this research indicate that the CAMEL approach can determine banking financial performance. Pursuant to statistical test really there was financial performance difference between conventional banking and syariah banking, where conventional banking have better finance performance from syariah banking . This research found that asset quality (KAP.I), LDR and ROA, significantly differentiate conventional banking finance performance and syariah banking, in which the KAP. I was the most dominant.
Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Pelayanan Jasa Penyeberangan PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Cabang Bakauheni. Suwandi SUWANDI
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) as one of trusted sea transportation service providers of the society is asked to repair and improve the customer’s safety and comfort. The problem gap between service which is got by customer and the quality of service which is given must be repaired in order to make the customer get the best service. The success of giving the qualified public service is not only on the success of providing product and service, but also on problem which is more fundamental that is how to satisfy society as the customer. Customer must be satisfied indeed; otherwise they will leave the company and cause decreasing of profit even lost. The problem in this research is whether there is relationship between customer satisfaction toward PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) transportation service at Branch of Bakauheni, the objective of this research is to know whether there is relationship customer satisfaction with PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) transportation service at Branch of Bakauheni and to know how much customer satisfaction influences the service provided by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) at branch of Bakauheni. Qualitative analysis is toward every indicator, the result is got from all customer satisfaction level indicators which are on dissatisfaction category, also for all transportation service scoring indicators which is on bad category. The conclusion of this research is there is positive relationship which is insignificant between transportation customer satisfaction with transportation service which is shown by correlation coefficient, 0.1456, that is why the relationship includes very low category. It is between 0.00 – 0.199, and contribution (influence) of customer satisfaction (X) toward transportation service (Y) = KP = (0.1456)2 x 100% = 2.12 %, means transportation service is determined by customer satisfaction, 2.12%. the implication which must be paid attention and done by company to improve customer number is PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) at Branch of Bakauheni should understand customer need of good service. Moreover, company must repair the customer service also the facility which is on port and ferry, since customer is very important factor in a company, also improve the quality of transportation service, and the leader of PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Company Limited) at Branch of Bakauheni needs to listen to his employee in process of taking the policy, in order to make policy which is able to be implemented and get support from his own employee.
Keunggulan Dari E-Bisnis Di Pasar Global Teddy Hikmat Fauzi
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): April
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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As the effect of phenomenal technology there is a significant correlation between communication technology and information technology which supports the spread of information web locally, regionally and globally such as internet world wide web, electronic mail, electronic shopping, electronic education, electronic meeting and electronic banking which are all the parts of electronic business activities known as electronic business. In fact , electronic business is the main business process such as in internet use and digital technology as the direct communication which are arranged transformatively and are able to provide values and advantages for the business world.
Tanggapan Atas Pelaksanaan Tugas Account Representative Oleh Wajib Pajak (Survey Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Madya Bandung) Urip Santoso
SOSIALITA Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

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It is an obligation to each citizen to pay tax, however there is a lack of citizens’ awareness about paying taxes. Therefore, government has to make serious efforts to dig up tax revenue possibilities through tax regulations.Because of the environment and business changes, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak believes that it is a necessity to adjust and to improve its organizational structure, especially improvement in human resources, with the existence of account representative. The role of the account representative are to connect, to serve, to advise, and to supervise tax payers to implement rights and obligations of the tax payers so that the tax payers will not experience difficulties or having any disadvantages because of the bureaucracy.It is expected that account representative can increase the obedience of the tax payers to fulfill their obligations.The purpose of this study is to determine the Response for Account Representative (AR) Task Implementation By Taxpayers at Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Madya BandungThis research used several theories, such as obedience theory, account representative theory, and tax theory. Besides these theories, researcher used analysis of maximum-minimum index.The results showed that the task of Account Representative in connection with the execution of tasks, it turns out oversight duties more dominant than other duties, which are for services and coaching. However, in performing its supervisory duties, Account Representative, keep doing good service to the taxpayer. This is performed in order to support their primary task.