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IJOG : Indonesian Journal on Geoscience
ISSN : 23559314     EISSN : 23559306     DOI : -
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The spirit to improve the journal to be more credible is increasing, and in 2012 it invited earth scientists in East and Southeast Asia as well as some western countries to join the journal for the editor positions in the Indonesia Journal of Geology. This is also to realize our present goal to internationalize the journal, The Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, which is open for papers of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geodetics, geography, and soil science. This new born journal is expected to be published three times a year. As an international publication, of course it must all be written in an international language, in this case English. This adds difficulties to the effort to obtain good papers in English to publish although the credit points that an author will get are much higher.
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Articles 738 Documents
Potensi sumber daya geologi di daerah Cekungan Bandung dan sekitarnya Bronto, Sutikno; Hartono, Udi
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.112 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.4


DOI: 10.17014/ijog.vol1no1.20062aGeologically, Bandung Basin and the surrounding area comprise volcanic rocks; therefore, originally the geological resources, such as energy, environmental geology and mineral were generated from past volcanic activities. Energy resources having been utilized or in the exploration stage are water energy (Saguling Electrical Hydro Power) and geothermal energy (Darajat, Kamojang, Wayang-Windu and Patuha Geothermal Fields). Potency of hydrocarbon energy is considered due to the presence of Tertiary sedimentary rocks under Bandung volcanic rocks. Environmental resources include water, soil, land, and natural panorama that mostly are already used for living, tourism, industry etc. Mineral resources cover metals and non metals. Mineral explorations, particularly for gold, have been conducted in the southern Bandung area. Recently, Center for Geological Survey itself has found a new mineral resource in the northern Bandung, i.e. Cupunagara Village, Cisalak Sub-Regency, Subang Regency - West Jawa.    
Permian Mengkarang coal facies and environment, based on organic petrology study Suwarna, Nana
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.393 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.3

Abstract Permian Mengkarang Coal Measures is situated in the middle part of Sumatera Island. Some fresh outcrop samples of the Permian Mengkarang coals have been analyzed both macroscopically and microscopically, to asses their depositional environment. On the basis of organic-petrological analysis, the coal seams show variation in the predominance of some macerals, indicating successions of environmental changes. The dominant maceral group is vitrinite, present in very low to very high values; whilst the minor one is inertinite showing low amount. Environmental information derived from the organic facies study shows that the coals were deposited in wet zone of mire, ranges from wet limnic-telmatic zone to telmatic wet forest swamp under rapid burial condition, due to rapid basin subsidence. The organic facies concept is thus applicable in basin studies context and has potential to become an additional tool for interpretation of depositional environment.    
Coalbed methane potential and coal characteristics in the Lati region, Berau basin, East Kalimantan Suwarna, Nana; Hermanto, Bambang; Sihombing, Torkis; Kusumah, Kusdji Darwin
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (933.643 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.5

Abstract geological research was performed in the Berau Basin, to provide a better understanding on the potential and resources of coalbed methane (CBM) in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province, particularly in the Lati Coalfield. Field observation conducted in the coalfield, shows that the banded to bright banded Lati coal is dominated by the bright banded one. Petrographically, the coal consists of vitrinite comprising typical telocollinite and desmocollinite; with rare to sparse exinite, and minor inertinite, and mineral matter. Geochemical analysis shows the range of volatile matter content is from 32.65–39.60%, total sulfur from 0.35–3.04%, ash varies between 2.78–14.50%, and moisture from 12.23–19.98%. Vitrinite reflectance values (Rv), varying from 0.42–0.57%, tend to indicate that the Lati coal rank ranges from sub-bituminous B to high volatile bituminous C category, with low ash content in general. Moreover, the coal maturity level, thermally immature to early mature, leads to the assumption that the expected gas present is suggested to be of biogenic origin. The fairly well cleated Lati coal shows cleat orientations trending north - northeastward, perpendicular to nearly oblique to the syncline axis. Furthermore, coal microcleat occurs as open tensional, sub-curved to curved lines microcracks, diagonally to perpendicular to bedding plane, but some are parallel to the bedding plane. An in-situ coal gas calculation tends to indicate a low to moderate methane content level, with a value of 44.20–47.08 scf/t. However, the Q1 plus Q2 calculation exhibits the gas content ranging from 41.69 to 78.71 scf/t. Moreover, total calculated gas in-place of the P, Q, and R Seams =  5.33 m3/t = 191.56 scf/t.    
Tinjauan terhadap tailing mengandung unsur pencemar Arsen (As), Merkuri (Hg), Timbal (Pb), dan Kadmium (Cd) dari sisa pengolahan bijih logam Herman, Danny Zulkifli
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (36.685 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.6

Abstract tailing of a mining activity is discharged into either landscape or river body, the pollutan element wastes are possible to disperse within those areas and may cause pollution on environment. The environment pollution hazards of arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) probably occurred if tailing with the content of those elements is not handled properly. Particularly in the tropical regions, higher rates of chemical weathering and bio-chemical activity will contribute a rapid mobilization of the most potentially toxic elements.One of adverse health effects from arsenic to human life is in the case of arsenic-contained drinking waters exceed the threshold limit value. As a result, it will create chronic symptoms of toxicity within the human body such as gastro-intestinal irritation, nerve damage and tissue wastage. Tailing originated from amalgamation processing of gold ore enables its mercury waste to disperse in the vicinity of mining area and may form environment pollution by either organic or inorganic mercury. The pollution would be more hazardous to human health if mercury element in the water body transform biochemically into a compound of methylmercury. There is a variety of mechanisms by micro-organism which can bring about the formation of the very toxic methylmercury species, particularly with regard to its uptake by fish. Effects to the human health from the organic mercury include the blood-brain barrier and upsetting the metabolism of the nervous system. Whilst the main toxic effect of inorganic mercury is disruption the functions of kidneys and liver within human body. Most mining activity of base metal may discharge tailing with a significant lead (Pb) content. Lead is a cumulative poison, hence absorbing this element by human body with particularly exceeding its threshold limit value will bind strongly to a large number of molecules such as amino acids, haemoglobin, many enzymes, RNA and DNA. Then it will bring into disruption of many metabolic pathways, blood hypertension, hyperactivity and brain damage. Problems of cadmium could arise from a lead-zinc mining and smelting operation, from where pollution due to cadmium-contained tailing with additional aerial pollution associates with cadmium-contained fumes and particles. The toxic effects of cadmium to human health are suffering from lumbago-type pains, bone damage with multiple fractures of the softened bones and kidney failure.    
Potensi batuan sumber (source rock) hidrokarbon di Pegunungan Tigapuluh, Sumatera Tengah Heryanto, Rachmat; Hermiyanto, Heri
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.569 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.7

Abstract Tigapuluh Mountain located in southeast corner of the Riau Province, is a part of the southern margin of the Central Sumatera Basin, one of the biggest hydrocarbon producing basin in Indonesia. The hydrocarbon source rock potential is a fine grained clastics within the Late Eocene Kelesa and Oligocene Lakat Formations. The Kelesa Formation source rock has a TOC value of 2.31–9.63%, with hydrocarbon content of a good to excellent categories (6.23–70.72 kg/ton rock), whereas the Lakat Formation has a TOC value of 0.67–3.46%, with hydrocarbon content of a poor to excellent categories (1.21–37.38 kg/ton rock). Source rock thermal maturation of the Kelesa Formation ranges from a late immature to early mature, with kerogen type of I and II, whereas the Lakat Formation ranges from a late immature, with kerogen type of I, II, and III. Diagenetic stage of the hydrocarbon source rock of the Kelesa Formation is included to Mudrock Stage II which is equivalent to a mesogenetic mature “A”. This diagenetic proccess was due to the burial history with the depth of up to 3000 m, resulted in a paleotemperature of 95C. The Lakat Formation is, however, included to Mudrock Stage I equivalent to the mesogenetic immature level. Burial history which occurred at the paleo temperature up to 65C, with the depth of burial up to 1500 m, led to the diagenetic process.    
Characterization of volcanic deposits and geoarchaeological studies from the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano Sutawidjaja, Igan Supriatman; Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Abrams, Lewis
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.283 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.8

Abstract eruption of Tambora volcano on the island of Sumbawa in 1815 is generally considered as the largest and the most violent volcanic event in recorded history. The cataclysmic eruption occurred on 11 April 1815 was initiated by Plinian eruption type on 5 April and killed more than 90,000 people on Sumbawa and nearby Lombok. The type plinian eruptions occurred twice and ejected gray pumice and ash, to form stratified deposits as thick as 40-150 cm on the slopes and mostly distributed over the district west of the volcano. Following this, at about 7 pm, on 11 April the first pyroclastic surge was generated and progressively became greater extending to almost whole direction, mainly to the north, west, and south districts from the eruption center. The deadliest volcanic eruption buried ancient villages by pyroclastic surge and flow deposits in almost intact state, thus preserving important archaeological evidence for the period. High preservation in relatively stable conditions and known date of the eruptions provide approximate dating for the archaeological remains. Archaeological excavations on the site uncovered a variety of remains were relieved by ground penetrating radar (GPR) to map structural remains of the ancient villages under the pyroclastic surge and flow deposits. These traverses showed that GPR could define structures as deep as 10 m (velocity 0.090 m/ns) and could accurately map the thickness of the stratified volcanic deposits in the Tambora village area.    
Fasies gunung api dan aplikasinya Bronto, Sutikno
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.115 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i2.9

Abstract on the nature and rock association, a composite volcanic cone can be divided into central facies, proximal facies, medial facies and distal facies. Physiographically, those begin from central eruption at the summit, going down to upper slope, lower slope, and foot plain in the surrounding area. Central facies is characterized by the presence of subvolcanic intrusions, lava domes, and hydrothermally altered rocks. Proximal facies consists of alternating lava fl ows and pyroclastic breccias. Medial fasies mainly is composed of pyroclastic breccias, laharic breccias, and conglomerates. Whereas, distal facies is dominated by fi ne-grained epiclastic rocks having sand to clay size. Tuff can be widely distributed from proximal to distal facies due to its fi ne grain and lightness. Methodological approachs for classifi cation of volcanic facies in Tertiary and older rocks are remote sensing and geomorphology, volcanic stratigraphy, physical volcanology, structural geology, and petrology-geochemistry. This volcanic facies division is useful for supporting new discovery on energy and mineral resources, environmental geology, and geologic hazard mitigation.  
Geokimia regional Sulawesi bagian Utara percontoh endapan sungai aktif -80 mesh Suprapto, Sabtanto Joko
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

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Abstract investigation using the analysis method of -80 mesh of active stream sediment samples is one of the early phase exploration especially in fi nding out metallic mineral deposits. These deposits either as outcrop or as being still in subsurface, can be revealed in geochemical output data. Despite for determination of the availability of mineral deposits, elements distribution of stream sediment samples, can be used to determine the initial and last appearance of geological and situated in environmental condition of an area. Northern part of Sulawesi with its complex geologic setting and a metallogenic region is being potential to form metallic deposits, which create some variation and interesting geochemical performances. The regional geochemistry data by means in the form of elements distribution maps represent the basic important information of mineralization indications, which enable for detail follow up investigation.    
Devastating landslides related to the 2002 Papandayan eruption Hadisantono, Rudy Dalimin
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

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Abstract is an A-type active strato volcano located at some 20 km SW of Garut or about 70 km SE of Bandung the capital city of West Java Province. Geographically, the summit of this volcano lies at the intersection between 07º 19’ 42” S and 107º 44” E. The 2002 Papandayan eruption was preceded by two felt earthquakes, 8 times of A-type volcanic earthquakes and 150 times of B- type volcanic earthquake. These events were followed by a phreatic eruption that took place on 11 November at 16.02 local time. Field observation shows that the summit region, mainly around the craters consists of rocks that have hydrothermally altered to yield clay rich material. This clay rich material covers most of the crater fl oors and the crater rim. Mount Nangklak that forms part of the rim also contains a lava plug from the Old Papandayan volcano. This mountain is covered by fi ne grained, unconsolidated material, and altered rocks. Much of this altered rocks coincides with solfataric and fumarolic activities of 80 to > 300°C. The summit area also contains high discharge of water either originating from the springs or surface water. The increase in seismicity, the fi ne-grained hydrothermal altered rocks, and the existence of some faults that pass through the summit region might have weaken the stability of the summit area. As the result, a landslide occurred on the north fl ank of Mount Nangklak where the landslide material blocked the upper course of Cibeureum Gede River. This landslide material had formed big mudfl ows that caused several houses of fi ve villages were partly burried, some bridges were devastated and several hectares of cultivated land were damaged.    
Stratigrafi gunung api daerah Bandung Selatan, Jawa Barat Bronto, Sutikno; Koswara, Achnan; Lumbanbatu, Kaspar
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (614.569 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i2.12

Abstract aim of this volcano stratigraphic study is to understand the historic relationship of each volcanoes in the South Bandung area. Methods used in this study are landsat analyses, fi eldwork, petrographic studies, and radiometric dating. Physiographically, South Bandung is composed of mountaineous area, hilly area, and high plain of Pangalengan and Bandung itself. Based on volcanic stratigraphy, volcanic rocks there are divided into eleven rock units, nine of them are identifi ed their volcanic sources, having Pliocene to Quaternary ages. The presence of subsurface Miocene volcanic rocks supports the super imposed volcanisms from Tertiary to Quaternary in this area. Mineral resources of sulphide metals are found in the central facies of Soreang, Kuda, and Dogdog volcanoes. Whereas, geologic hazards covering tectonic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides also threaten this area. Mineral explorations and hazard mitigations are necessary to the presence of mineral resources and geologic hazard potential.  

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