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IJOG : Indonesian Journal on Geoscience
ISSN : 23559314     EISSN : 23559306     DOI : -
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The spirit to improve the journal to be more credible is increasing, and in 2012 it invited earth scientists in East and Southeast Asia as well as some western countries to join the journal for the editor positions in the Indonesia Journal of Geology. This is also to realize our present goal to internationalize the journal, The Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, which is open for papers of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geodetics, geography, and soil science. This new born journal is expected to be published three times a year. As an international publication, of course it must all be written in an international language, in this case English. This adds difficulties to the effort to obtain good papers in English to publish although the credit points that an author will get are much higher.
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Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 3 (2006)" : 10 Documents clear
Sebaran akuifer dan pola aliran air tanah di Kecamatan Batuceper dan Kecamatan Benda Kota Tangerang, Propinsi Banten Hadian, Mohamad Sapari; Mardiana, Undang; Abdurahman, Oman; Iman, Munib Ikhwatun
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1226.33 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.14

Abstract the Batuceper and Benda Sub-Regencies belongs to the western part of the Jakarta Basin. The area is covered by coastal alluvial and delta deposits, and volcanic product. Understanding the distribution and groundwater pattern, either in the shallow part or the deep part, are of the basic thing for a geometric model and its groundwater fl ow in identifying the groundwater conservation. The result of the aquifer distribution, either in the shallow or the depth parts, was approached by the geoelectrical and hydrogeological surveys in the fi eld and well data that has resulted in aquifer distribution, either in the shallow or the deep parts. In general, the shallow aquifer developed downward becomes semi confi ned and confi ned aquifers. Groundwater fl ow pattern indicated local cones depression of groundwater level, especially around the city. Depression of groundwater level is considered to be related to the natural shape of aquifer as lences. However, it was possible to be caused by over pumping in this zone.    
Dinamika pengendapan lahar permukaan pada alur-alur lembah di bagian selatan Gunung Api Merapi, Yogyakarta Mulyaningsih, Sri; Sampurno, Sampurno; Zaim, Yahdi; Puradimaja, Deny Juanda; Bronto, Sutikno
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (907.621 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.15

Abstract aliran rombakan Gunung Api Merapi, yang lebih dikenal sebagai lahar, terbentuk dari hasil longsoran endapan awan panas yang dipicu oleh curah hujan yang sangat tinggi. Pada saat ini, endapan awan panas tersebut berasal dari guguran kubah lava. Material suspensi tersebut selanjutnya menuruni lereng dengan kecepatan yang tinggi, menghasilkan aliran turbulen. Aliran tersebut biasanya berkembang pada daerah dengan perbedaan morfologi berkemiringan lereng tinggi ke landai, atau yang sering dikenal sebagai daerah tekuk lereng. Studi ini didasarkan pada pengamatan dan pengukuran fragmen lahar yang berukuran besar di permukaan. Analisis meliputi arah penyirapan, bentuk, dan besar butir fragmen. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan model arah aliran fragmen besar lahar dari bagian atas aliran rombakan, yang membentuk “model punggung katak” atau “model punggung gajah”. Bagian depan katak atau gajah (kepala) yaitu arah aliran atau bagian depan aliran. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa model tersebut berlaku pada fragmen dengan diameter 90 cm atau lebih besar. Di daerah penelitian, fragmen dengan diameter 90 cm mencapai jarak hingga 22 km dari sumbernya. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai model untuk menentukan arah aliran lahar (aliran rombakan) purba yang sumbernya belum diketahui.  
Pertumbuhan Gunung Api Anak Krakatau setelah letusan katastrofi s 1883 SUTAWIDJAJA, IGAN SUPRIATMAN
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (857.567 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.16

Abstract its appearance in 1929, Anak Krakatau Volcano has been growing fastly. The elevation of Anak Krakatau Volcano from 1930 to 2005, within 75 years, has reached 315 m high. The growth rate is approximated to be four meters per year in average. Based on calculation, the volume of the body from the sea fl oor since 1927 until 1981 was 2.35 km3, and then in 1983 was 2.87 km3 and then in 1990 it reached 3.25 km3. The latest volume measurement in 2000, was 5.52 km3. Between 1992 up to 2001, within nine years, the eruption of Anak Krakatau took place almost every day, and it had caused its elevation to increase more than 100 m, and its area extent to become 378,527 m2. If the increase in height and the increase in volume are consistent, it is expected that in 2020, the volume of Anak Krakatau’s edifi ce will proceed the volume of Rakata Volcano, Danan Volcano, and Perbuwatan Volcano (11.01 km3) shortly before catastrophic eruption in 1883. Since this volcano appeared above the sea level, the succession of vegetation never came up to a climax, except some of the species, such as Saccharum sp. and Casuarina sp. those are growing faster after the eruption stopped. The growth of coral reef on the lava fl ows that entered the sea about ten years ago, was much slower than those which are growing around the Rakata, Panjang and Sertung Islands. This case is probably due to the slow rate of cooling process of the lava fl ows, although the lava surfaces are blocky.  
Karakteristik mineralisasi epitermal di Daerah Taran, Hulu Kahayan, Kalimantan Tengah berdasarkan studi mikroskopis, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), dan inklusi fluida Herman, Danny Zulkifli
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.692 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.17

Abstract area is occupied predominantly by piroclastic rocks and locally intercalations of lenticular claystones and sandstones. The pyroclastic rocks are intruded by diorite, dacite and andesite, leading alteration and mineralization within the host rocks. Mineralization occurs as a vein type and is associated with a number of pervasive alteration types named respectively: quartz-illite- montmorillonite-kaolinite ± pyrite, quartz-illite ± pyrite, quartz-illite-chlorite ± pyrite and quartz- kaolinite-illite ± pyrite. On the other hand, a propylitic alteration also occurs within the andesite intrusion composed of calcite-epidote-chlorite-sericite-quartz ± pyrite. The mineralization is characterized by several zones of quartz stockwork containing gold and associated ore minerals of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite and argentite. The quartz veins occurs as fi llings of structural openings in the form of milky quartz and amethyst with textures of sugary, comb, and dogteeth. Evaluation work on results of microscopic (petrography and mineragraphy), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and fl uid inclusion studies, and chemical analysis of entirely altered rock/quartz vein samples shows that the alteration and mineralization process were closely related to a change of hydrothermal fl uids, from near neutral into acid conditions at a temperature range of >290o – 100oC. The appearances of quartz variation indicate a relationship with repeated episodes of boiling in an epithermal system, as ground water mixed with hot vapor originated from a remained post-magmatic solution. Corresponding to a salinity of average 1,388 equiv.wt.% NaCl, it indicates that the ore minerals bearing quartz veins were deposited at a depth range of 640 – 1020 m beneath paleosurface.  
Permasalahan dan Strategi Pembangunan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan Studi Kasus: Cekungan Bandung Wangsaatmaja, Setiawan; Sabar, Arwin; Prasetiati, Maria Angela
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.515 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.18

Abstract problems occurring in the Bandung Basin are resulted from improper management pertaining to land and spatial planning, including landuse policy and control. Arising environmental problems are covering disturbance of watershed hydrological function, surface and groundwater quality and quantity, solid waste, and air quality. Environmental studies in the Bandung Basin have been implemented by landuse change interpretation, surface water regime measurements, water quality, solid waste management, and air quality. Landuse change has occurred where some vegetation areas, such as forests and paddy fi elds, have decreased for 54% in one hand, and developed area has increased into 223% in the other hand. Watershed degradation is indicated by run off coeffi cient increasing from 0.3 in 1950 to 0.55 in 1998. Flow regime has also changed by presence of a maximum extreme discharge increasing tendency from 217.9 m3/sec in 1951 to 285.8 m3/sec in 1998, and minimum extreme discharge decreasing tendency from 6.35 m3/sec in 1951 to 5.7 m3/sec in 1998. Groundwater productivity index continued decreasing from 0.1 million m3/unit in 1900 to 0.0188 million m3/unit in 2002. Environmental problem has also occurred in a solid waste management sector where an average level of service is only 43.7%, and air pollution by motor vehicle and industrial emission, such as PM10, NOx, CO2, SO2, Pb, and acid rain phenomena have also occurred. Fresh water supply level of service in the Bandung Basin only covers 43% of the total needs. Watershed degradation occurring in the Basin needs a management system recovery, administrative based-management that shifted to ecological based integrated watershed management. Effort and strategy required include the policy and institutional reassembling, pollution control, land rehabilitation and conservation, and community empowerment.  
Sebaran akuifer dan pola aliran air tanah di Kecamatan Batuceper dan Kecamatan Benda Kota Tangerang, Propinsi Banten Mohamad Sapari Hadian; Undang Mardiana; Oman Abdurahman; Munib Ikhwatun Iman
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1226.33 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.1.3.115-128

Abstract the Batuceper and Benda Sub-Regencies belongs to the western part of the Jakarta Basin. The area is covered by coastal alluvial and delta deposits, and volcanic product. Understanding the distribution and groundwater pattern, either in the shallow part or the deep part, are of the basic thing for a geometric model and its groundwater fl ow in identifying the groundwater conservation. The result of the aquifer distribution, either in the shallow or the depth parts, was approached by the geoelectrical and hydrogeological surveys in the fi eld and well data that has resulted in aquifer distribution, either in the shallow or the deep parts. In general, the shallow aquifer developed downward becomes semi confi ned and confi ned aquifers. Groundwater fl ow pattern indicated local cones depression of groundwater level, especially around the city. Depression of groundwater level is considered to be related to the natural shape of aquifer as lences. However, it was possible to be caused by over pumping in this zone.    
Dinamika pengendapan lahar permukaan pada alur-alur lembah di bagian selatan Gunung Api Merapi, Yogyakarta Sri Mulyaningsih; Sampurno Sampurno; Yahdi Zaim; Deny Juanda Puradimaja; Sutikno Bronto
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (907.621 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.1.3.129-142

Abstract aliran rombakan Gunung Api Merapi, yang lebih dikenal sebagai lahar, terbentuk dari hasil longsoran endapan awan panas yang dipicu oleh curah hujan yang sangat tinggi. Pada saat ini, endapan awan panas tersebut berasal dari guguran kubah lava. Material suspensi tersebut selanjutnya menuruni lereng dengan kecepatan yang tinggi, menghasilkan aliran turbulen. Aliran tersebut biasanya berkembang pada daerah dengan perbedaan morfologi berkemiringan lereng tinggi ke landai, atau yang sering dikenal sebagai daerah tekuk lereng. Studi ini didasarkan pada pengamatan dan pengukuran fragmen lahar yang berukuran besar di permukaan. Analisis meliputi arah penyirapan, bentuk, dan besar butir fragmen. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan model arah aliran fragmen besar lahar dari bagian atas aliran rombakan, yang membentuk “model punggung katak” atau “model punggung gajah”. Bagian depan katak atau gajah (kepala) yaitu arah aliran atau bagian depan aliran. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa model tersebut berlaku pada fragmen dengan diameter 90 cm atau lebih besar. Di daerah penelitian, fragmen dengan diameter 90 cm mencapai jarak hingga 22 km dari sumbernya. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai model untuk menentukan arah aliran lahar (aliran rombakan) purba yang sumbernya belum diketahui.  
Pertumbuhan Gunung Api Anak Krakatau setelah letusan katastrofi s 1883 IGAN SUPRIATMAN SUTAWIDJAJA
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (857.567 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.1.3.143 -153

Abstract its appearance in 1929, Anak Krakatau Volcano has been growing fastly. The elevation of Anak Krakatau Volcano from 1930 to 2005, within 75 years, has reached 315 m high. The growth rate is approximated to be four meters per year in average. Based on calculation, the volume of the body from the sea fl oor since 1927 until 1981 was 2.35 km3, and then in 1983 was 2.87 km3 and then in 1990 it reached 3.25 km3. The latest volume measurement in 2000, was 5.52 km3. Between 1992 up to 2001, within nine years, the eruption of Anak Krakatau took place almost every day, and it had caused its elevation to increase more than 100 m, and its area extent to become 378,527 m2. If the increase in height and the increase in volume are consistent, it is expected that in 2020, the volume of Anak Krakatau’s edifi ce will proceed the volume of Rakata Volcano, Danan Volcano, and Perbuwatan Volcano (11.01 km3) shortly before catastrophic eruption in 1883. Since this volcano appeared above the sea level, the succession of vegetation never came up to a climax, except some of the species, such as Saccharum sp. and Casuarina sp. those are growing faster after the eruption stopped. The growth of coral reef on the lava fl ows that entered the sea about ten years ago, was much slower than those which are growing around the Rakata, Panjang and Sertung Islands. This case is probably due to the slow rate of cooling process of the lava fl ows, although the lava surfaces are blocky.  
Karakteristik mineralisasi epitermal di Daerah Taran, Hulu Kahayan, Kalimantan Tengah berdasarkan studi mikroskopis, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), dan inklusi fluida Danny Zulkifli Herman
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.692 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.1.3.155-162

Abstract area is occupied predominantly by piroclastic rocks and locally intercalations of lenticular claystones and sandstones. The pyroclastic rocks are intruded by diorite, dacite and andesite, leading alteration and mineralization within the host rocks. Mineralization occurs as a vein type and is associated with a number of pervasive alteration types named respectively: quartz-illite- montmorillonite-kaolinite ± pyrite, quartz-illite ± pyrite, quartz-illite-chlorite ± pyrite and quartz- kaolinite-illite ± pyrite. On the other hand, a propylitic alteration also occurs within the andesite intrusion composed of calcite-epidote-chlorite-sericite-quartz ± pyrite. The mineralization is characterized by several zones of quartz stockwork containing gold and associated ore minerals of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite and argentite. The quartz veins occurs as fi llings of structural openings in the form of milky quartz and amethyst with textures of sugary, comb, and dogteeth. Evaluation work on results of microscopic (petrography and mineragraphy), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and fl uid inclusion studies, and chemical analysis of entirely altered rock/quartz vein samples shows that the alteration and mineralization process were closely related to a change of hydrothermal fl uids, from near neutral into acid conditions at a temperature range of >290o – 100oC. The appearances of quartz variation indicate a relationship with repeated episodes of boiling in an epithermal system, as ground water mixed with hot vapor originated from a remained post-magmatic solution. Corresponding to a salinity of average 1,388 equiv.wt.% NaCl, it indicates that the ore minerals bearing quartz veins were deposited at a depth range of 640 – 1020 m beneath paleosurface.  
Permasalahan dan Strategi Pembangunan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan Studi Kasus: Cekungan Bandung Setiawan Wangsaatmaja; Arwin Sabar; Maria Angela Prasetiati
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.515 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.1.3.163-171

Abstract problems occurring in the Bandung Basin are resulted from improper management pertaining to land and spatial planning, including landuse policy and control. Arising environmental problems are covering disturbance of watershed hydrological function, surface and groundwater quality and quantity, solid waste, and air quality. Environmental studies in the Bandung Basin have been implemented by landuse change interpretation, surface water regime measurements, water quality, solid waste management, and air quality. Landuse change has occurred where some vegetation areas, such as forests and paddy fi elds, have decreased for 54% in one hand, and developed area has increased into 223% in the other hand. Watershed degradation is indicated by run off coeffi cient increasing from 0.3 in 1950 to 0.55 in 1998. Flow regime has also changed by presence of a maximum extreme discharge increasing tendency from 217.9 m3/sec in 1951 to 285.8 m3/sec in 1998, and minimum extreme discharge decreasing tendency from 6.35 m3/sec in 1951 to 5.7 m3/sec in 1998. Groundwater productivity index continued decreasing from 0.1 million m3/unit in 1900 to 0.0188 million m3/unit in 2002. Environmental problem has also occurred in a solid waste management sector where an average level of service is only 43.7%, and air pollution by motor vehicle and industrial emission, such as PM10, NOx, CO2, SO2, Pb, and acid rain phenomena have also occurred. Fresh water supply level of service in the Bandung Basin only covers 43% of the total needs. Watershed degradation occurring in the Basin needs a management system recovery, administrative based-management that shifted to ecological based integrated watershed management. Effort and strategy required include the policy and institutional reassembling, pollution control, land rehabilitation and conservation, and community empowerment.  

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