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PENGARUH POHON INDUK DAN BAHAN STEK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN STEK CABANG TIMOHO (Kleinhovia hospita L) Lukman Hakim; Yuliah Yuliah; Hamdan Adma Adinugraha
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (820.089 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.123-130


Timoho (Kleinhovia hospita L) is a rare plant that has high economic and cultural value for the Javanese people, especially in Yogyakarta. Timoho wood has a beautiful pattern called pelet and is used as a raw material for keris sheath. In Javanese culture, the keris is a masterpiece culture that is used as a weapon, spiritual object and complementary traditional events such as marriage. In Yogyakarta, Timoho trees are difficult to find, currently, so that plant propagation in a generative way also has difficulty due to scarcity of seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct Timoho propagation research through vegetative methods. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the origin of stem cuttings from three Timoho mother trees and the stem section (base, middle, and end) to the success of Timoho stem cuttings. Stem cuttings come from three Timoho trees in the Arboretum of the Center for Forest Research and Development of Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Yogyakarta. The research method used a nested experimental design using 3 mother trees and 3 stem parts (base, middle and end) which were nested in the mother tree. The characters observed were percentage of shoots, number of shoots, length of shoots, and number of leaves. The results showed the percentage of live cuttings varied from 10.9-60.0%, number of shoots 1-7 pieces, number of leaves 3-26 strands and length of shoots 2.00-17.7 cm. The mother tree treatment has a significant effect on the percentage of sprouts and shoot length, while the cuttings material has a significant effect on the length of shoots at the cuttings measurements of the age of 2 months since planted in polybags.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.%p


ABSTRACT The study was carried out in the Dusung Community Forest (Agroforestry) area of Toisapu Negeri Hutumuri Hamlet, South Leitimur Sub-District, Ambon City in August - October 2018 to determine the relationship between stand volume and stored biomass for scale plots in dusung agroforestry areas in Toisapu Hamlet. For this reason, it begins with an inventory of potential at seedling, sapling, pole and tree levels so that information and data on the actual potential of carbon content in the dusung system are obtained based on the value of the diversity of stand volume and biomass content. The results of the three measurement plots showed that the highest biomass was seen to be dominated by Durian, Pala and Langsat and Duku and Clove plants. Based on the calculation of the biomass value of the total carbon content in the three plots, it can be seen biomass potential for a total 400 m² plot area or 0.04 ha for the three plots with an area of 1,200 m² or 0.12 ha having a total biomass of 50,783.77 Kg / m² multiplied by the assumption of 0.5% of the total amount of tree biomass and poles so that the total carbon content stored in the three plots is 25,391.88 kg / m² or 2,539.19 tons / ha. Keywords: Agroforestry, Shelter Biomass, Dusung ABSTRAK Penelitian dilaksanakan pada areal Hutan Rakyat (Agroforestry) Dusung di Dusun Toisapu Negeri Hutumuri Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon pada Bulan Agustus 2018 untuk menentukan hubungan antara volume tegakan dan kandungan biomasa tersimpan untuk skala plot pada areal agroforestry dusung di Dusun Toisapu. Untuk itu, diawali dengan menginventarisasi potensi pada tingkat semai, pancang, tiang dan pohon sehingga diperolehnya informasi dan data potensi aktual kandungan karbon pada sistem dusung berdasarkan nilai keragaman volume tegakan dan nilai kandungan biomassa. Hasil penelitian pada tiga plot pengukuran menunjukan bahwa biomasa tertinggi terlihat didominasi oleh jenis tanaman Durian, Pala dan tanaman Langsat serta Duku dan Cengkih. Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai biomassa terhadap jumlah kandungan karbon pada ketiga plot, terlihat potensi biomassa untuk total luas petak ukur 400 m² atau 0,04 ha untuk ketiga plot dengan seluas 1.200 m² atau 0,12 ha memiliki jumlah total biomassa 50.783,77 Kg/m² yang dikalikan dengan asumsi 0,5 % dari total jumlah biomassa pohon dan tiang sehingga jumlah kandungan karbon yang tersimpan pada ketiga plot sebesar 25.391,88 kg/ m² atau 2.539,19 ton/ha. Kata Kunci : Agroforestry, Biomassa, Dusung.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.95-103


Mulberry is an important feed for increasing the productivity in cocoons on silkworm cultivation. Mulberry having a high nutrition is very important. This is because the nutritional value is the most important factor influencing the quality and quantity of cocoons and silk. Therefore, the development of improved mulberry accompanied with an appropriate cultivation technique is necessary. This study aims to determine the effect of fertilization and trimming on the leaves productivity of three species of mulberry planted in a demonstration plot in Rurukan, Tomohon, North Sulawesi. The three species of mulberry used in this study are mulberry of SULI 01, Morus cathayana and M. canva which were tested under three types of fertilizer: Taikam, Petroganik and manure. The trimming test was only practiced for the two species of M. cathayana dan M. canva with three trimming height of 30 cm, 45 cm and 60 cm above the ground. All the tests were arranged under a completely randomized factorial design. The genetic materials of mulberry were supplied from Forest Productivity Research and Development Center in Bogor. The measured parameters were diameter and height of plant, and leaves production. The results showed that in general the fertilization had no effect on leaves productivity for all of the tested species of mulberry. The application of Taikam and manure only affected the growth of diameter and height of mulberry plant. The trimming treatment provided a difference of leaves productivity between the two species of mulberry. The highest leaf production for M. canva (639.61 gr) was found at trimming of 45 cm, while for M. cathayana was found at trimming of 60 cm (482.40 gr).
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.61-69


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a symbiosis between fungi and plants. This association is mutualism, AMF contributes to increased plant growth while fungi obtain energy sources from plant assimilation. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of AMF with durian plants (Durio zibethinus) in Manokwari, West Papua. The survey was conducted in 10 villages located in 4 districts known as the center for producing durian. Observation of the presence of AMF spores in the plant's rhizosphere was carried out by the wet sieving method. Furthermore, to find out the association between the two symbionts is done by observing AMF colonization in plant roots. The types of AMF found in the plant's rhizosphere are morphologically identified based on spore characteristics. The results showed that durian was associated with AMF. The percentage of AMF colonization ranged from 39.29 to 80.00%, while the number of spores was 112-336 spores per 100 grams of soil sample. Based on the spore morphological characteristics, AMF found is dominated by the genus Glomus, Scutellospora, and Acaulospora.  
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (15.095 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.117-122


People from East Nusa Tenggara generally use Gewang midribs for walls and ceilings. However this midribs contains ingredients that can be attacked by organisms such as termites. To overcome this, preservation action is needed. Conventional preservatives commonly contain ingredients that are less environmentally friendly, expensive and not easily available. Therefore it is necessary to find a natural preservative from the flora species more suitable for people. The purpose of this study was to obtain data and information about the effect of the concentration of natural preservatives from Tuba extract on the Gewang midribs. Tuba extract was obtained through the maceration using methanol. Preservation was carried out by soaking the Gewang midribs samples in to tuba extract solution with the consentration (gr/liter) of 0 (control), 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36 for 24 hours at room temperature. The effectiveness of preservatives was done using soil termites test. The results showed that tuba extract had a very significant effect on decreasing the weight of the sample and increasing the quality class of gewang midirb from class IV to II. It is recommended that preserving gewang midribs can use tuba extract with a concentration at least of 4 gr per liter of water
KEMAMPUAN BERAKAR STEK PUCUK DARI BEBERAPA KLON Pinus merkusii KANDIDAT BOCOR GETAH Gunawan Nugrahanto; Mochamad Naiem; Sapto Indrioko; Eny Faridah; Widiyanto Widiyanto
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.71-83


Pinus merkusii sap is one of Indonesia's superior NTFP products with high economic value. Increasing the sap productivity through the uses of geneticaly improved material of high resin yielder pinus, referred as “Pinus Bocor Getah” (PBG), is necessary. Vegetative propagation technique could used to obtain the high productivity of PBG in shorter times. This research aims to observe the rooting ability of PBG clones through a callus shoot cuttings technique. Of the 24 clones observed, 14 clones were taken from the hedge orchards and 10 clones were from selected tree in progeny test. Two experimental design used are completely randomized block designs and completely random design. Observation on the rooting ability includes parameters of the success rate of rooted, height increase, number and length of primary roots, number and length of secondary roots, root volume, root biomass and shoot and root ratio. The results showed that all tested clones showed ability to perform rooted shoot cutting, but the percentage rate of rooting varied among the clones. Amount of 71.42% clones from hedge orchard were rooted above 50% with Clone Pkp 9 and Pkp 13 as the highest percentage of rooting ( 93.75%). For the clones from progeny test, only one clone of Ppt 17 was rooted at above 50% (82.08%). The clones were significantly affected the primary root length and the number of secondary roots, especially for the clones from hedge orchard. The highest primary root length was found in Clone Pkp 3 (66.38 cm), and the highest number of secondary roots was found in Clone Pkp 14 (39). Other observed parameters were not significantly affeted by the difference of clones. The results of the study indicate that some PBG clones have the potential to be further developed massively through clonal propagation techniques.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.105-116


Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungsi dan manfaat yang sangat penting. Namun demikian, degradasi mangrove terus meningkat karena aktivitas manusia yang berlebihan. Pemanfaatan buah mangrove merupakan salah satu cara alternatif untuk mengubah pemanfaatan yang merusak menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan. Dalam pemanfaatan buah mangrove, kandungan non gizi adalah sesuatu yang perlu diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan anti-nutrisi dari tannin dan kontaminan logam berat Sonneratia spp dan tepung buah Rhizophora mucronata, serta kontaminasi HCN dan mikroba tepung buah Sonneratia spp. Analisis dilakukan di laboratorium terkait di Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan Sonneratia spp tannin adalah 0,26% dan R. mucronata adalah 0,12-0,26%. Isi Pb, Mn, Cu, Hg dan As (dalam mg / kg) tepung Sonneratia spp adalah 0,28; 10.13; 13.3; <0,005; dan <0,003; sedangkan R. mucronata adalah 1,18-4,24; 14.99-20.31; 3,65-5,23; <0,005; dan <0,005. Kandungan HCN Sonneratia spp adalah <3 mg / kg, jumlah lempeng <10 koloni / gram, Escherichia coli <3APM / gram, Bacillus cereus 0 koloni / gram, Salmonella sp negatif, cetakan <10 koloni / gram dan ragi <10 koloni / gram. Hasil-hasil itu menunjukkan bahwa kandungan tanin dari kedua jenis tepung itu lebih rendah daripada beberapa spesies mangrove lain dalam studi serupa dan relatif aman dikonsumsi karena di bawah SNI dan persyaratan Acceptable Daily Intake.
ASOSIASI VEGETASI TANAMAN RAMBATAN KETAK (Lygodium circinatum (Burm.)Sw.) di KPHL RINJANI BARAT, PULAU LOMBOK, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT Endah Wahyuningsih; Eny Faridah; Budiadi Budiadi; Atus Syahbudin
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.85-94


Ketak (Lygodium circinatum (Burm.) Sw.) is a fern plant and its growth requires other plants as a host plant for climbing of tendrils to get light. Information of vegetation association of host plant is needed, due to it is considered to have an influence on fern growth and productivity. This data and information is important to develop a strategy of ketak cultivation. This research was aimed to determine vegetation association of ketak host plant in its habitat. The study used purposive systematic sampling by survey technique based on altitude i.e. 0-249, 250-499 and 500-750 m asl. There are 10 of observation plot with dimension of 20 m x 20 m. In each plot, an analysis of vegetation association of ketak host plant to determine association between species, type of interaction and index of association between species of ketak host plant. The results showed that the vegetation association of ketak host plants in each altitude classification which had a positive and strong association are 7 pairs species in altitude of 0-249 m asl. and altitude 250 – 499 m asl., and 10 pairs species in the altitude 500 – 750 m asl.
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (15.518 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2019.13.2.131-140


Biodiversity has a strategic role in socio-economic aspect, especially the provision services to humans and the surrounding ecosystem. Diverse of provision services encourage people to manage biodiversity in the cultivation environment, one of which is Kaliwu Agroforests. Kaliwu Agroforest, is a multi-species based of dryland farming model, developed by local communities in Sumba island to support various of provision services to the communiies, one of which is food. Recently, data and information about food crop species biodiversity in Kaliwu agroforests, and their contribution to meet the food needs to the local communities are not available. Understanding the biodiversity species of food crops in Agroforest Kaliwu and its contribution to household food needs is required. Therefore, field observations and interviews to 70 households of Kaliwu agroforest owners in Central Sumba District were carried out. Data and information obtained were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results of analysis showed, the plants biodiversity of food source in Kaliwu Agroforests is varies. There are 12 species of food sources from the cassava group, and 46 species from the fruits group. Each farmer has different biodiversity of food crops species, and is determined by the choices and decisions of the farmers to cultivate. Farmers decision influenced the variations of tubers and fruits contribution in cultivate the Kaliwu agroforest. Contributions of foodstuffs per capita needs of tubers ranges from 35-41%, while for the group of fruits range from 55-81%. Referring to the species variety and its contribution value, Kaliwu Agroforest has a significant role to support the biodiversity conservation and fulfilment the food needs to the local communities. It is needed to encourage and empower the local potential agroforests an alternative to build community-based food security, such as Kaliwu Agroforest that provide added value, and increase food self-sufficiency and security in the local communities

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