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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 7 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Novel, as one of literary works, can be a representation of the real life thatportrays the social and cultural phenomena in a certain society. Novel can be used as thedescription of the influence of society towards the character building of the charactersof  the  novel  as  individual.  In  Mark  Twain’s  The  Adventures of  Tom  Sawyer,  thecharacter building of Tom Sawyer, as the main character, is influenced by the Southsociety in America, which also leads to the development of Tom Sawyer’s personalitiesis implicitly and explicitly shown. The study applies socio-cultural approach as the grounding theory to find out thesocial and cultural phenomena of the South society which influences Tom Sawyer’scharacter building. The background of Mark Twain in terms of The Adventures of TomSawyer novel and the socio-cultural life in the South society are used to provide somesupporting information to make the analysis and interpretation of the study becomesmore comprehensive. The  result  of the  study reveals  that  Mark Twain’s The Adventures of  TomSawyer  elevates  the  socio-cultural  issues  in  the  South  society  that  influence  thecharacter building of Tom Sawyer. The relationship between Tom Sawyer and theSouth  society and  the  psychological process  within  Tom  Sawyer’s personalities isclearly described. However, because this novel does not merely elevate socio-culturalaspects, it is suggested for the next researchers to research it from other perspectives,such as economic condition, racism, or Christian cultural values.Keywords:  Mark  Twain,  The  Adventures  of   Tom  Sawyer,  character  building,personalities, socio-cultural approach
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Language style, language style based on lexicon, language style based on sentence structure, Sampoerna.   When delivering ideas through language, people may use different language variety that is called style. “People use a different language style when they are communicating with others because from the style they can recognize the speaker’s background and the reason of using a variety of language that he/she uses” (Trudgill, 2002:2). In conducting the study, the writer analyzed two problems of study namely; (1) What kinds of language style used in the slogans of Sampoerna advertisements seen from its lexicon (2) What kinds of language style used in the slogans of Sampoerna advertisements seen from its sentence structure. The main theory used in this study is the language style theory proposed by Keraf Gorys (2010) supported by theories proposed by Trudgill& Pratt (1980) and Abdul Chaer (2006). This study used qualitative and document analysis since the analysis focused on analyzing and interpreting the text in the form of slogans. The data of this study were the slogans of Sampoerna advertisements taken from internet and some from other sources like television and newspapers. In this study, the writer described the data by using tables. The writer revealed that language style based on lexicon of both formal and informal are found. Moreover, in this study the writer included the characteristics of lexical and grammatical of Bahasa Indonesia which can be seen in appendices. It was done in order to make deeper analysis. The language style based on sentence structure (climax, anticlimax, parallelism, antithesis, and repetition) was found in this study. However, the writer only found four styles because parallel style is not found in the data. From 20 slogans analyzed based on lexicon, the writer found out that there were seven slogans categorized into formal language style and there are 13 slogans categorized into informal language style. Based on sentence structure, from 20 slogans, it was found out that there are 11 slogans of climax, four slogans is anticlimax, one slogan is antithesis and four slogans is repetition. Last, the writer suggests for the future study to analyze language style that occurs in the slogan of Indonesian advertisement not only from its lexicon and sentence structure but maybe can also be seen from its meaning because it will contribute deeper analysis.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study was conducted to find out the types of conversational implicature in the American TV Series Supernatural: Season 6. The writer selected Supernatural: Season 6 as the data source because the characters often produced implicature utterances. This research discovered that two types of conversational implicature based on the theory of Grice were used by the characters while having conversations with each other. They produced the conversational implicature by either obeying or flouting the conversational maxims. From the occurrence of all types of conversational implicature, the characters mostly used the particularized conversational implicature because most of the utterances they produced required context to interpret the implied meanings. Context could be the physical context, situational context, the cultural knowledge, the private knowledge of a person’s history, and co-textual context.   Keywords: Conversational Implicature, Maxims, Context
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Short story is one of many ways to distribute language and is used to tell something or convey the hidden message. When language is performed, there must be discourse. Discourse does not emphasize in grammar, but focus on the meaning and coherence. It means there is relationship between discourse and literary work. The purpose of this research is to find out the use of language function. The wtiter does not only focus on the analysis of each sentence in the short story, but also to find out the interpretation. The writer selected Djenar Maesa Ayu’s literary work, entitled “Jangan Main-Main (dengan Kelaminmu)”, read the book thoroughly, and find language function and the interpretation itself. The results of the research show that there are many other functions of language. Each short stories contains different numbers of language function. “Jangan Main-Main (dengan Kelaminmu)” dominated by Emotive Function, “Mandi Sabun Mandi” dominated by Phatic Function, “Moral” dominated by Emotive Function, “Menyusu Ayah” dominated by Referential Function, and “Saya adalah Seorang Alkoholik” not dominated by any language function. Language Function facilitate the reader in understand the story, find a message that is implied, categorizes sentences according to its function and its interpretation.   Kata Kunci : analisa wacana, fungsi bahasa, pemilihan kata.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Parents should  provide protection and  basic  need  for their children.  A child who does not get the basic needs and gets torture from the parents will be in unstable     psychological        conditions.                 This                    skripsi focuses               on            children’s psychological condition after being tortured by his mother. The purpose of this research is to analyze Dave’s psychological condition as a child abuse victim in Dave Pelzer’s A Child Called It. Psychological approach is used in analyzing this novel because every torture done by Dave’s  mother gives  negative effects to Dave’s psychological condition. The result of this research shows that Dave suffers from some abuses such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Those abuses affects his psychological  conditions  in  the   forms  of  lacking  trust  on  others,   having difficulties   in  making   friends,   feeling   worthless  and  damaged  and   facing difficulties in managing emotion. The writer concludes that family especially mother has a big influence on a child’s psychological condition.  So,  a  mother  has  to  pay attention  to  their children’s health and psychological condition.     Key words: child abuse, types of child abuse, effects of child abuse, child abuse  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Literary work is the description of a certain real event occurred in the community. One from of literary work is movie. This research uses a movie titled with Outrage which describes about yakuza life. Yakuza is a community group in Japan. The problem discussed in this research is how is the description of yakuza life in Japan community in the Outrage movie directed by Takeshi Kitano. The author uses Ian Watt’s literature sociology theory as the approach of research to recognize literature as the mirror for the community in describing the life of yakuza in Japan community and to see how far Outrage movie is in describing yakuza life. Result of research proves that Outrage movie is indeed describing the actual life of yakuza by showing the organization of yakuza, the traditions attended in yakuza, the businesses run by yakuza, the relationship between yakuza groups, and the relationship between police and yakuza. Further research shall use other approaches to understand this movie, such as historical and cultural approaches in order to enrich the appreciation in the literature work. Keywords: movie, literature sociology, yakuza, modern Japan community
Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Drama Namae o Nakushita Megami episode 1 NARULITA, SITI ANNISA
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Dalam berkomunikasi manusia saling menyampaikan suatu informasi yang bisa berupa ide ataupun perasaan penutur kepada lawan tutur dan dalamsetiap komunikasi akan menimbulkan tindak tutur. Tindak tutur ilokusimerupakan tindak tutur yang paling banyak muncul dalam komunikasi. Tindaktutur ilokusi adalah tindak tutur yang biasanya diidentifikasi dengan kalimatperformatif yang eksplisit. Tindak tutur ilokusi dapat ditemukan hampir di setiapkomunikasi baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ataupun dalam novel, film, dramadan iklan. Begitu juga drama Jepang yang berjudul Namae o Nakushita Megamiyang menjadi objek penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori pengklasifikasian tindak tutur ilokusimilik Yule sebagai acuan dan merupakan penelitian jenis deskriptif. Hasil daripenelitian ini adalah, ditemukannya empat jenis tindak tutur ilokusi, yaiturepresentatif, ekspresif, komisif dan direktif. Di mana fungsi yang ditemukanadalah menegaskan, kebenaran atau fakta, penjelasan dan menyimpulkan  dalamrepresentatif. Fungsi menunjukkan perasaan senang, bingung, sedih dan tidaksuka dalam ekspresif. Fungsi menolak, berjanji dan mengancam dalam komisif.Serta fungsi menyuruh atau memerintah, menawarkan, mengajak,memperingatkan, mengijinkan dan meminta tolong dalam tindak tutur ilokusidirektif. Masih banyak penelitian pragmatik lainnya yang bisa dilakukanmenggunakan sumber data ini, seperti tindak tutur ilokusi direktif orang tua padaanaknya atau pengajar pada anak didiknya. Kata Kunci: tindak tutur, tindak tutur ilokusi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Skripsi ini membahas tentang fenomena ijime dalam drama Life. Kata ijimeruyang merupakan verba dari ijime bermakna, yowai mono wo kurushimeru ‘membuatorang yang lemah menjadi menderita’ Ijime merupakan penyerangan secara mentalmaupun fisik kepada seseorang yang lebih lemah secara terus menerus sehinggamenyebabkan penderitaan yang serius. Tindakan kekerasan secara fisik dan memberitekanan secara mental yang dilakukan oleh kelompok terhadap anggota kelompoktersebut yang dianggap lemah atau dianggap menyimpang. Drama Life menceritakantentang penindasan yang dilakukan sekelompok murid terhadap satu temansekelasnya yang terjadi di sekolah seperti yang terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata.Topik pada penelitian ini membahas tentang ijime yang terjadi di Jepang,maka dari itu penulis menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra karena sosiologisastra merupakan teori yang membahas tentang masalah sosial yang terjadi dimasyarakat. Penulis menggunakan sosiologi sastra menurut Wellek dan Warren yangkedua yaitu sosiologi terhadap karya sastra. Alasannya karena dalam sosiologiterhadap karya sastra masalah yang dibahas mengenai isi karya sastra, tujuan atauamanat, dan hal-hal lain yang tersirat dalam karya sastra itu sendiri dan berkaitandengan masalah sosial. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah drama. Olehkarena itu, penulis menggunakan teori pendukung film Mise en scene dan beberapaelemen sinematografi untuk menganalisis adegan dalam drama Life yangmenampilkan fenomena ijime.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa bentuk Ijime baiksecara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Ijime secara langsung seperti ijime verbal,sosial, fisik dan seksual sedangkan Ijime tidak langsung yaitu cyber ijime. Beberapatindakan ijime yang dilakukan ijimekko menimbulkan dampak yangmengkhawatirkan yaitu bunuh diri atau jisatsu.Penulis menyarankan kepada pembaca drama Life dapat dianalisis denganpendekatan yang lain yaitu psikoanalisis. Dengan pendekatan psikoanalisis makadapat dianalisis psikologi dari pelaku sehingga melakukan ijime dan bagaimanapsikologi korban ijime tersebut setelah diintimidasi. Kata Kunci: Drama, Fenomena, Ijime, masyarakat Jepang.
Flouting Maxims in the main characters of UP! animated movie Burhan, Sarah Rosalina
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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This study is design to find out what the maxims flouted by the main characters on the animated movie  UP!  and to find out the intended meanings of the utterances being flouted by the main characters on the animated movie UP! This study not only to know what the maxims are flouted but also to know why people do flouting maxims in their communication. The data source of this study is taken from UP!’s subtitle that was obtained from the internet and the data of this study are the utterances of the main characters that are flouted. The researcher only looks for the utterances that are flouting the maxims. The results of this study found that there were 47 dialogues containing flouting maxims in UP!  animated movie. That consists of four kinds flouting maxims, namely flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of manner, and flouting maxim of relevant. The purposes of flouting the maxims were to make the main characters are comfortable in the conversation, to avoid other questions, to show pleasure or anger, and to show their knowledge on something in this movie.Key word: Cooperative Principles, Flouting Maxims, Intended Meanings, UP! animated movie.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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As one of a popular American novel which was published recently, The Hunger Games composed by Suzanne Collins, provides a significant description about the manifestation of American values portrayed by the main character, KatnissEverdeen.Katniss’ efforts in the novel are in line with the principle of American Pragmatism, which later on can be analyzed by its relation with the idea of American values, the grounding idea of the framing of this great American philosophy. By applying a sociological approach, this study discover the existence of the two roots of American culture known as American values and American Pragmatism, are still preserved. Katniss successfully manifests the goals of American Pragmatism that certainly taken from American values’ idea through her struggle told in the novel. This result leads to the comprehension of how American values influence American’s mind in fulfilling their goals or achievements. Keywords: American Values, American Pragmatism, Manifestation of Effort, The Hunger Games.

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