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E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan
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E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Abstrak: Rabies adalah infeksi virus akut yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat manusia dan mamalia dengan mortalitas 100%.Penyebabnya adalah virus rabies yang termasuk genus Lyssavirus, famili Rhabdoviridae. Rabies adalah penyakit zoonosis, penularan melalui jilatan atau gigitan hewan yang terjangkit rabies seperti anjing, kucing, kera, sigung, serigala, raccoon dan kelelawar. Walaupun telah tersedia vaksin rabies yang efektif dan aman bagi manusia dan hewan untuk pencegahan, sampai saat ini rabies masih menjadi masalah kesehatan diberbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini untuk menjelaskan sifat-sifat virus rabies, patogenesis, gejala klinik, diagnosis, dan penatalaksanaannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian kepustakaan dan data-data penelitian lainnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rabies adalah penyakit zoonosis yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat binatang menyusui dengan mortalitas 100%. Mortalitas rabies dapat dikurangi bila penyakit ini cepat diketahui dan disertai penatalaksanaan yang cepat dan tepat. Kata kunci: rabies virus, binatang rabid,vaksin. Abstract: Rabies is an acute viral disease of the human and mammalian central nervous system that considerable 100% mortality. The etiologic agent is a rabies virus. Rabies viruses are member of the genus Lyssavirus, in the family Rhabdoviridae. Rabies is a zoonotic disease that is generally transmitted to humans by bites of rabid animals or by contact with saliva from rabid animals. Susceptible variesamong mammalian species, ranging from dogs, cats, monkeys, skunks, raccoon, and bats. Although, the rabies vaccine are safe and effective for human and animal prevention, nowadays rabies has become the public health problem in many countries, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to explain properties rabies virus, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and control. The method is based on literature study and other data. It is concluded that rabies is a zoonosis can invade the human central nervous system that almost always fatal. Mortality can be decreased if the disease is promptly recognized, treated quickly and appropriately. Key words : rabies virus, rabid animals, vaccine.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Etiologi penyakit antraks adalah Bacillus anthracis. Penyakit ini sering menyerang binatang herbivora, yang memperoleh endospora dari tanah yang terkontaminasi. Spora antraks dapat bertahan hidup sampai beberapa decade. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini untuk menjelaskan aspek bakteriologi antraks, patogenesis, gejala klinik, diagnosis dan pengobatannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian kepustakaan dan data penelitian lainnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Penyakit Antraks terutama menyerang herbivore, dan jarang pada manusia, biasanya terjadi diakibatkan kontak dengan binatang terinfeksi atau yang berasal dari produk binatang yang terinfeksi. (2) Tiga gejala klinik utama antraks, tergantung dari tempat masuknya yakni (a) gastrointestinal, (b) kulit dan (c) inhalasi. Antraks inhalasi biasanya fatal dan memiliki kestabilan spora. Faktor ideal ini yang menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa dipakai sebagai senjata biologis. (d) Antraks akan mudah diobati bila penyakit ini cepat diketahui disertai pengobatan tepat dan cepat. Kata kunci: Bacillus anthracis, herbivora, senjata biologis.  Bacillus anthracis, the etiologic agent of anthrax disease occurs most frequently in herbivorous animals, which acquire the endospores from contaminated soil. Human disease is less common and results from contact with infected animals or with commercial product derived from them. The three major clinical forms of anthrax, depending on the route of acquisition are gastrointestinal, cutaneous and inhalational. Inhalational anthrax is the form most likely to be responsible for death in the setting of biologic weapon. The purpose of this paper is to explain the bacteriologic aspects of anthrax, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, diagnostic and therapy. The method is based on literature study and other data. It is concluded that anthrax are predominantly disease in herbivores. Anthrax spores can remain viable for decades. The remarkable stability of these spores makes them on ideal bioweapon. Anthrax can be successfully treated if the disease is promptly recognized and appropriate therapy is initiated early. Key words: Bacillus anthracis, herbivora, bioweapon.
EVALUASI VIGOR DAYA SIMPAN BENIH PADA BERBAGAI GENOTIPE CABAI (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) DENGAN METODE PENGUSANGAN CEPAT Ekowahyuni, Luluk Prihastuti; Sutjahjo, Surjono Hadi; Sujiprihati, Sriani; Suhartanto, Mohamad Rahmad; Syukur, Muhamad
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Abstrak:       Percobaan ini bertujuan mengevaluasi metode pengusangan cepat methanol 20% selama 0, 2, 4, 6 dan 8 jam pada benih cabai hibrida, non hibrida, lokal, introduksi, rawit dan besar yang diproduksi pada tahun 2009 dan 2010. Jumlah genotipe benih non hibrida 4 (2009) dan 4 (2010). Jumlah genotipe benih hibrida 10 (2009) dan 8 (2010). Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis sudut kemiringan garis regressi yang merupakan sudut  perbandingan ordinat dan axis. Rekapitulasi hasil evaluasi vigor daya simpan benih cabai menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara benih produksi tahun 2009 dan 2010, dan benih cabai hibrida dan  non hibrida, serta benih cabai lokal dan introduksi. Perbedaan terdapat pada benih cabai rawit dan besar dan laju penurunannya cabai besar lebih cepat dibandingkan benih cabai rawit.  Hal ini terjadi juga pada tolok ukur daya hantar listrik yang merupakan tolok ukur terbaik untuk vigor daya simpan benih. Hal ini menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh lingkungan terhadap vigor daya simpan benih cabai. Kata kunci: deteriorasi alami, laju kemiringan vigor daya simpan benih cabai. Abstract    The experiment was designed to evaluate the accelerated aging method with 20% methanol for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours which is the first stage of the experimental results at several pepper seed genotypes including hybrid seeds, non hybrid, local, introduction, pepper and great pepper produced in 2009 and 2010. The seeds used are non-hybrid seed as much as 4 genotype seed production in 2009 and 4 genotype seed production in 2010. Hybrid seeds used were 10 genotypes of production in 2009 and 8 genotypes of production in 2010. Data analysis done is the analysis of the slope angle of regression line slope which is resulting from the comparison of the ordinate and the axis. Recapitulation of the pepper seeds vigor storage evaluation results showed that the seed production in 2009 and 2010 there was no difference between the hybrid and non-hybrid pepper seeds and the local and introduction pepper seeds, but there are consistent differences between great chili and chili pepper seeds, the rate of decline of the great chili is greater than the chili pepper. This shows the magnitude of environmental influences on seed pepper seeds vigor storage. Exclusively in electrical conductivity benchmark, which is one of the pepper seeds vigor storage best benchmark shows that the rate of decline in seed vigor between the hybrid and non hybrid seeds and the local and introduction pepper seeds.. Key words: natural deterioration, the rate of decline seed pepper vigor test in relation  to storability
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan 2005
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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To determine the health status of older persons living in the community. A cross-sectional observational study was done of 59 older persons of a Catholic church in Rawamangun, east Jakarta, who volunteered in the study through informed consent. Data collected were physical, blood pressure, lipid profile, ECG, VEP1, weight, height knee height and food frequency. Older persons with hypertension (>140/90) were 14 (23.7%). The lipid profile of older persons were 31 (52.5%) subject had hypercholesterolemia (200 mg/L), 5 (8.5%) subject had hypertriglyceridemia (200>mg/L) 13 (22.0%) subjects had hypo-high-density-lipoproteinemia (<45 mg/L), and 12 (20.3%) subjects had hyper-low-density-lipoproteinemia (>150 mg/L). Older persons with abnormal ECG were 16 (27.1%), 2 (3.4%) subjects had less than normal VEP1 and 37 (62.7%) subjects exercised >= 3 times weekly. Body Mass Index of older persons were 12 (20.3%) subjects BMI below 20.27 (45.8%) BMI between 20-25, 18 (30.5%) between 25-30, and 2 (3.3%) subjects BMI above 30(obesity).
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Depression care management on the client depending on psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and education client’s. Implementation of the psychoeducation computer based collaborate between models of depression care management on the client with computer media. The objective of this study are: to discuss the psychoeducation computer based, (2)to determine the effectiveness of psychoeducation computer based on client’s with low depression. The method used is literature research with descriptive and explorative approach. It can be concluded that: (1) care management on client with low depression by computers based can increasing the ability client's to understand problem, repair the coping mechanism. (2) using the computer based media on the care management client’s with low depression can increasing motivation and interest to depression treatment programe.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Abstract: Supernumerary teeth (gigi berlebih) sering kali ditemukan dalam praktek sehari hari yang dapat menyebabkan maloklusi sehingga dibutuhkan perawatan baik dengan ekstraksi jika diperlukan dan dilanjutkan dengan perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk membahas dan mengetahui (1) penyebab gigi supermumerary (2) maloklusi akibat gigi supernumerary (3) berbagai tindakan pencegahan dengan koreksi dan perawatan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya maloklusi selanjutnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) penyebab gigi supernumerary dapat berasal dari faktor heriditer, gangguan/anomali pertumbuhan gigi dan jaringan2 lainnya serta beberapa teori yang mengemukakan etiologinya seperti teori avatisme dan teori dikotomi. Gigi supernumerary ini merupakan suatu masalah yang cukup serius pada pasien karena dapat menjadi faktor resiko maloklusi terutama bila gigi supernumerary ini tumbuh dibagian anterior diantara kedua gigi insisif(mesiodens) sehingga pasien merasa tidak nyaman yang dapat berakibat mengganggu penampilan.Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan diagnosis dan rencana terapi yang tepat dimana perawatan ortodonti dibutuhkan sesuai dengan kasus yang dapat terjadi antara lain Kasus Diastema, Kasus Gigi Impaksi, KasusCrowding/ Gigi berjejal, Kasus Rotasi Gigi. Management orthodonti yang dapat dilakukan adalah perawatan dengan alat ortodontik cekat atau alat ortodontik lepasan, dan terakhir diberikan retensi untuk stabilisasi agar tidak terjadi relaps. Kata kunci: gigi supermumerary; maloklusi; perawatan ortodonti. Abstract: Supernumerary teeth (excessive teeth) are often found in daily practice, both on children patients with dental first-phase (small frequency), mixed or permanent teeth. Supernumerary teeth is one of the malocclusion cause so we need to take a good care for the supernumerary tooth suchs as extraction if maybe required and if necessary followed by orthodontic treatment. The purpose of this writing is to discuss and find out (1) etiology of supermumerary (2) malocclusion due to supernumerary teeth (3) any preventive action, correction, and treatment that can be done to prevent further malocclusion. It can be concluded that the cause of supernumerary teeth can be derived from the factor heriditer , growth anomalies disorders/teeth and other tissue, also several theories that explain about the etiology like avatisme theory and the theory of dichotomy. Supernumerary teeth is a pretty serious problem in patients because it can be a risk factor for a malocclusion especially when these supernumerary teeth grow between the two anterior insisive teeth (mesiodens) so patients feel uncomfortable that can result in distracting appearance. Therefore it is important to do the right diagnosis and plan an appropriate therapy where necessary orthodontic treatment in accordance with the cases that may occur, such as Diastema case, impaction case, Crowding Teethcase , Tooth Rotation Case. Management of orthodonti that can be done is treatment with orthodontic fix appliance tools or spin-off tool, and the last is to do retention and stabilization to prevent relapse. Key words: supernumerary teeth; malocclusion; orthodontic treatment.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan 2005
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Being a tropical country Indonesia has vast biological resources but has not been explored maximally. Study on biological resource potential of plant as the raw materials of drugs has not been extensively done on animal biological resources. The study objective was to explore the medical potency of resources of an animal easily found in Indonesia such as worms. It is abundantly found living in tropical countries like Indonesia, cultivated with some organic compost media, and it is used as decomposer of garbage. Worm extract is believed to have high medical potency and traditionally it is used for cold treatment, typhoid, diarrhea, anti-hypertension, disinfectant, etc. This study conducted antibacterial testing on some common species of worms, namely Lumbricus rubellus, Pheretima posthuma and Megascolex sp. The antibacterial potency testing was done on typhoid causing bacteria, namely Salmonella typhi, and compared to generic antibiotic used for typhoid treatment. The result showed a lower potency then Ampicillin (between 25-35%), but the worms extract had potential to be developed as antibacterial materials or chemical compound.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Abstrak:       Tujuan studi ini adalah memberi informasi tentang pentingnya pollen substitute sebagai pengganti serbuk sari alami bagi koloni lebah madu, serta cara pembuatan dan pemberian pollen substitute. Pollen substitute merupakan satu-satunya sumber protein bagi lebah madu, dapat dibuat dibuat oleh peternak lebah madu dengan memanfaatkan tepung kedelai, khamir, dan susu skim. Pollen substitute dapat diberikan dalam bentuk tepung kering, cairan serta pasta, dan ditempatkan baik di dalam sarang maupun di luar sarang. Pollen substitute diberikan saat tidak tersedia atau berkurangnya bunga sebagai sumber serbuk sari alami, serbuk sari alami yang tersedia berkualitas rendah, atau faktor cuaca yang menghambat lebah pekerja pencari pakan untuk keluar sarang. Pemberian pollen substitute dapat berfungsi sebagai pakan larva dan lebah dewasa, mencegah kanibalisme lebah pekerja kepada larva, menambah jumlah lebah pekerja, memelihara dan menyiapkan kesehatan koloni untuk menghadapi musim bunga selanjutnya. Kata kunci: serbuk sari, pollen substitute, lebah madu. Abstract:       The aim of this study was to provide information the importance of pollen substitute as a replacement for natural pollen for honey bee colonies, making and providing pollen substitute. Pollen substitute is the artificial high protein diets for honey bees. Beekeepers could made using soybean flour, yeast, and skim milk. Pollen substitute provided in dry powder, liquid or paste, and placed both inside and outside the hive. Pollen substitute might served at the flower dearth, low-quality natural pollen, or weather factors that impede the workers foraging. Pollen substitute  could be as feed of the brood and the adult bees, prevent the workers cannibalize the brood, increasing the number of workers, maintaning and preparing healthy honey bee colonies for next spring. Key words: pollen, pollen substitute, honey bee.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan 2005
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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The objectives of the study were 1) To investigate tge relationship between Manual Material Handling workers with muscloskeletal complaints; and 2) To identify possible demographic risk factors related to Manual Material Handling workers. This study was an observational descriptive study with the data collected by respondents answering through a pre- and the warehouse had one health clinic. A sample of 80 healthy men was randomly taken from the health clinic register. The data collected were the following : age, education, occupation history, marital status, length of employment, and health. Inclusion criteria were 1) manual material handling workers examined in good health; and 2) No absenteeism within the last 3 months. There were quite a number of workers with back pain complaints in this canned warehouse after doing Manual Material Handling taks. In this study the back pain increased with increasing age of non educated workers, and in their first year of employment.
E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : E-Journal Widya Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

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Abstract: Anxiety and Depression is a form of mental disorder that most commonly occurs. Care and effective treatment for anxiety disorders and depression are indispensable so that the disorder people may re-productive in meeting the needs of life, do not rely on others, and can perform daily activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and the effectiveness of computer-based Cognitive Behavioral Theraphy (CBT) on anxiety and depression. The method used literature study with descriptive exploratory approach. It can be concluded that: (1) CBT is a therapy that combines of cognitive and behavioral therapy designed to change negative thought patterns into positive so that person has the ability to react adaptively in the face of problems or difficult situations in every phase of life. (2) CBT has been widely performed in patients with mental disorders quite effectively (3) CBT therapy hasn’t been applied optimally yet in patients with mental disorders, especially anxiety disorders and depression because of the limitations of cost, access, and practitioners experts in the implementation of CBT, (4) CBT is effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, and also effcient in cost.