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JAM : Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 16935241     EISSN : 23026332     DOI : -
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Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen - Journal of Applied Management (JAM) publishes all forms of quantitative and qualitative research articles and other scientific studies related to the field of functional management (marketing, finance, human resources, and operations) as well as the applied management and a wide range of applications.
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Pengaruh Kepuasan dan Kepercayaan terhadap Kesetiaan Nasabah BNI Tapenas di Bank BNI Cabang Probolinggo Bambang Sukarsono
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aim to test influence of satisfaction to trust of Client, testing influence of sarisfaction to faithfulness of Client, testing influence of trust to faithfulness of Client and to test dominant factor among trust and satisfaction influencing faithfulness of Client of BNI Tapenas. This Research is conducted by in Sub-Province of Probolinggo by taking case al Bank of BNI Branch Probolinggo. Population of this research is all client which saving its money in Bank of BNI Branch Probolinggo in the form of BNI TAPENAS a number of 104 people. From amount of population, is later then determined by size measure of sample counted 100 people, with consideration that amount of the sampel have the including big sample. Sampling technique the used is sampling random simple. As for Technique analyzer the used is Simultaneous Eguation two phase. Pursuant to result of analysis and also examination of hypothesis which (is) can be pulled by conclusion that perception of employees about satisfaction of client in the form of expectation or desire and accepied service have fulfilled better posed at with score mean 3,84, while perception of employees about trust of client in the form of reaction of client as accumulation from with refer to its assessment to accepted service it showing with score mean 3,64 and perception of employees about faithfulness of client posed at with client again save its money in BNI Branch Probolinggo and give recommendasion (at) family, other society and neighbor, posed at with score mean 3.94. From result of examination of hypothesis can be concluded that variable satisfaction of client have influence by significance to variable trust of client: variable satisfaction of client have influence by significance to variable faithfulness of client, variable trust of client have influence by significance to variable faithfulness of client. From two variable that is satisfaction and trust of most having an effect on client to faithfulness (is) client fasting variable. Of the Conclusion suggested in the effort improving faithfulness of client. [party/ side) of BNI require to develop build to improve promotion about Tapenas so that the amount of client of Tapenas also mount, improving the quality of and service.
Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Perkembangan Pasar Swalayan di Kota Lhokseumawe Teuku Zulkarnaen
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This research to know factors what having an effect on and factor what dominant have an effect on to growth of market selfservice in town of Lhokseumawe and to know how big growth of market selfservice in town of Lhokseumawe. Data the taken is primary data and data of skunder. got data primary data through spreading of kuestioner to 58 responder which managing the the market selfservice. While data of skunder is taken away from by data various source of related to this research object. result of from this research indicate that correlation coefficient (R) equal to 0.844 or 84,4% meaning independent varibel can explain variable dependent or equally market location factor, equipment of goods, service, earnings and price have strong relation with growth of market selfservice. Coefficient of Determinasi (R2) equal to 0.713 or 71,3% this have a meaning of that variable dependent can influence by variable of idependent equal to 71,3% and the rest equal to 28.7% will influence by other variable which do not check by this research dapal. medium coefficient of regresi by successively is equal to 0.242(X1), 0.252 ( X2), 0.004 (X3), 0.032 (X4), 0.818 (This X5) have a meaning of where each; every increase 1% each variable of independent hence will follow with change of market selfservice equal to variable value of independent the but this matter of akanterjadi if assumed by other variable in assuming remain to constant.
Modal Sosial dan Sponsor Karier Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesuksesan Karier Manajer Anang Kistyanto
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aimed in explaining the influence of social capital on the career success with career sponsorship as the intervening variable. Using two stage sampling, the 232 questionnaires were distributed to the manager of state-owned companies (BUMN) at East Java and 108 of the questioner were returned. The result of the SEM appeared that the managers having better social capital would have better career sponsorship where they would has career support, challenge job, career protection, career coaching, technical mentoring and advice, office political coaching, and better spiritual coaching. This research discovered that trust dimension was the weakest dimension in forming social capital. In the variable of social capital, connection dimension was the strongest dimension in forming social capital variable. In the career sponsorship variable, the strongest indicator in forming career sponsorship career was technical mentoring and advice, while the weakest indicator in forming the career sponsorship variable was career protection.
Model Pemilihan Rekanan Strategis Penyedia Peralatan Pabrik Gula dengan Penerapan Metode Fuzzy dan Analytical Network Process (Studi di PT Kebon Agung, Surabaya) Dwi Tjahjono Basuki; Mintarti Rahayu; Sumiati Sumiati
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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The Government of Indonesia through its policies motivate national sugar industry for revitalization in order to increase efficiency and industrial productivity due to competition. Follow and support Government policies, PT Kebon Agung expand capacity of its sugar factories. The expand of production capacity explain in a program named PPKA (Program Pengembangan PT Kebon Agung) which has time from 2005 until 2011. In this time the company has bought many machines and equipments for process production. Strategic Supplier selection of machine and production equipment is not easy and has highly risk, cause if failure happen it will be harm competitive advantage in the future. This study provide a model for strategic supplier selection of equipment sugar factory which is mill. This model use Fuzzy and Analytical Network Process Methods. For the criteria this study refer Diksons vendor selection criteria and Hierarchical approach to choice of technologies. Result of this study appointed PT Barata Indonesia as the top rank and the list of rank important criteria is easy to maintenance, material, availability spare part. repair service, complain procedures and otomatization.
Kajian Tentang Struktur Organisasi Tata Kerja Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah Sri Suwitri
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Change of Public Administration Science from Traditional Public Administration to New Public Management (NPM). encourage the Indonesian central government transfer the power to the local government. Decentralization in Indonesia has been accomodated in Law Number 5/1974, Law Number 22/1999 and Law Number 32/2004. The Law Number 32/ 2004 is followed by Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia Number 41/2007 placed planning authority in the hands of BAPPEDA (Planning Development Bourd). Due to this, there are also changes in the Planning Development Boards in municipal and regencial government in Central Java by changing their administration and organizational chart (SOTK).
Pengaruh Faktor Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Motivasi dan Pengalaman Kerja terhadap Kinerja Kepala Desa (Studi pada Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Pakis dan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang) Bambang Warsito
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aim to know and analysis influence of education factor, training, job experience and motivation to performance lead countryside (study at Head Countryside in District of Fern and Join with others unlucky Sub-Province). This research is conducted by in Unlucky Sub-Province, taken sample counted 30 responders of head Countryside in District of Fern and Join With Others Unlucky Sub-Province. To test influence of education factor, training, job experience and motivation to performance lead countryside used by analysis of regression doubled liniear. Result analysis Doubled linear regression show result of R2 equal to 0.696 or equal to 69,6%. This result indicate that counted 69,6% variable of dependent can be explained by independent variable. While counted 30.4% ad for explained by other variable which do not the included in this research Result of Uji-7 show that any free variables that is education, training. motivation, and job experience, by partial have an effect on isnt it to performance Lead Countryside (in] District of Fern and Join With Others Unlucky Sub-Province. Variable Experience by partial is most dominant variable (of) influence of to performance of countryside, thereby accepted (both/ second) hypothesis. Experience factor have an effect on dominant to performance lead Countryside. This matter is proved by level of coefficient of regression discipline variable work bigger than coefficient of regression other variable (0,696 0,639 0,574 0,242). Thereby, hypothesis expressing that job experience have an effect on dominant to performance lead countryside have proven statistically.
Pembangunan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Modal Sosial Saifuddin Endre Saifuddin
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Definition of Social Capital among expert of Economics and expert of Social Science is different each other, however in general social capital has three main elements, those are: (1) Trust, (2) Norm and (3) Job network. The three elements can be used as an approach to measure the level of social capital in a region. Social capital can be differered into two dimensions; Structural and cognitive. Structural dimension see how process, quality and social interaction of society measured from its involvement in local association. Without social capital, active of economic development as well as construction will be difficult to realized. Social capital is not a single entity, but it is various entities which consist of some social structure aspects.
Wawasan Gender dan Peran Produktif Perempuan Pesantren Siti Malikhah Towaf
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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The perspectives of people in pesantren about gender and the role of women are much more bused on their cultural and educational experience. Previous researcher show that classical textbooks as the maian sourse of education in pesantren have gender bias. Cultural heritages combine with the legacy of religious interpretations promote gender bias in pesantren. This research exlpre the perspectives of ustazd and ustadzah about gender, how is the spirit and the role of women in productive activities in pesantren and the expectations of ustadz and ustadzah about the productive role of women in the future. A qualitative research with multicases design was conducted in four pesantren in Malang Regeant. Various data were collected by documentary study, interview, observation and an open questionnaire. The result shows that eventhough the resistency toward the idea of gender equality is very strong in three pesantren, but the role of women in pesantren is very pervasive. Women area very productive in managing educational activity of female santries. They also a dependable manager and worker in economic activities such as catering, retail and home industry. Their spouses appreciate their productive activities, there is expectation among ustadz and ustadzah that women will become more professional in their productive activity in the future.
Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Merek Telepon Seluler di Kota Lhokseumawe Faisal Matriadi
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Research aim to to know factors what influencing election of brand phone seluler in town of Lhokseumawe. used Data in the form of data of sekunder, obtained through spreading of quesioner to 75 responder people using six-month minimum ponsel. In analysing this research used by analyzer, that is for the analysis of diskriptif, appliance the used is frequency. percentage, and mean that is scale of lingkert and of regresi doubled linear of Y = bo + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + e. Result of research met by influence of social factor (X), personal factor (X), and psychological factor (X) conducted with testing value of r2. pursuant to result of examination, hence found by value of r equal to 0.930 meaning that influence of observation variable to variable dependen if conducted to the each variable equal to 0.930 (93%) the rest equal to 0.7 (7%) influenced by other factor. Meanwhile assess requal to 0.866 meaning that if observation variables tested simultaneously only can influence consumer choice equal to 0,866 (86,6%) while the rest equal to 0,134 (13,4%) other influenced by other factors which do not be packed into research model. Result of examination found that value of F-Test equal to 152.383 much more is big compared to critical value of F-Tabel which only equal to 4,826 thereby this examination have up to standard to accept alternative hypothesis (Hi) and refuse hypothesis zero (Ho).
Manajemen K3, Keamanan Fisik, & Kondisi Kerja: Pengaruhnya terhadap Produktivitas Pekerja (Studi pada Dua Perusahaan Tekstil Terkemuka di Jawa Timur) Misbahuddin Azzuhri
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Occupational safety and health (OSH) is considered a part of human rights. A company disregarding to the OSH issues would obtain bad image which may weaken the company's market power. Besides, the company should pay attention to environment issues. By integrating comprehensively OSH and environment issues in its strategy and policy, the company may obtain some benefits, especially which have related to worker productivity. The research objectives were (1) examining the effect of OSH management. physical security, and working condition on worker productivity simultaneously, (2) examining the effect of OSH management, physical security, and working condition on worker productivity partially. The research design was conducted by using observational and cross-sectional data toward 179 respondents of the workers at PT Easternter and PT Paberik Tekstil Kasrie. The data collecting was conducted, by using questionnaire and also supported by secondary data. The data analysis was conducted, by using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. To guarantee accuracy of statistical finding the research also present results of labor utilization rate (LUR) and labor productivity index. Result of multiple regression analysis revealed that OSH management, physical security, and working condition had impact on worker productivity simultaneously and partially. And partially, three independent variables also have impact on worker productivity for PT. Easterntex, except OSH management which had no impact on worker productivity for PT Paberik Tekstil Kasrie significantly. Result for PT Paberik Tekstil Kasrie actually similar to textile industry context.

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