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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT     This study attempted to find out a comparative effect of metacognitive  self-monitoring strategies on students’ reading competency based on text types. This study was carried out at the second semester of the second year students of SMA Negeri 2 Denpasar in the academic year of 2011/2012.  The independent variable in this research was metacognitive self-monitoring strategies with two levels, namely KWL which stands for Know, Want and Learn and SQ3R strategy which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review, and text types as moderator variable. The dependent variable investigated in this study was reading comprehension. The study was an experimental study with posttest only comparison group design. The total number of population was 10 classes, which consisted of 411 students all together. From the population, two classes, consisting of 64 students, were used as samples. They were divided into two groups; KWL group and SQ3R group by multistage random sampling technique. In this study, the scores of students’ reading comprehension were acquired by administering reading comprehension test. The data were analyzed by using two way ANOVA and LSD (least significant difference) test. The result of the analysis showed that: (1) There is no significant difference between the two metacognitive self-monitoring strategies on the students’ reading competency. However, the students treated with KWL strategy consistently gained higher scores than the score of student streated with SQ3R. (2) There is no significant difference in reading narrative text competency between students who were taught by using KWL strategy and those who were taught by using SQ3R. (3) There is no significant difference in reading spoof text competency between students who were taught by using KWL strategy and those who were taught by using SQ3R. (4) There is no significant difference in reading hortatory exposition text competency between students who were taught by using KWL strategy and those who were taught by using SQ3R. (5) There was no interaction between metacognitive monitoring strategies and text types. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that KWL strategy was better than SQ3R strategy on students’ reading comprehension for any text type. Key words: metacognitive self-monitoring strategies, text types and reading comprehension Perbandingan Pengaruh Strategi  Metacognitive Self-Monitoring terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Berdasarkan Tipe-Tipe Teks.   Oleh: Ni Luh Putu Elly Prapti Erawati   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan perbandingan pengaruh strategi metacognitive self-monitoring terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa dilihat berdasarkan tipe-tipe teks. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada semester gasal, siswa kelas sebelas SMAN 2 Denpasar, tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah strategi metacognitive self-monitoring dengan dua level yaitu KWL singkatan dari Know, Want And Learn and SQ3R yakni Survey, Question, Read, Recite, dan Review dan tipe-tipe teks sebagai variabel pembeda. Variabel terikat yang diselidiki dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan membaca. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian experimen dengan rancangan posttest only comparison group. Total jumlah populasi 10 kelas yang jumlahnya 411 siswa. Dari populasi tersebut, dua kelas berjumlah 64 siswa terpilih sebagai sampel. Kemudian dengan menggunakan teknik multistage random sampling, mereka dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok; kelompok KWL dan kelompok SQ3R. Pada penelitian ini, skor membaca pemahaman siswa diperoleh dari tes membaca pemahaman. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan two way ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan tes LSD (least significant different).Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan diantara kedua strategi metacognitive self-monitoring terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa, tetapi dengan strategi membaca KWL secara konsisten siswa memeroleh nilai rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata-rata siswa dengan strategi membaca SQ3R. (2) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan membaca teks narasi antara siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan strategi KWL dengan siswa yang belajar dengan strategi SQ3R. (3) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan membaca teks spoof antara siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan strategi KWL dengan siswa yang belajar dengan strategi SQ3R. (4) Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kompetensi  membaca teks hortatory exposition antara siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan strategi KWL dengan siswa yang belajar dengan strategi SQ3R. (5) tidak ada interaksi antara strategi membaca siswa dengan jenis-jenis teks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi KWL lebih baik dibandingkan dengan strategi SQ3R pada kemampuan membaca siswa untuk berbagai jenis teks. Kata Kunci: strategi metacognitive self-monitoring, tipe-tipe teks, kemampuan membaca
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif-kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) validitas butir-butir  soal ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X, tentang  validitas isi, konstruk dan analisis butir-butir soal; (2) taraf kesukaran butir-butir soal ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X; (3) daya beda butir-butir soal ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X; dan (4) reliabilitas butir-butir  soal ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X SMA. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang guru dan 322 siswa kelas X SMAK Harapan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengumpulan dokumen berupa butir-butir soal ulangan umum dan hasil tes ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X SMAK Harapan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk menentukan validitas isi dan konstruk.  Sedangkan  secara kuantitatif menggunakan koefisien point biserial dengan program Iteman untuk menentukan validitas soal, tingkat kesukaran dan daya beda.  Untuk  menentukan reliabilitas menggunakan rumus formula K-R 20 . Hasil penelitian terhadap butir-butir  soal ulangan umum bahasa Indonesia kelas X SMAK Harapan menunjukkan bahwa (1) validitas isi yang mencakup keterampilan membaca dan menulis tergolong baik; validitas konstruk tergolong baik yaitu 82% soal yang sesuai dengan kisi-kisi soal, dan 18% soal tidak sesuai dengan kisi-kisi soal; dan validitas butir-butir soal tergolong kurang baik yaitu 68% soal valid dan 32% tidak valid. (2) Tingkat kesukaran butir-butir soal tergolong kurang baik. (3) Daya beda butir-butir soal tergolong baik. (4) Reliabilitas  tergolong tinggi. Mengingat bahwa butir-butir soal ulangan umum merupakan instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan belajar siswa, maka kepala  sekolah hendaknya mewajibkan guru untuk, melakukan analisis butir-butir soal sehingga benar-benar dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan belajar siswa. Abstract. This research is descriptive quantitative-qualitative research which is aimed to describe (1) validity of Bahasa Indonesia test items Class X, about contain validity, construct and test items analysis; (2) difficulties level of Bahasa Indonesia test items class X; (3) differences of Indonesia test items class X; and (4) reliability of Indonesia test items class X. The subject of this research is a teacher and 322 students of SMAK Harapan class X. The method to collect the data used is method of collecting data of test and the result of Bahasa Indonesia test for class X SMAK Harapan. Data analysis id done descriptively and quantitatively by using average biserial point with Iteman Program to determine the validity and formula of K-R 20 to find the reliability. The result to Bahasa Indonesia test items class X SMAK Harapan showed that (1) contain validity which covered reading skill and writing skill are classified as good; construct validity is classified as good, that is 82% items which proper to the prediction items, and 18% items which is not proper to it; and items validity, is classified as not good, that is 68% valid items and 32% is not valid. (2) Difficulties level, test items are classified as not good (3) differences of test items is classified as the good one. (4) The reliability is classified as the high one. Considering that the test items are the instrument which is used to measure the students’ ability, hence the school and especially the teacher should do the analysis of test items so that the test can be used to measure the students’ ability. Kata Kunci: Analisis,  validitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda  dan  reliabilitas.
Analisis Deskriptif Retorika Interpersonal Pragmatik pada Tuturan Direktif Guru dan Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas XI SMAN I Kediri Eminda Sari, Ni Wayan
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) fungsi retorika interpersonal pragmatik (RIP) guru dan siswa, (2) bentuk retorika interpersonal pragmatik guru dan siswa, dan (3) strategi penyampaian retorika interpersonal pragmatik guru dan siswa. Data penelitian ini adalah tuturan guru dan siswa. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas seorang guru dan siswa pada kelas XI IPA (1, 2, dan 3). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode rekaman, observasi, dan wawancara, yang digunakan untuk mencari data terkait dengan fungsi, bentuk, dan strategi RIP. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan simpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) fungsi RIP guru meliputi fungsi memerintah, fungsi bertanya, fungsi mengizinkan, fungsi melarang dan fungsi meminta. Sementara itu, fungsi RIP pada tuturan direktif siswa terhadap guru dan siswa terhadap siswa meliputi fungsi mengizinkan, fungsi  meminta, dan fungsi bertanya. (2) Bentuk RIP pada tuturan direktif guru berupa tuturan deklaratif yang berfungsi memerintah, mengizinkan, dan melarang. Bentuk RIP siswa berupa tuturan deklaratif yang berfungsi mengizinkan. (3) Strategi penyampaian RIP pada tuturan direktif guru terhadap siswa disampaikan secara langsung dan tidak langsung dengan fungsi yang bervariasi. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, saran-saran yang ingin disampaikan melalui penelitian ini ditujukan kepada guru agar menggunakan fungsi dan bentuk RIP memerintah, bertanya, dan meminta sebagai strategi alternatif untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran dan mengendalikan kelas agar kondusif sehingga tujuan pembelajaran yang dikehendaki tercapai. Para siswa hendaknya memperhatikan RIP dalam bertindak tutur dalam pembelajaran di kelas terutama dalam bertanya sehingga terjadi interaksi aktif yang harmonis antar siswa dengan guru dan siswa dengan siswa. Peneliti lain disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan memperluas masalah dan situs penelitian ini.             Sari, Ni Wayan Eminda. 2012. Descriptive Analysis of Rhetoric Interpersonal Pragmatics in the Directive Speech of Teacher and Student on Indonesian language Learning in the class XI SMAN 1 Kediri     Mentors I        : Prof. Dr. I Nengah Martha, M.Pd. Mentors II       : Dr. Arifin, M.Pd.   Keyword         : directive, function, strategy, politenes, rhetoric.     ABSTRACT   This research is the descriptive qualitative research to describe (1) the function of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher and student, (2) the form of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher and student,(3) the strategy of delivering rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher and student. The data of this research are the speech of the teacher and student. The methods, which are used in this research are recording method, observation, and interview. These methods are used to find the information related to the function, the form, and the strategy of RIP. The analisis process of the data will be done in three phases. The phases are (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3) conculusion and verification. The results of this research show that (1) the function of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher are commanding function, asking function, allowing function, forbidding function, and ordering function. Meanwhile, the function of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics in the direct speech of the students to teachers or students to students are allowing function, ordering function, and asking function.  (2) the form of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher is the declarative speech to command, allow, and forbid. The form of rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of the students is declarative speech, which has function to allow. ,(3) the strategy of delivering rhetoric interpersonal pragmatics of teacher to the students in the direct and indirect ways whit various function. Based on the result above, the suggestions through this research are teacher have to use the function an form of commanding, asking, requesting RIP as the alternative strategy to do the teaching and learning process and to control the class to make it conducive so that the teaching and learning goals can be realized. The students have to concern the RIP through speech act in the teaching and learning process in class especially on asking so that the active and harmonic interactive between student and student can be realized. Another researcher can do the continous research through improving the problemsand sites of this research.  
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT   Key Words : professional development, pedagogical competency, personal competency, social competency, professional competency.   This research aims at describing the efforts that had already been done by English teachers in SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa and SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja on their professional development in terms of pedagogical, personal, social and professional competency, and the problems encountered in pursuing those competencies. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, interview guide, obseravtional notes, and portfolio. The primary data were analyzed descriptively. Accordingly, the results of the study showed that: 1) Self-directed Development, Case-based Professional Development, and Cooperative-Collegeal Development were the types/models of the professional development that had been done by English teachers on their professional development, 2) Each of the professional developments was derived from some kinds of activities/efforts which had already been done by English teachers; 3) Time limitation, the lack of  literatures, the lack and inequal opportunity to participate in scientific forum, the use of technology for self-development were several problems encountered by English teachers in pursuing their pedagogical, social and professional competency. Finally, from the result of the analysis it can be concluded that: 1) The efforts that had already been done by English teachers on their professional development in terms of pedagogical competency are: using various teaching media, using various teaching techniques and models, reading books, articles and journals about english and education, participating in scientific forums, using learning and teaching facilities, conducting assessment/evaluataion, conducting discussion with peers, conducting lesson study, 2) The efforts that  had already been done by English teachers on their professional development in terms of personal competency are: Accepting and giving constructive critics and suggestions from peers, being discipline, and following religious activities in school, 3) The efforts that  had already been done by English teachers on their professional development in terms of social competency are: participating in scientific forums, participating in professional community and organization, conducting discussion with peers. 4) The efforts that  had already been done by English teachers on their professional development in terms of  professional competency are: reading books, articles and journals about english, conducting research, using information and technology for self-development, 5) The problems encountered by English teachers in pursuing those four main competencys are: Problem in the context of Pedagogical competency: 1) Time limitation and lack understanding of how to conduct research especially in classroom action-based research, 2) The lack of  literatures, and 3) Time limitation in conducting team teaching. Problem in the context of Social competency: The lack and inequal opportunity to participate in scientific forum. Problem in the context of Professional development: 1) The lack of literatures, and 2) The use of technology for self-development.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to prove the effect of Theme and Rheme Technique and Achievement Motivation on Students’ Writing Competency. This study was conducted in the Fifth Semester of English Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Mahasaraswati University in Denpasar with the subjects was the Fifth Semester Students of the Academic Year 2011/2012. The population of this study was 11 classes consisted of 300 students who took writing IV course. From all populations, 60 students were used as sample which were divided into two groups, i.e. experimental group and control group and recruited by using Cluster Random Sampling Technique. The experimental group was semester VC (30 students) and were treated by using Theme and Rheme technique and the control group was semester VD (30 students) and were treated by using Conventional technique. The research design was Posttest Only Control Group Design by using 2x2 factorial design. There were three variables in this study, namely: independent, moderator, and dependent variables. The independent variable was Theme and Rheme technique and moderator variable was students’ achievement motivation level (high and low), and the dependent variable was students’ writing competency in writing paragraph (short story, personal letter, and business letter). The research used two data-collection instruments, i.e. the writing competency test and the scale of achievement motivation in studying English as foreign language. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and inferential statistic i.e. two-way ANOVA and then continued by using Tukey test. The results of the finding were: (1) there was a significant difference in writing competency between the students who are taught by using Theme and Rheme technique and those who are taught by using Conventional technique. The mean score of the students who are taught by using Theme and Rheme technique was higher than the mean score of the students who are taught by using Conventional technique, (2) there was a significant interactional effect of the techniques of teaching writing (Theme and Rheme technique and Conventional technique) and the students’ achievement motivation in learning English on the students’ writing competency, (3) there was a significant difference in writing competency between the students with high achievement motivation who are taught by using the Theme and Rheme technique and those taught by using the Conventional technique, (4) there was a significant difference in writing achievement between the students with low achievement motivation who are taught by using the Theme and Rheme technique and those taught by using the Conventional technique, (5) there was a significant difference in writing competency between the students with high achievement motivation and those with low achievement motivation taught by using the Theme and Rheme technique, (6) there was a significant difference in writing achievement between the students with high achievement motivation and those with low achievement motivation taught by using the Conventional technique.   Keywords: theme and rheme technique, achievement motivation, students’ writing competency
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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Abstrak: Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan pendekatan kontekstual dalam pembelajaran menulis di Kelas V MI Al Ma’ruf Denpasar, Bali. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk  mengetahui (1) perencanaan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia aspek menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual, (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual, (3)  evaluasi yang dilaksanakan guru dalam pembelajaran menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual, (4) hambatan-hambatan guru bahasa Indonesia dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf Denpasar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru bahasa Indonesia kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf Denpasar. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan dokumen. Metode ini berfungsi untuk mendapatkan data  berupa silabus dan RPP, metode observasi dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data tentang pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan hambatan-hambatan dalam pembelajaran. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur analisis data kualitatif yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penyimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian tentang pembelajaran keterampilan menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf menunjukkan bahwa (1) perencanaan pembelajaran yang mencakup penyusunan silabus dan  RPP dilakukan sendiri oleh guru dan mengacu kepada Standar Proses. (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mencakup kegiatan awal, inti dan penutup belum sepenuhnya sejalan  dengan standar proses. (3) evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh guru masih menggunakan tes standar, belum menerapkan penilaian yang sebenarnya (authentic Assesment). (4) hambatan-hambatan dalam pembelajaran menulis dengan pendekatan kontekstual dialami guru dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hal itu disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemahaman guru tentang KTSP pada umumnya dan pendekatan kontekstual pada khusunya. Sejalan dengan simpulan penelitian ini, disarankan kepada guru untuk  meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap penerapan KTSP dan pendekatan kontekstual bagi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia khususnya pembelajaran menulis. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that’s aimed to know (1) the planning of Indonesian learning in writing skill using contextual approach, (2) the implementation of writing learning using contextual approach, (3) evaluation that’s done by teacher in writing learning using contextual approach, (4) the obstacles of Indonesian’s teacher in implementing the writing learning using contextual approach in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf Denpasar. The subject in this research is the 5th grade students and the Indonesian teacher of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf. The data collection of this research uses document collection method to get data such as syllabus and lesson plan (RPP), observation and interview method to get data about implementation, evaluation, and obstacles in learning. The analysis data in this research uses qualitative analysis data procedure that is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/ verification. The research result about writing skill learning using contextual approach in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Ma’ruf showed that (1) learning planning that included syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) composing was done by the teacher itself. (2) the learning implementation showed that the learning implementation that included pre activity, while activity and post activity haven’t follow the standard process yet. (3)  Evaluation that’s done by teacher is still using standard test, it hasn’t apply the real scoring (authentic Assessment) yet. (the obstacles in writing learning using contextual approach was faced by teacher in planning, implementing, and evaluating. Those were caused by the lack of teacher’s comprehension about KTSP in generally and especially about contextual approach. By the conclusion of this research it’s suggested for the teacher to improve his/ her comprehension related with the implementation of KTSP and contextual approach in learning Indonesian especially in writing skill. Kata Kunci: pendekatan kontekstual, pembelajaran menulis, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan     evaluasi, hambatan
Developing E-Learning based English Reading Materials for the Tenth Year Multimedia Students of SMK N 3 Singaraja Trika Adi Ana, I Ketut
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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Abstract This study was a research and development (R&D), which aimed at (1) developing types of reading materials that are needed by the tenth year multimedia students of SMK N 3 Singaraja; finding out (2) the content validity of the developed material; (3) the quality of the developed material based on the criteria of good ESP material and good e-learning; and (4) whether or not the developed material could improve the reading comprehension of the tenth year multimedia students of SMK N 3 Singaraja. This study followed the R&D design by Lee and Owens. This design involves: need analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This study was conducted at SMK N 3 Singaraja, the subjects of the study being the students of class X MM 2. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview, expert judgment sheet, scoring rubric, and tests. The data from the result of observation, interview and questionnaire during the need analysis process were analyzed using Interactive Data Analysis Model. The result of the expert judgment in validating the content validity of the developed material was analyzed using Interrater Agreement Model. While the result of the scoring rubrics in measuring the quality of the developed material based on the criteria of good ESP material and good e-learning material were analyzed using Theoretic Ideal Reference. The result of this study shows that: (1) the tenth year multimedia students of SMK N 3 Singaraja need specific English materials that are related to their future job or study. The existing syllabus and material did not cover their needs since the syllabus and the material were designed to be used for all departments in SMKN 3 Singaraja, namely: Electricity Installation, Multimedia, Audio Video, Computer and Networking, Light Vehicle, Motor Cycle, Building Construction, and Engineering Departments; (2) based on the validation process that was conducted through expert judgment, it was confirmed that the developed material had a very high validity; (3) from the result of the expert judgment based on the criteria of good ESP material and good e-learning material, the developed material was categorized into very good material; and (4) the result of the field study shows that the developed material could improve the students’ reading comprehension. It can be seen from the result of pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II that measured the students’ reading comprehension. The students’ mean score for those tests, which reflect the students’ reading comprehension, increased from 40.9 in pre-test, to 66.3 in post-test I, and 79.1 in post-test II. Based on the result of the questionnaire, the students had strongly positive attitude toward the developed material; and (5) from the observation in developing and implementing the developed material, the problems that were found can be classified into technical and financial problems. Keywords: need analysis, e-learning, English reading material, R&D
The Effect of Blockbusters Game and Gender on Grade Ten Students’ Listening Comprehension of SMAN 1 Melaya in the Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana UniversitasPendidikan Ganesha Singaraja. Aditya Septirino, I Komang
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT Septirino, I Komang Aditya (2012). The Effect of Blockbusters Game and Gender on Grade Ten Students’ Listening Comprehension of SMAN 1 Melaya in the Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana UniversitasPendidikan Ganesha Singaraja.Keywords:blockbusters game,gender,listening comprehensionThe main objective of this study was to investigate whether there was a significant difference in listeningcomprehension amongmale and female students who were treated differently by using Blockbusters game and conventional technique. The subjects of the study were 4 classes of grade ten students of SMAN 1 Melaya determined by using random sampling. The study involved 6 sessions of treatments and a post test at the end of the treatment. This study used “The Posttest Only Control Group Design” as the research design. The gathered data were analyzed by usingdescriptiveand inferential statistics. The result of the data analysis showed that: (1) there was significant difference in listening comprehension between the students who were taught by using Blockbusters game and those who were treated with the conventional technique, (2) there was significant difference of students’ listening comprehension between female and male students, (3) There was no interaction between the teaching techniquesappliedand gender difference. Based on the finding above, it is recommended for English teacher to consider Blockbusters game as an alternative listening technique applied in teaching listening inorder to optimize students’listeningcomprehension.2ABSTRAKSeptirino, I Komang Aditya (2012). Efek dari Permainan Blockbusters dan Gender terhadap Kemampuan Mendengarkan Murid Kelas X di SMAN 1 Melaya pada Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja. Kata kunci: blockbusters game, gender,kemampuanmendengarkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbedaan kemampuan mendengarkan antara murid perempuan dan laki-laki yang dikelola berbeda dengan menggunakan permainan Blockbusters dan teknik mendengarkan konvensional. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 4 kelas dari 8 kelas X di SMAN 1 Melaya yang diperoleh secara random. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain “The Posttest Only Control Group Design”. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan mendengarkan yang signifikan antara murid yang diajar dengan permainan Blockbuster dan teknik konvensional, (2) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan mendengarkan antara murid perempuan dan laki-laki, (3) tidak terdapatinteraksi antara teknik mengajar dan perbedaan gender. Berdasarkantemuan penelitian, disarankan untuk menggunakan permainan Blockbusters sebagai salah satu teknik alternatif untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuanmendengarkan siswa.
The Effect of Reciprocal Strategy and Learning Style on Reading Comprehension of the 10th Grade Students of SMAN 3 Amlapura Hari Sukrawan, I Made
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT The Effect of Reciprocal Strategy and Learning Style  on Reading Comprehension of the 10th Grade Students  of  SMAN 3 Amlapura. Thesis, Language Education Study Program, Post Graduate Program, Ganesha University of Education.   Key Words: reciprocal teaching strategy, learning style, and reading comprehension.   This study aimed at investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching and learning style on the English reading comprehension of 10th grade students of SMAN 3 Amlapura.         The research subjects of this study were the 10th grade students of SMAN 3 Amlapura. There were 180 students involved as the research subjects of this study. This study was a quasy experiment. The data were collected quantitatively. The data were collected using two types of instruments: test and questionnaire. The method of data analysis used was two-way ANOVA. The study concluded that the use reciprocal strategy significantly improve students’ reading comprehension of the 10th grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Amlapura. Reciprocal strategy is also significantly improve visual-dominant students in reading comprehension. There was no significant difference in students reading comprehension between the two groups of students who were dominant in Kinestatic learning style treated with learning style.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa

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ABSTRACT This study is a Research and Development study (R&D) which aimed at developing character based English material for the ninth grade students of Junior High School in SMP Negeri 1 Petang. The development model used in this study was adapted from the development model by Sugiono (2011). The research was started by analyzing the existing English material used by the teacher and the students of grade IX of SMP Negeri 1 Petang to obtain the weaknesses of the English material being used in the school. The result of the analysis showed that the existing materials suffered from several flaws, such as; the absence of explicit statements about character aspects that need to be included in students’ activities, lack of use of clear instructions and examples that supported the clarity of the materials, and the monotonous content and lay-out. These weaknesses were concluded from the result of the questionnaire analysis and observation which found that only 33% the existing materials comply with the teachers’ need. Based on the problems, the researcher developed new design of character based English materials which complies with the School Based Curriculum with character building, the criteria of good English material and also the teacher and students’ respond through the use of questionnaires. The final product of this research was the character based English material completed with compact disc (CD) for listening material.   Key Words: character building, School Based Curriculum, research & development (R&D)

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