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Kadar air, Lemak dan Solid Non-Fat Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawa yang Diberikan Pakan Hijauan Tithonia diversifolia dan Konsentrat Limbah Industri Kelapa Sawit Rizqan Rizqan; Arief Arief; Elly Roza; Salam Ningsih Aritonang; Elihasridas Elihasridas; Roni Pazla
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 20, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v20i2.21881


ABSTRAK.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan limbah industri kelapa sawit (bungkil inti sawit dan lumpur sawit) dan tanaman paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) sebagai pakan alternatif kambing PE yang dilihat dari kandar air, lemak dan solid non fat. Materi yang di gunanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 18 ekor kambing PE pada laktasi dan bulan laktasi kedua serta susu kambing PE dari pemerahan pada pagi hari untuk analisis kualitas susu. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air, lemak dan solid non fat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen, dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu pemberian hijauan Tithonia diversifolia dan penggantian ransum konsentrat kambing PE dengan campuran konsentrat hasil penelitian Arief et al., (2018) dilakukan dengan beberapa tingkatan level yang berbeda yaitu: A = 50% hijauan standar + 50% ampas tahu + 0% konsentrat sawit, B = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 50% ampas tahu + 0% konsentrat sawit, C = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 37,5% ampas tahu + 12,5% konsentrat sawit, D = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 25%ampas tahu + 25% konsentrat sawit, E = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 12,5% ampas tahu + 37,5% konsentrat sawit dan F = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 0% ampas tahu + 50% konsentrat sawit. Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian secara berurutan adalah sebagai berikut: kadar air (84,39-85,46%), lemak (3,59-3,64%) dan solid non fat (9,39-9,59%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian limbah industri kelapa sawit dan Tithonia diversifolia dapat digunakan sebagai pakan alternatif pada ternak kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE).Kata Kunci: kadar air, kambing PE, lemak susu, solid non fat, Tithonia diversifoliaWater Content, Fat and Solids Non-Fat Milk of Etawa Crossbreed Goats Fed Tithonia diversifolia Forage and Concentrates from Palm Oil Industry WasteABSTRACT. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of using Palm Oil Industry Waste (Palm Kernel Cake and Palm Oil Mud) and Paitan plants (Tithonia diversifolia) as an alternative feed for PE goats as seen from water content, fat, and solid non-fat. The materials used in this study were 18 PE goats in lactation and the second month of lactation and PE goat's milk from milking in the morning to analyze milk quality. Parameters observed were the content of water, fat and non-fat solids. The method used was the Experimental method, with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments and three replications, namely the provision of Tithonia diversifolia forage and replacement of PE goat concentrate rations with a concentrate mixture research by Arief et al. (2018) carried out with several levels different levels, namely: A = 50% Standard Forage + 50% Tofu Dregs + 0% Palm Concentrate, B = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 50% Tofu Dregs + 0% Palm Concentrate, C = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 37.5% Tofu Dregs + 12.5% Palm Concentrate, D = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 25% Tofu Dregs + 25% Palm Concentrate, E = 50% Paitan Plant + 12.5% Tofu Dregs + 37.5% Palm Concentrate and F = 50% Tithonia diversifolia + 0% Tofu Dregs + 50% Palm Concentrate. The results obtained in sequential studies were as follows: Moisture content (84.39-85.46%), Fat (3.59-3.64%), and solid non-fat (9.39-9.59%). Based on the study results, Palm Oil Industry Waste and Paitan Plants can be used as alternative feed for Etawa Peranakan (PE) goats.
Degradasi Nutrien Ransum dalam Cairan Rumen yang Mengandung Bungkil Kacang Tanah Muhammad Triviana Kusmahidayat Konenda; Muhammad Nurul Ikhsan; Iman Hernaman; Budi Ayuningsih
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 20, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v20i2.22270


ABSTRAK. Bungkil kacang tanah adalah bahan pakan sumber protein, namun masih mengandung lemak yang tinggi yang dapat mengurangi degradasi nutrien ransum. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari degradasi nutrien ransum dalam cairan rumen yang mengandung bungkil kacang tanah. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Ransum percobaan terdiri atas 3 macam perlakuan ransum yang mengandung bungkil kacang tanah, yaitu  0, 9, dan 18%, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 6 kali. Metode in vitro digunakan untuk mengukur degradabilitas protein kasar, lemak kasar, serat kasar dan BETN (bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa degradasi protein kasar meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan bungkil kacang tanah, sebaliknya degradasi serat kasar dan BETN menunjukkan penurunan yang nyata. Sementara itu untuk segradasi lemak kasar tidak menunjukan perbedaan yang nyata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bungkil kacang tanah sampai 18% dapat menurunkan degradasi serat kasar dan BETN.Kata kunci : Bungkil kacang tanah, degradabilitas, nutrien, dan ruminansiaNutrient Degradation of Rations in Rumen Fluid Containing Peanut MealABSTRACT. Peanut meal is a feed ingredient that is a source of protein, but still contains high fat which can reduce the degradation of ration nutrients. The aim of this research was to study the degradation of ration nutrients in rumen fluid containing peanut meal. The research was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design. The experimental rations consisted of 3 types of ration treatments containing peanut meal, namely 0, 9, and 18%, each treatment was repeated 6 times. The in vitro method was used to measure the degradability of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE). The results showed that the degradation of crude protein increased with increasing use of peanut meal, whereas the degradation of crude fiber and NFE showed a significant decrease. Meanwhile, crude fat degradation did not show a significant difference. Based on the research results it can be concluded that the use of peanut meal up to 18% can reduce the degradation of crude fiber, and NFE
Sistem Produksi dan Produktivitas Itik Manila Lokal di Pulau Lombok Mohammad Hasil Tamzil; Budi Indarsih
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 20, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v20i2.19420


ABSTRAK. Itik Manila merupakan salah satu plasma nutfah yang mempunyai kontribusi signifikan sebagai penyangga ketahanan pangan nasional, namun belum banyak tersedia data sistem produksi dan kinerja produksinya. Penentuan sampel wilayah penelitian dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, sedangkan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan metode quantitative sampling. Data diperoleh dengan mewawancarai masing-masing 50 responden (peternak itik Manila) di daerah basah dan kering, serta 30 responden di daerah padat penduduk pulau Lombok yang ditentukan menggunakan metode Snowball. Untuk mengetahui pola produksi dan produktivitas itik Manila dilakukan pengamatan langsung ke lokasi usaha, dan melakukan pengukuran performa produksi pada masing-masing peternak. Pelaksanaan wawancara dibantu oleh daftar pertanyaan serta alat ukur berupa timbangan merk ohaus kapasitas 5 kg dan kepekaan 1 g. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa pemeliharaan itik Manila di pulau Lombok sebagian besar menggunakan sistem semi intensif dengan menggunakan dedak padi dan atau nasi aking sebagai pakan, sedangkan di daerah padat penduduk, pakan itik Manila dicampur ampas tahu. Performa produksi itik Manila lokal Lombok di daerah padat penduduk relatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan itik Manila dari daerah kering dan basah.Kata kunci: itik Manila, performa produksi, bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, ampas tahuProduction System and Productivity of Local Muscovy Duck, Lombok IslandABSTRACT. Muscovy duck is one of the germplasm that has a significant contribution in Indonesia’ national food security. However, data of the duck’ production system and production performance are not yet available. The study was conducted on the island of Lombok by determining the sample area using the purposive sampling method, while the number of samples was determined by the quantitative sampling method. The data was obtained by interviewing 50 respondents (Muscovy duck farmers) in wet and dry areas, and 30 respondents in the suburbs of Lombok Island, which were determined using the snowball method. To determine the pattern of the production and the productivity of Muscovy duck s, direct observations were made to business locations and productions of each breeder’s performance were measured. The interview was assisted by a list of questions and measuring instruments in the form of an Ohaus brand scale with a capacity of 5 kg and a sensitivity of 1 gram. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the maintenance of local Muscovy duck s on the island of Lombok uses a semi-intensive system using rice bran and or aking rice as feed, while in suburban areas, Muscovy duck feed is mixed with tofu dregs. The production performance of local Muscovy duck s in Lombok in densely populated areas is relatively better than that of Muscovy duck s from dry and wet areas.
The use of mix ration corn-silage based for dairy cattle: A systematic review on methane emission and milk quality Ainun Nafisah; Nurul Annazhifah; Nezly Nurlia Putri
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 20, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v20i2.24787


In subtropical countries, corn silage is the primary ration for dairy cattle. Corn silage is often chosen in mixed rations because of its higher biomass yield, superior palatability, homogeneous yield quality, and simple silage preparation due to its higher soluble sugar content. The review aimed to (i) compile a list of the different feed components that may be combined with corn silage and (ii) compare the results of their effects on methane gas emissions, milk quality, and feed efficiency as determined by an in vivo approach. Relevant papers indexed in the computerized Scopus database and published in a variety of scientific publications were found. This systematic review was based on the PRISMA. Records included in review from databases (n = 10). This method has been applied by the authors in the articles that have been reviewed. In general, the content of CP and EE in the study was almost the same. CH4 (g/d) is lowest at 315-329, and for CH4 (g/kg of DMI) is 15.7-15.9. Substituting ordinary corn silage with Enogen corn silage (ECS) in TMR can increase milk production (38.8-40.8 kg/d) and milk quality (fat 3.82-4%, protein 3.07-3.11% and lactose 4.86-4.92%). The present literature review confirms that all mixed feeds with corn silage base used have nutrient content  in accordance with the daily nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. Mixed feed that produces the lowest CH4 emissions (g/kg of DMI) and good milk quality is by giving ECS (Enogen corn silage).
Image of Infrared Thermography and Rectal Temperature of Ewes During Estrus Given Multinutrient Block Supplementation Nurkhalijah Solihad Nasution; Ma'ruf Tafsin; Fitra Aji Pamungkas
Jurnal Peternakan Vol 20, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jupet.v20i2.24917


The aims of this study was to look at infrared thermography images and rectal temperature of ewes during estrus that were given multinutrient block supplementation. This study used 16 ewes that had given birth at least once, were in healthy condition, and had a normal reproductive cycle. The feed ingredients used are forage, MNB I (basic MNB), MNB II (MNB I added with Moringa leaves), and MNB III (MNB II plus the mineral Zn). The parameters observed were rectal temperature, microclimate temperature conditions, and infrared thermography images taken. The data from the analysis were tested for significance using ANOVA. Providing multinutrient block feed (MNB) supplementation to sheep based on vulva temperature parameters taken from a thermal camera showed a faster estrous response compared to sheep that were not given MNB. From the results of the three types of MNB, there was no significant difference in the duration of estrus symptoms. Infrared thermography can be used to strengthen the determination of the estrus phase in ewes.