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TARBIYA : Journal Education in Muslim Society
ISSN : 23561416     EISSN : 24429848     DOI : -
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TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society is a peer-reviewed journal on education in the Muslim world. This journal is published by the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in partnership with HSPAI (Scholars of Islamic Education), an affiliate of ISPI( Association of Indonesian Scholars of Education). Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles. P-ISSN: 2356-1416 E-ISSN: 2442-9848
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Articles 15 Documents
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The Accessibility of Tahfidz Al-Qur'an for Teachers with Disabilities at the Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Ahmad Jamil; Naswan Abdo Khaled; Harun al Rasyid
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.31326


AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning by disabled teachers at the Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Tangerang and the efforts of teachers with disabilities to create a welcoming environment during the implementation of tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning at the Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Tangerang.  This is a field study with a qualitative descriptive method. This study was carried out at Tangerang's Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School. Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Teachers (blind and physically disabled) and the Tahifdz Bureau Head were among the informants. The data was gathered through observation, interviews, and literature study on the concept of disability in Islam. The findings of this study show that teachers with disabilities at the Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Tangerang are capable of effective educational communication, allowing them to carry out tahfidzul Qur'an learningn along with other tahfidz teachers. There is a change while completing the rote progress report in the mutaba'ah book. Additionally, teachers with impairments make an attempt to enforce the relevant regulations by Rewarding students who comply the regulation punishing students who are against the regulation.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pelaksanaan pembelajaran tahfidz Al-Qur'an oleh guru-guru penyandang disabilitas di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Tangerang dan  upaya guru-guru penyandang disabilitas untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang ramah selama pelaksanaan pembelajaran tahfidzh Al-Qur'an di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Tangerang. Ini adalah studi lapangan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Tangerang. Guru-guru Tahfidz Al-Qur'an (tuna netra dan penyandang disabilitas fisik) dan Kepala Biro Tahfidz adalah beberapa informan. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur tentang konsep disabilitas dalam Islam. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru penyandang disabilitas di Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Tangerang mampu melakukan komunikasi pendidikan yang efektif, memungkinkan mereka untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran tahfidzul Qur'an bersama guru-guru tahfidz lainnya. Ada perubahan saat menyelesaikan laporan kemajuan hafalan dalam buku mutaba'ah. Selain itu, guru-guru dengan keterbatasan berusaha untuk menegakkan peraturan yang relevan dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada siswa yang mematuhi peraturan dan menghukum siswa yang melanggar peraturan.How to Cite : Jamil, A., Khaled, N. A., Al  Rasyid, H. (2022). The Accessibility of Tahfidz Al-Qur'an for Teachers with Disabilities at the Tahfidz Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 9(2), 123-134. doi:10.15408/tjems.v9i2.31326.
Life and Career Skills in Mathematics Learning for High School Students in Indonesia: The Perspectives of Teachers and Students Ramdani Miftah; Lia Kurniawati; Tatang Herman; Dadang Juandi; Aya Shofia Maulida
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.25660


Students need to possess the right life and career skills to face future life challenges. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of the life skills of mathematics teachers on high school students in Indonesia. Data were collected from 190 mathematics teachers and 627 high school students through questionnaires consisting of 15 and 45 statements for both parties. The data collected were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and the Smart-PLS v.3.2.9 software. The results showed that the understanding of mathematics teachers (77.50%) and high school students (83%) concerning life and career skills is in a good category. Meanwhile, their life skills are in a low category due to teachers’ difficulties in translating life and career skills in planning and implementing mathematics learning. This means that the mathematics learning methods developed by teachers do not explore students' potential. Moreover, teachers’ life skills did not significantly affect each student's indicator. Only two indicators had a medium effect, namely responsibility and flexibility on leadership as well asadaptability and flexibility on initiative and self-direction
Curriculum Evaluation of Islamic Elementary Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia Fauzan Fauzan
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.14869


AbstractFrom the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) perspective, each study program should be able to present itself with the “graduate profile” obtained through tracer study activities, feasibility studies and needs analysis in the community. The graduate profile must at least reflect abilities that refer to four aspects of needs (1) attitude, (2) knowledge, (3) general skills; and (4) special skills. The four abilities are translated into a learning outcome (learning outcome) in each course in the study program. Thus, all learning plans or Semester Learning Plans should be based on learning outcomes (learning outcomes) following the needs of the graduate profile. This study aims to evaluate the readiness of the Islamic Elementary Teacher Education study program in Indonesia to implement the current curriculum policy, called the Indonesian National Qualification Framework. This study follows a mixed-method research design by undertaking an evaluation study. Moreover, the data were collected through a literature study, document study, questionnaire, and interview. Twenty-one departments were analysed, involving seventeen state and four private universities. This study provided some noteworthy findings, one of which is to measure how much the readiness of programme directors to implement new policies.AbstrakDari perspektif Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), setiap program studi harus dapat mempresentasikan dirinya sendiri dengan "profil lulusan" yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan studi tracer, studi kelayakan, dan analisis kebutuhan di masyarakat. Profil lulusan harus setidaknya mencerminkan kemampuan yang mengacu pada empat aspek kebutuhan (1) sikap, (2) pengetahuan, (3) keterampilan umum; dan (4) keterampilan khusus. Keempat kemampuan tersebut diterjemahkan menjadi hasil belajar (learning outcome) dalam setiap mata kuliah dalam program studi. Dengan demikian, semua rencana pembelajaran atau Rencana Pembelajaran Semester harus didasarkan pada hasil belajar (learning outcome) mengikuti kebutuhan profil lulusan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesiapan program studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Indonesia untuk menerapkan kebijakan kurikulum saat ini, yang disebut Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia. Studi ini mengikuti desain penelitian campuran dengan melakukan studi evaluasi. Selain itu, data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, studi dokumen, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Dua puluh satu departemen dianalisis, melibatkan tujuh belas universitas negeri dan empat universitas swasta. Studi ini memberikan beberapa temuan yang mencolok, salah satunya adalah mengukur seberapa besar kesiapan direktur program untuk menerapkan kebijakan baru.How to Cite : Fauzan. (2022). Curriculum Evaluation of Islamic Elementary Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 9(2), 149-162. doi:10.15408/tjems.v9i2.14869.
Sunnah Schools in Jakarta Greater Area: Dakwah, Education, and the Changing Face of Urban Muslim Communities in Indonesia Atik Yuliyani; Dadi Darmadi; sadawi sadawi; M. Hafid; Asmui Asmui
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.31060


AbstractThis qualitative study examines the emergence of sunnah schools and their influence on the development of educational institutions among urban Muslim communities in Indonesia. Three key aspects were explored: (1) the important figures and main actors in establishing sunnah schools, (2) the content and materials used and developed in these schools, and (3) the local community response to their establishment. The study was conducted in the Jakarta Greater Area (Jabodetabek) area, encompassing South Tangerang, Depok, and Bogor Regency. The findings reveal that while sunnah schools have similarities with public schools in general education, there are significant differences in religious education, particularly in the areas of tauhid, fiqh, and other religious sciences according to the Salafi manhaj. In addition to adopting the curriculum of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, sunnah schools also use some special materials, including extracurricular activities such as horse riding and archery, which are considered part of the sunnah of the Prophet. The study concludes that the growth of sunnah schools is closely linked to the dynamics of educational institutions, changes in lifestyle trends, and the development of identity politics in urban Muslim communities in Indonesia.AbstrakPenelitian kualitatif ini mengkaji kemunculan sekolah sunnah dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan lembaga pendidikan di kalangan masyarakat muslim perkotaan di Indonesia. Tiga aspek kunci yang diteliti: (1) tokoh penting dan aktor utama dalam pendirian sekolah sunnah, (2) konten dan materi yang digunakan dan dikembangkan di sekolah sunnah tersebut, dan (3) tanggapan masyarakat setempat terhadap pendiriannya. Kajian lapangan dilakukan di wilayah Jabodetabek, meliputi Kota Tangerang Selatan, Depok, dan Bogor. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sementara sekolah sunnah memiliki kesamaan dengan sekolah umum dalam pendidikan umum, ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pendidikan agama, khususnya di bidang tauhid, fikih, dan ilmu agama lainnya menurut manhaj Salafi. Selain mengadopsi kurikulum Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, sekolah sunnah juga menggunakan beberapa materi khusus, antara lain kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seperti berkuda dan memanah yang dianggap sebagai bagian dari sunnah Nabi. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pertumbuhan sekolah sunnah sangat erat kaitannya dengan dinamika lembaga pendidikan, perubahan tren gaya hidup, dan perkembangan politik identitas masyarakat muslim perkotaan di Indonesia. 
Investigating Neoliberal Values in EFL Textbooks in Indonesia Meli Aulia Utami; Siti Nurul Azkiyah; Muhammad Farkhan
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.31922


AbstractThere has been a wide acknowledgment that textbooks are a common medium of classroom instruction. Simulatenously, a growing body of research have found that ELT textbooks have promoted certain ideology, namely neoliberalism. This study concerns the endorsement of neoliberalism and how it is embedded in both locally-developed and internatonally-published ELT textbooks used in Indonesia. Using content analysis, the finding reveals that all the chosen textbooks contain the neoliberal mentality. The mandatory local textbook focuses on how to promote competition, while the local private textbook highlights material wealth and competition. On the other hand, the imported global textbook endorses human capital agenda. In other words, each textbook endorses different neoliberal values. The findings in this study imply the need for critical reading before the textbooks are prescribed to be used especially when the potential readers of the textbooks have different cultural values and learning objectives than those of commonly reproduced neoliberal values in imported ELT textbooks as previous studies found.AbstrakTidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa buku sebagai bahan ajar telah menjadi media paling populer dalam kegiatan ajar-mengajar di kelas. Penelitian sebelumnya juga menemukan bahwa buku ajar bahasa Inggris telah menjadi media untuk menyebarkan ideologi, salah satunya yaitu neoloberalisme. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adanya ideologi neoliberalisme dan bagaimana ideologi tersebut direpresentasikan dalam buku ajar bahasa Inggris baik yang diproduksi secara lokal maupun impor. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan konten analisis, studi ini menemukan bahwa dalam buku bahan ajar bahasa Inggris, terdapat nilai-nilai ideologi neoliberalisme. Buku bahan ajar wajib nasional berfokus pada glorifikasi kompetisi. Sedangkan buku bahan ajar domestik yang lain mementingkan kekayaan materi dan kompetisi. Di sisi lain, buku bahan ajar bahasa Inggris impor lebih menonjolkan human capital sebagai nilai neoliberalismenya. Melihat temuan tersebut, diperlukan critical reading sebelum suatu buku direkomendasikan untuk dijadikan bahan ajar terutama ketika target pengguna buku tersebut memiliki budaya dan juga nilai-nilai ideologi yang berbeda dari ideologi yang, menurut penelitian sebelumnya, kerap kali direproduksi dalam buku ajar bahasa Inggris, yaitu neoliberalisme.
Improvement of Metacognitive Thinking Skills in Teacher-Student Scientific Assignments Through the Use of Online Platforms Cecep Maman Hermawan; Okta Rosfiani; Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan; Tanti Sri Kuswiyanti; Mahmudin Sudin; Siti Roswati
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.30818


AbstractScientific problem-solving, starting with simple tasks and growing in difficulty until reaching the task with the climax level of difficulty, can be used as a training tool for developing metacognitive thinking abilities. Teachers and lecturers can make the most of scaffolding from online platforms by demonstrating how to complete a task in a systematic way. This study uses a participatory action research/PAR design with a class of students from the Islamic Religious Education study program at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta to examine how students learn metacognitive thinking abilities from completing scientific assignments in research methods courses employing interviews, documents, and observation to gather data. One of the study's most significant findings is that lecturers can use a number of strategies to help students develop their metacognitive thinking skills. These strategies are as follows: 1) Students can be trained in learning metacognitive thinking skills as early as the first semester through English resources introduced by lecturers from reputable online search engines; 2) Lecturers can offer a focus on research methodology assignments that require students to access various online platforms in their work; 3) It is recommended that research methodology courses be spread out in the early, middle, and final semesters; 4) Lecturers can improve the metacognitive thinking skills and self-efficacy of more advanced students by using various approaches, strategies and learning resources. If necessary, a reward and punishment system can be applied, especially to motivate male students and students who lack discipline.AbstrakPemecahan masalah ilmiah, mulai dari tugas-tugas sederhana dan berkembang dalam tingkat kesulitan hingga mencapai tugas dengan tingkat kesulitan klimaks, dapat digunakan sebagai sarana latihan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir metakognitif. Guru dan dosen dapat memanfaatkan scaffolding dari platform online dengan mendemonstrasikan cara menyelesaikan tugas secara sistematis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan/PAR partisipatif dengan melibatkan sekelompok mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta untuk mengkaji bagaimana mahasiswa mempelajari kemampuan berpikir metakognitif dari menyelesaikan tugas ilmiah dalam mata kuliah metode penelitian dengan menggunakan wawancara, dokumen, dan observasi untuk mengumpulkan data. Salah satu temuan studi yang paling signifikan adalah bahwa dosen dapat menggunakan sejumlah strategi untuk membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir metakognitif mereka. Strategi-strategi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Mahasiswa dapat dilatih untuk mempelajari keterampilan berpikir metakognitif sejak semester pertama melalui sumber bahasa Inggris yang diperkenalkan oleh dosen dari mesin pencari online; 2) Dosen menawarkan fokus pada tugas metodologi penelitian yang mengharuskan mahasiswa untuk mengakses berbagai platform online dalam pekerjaannya; 3) Disarankan mata kuliah metodologi penelitian disebarluaskan pada semester awal, tengah, dan akhir; 4) Dosen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir metakognitif dan efikasi diri mahasiswa yang lebih maju dengan menggunakan berbagai pendekatan, strategi dan sumber belajar. Jika perlu dapat diterapkan sistem reward and punishment terutama untuk memotivasi siswa laki-laki dan siswa yang kurang disiplin. How to Cite : Hermawan, C. M., Rosfiani, O., Hassan, S. A, Kuswiyanti, T. S., Sudin, M., Roswati, S. (2022). Improvement of Metacognitive Thinking Skills in Teacher-Student Scientific Assignments Through the Use of Online Platforms. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 9(2), 190-197. doi:10.15408/tjems.v9i2. 30818.
Leadership effectiveness in problem solving: A case study of Madrasas in Borneo Khalifaturrahmah Khalifaturrahmah; Akhmad Maki; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Norsyam Amaly; Bidin Bidin; Rus'ansyah Rus'ansyah
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.32339


AbstractThis Article is motivated by conflicts between the principal of the Madrasa and the teachers and education personnel in the Madrasa education unit. The general objective of this study is to gain an overview of the effectiveness of the principal of Madrasa’s leadership in solving problems in the Madrasa environment. This study examines the effectiveness of leadership in problem-solving for teachers and staff in Madrasas and identifies factors that influence problem-solving. The researcher used observation, interviews, and documentation methods to collect research data from teachers and education personnel and Madrasa managers at Madrasa Tsanawiya (MTs) An-Nur in Palangkaraya, State Madrasa Tsanawiya 2 (SMTs 2) in Banjar, and Madrasa Tsanawiya (MTs) Al-Kautsar in Tanah Bumbu in the academic year 2022-2023. The samples selected in this study were taken by purposive sampling, with a sample size of 12 people from each Madrasa. The principal of the Madrasa is responsible for empowering teachers and creating a harmonious Madrasa environment. Obstacles include a lack of collaboration and focus on student participation. Solutions include direct communication and involving stakeholders. The research provides recommendations for improving leadership effectiveness and problem-solving in Madrasas. Recommendations for the principal of Madrasas, teachers, education personnel, Madrasa committee and parents of students to improve the effectiveness of the principal of Madrasa’s leadership in solving problems in the Madrasa environment, creating a Madrasa environment that can support a student’s learning atmosphere.AbstrakArtikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh konflik antara kepala Madrasa dengan para guru dan tenaga pendidik di unit pendidikan Madrasah. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala Madrasah dalam menyelesaikan masalah di lingkungan Madrasah. Penelitian ini menguji efektivitas kepemimpinan dalam pemecahan masalah bagi para guru dan staf di Madrasah serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemecahan masalah. Peneliti menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian dari para guru dan tenaga pendidik serta manajer Madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiya (MTs) An-Nur di Palangkaraya, Madrasah Tsanawiya Negeri 2 (SMTs 2) di Banjar, dan Madrasah Tsanawiya (MTs) Al-Kautsar di Tanah Bumbu pada tahun akademik 2022-2023. Sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui purposive sampling, dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 12 orang dari setiap Madrasah. Kepala Madrasah bertanggung jawab untuk memberdayakan para guru dan menciptakan lingkungan Madrasah yang harmonis. Hambatan-hambatan meliputi kurangnya kerja sama dan fokus pada partisipasi siswa. Solusinya meliputi komunikasi langsung dan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kepemimpinan dan pemecahan masalah di Madrasah. Rekomendasi bagi kepala Madrasah, para guru, tenaga pendidik, komite Madrasah, dan orang tua siswa adalah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala Madrasah dalam menyelesaikan masalah di lingkungan Madrasah dan menciptakan lingkungan Madrasah yang dapat mendukung suasana pembelajaran siswa.
Life and Career Skills in Mathematics Learning for High School Students in Indonesia: The Perspectives of Teachers and Students Ramdani Miftah; Lia Kurniawati; Tatang Herman; Dadang Juandi; Aya Shofia Maulida
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.25660


Students need to possess the right life and career skills to face future life challenges. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of the life skills of mathematics teachers on high school students in Indonesia. Data were collected from 190 mathematics teachers and 627 high school students through questionnaires consisting of 15 and 45 statements for both parties. The data collected were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and the Smart-PLS v.3.2.9 software. The results showed that the understanding of mathematics teachers (77.50%) and high school students (83%) concerning life and career skills is in a good category. Meanwhile, their life skills are in a low category due to teachers’ difficulties in translating life and career skills in planning and implementing mathematics learning. This means that the mathematics learning methods developed by teachers do not explore students' potential. Moreover, teachers’ life skills did not significantly affect each student's indicator. Only two indicators had a medium effect, namely responsibility and flexibility on leadership as well asadaptability and flexibility on initiative and self-direction
Leadership effectiveness in problem solving: A case study of Madrasas in Borneo Khalifaturrahmah Khalifaturrahmah; Akhmad Maki; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Norsyam Amaly; Bidin Bidin; Rus'ansyah Rus'ansyah
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.32339


AbstractThis Article is motivated by conflicts between the principal of the Madrasa and the teachers and education personnel in the Madrasa education unit. The general objective of this study is to gain an overview of the effectiveness of the principal of Madrasa’s leadership in solving problems in the Madrasa environment. This study examines the effectiveness of leadership in problem-solving for teachers and staff in Madrasas and identifies factors that influence problem-solving. The researcher used observation, interviews, and documentation methods to collect research data from teachers and education personnel and Madrasa managers at Madrasa Tsanawiya (MTs) An-Nur in Palangkaraya, State Madrasa Tsanawiya 2 (SMTs 2) in Banjar, and Madrasa Tsanawiya (MTs) Al-Kautsar in Tanah Bumbu in the academic year 2022-2023. The samples selected in this study were taken by purposive sampling, with a sample size of 12 people from each Madrasa. The principal of the Madrasa is responsible for empowering teachers and creating a harmonious Madrasa environment. Obstacles include a lack of collaboration and focus on student participation. Solutions include direct communication and involving stakeholders. The research provides recommendations for improving leadership effectiveness and problem-solving in Madrasas. Recommendations for the principal of Madrasas, teachers, education personnel, Madrasa committee and parents of students to improve the effectiveness of the principal of Madrasa’s leadership in solving problems in the Madrasa environment, creating a Madrasa environment that can support a student’s learning atmosphere.AbstrakArtikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh konflik antara kepala Madrasa dengan para guru dan tenaga pendidik di unit pendidikan Madrasah. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala Madrasah dalam menyelesaikan masalah di lingkungan Madrasah. Penelitian ini menguji efektivitas kepemimpinan dalam pemecahan masalah bagi para guru dan staf di Madrasah serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemecahan masalah. Peneliti menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian dari para guru dan tenaga pendidik serta manajer Madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiya (MTs) An-Nur di Palangkaraya, Madrasah Tsanawiya Negeri 2 (SMTs 2) di Banjar, dan Madrasah Tsanawiya (MTs) Al-Kautsar di Tanah Bumbu pada tahun akademik 2022-2023. Sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui purposive sampling, dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 12 orang dari setiap Madrasah. Kepala Madrasah bertanggung jawab untuk memberdayakan para guru dan menciptakan lingkungan Madrasah yang harmonis. Hambatan-hambatan meliputi kurangnya kerja sama dan fokus pada partisipasi siswa. Solusinya meliputi komunikasi langsung dan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kepemimpinan dan pemecahan masalah di Madrasah. Rekomendasi bagi kepala Madrasah, para guru, tenaga pendidik, komite Madrasah, dan orang tua siswa adalah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kepemimpinan kepala Madrasah dalam menyelesaikan masalah di lingkungan Madrasah dan menciptakan lingkungan Madrasah yang dapat mendukung suasana pembelajaran siswa.
Curriculum Evaluation of Islamic Elementary Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia Fauzan Fauzan
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 9 NO. 2 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v9i2.14869


AbstractFrom the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) perspective, each study program should be able to present itself with the “graduate profile” obtained through tracer study activities, feasibility studies and needs analysis in the community. The graduate profile must at least reflect abilities that refer to four aspects of needs (1) attitude, (2) knowledge, (3) general skills; and (4) special skills. The four abilities are translated into a learning outcome (learning outcome) in each course in the study program. Thus, all learning plans or Semester Learning Plans should be based on learning outcomes (learning outcomes) following the needs of the graduate profile. This study aims to evaluate the readiness of the Islamic Elementary Teacher Education study program in Indonesia to implement the current curriculum policy, called the Indonesian National Qualification Framework. This study follows a mixed-method research design by undertaking an evaluation study. Moreover, the data were collected through a literature study, document study, questionnaire, and interview. Twenty-one departments were analysed, involving seventeen state and four private universities. This study provided some noteworthy findings, one of which is to measure how much the readiness of programme directors to implement new policies.AbstrakDari perspektif Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), setiap program studi harus dapat mempresentasikan dirinya sendiri dengan "profil lulusan" yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan studi tracer, studi kelayakan, dan analisis kebutuhan di masyarakat. Profil lulusan harus setidaknya mencerminkan kemampuan yang mengacu pada empat aspek kebutuhan (1) sikap, (2) pengetahuan, (3) keterampilan umum; dan (4) keterampilan khusus. Keempat kemampuan tersebut diterjemahkan menjadi hasil belajar (learning outcome) dalam setiap mata kuliah dalam program studi. Dengan demikian, semua rencana pembelajaran atau Rencana Pembelajaran Semester harus didasarkan pada hasil belajar (learning outcome) mengikuti kebutuhan profil lulusan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesiapan program studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Indonesia untuk menerapkan kebijakan kurikulum saat ini, yang disebut Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia. Studi ini mengikuti desain penelitian campuran dengan melakukan studi evaluasi. Selain itu, data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, studi dokumen, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Dua puluh satu departemen dianalisis, melibatkan tujuh belas universitas negeri dan empat universitas swasta. Studi ini memberikan beberapa temuan yang mencolok, salah satunya adalah mengukur seberapa besar kesiapan direktur program untuk menerapkan kebijakan baru.How to Cite : Fauzan. (2022). Curriculum Evaluation of Islamic Elementary Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 9(2), 149-162. doi:10.15408/tjems.v9i2.14869.

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