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Rio Andriyat Krisdiawan
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Nuansa Informatika
Published by Universitas Kuningan
ISSN : 18583911     EISSN : 26145405     DOI :
Core Subject : Science,
NUANSA INFORMATIKA is a peer-reviewed journal on Information and Technology for communication media academics, experts and practitioners of Information Technology in pouring ideas of thought in the field of Information Technology. NUANSA INFORMATIKA is a peer-reviewed journal on Information and Technology covering all branches of IT and sub-disciplines including Algorithms, system design, networks, games, IoT, Software engineering, Mobile applications, and others
Articles 211 Documents
SISTEM PENGELOLAAN LABORATORIUM KOMPUTER (Studi Kasus Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Kuningan) Dede Irawan; Rio Andriat
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v9i1.9


Kuningan University is university which have many faculty. Computer Science Fakulty ( FKOM) is one of them. That  studied in computer science faculty earn divided to become two big group, that is theory and of practice. But role of computer laboratory do not walk by xself, caused some part linking and assisting role of computer laboratory, that is faculty , study program and student giving data about student which have contracted and registration of matakuliah prakticum so that its data can be processed by laboratory as data participant of praktikum. Only in its execution of system management of computer laboratory still use conventional system. With this system is felt still there are  constraints among others : in its result of registration of matakuliah practice have to input repeat by prodi,and than staff require sufficient time, and still there are student which late to registration of matakuliah practice so that data of prodi to laboratory, becoming to lose time. Therefore require to be woke up System Management Of Laboratory Computer. This System use Ianguage of program base on Web, that is PHP and of Mysql. With System management of this computer laboratory can assist related partiess in executing its dutys. Besides System management of this computer laboratory can improve student discipline to execute registration of matakuliah timely, Staff Prodi do not input data  registration. Although that way this management system a long way off from perfection, is therefore expected can provide with schedule facility of praktikum, so that this application can be completed. Keyword : System Management of Computer Laboratory, PHP, MySQL

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Cooperative Learning merupakan strategi pembelajaran dengan pengelompokan secara heterogen dan saling bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan tugas.E-Learning yaitu pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menggunakan rangkaian elektronik (LAN, WAN, atau Internet) untuk menyampaikan isi pembelajaran, interaksi, atau bimbingan.Metode perancangan E-Learning yang digunakan yaitu metode Unifield Software Development Process (USDP) dan fase yang dikerjakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu fase inception dan elaboration. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa perancangan dan perencanaan implementasi sistem aplikasi berupa Sistem E-Learning SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Kuningan dengan model Cooperative Learning.Keyword: Pembelajaran, Cooperative Learning, E-Learning, Unifield Software Development Process (USDP)   
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v8i2.12


Speaker recognition adalah suatu proses yang bertujuan mengenali siapa yang sedang berbicara berdasarkan informasi yang terkandung dalam gelombang suara yang di-input-kan. Speaker identification adalah proses mendapatkan identitas dari seorang pembicara dengan membandingkan fitur-fitur suara yang di-input-kan dengan semua fitur-fitur dari setiap pembicara yang ada di dalam database. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengenalan pembicara dengan menggunakan ekstraksi ciri MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) dan metode kuantisasi vektor. Ekstraksi ciri MFCC menkonversikan sinyal suara kedalam beberapa vektor data yang berguna dalam proses pengenalan pembicara. Kemudian hasil dari ekstraksi tersebut akan dibandingkan dengan data pembicara yang ada dalam database. Kuantisasi vektor adalah proses meletakkan vektor-vektor ciri yang berukuran besar dan menghasilkan ukuran vektor-vektor yang kecil yang berhubungan dengan distribusi centroid. Algoritma K-mean digunakan untuk kluster. Pengenalan pembicara yang dibuat pada penelitian ini diujikan terhadap 22 orang pembicara, dimana masing-masing pembicara mengucapkan kata “bandung”. Pada tahap pengujian, ukuran distorsi berdasarkan minimisasi jarak Euclidean digunakan untuk mencocokkan pembicara yang diujikan dengan data pembicara dalam database. Nilai parameter  yang dirubah adalah ukuran codebook. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan tingkat akurasi tertinggi sistem dalam mengenali pembicara yaitu sebesar 95.45%. tingkat keberhasilan pengenalan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh nilai parameter-parameter yang digunakan dalam metode kuantisasi vektor yaitu ukuran codebook.   
Aplikasi Pengelolaan Kredit Perumahan Dengan Metode Kredit Risk Menggunakan PHP dan MySQL (Studi Kasus : Perum Alam Asri) RIO ANDRIYAT KRISDIAWAN
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v8i2.19


The house is a primary requirement for the fulfillment of human well-being as food and clothing. However, it turns out the need for housing is often hampered by lack of funds owned by consumers who crave own their own home. Thus, through the development of mortgage ogled as the main alternative housing finance. Mortgages is the ability to execute a purchase or hold a loan with a promise, payment will be executed at the agreed time period. This is one of the emerging credit. In extending mortgages, banks here must be selective in assessing the feasibility of the proposed by the debtor bank's assessment was conducted in order to avoid losses due to the return of loans disbursed. Thus in doing the lending bank must make an assessment based lending procedures and internal controls in order to avoid bank bad credit. It is also to be planned strategically for mortgages in the brass, especially mortgage PERUM Alam Asri. As a business developer in the field of home ownership that must be taken into account is about sorting the data consumer in the home loan application process. Both in terms of the validity of the data and supported by field monitoring. From there, the author get the idea, how to design a management application homeownership in PERUM Alam Asri  which prioritizes the analysis of credit risk management. Which in essence how to manage existing credit processes to minimize credit risks that often arise. Starting from customer identity data collection in truth, filing mortgage, Customer Survey income, up to the management of the mortgage payment installments, thus minimizing credit risks exist. In designing this application, the authors use a Web-based programming languages, PHP and MySQL.Keyword : KPR, Credit Risk, PHP dan MySQL
PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN E-LEARNING TERHADAP MOTIVASI DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR MAHASISWA ( Studi Eksperimen pada Mata Kuliah Komputasi Paralel Mahasiswa Angkatan III Program Studi Teknik Informatika di FKOM UNIKU ) Nita Mirantika
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v8i1.15


The presence of parallel computing courses in Informatics Engineering program is very relevant, applicable and can provide great inspiration for learners. But in reality, this parallel computing courses many students complain because the perceived difficult to learn. Course materials are always on the up grade in accordance with the technological developments that are in. Conventional teaching methods are still the favorite method is given, can not be a good solution to the above problems. because conventional study focused only on the educators in this faculty, so that students are passive, not pushing for creative thinking. Therefore we need another method, which can provide insight and inspiration to the students so that learning can take place effectively and in accordance with technological developments. One of these alternatives is the use of e-learning media.To assess the use of e-learning media are expected to be an alternative solution to the above problems, the authors conducted a study on Information Technology Student III level UNIKU who took a course parallel computing using three classes. The method used is the experimental method. With a variety of considerations, which became the experimental class is TI A class and TI C while the control class is TI B class. Data research conducted through written tests and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using a computerized program SPSS version 16 at the level of 95%. The results showed that the use of e-learning media can increase student motivation and achievement compared to conventional learning.  Keywords: E-learning, Learning Media, Experimental Study, learning motivation, learning achievement.   
Pembuatan Game Engine 3D Kampus Universitas Kuningan Dadan Nugraha; Wisnu Ahmad Maulana; Rahmat Ismaya
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v8i2.16


Pada saat ini  bidang komputer telah mampu menampilkan dan mensimulasikan bentuk-bentuk nyata  kehidupan manusia ke dalam bentuk visual 3 dimensi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak (software).  Misalnya game, iklan, animasi dan lainnya sudah mulai berkembang, dan banyak diminati baik anak-anak dan dewasa.   Game atau permainan  di dalam komputer telah mengubah cara dan gaya hidup masyarakat kita dalam kegiatan dalam kehidupan ini. Pikiran manusia lebih maju, komputer mulai digunakan dalam segala macam hal dalam kehidupan manusia dari yang terkecil sampai yang terbesar, seperti sekarang. Sebagai contoh, sebuah aplikasi untuk mendengarkan musik, aplikasi untuk memutar video, sampai permainan video gameDalam produksi atau membuat  permainan, peran komputer multimedia sangat penting. dimulai dari ide atau konsep yang kemudian dikembangkan dalam cerita oleh desainer permainan. Membuat permainan tidak mudah meskipun itu hanya sebuah permainan sederhana terutama bagi seseorang yang bukan desainer game. Namun, masalah ini dapat diselesaikan karena sekarang banyak perangkat lunak permainan yang memiliki kualitas dan fitur yang mudah untuk memahami  Salah satunya adalah Game Engine.yang terdapat pada software blenderUntuk itu penulis memiliki ide untuk membuat Game Engine 3 Dimensi Dengan adanya game 3D Kampus Uniku akan memberikan  informasi keadaan kampus, memvisualisasikan ,sebagai media yang menarik, real (nyata) mudah dimengerti oleh penggunanya bahkan dapat dijadikan referensi hiburan kampus yang efektif, dan motivasi mahasiswa untuk membuat game. Kata Kunci : Game Engine uniku, Game 3D Uniku   
PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR SISTEM INFORMASI BERBASIS E-GOVERNMENT MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK SAGA (Studi Kasus : Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan) Dadan Nugaraha; Cecep Juliansyah Abbas
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v8i1.17


E-government telah menjadi fenomena global. E-governance adalah rencana untuk kepentingan nasional dan dalam rangka memenuhi tujuannya dalam skala waktu yang diberikan. Interoperabilitas sangat penting dalam sektor publik di mana kolaborasi antara lembaga-lembaga publik diperlukan untuk mewujudkan gagasan layanan tanpa batas dalam pemerintahan satu atap. Metodologi yang diusulkan dapat digunakan sebagai model referensi untuk pengembangan komponen perangkat lunak untuk solusi e-Governance. Arsitektur Enterprise terdiri dari model dan alat untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dan pengembangan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi TI dalam pemerintahan. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan sampai saat ini belum mempunyai suatu blue print perancangan arsitektur teknologi informasi untuk mendukung sistem pemerintahan yang berbasis e-government. Dalam tesis ini, kami mengusulkan sebuah arsitektur yang aman dan berorientasi layanan untuk mencapai perancangan e-government untuk Kabupaten Kuningan. Tesis ini juga menyajikan standar, proses, metode dalam Pengembangan IT untuk aplikasi e-government dalam bentuk yang tepat. Untuk pengembangan sistem menggunakan framework Standar dan Arsitektur untuk Aplikasi eGovernment (SAGA), dengan kerangka kerja yang meliputi Enterprise Viewpoint, Computational Viewpoint, Information Viewpoint, Engineering Viewpoint, Technologi Viewpoint, dengan tools UML (Unified Modelling Language) sehingga diharapkan pemerintahan akan membuat kontribusi penting terhadap pelayanan administrasi modern dan berorientasi untuk menuju good governance berbasis e-government. Kata Kunci : E-government, Good governance, SAGA, UML   
NUANSA INFORMATIKA Vol 7, No 02 (2012)
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v7i02.64


Good quality education is a goal to be achieved by any educational institution. In the world of education dynamically evolving the required educational institutions to improve the quality of education and graduates. To achieve this goal each competing institution to produce a model of innovation and education. Institutions can utilize the availability of appropriate information very influential in increasing the quality of service to students and help produce the right business decisions. The purpose of this study was to produce a model of the data warehouse Brass University Academic Information Systems and generate patterns of data mining to the data admission to prospective students determine possible re-register or not so if the resignation of incoming freshmen are expected to be known early will help the management campus to take the actions necessary to maintain the prospective student. This Tstudy used two models that modeling techniques for data warehouse star schema model and decision tree  classification technique for data mining
NUANSA INFORMATIKA Vol 6, No 02 (2011)
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v6i02.55


The rapid advances in information technology especially in the field of computer and network technology, and security issues are often discussed. Starting from the immediate threat crackers or malicious hackers to infect through a program called malcode (malicious code). A program or script that is destructive or harmful to categorize as malcode includes computer viruses, worms or Trojan horses.Developments in Indonesia spread malcode initially more dominated by worms and viruses that come from abroad. But in October 2005, this dominance began to crumble with the spread of local viruses in every computer in Indonesia, the virus spreads very quickly and is very uncomfortable for the user to make a computer, so they invented anti-virus as a solution to prevent the spread.Anti Virus Search Method with Data File Header Sizeofcode and Addressofentrypoint is as Virus Pattern-based observations even though the virus writer has to do a custom header dos in order to reduce the size of the virus, but the data header optimal form of the virus and AddressOfEntryPoint SizeOfCode, will not changeKeyword : Anti Virus, Header File, Sizeofcode, AddressOfEntryPoint, Patern Virus, Delphi
E-Report Online Berbasis SMS Gateway (Studi Kasus SMA Negeri 1 Lebakwangi) Jajang Zaini Rois; Toni Khalimi; Yusuf Ginanjar
NUANSA INFORMATIKA Vol 5, No 01 (2010)
Publisher : FKOM UNIKU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/nuansa.v5i01.46


Media information is one important factor to support the development of education. The rapid development of technology allows more easily the delivery of information. Utilization of media progress information deemed necessary to support the delivery of information to the users information and routine activities is increasing. Each student has the aptitude and capability of each that can be measured based on the input and output of the process being operated at the school. Abilities and behaviors which measures the success of a student. Output generated by the capabilities and behavior of students in private schools is a globally knowledgeable and insightful, useful for the community, have a strong personality and in addition it also produces a report in the form of education for the record book report student learning outcomes in schools. Education Reports book useful as a medium of information about the results and progress of students in the school for parents. Often times due to various things, information about the student learning outcomes are not delivered properly to the parents. This causes the control and motivation of parents to be reduced to the students. Therefore, the necessary devices to help information delivered supporting the education of students report that one of them is by utilizing advances in information technology. By utilizing information technology-based mobile (SMS Gateway), are expected to help information delivered education of high school students report to parents each and can be tightened control and activate the role of parents of students who are more or less affect the progress and development of students.Keywords : SMS Gateway, E-Report

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