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Edukasi Kultura
ISSN : 24078409     EISSN : 25499726     DOI : 10.24114
Edukasi Kultura merupakan jurnal elektronik dan cetak nasional yang merupakan wadah penerbitan artikel penelitian original yang terkait dengan penelitian pendidikan bahasa, sastra, dan budaya. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia PPs Universitas Negeri Medan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun dibulan April dan Oktober.
Articles 9 Documents
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Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1785


Figure of speech CONFLICT CONTROL CAPABILITIES HEALTH CLASS XII SMK SAHATA  CITY  PEMATANGSIANTAR   LESSONS  YEAR  2014-2015  DEDI ZULKARNAIN  Pulungan  NIM  :  8136192007  FIELD  STATE  UNIVERSITY GRADUATE  INDONESIAN  ABSTRACT  The  research  was  conducted  in  SMK SAHATA  Health  Academic  Year  2014-2015  100  City  Road  Melanthon  siregar Pematangsiatar.dengan  penelitain  Methods  Descriptive  .  This  study  aimed  to describe the ability of opposition figure of speech in a sentence mastery  class XII student of SMK HEALTH SAHATA Pematangsiantar 2014-2015 academic year of calculation of the percentage figure of speech known mastery ability opposition in class XII student sentence quite able to value - average ( mean ) 70.33 . Students were categorized memproleh value (A) there is as much as 33.33 % gain value (B) there is as much as 26.67 % , gain value (C) there is as much as 20 % , memproleh value (D) there are as many as 20 % and category value (E) there as much as 0 % .From the results of the analysis of data and the number of students who meet the criteria of completeness of the results of the ability to master figure of speech in a sentence contradictions exist in both categories with the amount of 80 %. Keywords : Mastery opposition figure of speech
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1790


This research was conducted to describe the effectiveness of the method of mind map to writearticle. Experience and interviews indicate that many students who have difficulty writing articlewith precise slection of learning methods used by teachers. The selection and use of appropriatemethods are needed to improve students' skills in writing article. This research was conducted toaddress the student's difficulties in writing article, by using the method of mind map. After doingreseased. This is evidenced by an increase in average value of experimental class students.Besides hypothesis testing also proved that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Thus, teachersare advised to use mind map method so that students learn more actively and comfortably fitsobtained imagination of mind, especially in writing article.Keywords : writing article, mind map method
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1786


Essential competencies professorship is professional competence, social competence, and personal competence. Professional competency, competence in the field of substance or field of study,  competence  areas  of  learning,  teaching  methods,  assessment  systems,  the  value  of education and guidance. Social competence, competence in the field of relationship and service, community  service.  Personal  competence,  competence  value  built  through  behaviors  that teachers, has a personal and attractive appearance, impressive and teachers slang and "funky." The teacher called to be willing to learn how to teach well and fun learners and called to find a way of learning right. Let's just say, a teacher is not only a profession that is determined through testing  and  certification  competence  alone,  but  involves  the  heart,  meaning  that  from  the beginning  they  had  dreams  of  becoming  a  teacher,  a  teacher  who  knew  him,  and  as  a  noble humanitarian duty calls followed by awards professional as well.Seritifikasi teacher is an attempt to improve the quality of teachers is accompanied by an increase in the welfare of teachers, which is expected to improve the quality of learning and the quality of education in Indonesia on an ongoing basis.Key Words : Professionals, Teachers competence, and Certification
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1791


This study aimed to determine the effect of learning techniques Tri Focus Steve  Snyder  to  improved  reading  skills  effectively.  The  population  in  this research were 260 students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Talawi Coal District. The sample  in  this  study  amounted  to  43  people  were  taken  to  probaliti  techniques. The instruments used to collect the data is an essay test. The method used in this study  is  a  quasi-experimental  or  quasi  experiment.  Of  processing  the  data obtained with the pre test mean = 63.13, standard deviation = 7.23. The results of the  post-test  mean  =  81.04,  standard  deviation  =  7.43,  then  didapatlah  t0  at 11.26.  Furthermore t0 is  known,  then  consulted  with  ttabel  at  5%  significance level with df = n-1 = 43-1 = 42. df = 42 obtained from the level of significance of 5%  =  2.02.  Because t0 obtained  greater  than  ttable  ie  19.88>  2.02,  the  null hypothesis  (Ho)  is  rejected  and  the  alternative  hypothesis  (Ha)  is  accepted. Concluded that there is a significant influence on the use of learning techniques Tri Focus Steve Snyder to improved reading skills effectively 2nd semester class X SMA  Negeri  1  Talawi  District  Coal  learning  year  2009/2010.Keywords : Learning Techniques Tri Focus Steve Snyder, Effective Reading
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1787


ABSTRACTThis  study aims  to  determine the  frequency  of reading the  newspaper, the  ability to understand the discourse and influence the frequency of reading a newspaper on the ability to understand the discourse. The population in this study were students of class X SMA Methodist 8 Medan  Year  2009/2010  Learning  totaling  110  people.  Samples  were  taken  30  people.The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection tool used questionnaires and tests. The questionnaire used to collect the data frequency of reading newspapers and essaytests used to collect data is the ability to understand the discourse.Once the data is collected and analyzed the results of the study showed that the statesIncidence  Reading  Newspaper  Methodist  High  School  Class  X  8  Medan  Year  2009/2010Learning is  at sufficient levels to an  average value  of 65, Ability Discourse UnderstandingMethodist High  School Class  X 8 field of Learning 2009/2010 are  at a  high level with an average  value  of  68.5,  and  the  Effect Frequency  Reading  the  news letter to  the ability  ofDiscourse Understanding Class X 8 Terrain Methodist high School Year 2009/2010 are learningat a very strong level is 0.857.To test the hypothesis, used product moment correlation formula is 0.857 Furthermore,in consultation with the db table r N-2 (30-2) = 28, r = db table for 28 is 0.374. Thus rh  rt(0.857> 0.374), determination index obtained from the calculation is 73.44%. So the influence ofthe frequency of reading the newspaper with the ability to understand the discourse of class X SMA Methodist 8 Medan Year 2009/2010 Study of 73.44% means that the hypothesis (Ha) readsthe frequency of reading newspapers significantly affect the ability to understand the discourse of  class  X  SMA  Methodist  8  Medan  Year  2009/2010  Learning  acceptable.Keywords : frequency of reading, newspaper, understand discourse
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1783


This study aims to describe the influence of newspaper print media on the ability to write  essays  argumentation  class  X  SMA  Santa  Lucia  learning  year  2012/2013.  The population  of this  research  is  all class  X  SMA Santa Lucia Sei  Rotan consisting of fourclasses with a population of 130 students. Of the number of students was assigned a samplethat  is 64 people. The  method  used is an  experimental  method that compares two groups,given learning to write essays arguing with print media newspapers or experimental class (X) and  the  group  learning  with  print  media  textbook  or  classroom  control  given  different treatment.Experimental class  data captured argument essay  writing essay test using compiledfor the goals to be achieved. Prior to the analysis of data, analysis persayratan test is a test of normality and homogeneity  tests. Distribution data  obtained: the  experimental  class has  an average of 79.34 with a standard deviation of 6.72 and a control class has an average of 67.31and a standard deviation of 8.07. The results of the normality test calculations obtained: an experimental class to obtain price Lo (Lhitung) = 0.13 and Lt (Ltabel) = 0.15. Turns Lhitung<Ltabel or 0.13 <0.15 which argument essay writing using print media newspapers normal distribution; and gain control class price Lo (Lhitung) = 0.07 and Lt (Ltabel) = 0.15. TurnsLhitung <Ltabel or  0.07 <0.15. It  is proved that  the learning outcome  data write  essaysarguing with print media textbook normal distribution. The results of the combined variance homogeneity test calculations studied two groups obtained X2hitung = 1.42 and X2tabel =1.84. Price X2hitung <X2tabel namely 1.42 <1.84. Hypothesis  testing  is  done mendenganusing 't' test. From the calculation hypothesis test obtained t = 6.39 ttabel further consultationwith the significance level of 5% with df = (N1 + N2) - 2 = 60. In the table t with df = 60obtained ttable significance level of 5% = 2.00. Testing criteria states that Ha accepted if t count> t  table  (6.39> 2.00), then  the  alternative  hypothesis  is  accepted  that  states  the newspaper print media better than the print media by increasing the letter textbook writing essays argument proceeds learn some vital lessons.Keywords : Media Print, Write essays argumentation
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1788


This study wants to describe the relationship between the languages and mind in early childhood  and  want  to  describe  the  role  of  parents,  teachers,  and  the  environment  indeveloping  language  skills  and  thinking  in  early  childhood.  From  the  corner  of  thepsychology of early childhood development is a child who has limitations in the ability tothink and speak. At this stage the child's way of thinking, among others, still egocentric.Therefore  that  an  increase  in  the  child's  thinking,  activities  intended  to  enable  them  to perform classification, logical thinking, and trained to solve problem.They should also bestimulated to learn about a variety of concepts such as the concept of space, the concept oftime,  and  the  concept  of  number.  This  research  was  conducted  by  using  a  qualitative description.Activities that can stimulate a child's ability to think is to improve children's language abilities. The language used by the teacher is a language that raw organized yet simple and communicative.  But  in  early  childhood  development  to  date  is  not  known  precisely  themechanism  of  how  a  child  learns  a  language  so  that  the  language  can  be  learned.Based on the above, the authors are interested in doing research for "The RelationshipBetween Thinking With Speak In Childhood".Keywords : Thinking, speaking, and early childhood.
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1784


This research is motivated by shortcomings in writing short stories in particular students towrite short stories opposite of events that never happened. It was influenced by the uses of thelearning  model.  The  author  provides  an  alternative  model  of  SAVI  for  use  in  teachingwriting. However, previous authors will test the SAVI models to determine the level ofeffectiveness. Based on the research background, this study refers to some formulation of theproblem, namely: 1) How  is the  ability  of class  IX  students of  SMP  Negeri 6 Bahorok in learning to write short stories before and after the SAVI models applied in the experimentalclass; 2) How is the ability of class IX students of SMP Negeri 6 Bahorok in learning to write short  stories  without  using  SAVI  models  in  the  control  class;  3)  Is  there  a  significantdifference between the ability to write poetry class IX students of SMP Negeri 6 Bahorok inthe experimental class in the control class. The purpose of this study is to describe things that are listed in the formulation of the problem.The  underlying  theory  is  a  theoretical  model  of  SAVI  "Accelerated  Learning" presented by Dave Meier and Bobbi DePorter, that good pembelajaranyang it is learningthat involves all aspects of the senses, fun (favored students), student-centered, and can canadapt to the way into the world of students. This study used a quasi experimental researchdesign with pretest-posttest control group. The data of this research is the result of thestudents write a short story consisting of experimental classes and control classes before and after treatment. Experimental class using SAVI models, while the control class using conceptmaps. The results of this study are significant differences between the experimental classafter using SAVI models, compared with the control class using concept maps. Increasedability graders experiment (using models SAVI) by 95%, while the increase in the ability ofcontrol  class (using concept  maps)  of 68%. This  suggests that an  increase in the students 'ability to  write  short  stories in  the experimental  class is  higher than  the improvement  ofstudents' skills in writing poetry in the control class.Keywords : SAVI models, learning to write short stories
Jurnal Edukasi Kultura: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2014): JURNAL EDUKASI KULTURA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kultura.v1i1.1789


Fenomena penyimpangan (interferensi)kaidah kebahasaanyang terjadi akibat seseorang menguasai dua bahasa atau lebih. Interferensisebagai penyimpangan karena unsur yang diserap oleh sebuah bahasa sudahada padanannya dalam bahasa penyerap. Antara  bahasa daerah dan bahasaIndonesia  akan  tetap  saling  mempengaruhi    kalau  keduanya  sama-samadigunakan, dan selama itulah interferensi ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmendeskripsikan interferensi unsur leksikal bahasa Pakpak dalam karangansiswa SMP Negeri 2 Satu Atap Siempat Rube Pakpak Bharat dalam belajarbahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanankan di SMP Negeri 2 Satu AtapSiempat  Rube  Pakpak  Bharat.  Sumber  data  penelitian  ini  sebanyak  52siswa, terdiri dari 2 kelas. dan seluruh siswa dijadikan subjek penelitian.Setelah data terkumpul dan dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan penelitianmaka dapat disimpulkan bahwa unsur leksikal yang mengalami interferensidengan perincian unsur leksikal kata benda bahasa sebesar  84,61%, katakerja (verba) bahasa Pakpak ke bahasa Indonesia dalam karangan bahasaIndonesia dikategorikan rendah dengan presentasi sebesar  55,76%, unsurleksikal partikel bahasa Pakpak ke bahasa Indonesia dalam karangan bahasaIndonesia  dikategorikan  rendah  dengan  presentasi  sebesar    46,13%,kemudian unsur leksikal kata sandang bahasa Pakpak ke bahasa Indonesiadalam karangan bahasa Indonesia dikategorikan rendah dengan presentasisebesar    48,07%.  Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian  maka  dapat  disimpulkanbahwa interferensi unsur leksikal bahasa Pakpak ke bahasa Indonesia dalamkarangan siswa sangat rendah.Kata kunci : Interferensi leksikal Bahasa Pakpak dalam karangan

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