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Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 23552158     EISSN : 26544148     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies (SINTA 3 accredited) is an academic peer reviewed journal published by Center for Disability Services (CDSS), University of Brawijaya (UB), Malang, Indonesia. The journal publishes original papers at the forefront of disability research, covering the research of Inclusive education. IJDS is committed to developing theoretical and practical knowledge/technology about disability and to promoting the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society (P-ISSN: 2355-2158, e-ISSN: 2654-4148). Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies publishes research paper in the field of: 1. Educational psychology 2. Policy and administration 3. Inclusive technologies and infrastructures 4. Curriculum and instruction 5. Student exclusion and disengagement
Articles 389 Documents
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Studi Mahasiswa Penyandang Disabilitas Sudjito Soeparman
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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Dengan diratifikasikan Konvensi PBB tentang hak penyandang disabilitas menjadi Undang-undang no. 19 tahun 2011, pendidikan inklusif bagi penyandang disabilas wajib dilaksanakan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini melakukan studi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan studi mahasiswa difabel dalam system pendidkan inklusif. Faktor-faktor yang diteliti adalah faktor keluarga (hubungan dalam keluarga dan kondisi ekonomi), factor psikhologis (rencana studi dan kepercayaan diri), dan factor akademik (kehadiran, pilihan Program Studi, lama belajar, cara belajar, kendala belajar, dan IPK). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, dengan responden semua mahasiswa difabel dan mahasiswa non-difabel dalam kelas yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan dalam faktor keluarga dan psikhologis antara mahasiswa difabel dan non-difabel. Mahasiswa difabel cenderung lebih lama dan teratur, dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa difabel cenderung lebih baik daripada non-difabel.
Klasterisasi Mahasiswa Difabel Indonesia Berdasarkan Background Histories dan Studying Performance Sugiono Sugiono; Ilhamuddin Ihamuddin; Arief Rahmawan
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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Inclusive education for young disabled people is a trends, issues and big challenges. Young disabled people have fewer chances to get a properly job as they are more likely to drop out after the first year and to have erratic and longer pathways within the University education. Hence, The purpose of the paper is to classify and to investigate disable students based on histories background and based on studying performance. The research was begun with literature reviews and then concentrated on the early survey (questionnaire) of the student histories. The information was classified and was analyzed to describe the correlation for all factors which is configured in graphs. The output of the paper is the summary of the sensitive trend for each factor according to disable student performance.
Pandangan Disabilitas dan Aksesibilitas Fasilitas Publik bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di Kota Malang Thohari, Slamet
Publisher : Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabilitas (PSLD)

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The paper traces how people in Malang percieve people with disabilities, therefore it looks for the base-line of accessibility on public services for people with disabilities as well. It’s nased on a reseach used a quantitaif method in which we use samples based on the standard regulated by goverment.  On the other hand, a survey on perception of people with disability in Malang, it used clustering method which is investigating disability issues to people in Malang based on area already pointed out. Our Finding shows that people in Malang beleived that people with disabilities are “unperfect people”, therefe they still beleive on special schools. The other results showed that public services in Malang are not accessible for people with disabilities. The trend data showed that almost of public facilities are categorized as “not accesible”, only some can be categorized as “less-accesibble” and 0% of public facilities are “accessible.
Pola Konsumsi Pangan Penyandang Disabilitas di Kota Malang Agustina Shinta
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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This research aims to (1) identify indicators of food and nutrition on people with disabilities, and (2) to analyze the pattern of diversification of persons with disabilities. Identification of indicators using the Recommended Daily Intake of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates and Micronutrients (Ca, F, Fe and vitamin C), while the diversification pattern analysis method using the analysis of Dietary Pattern Hope. The results showed that (1) persons with disabilities in Malang meet the Recommended Daily Intake of energy, carbohydrates and Micronutrients for iron and phosphorus, but the excess in the Recommended Daily Intake of fat and deficient in the Recommended Daily Intake for protein, vitamin C and calcium; (2) persons with disabilities in Malang is in diversification in groups of oils and fats, but shortages in fish and sea food groups.
Implementasi Aksesibilitas Pada Gedung Baru Perpustakaan UGM Harry Kurniawan
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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Sebagai sebuah fasilitas publik, Perpustakaan harus mampu melayani semua penggunanya tanpa terkecuali. Layanan yang adil untuk semua orang tersebut tentu saja melibatkan banyak hal, tidak terkecuali aspek fasilitas fisik bangunannya. Tuntutan ini tidak hanya menjadi sebuah kesadaran bersama tetapi juga telah menjadi norma positif yang diatur dalam undang-undang maupun peraturan terkait lainnya. Hal ini menjadi landasan dasar dalam perancangan Gedung baru Perpustakaan milik Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) tahun 2010-2012 yang lalu. Implementasi aksesibilitas fisik pada Gedung baru Perpustakaan UGM ini direncanakan dan dirancang untuk menjamin aktivitas pengunjung mulai dari luar bangunan hingga ke setiap fungsi di dalam bangunan. Beberapa aspek aksesibilitas yang diimpelentasikan tersebut antara lain terkait dengan sistem sirkulasi, sistem informasi, serta detil-detil penunjang lainnya. Implementasi ini juga diharapkan menjadi contoh dan bahan pembelajaran bagi isu aksesibilitas fisik di gedung lainnya di dalam maupun di luar Kampus UGM.
Identifikasi Kebutuhan Siswa Penyandang Disabilitas Pasca Sekolah Menengah Atas Ulfah Fatmala Rizky
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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The reseach aims to identify necessities of students with disability post-Senior High School, either in inclusive school or special school. The purpose of this research is to describe the necessities of student with disability post-Senior High School. Therefore, students's planning post-Senior High School will be the priority in this research. The reseach used a qualitative method. The focuses of this research are, first, history of Special School. Second, the sight of special schol towards inclusive education. Third, identification of ideal school for students with disability. Fourth, identification of students's planning post-Senior Hgh School. The locations of this research are, first, SLB Negeri Semarang (Public Special School of Semarang). Second, SLB YPTB Malang (YPTB Special School), Third, Universitas Brawijaya (Brawijaya University). The method of collecting data in this research uses observation, interview, and documentation. The conclusions obtained from this research are, first, both of special school in this research have not special program to equip the students post-Senior High School. Second, 67,85% of students with disability planned to seek ajob post-Senior High School. Third, 42,85% of students with disability estimate themselves having the opportunity to carry on their education in University, but that is not their priority.
Sources and Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Information Among Deaf People in Ghana Wisdom Kwadwo Mprah
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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While information is critical for making informed decisions on SRH issues, the deaf community in Ghana has limited access due to social, economic, and institutional barriers. The purpose of this article is to describe the sources and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) information among deaf people in Ghana. Data for this article were derived from a SRH needs assessment project with deaf people in Ghana. The study involved 179 participants, consisting of 178 deaf participants” 26 focus group participants, 152 survey respondents” and one hearing person served as a key informant. Findings from both the focus groups and survey revealed that deaf people in Ghana obtained SRH information from a wide range of sources: school teachers, family members, health professionals, friends, the media, and SRH organizations and centers. The study findings also indicated that although health professionals are the official source of information on SRH issues in Ghana, they were not the most utilized and preferred source for the deaf community due to communication barriers. These findings are consistent with other studies and suggest that any SRH program aimed at improving access to information to the deaf population should endeavor to eliminate communication barriers.
Identifikasi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa Tuli Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Tulis Alies Poetri Lintangsari
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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Dalam perkuliahan, pemahaman akan penggunaan bahasa yang sesuai dengan kaidah bahasailmiah sangatlah penting mengingat hampir semua tugas mahasiswa adalah menulis karya tulis ilmiah.Dalam pembelajaran bahasa tulis, mahasiswa Tuli mengalami beberapa kendala, salah satunya adalahmemahami konsep bahasa yang sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa ilmiah seperti tata bahasa, penggunaan katasambung, word order, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhanmahasiswa Tuli dalam mempelajari bahasa tulis untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran bahasa denganmelibatkan konsep disability awareness dan memandang ketulian tidak dari sudut pandang klinis melainkandari sudut pandang sosial.
A mischievous young rogue and a dwarf: Reflections on the role of the panakawan in the Age of Prince Diponegoro (1785-1855) Peter Carey
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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The late eighteenth and early nineteenth century world in which the young Prince Diponegoro (1785-1855) grew up was a deeply traditional one. In the Yogyakarta court of his grandfather, Sultan Hamengkubuwono II (reigned 1792-1810/1811-12/1826-28), and father, the third sultan (reigned 1812-1814), there were special categories of court servants (abdi-Dalem) who served the ruler and provided his close protection. These included the para Nyai (personal female retainers), in particular the elderly Nyai Keparak, who carried the ruler's betelnut (sirih) box and spittoon (Carey 2008: 366, 403); the prajurit èstri (pasukan Langenkusumo) or Amazon corps who acted as the personal bodyguards of the ruler and were renowned for their skill on horseback (Carey 2008: 76-77); the polowijo or nonok (royal dwarves, the hydrocephalic and those with other unusual physical deformities) who acted as the court jesters (hansworst) and warders against evil; and the panji or young noblemen who formed part of the ruler's intimate circle much like the bachelor knights of the European medieval courts (Carey 2008: 179-80). Amongst these intimate court servitors none were important than the panakawan. As intimate assistants of the nobility, they combined many roles: tutor, servant, bodyguard, clown, adviser, masseur, herbalist, interpreter of dreams. Their pithy wit deflated pomposity and re-connected the high-born with the world of the Javanese village. As in the wayang clown-servitor figure of the renowned senior panakawan of the Pandawa brothers Semar they might even be gods in disguise. This mix of the demotic and the divine reflects the paradox at the heart of Javanese culture the seemingly misshapen being the vehicle of ultimate wisdom: Een Gedrocht en toch de Volmaakte Mens (a monster but still a perfect man) as the title of a famous study of the Suluk Gathotloco has it (Akkeren 1951).
Hubungan Konsep Diri dan Efikasi Karir pada Remaja Akhir Laki-laki Penyandang Disabilitas Penny Handayani; Adeline Adeline; Irwanto Irwanto
Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : The Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University

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Bekerja dan memiliki karir adalah bagian dari perkembangan seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, termasuk penyandang disabilitas. Memilih karir bukan hal yang mudah karena menyangkut kemandirian seorang individu dan masa depan terlebih lagi pada penyandang disabilitas mereka memiliki hambatan dan perlakuan diskriminatif. Efikasi karir merupakan kepercayaan seorang individu mengenai kemampuannya sehubungan dengan pembuatan keputusan dalam karir. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi karir adalah konsep diri. Konsep diridapat diaplikasikan dalam pemilihan karir agar seseorang dapat memilih karir yang sesuai dengan dirinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara konsep diri dan efikasi karir pada remaja laki-laki penyandang disabilitas. Ini berarti bahwa, penyandng disabilitas yang menghendaki bekerja juga harus memilih jenis pekerjaan mereka sesuai dengan apa yang mampu mereka lakukan dan mereka inginkan.

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