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Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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e-Proceedings PKM - M merupakan prosiding elektronik yang mempublikasikan artikel mahasiswa dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia yang lolos pada Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun oleh Diltilabmas Ditjen DIKTI dalam bidang Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM - M).
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Articles 69 Documents
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Desa Setono memiliki 10 kelompok pembudidaya lele. Budidaya lele belum optimal terkendala harga pelet yang mahal. Akibatnya produktivitas lele menurun dan beberapa mengalami gulung tikar. Tim PKM-M memberikan inovasi pelatihan pembuatan "Pro-fishta" pelet ikan lele menggunakan campuran ampas tahu dan probiotik untuk merangsang pertumbuhan dan kekebalan lele. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya pembuangan limbah tahu dari home industry tahu di Desa Setono yang limbahnya mencemari lingkungan. Tujuan adanya pelatihan ini sebagai upaya pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya lele, memanfaatkan limbah home industry tahu menjadi produk yang bermanfaat, serta membuat “Pro-fishta” untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ikan lele di Desa Setono. Pelatihan pembuatan "Pro-fishta" dilakukan bulan Maret – Mei 2014 dengan 3 kali pelatihan kepada seluruh kelompok pembudidaya ikan lele di Desa Setono. 2 kali peninjauan pada bulan Juni dan Juli untuk pembentukan dan pemantapan kelompok budidaya pelet “Pro-fishta”. Terbentuk 3 kelompok budidaya lele dan Home Industry. Pemasaran produk di daerah Ngawi, Jogorogo, Sine. Salah satu kelompok budidaya lele di Kabupaten Ngawi yang menggunakan pelet “Pro-fishta” yakni kelompok “Mina Mandiri”. Melalui program ini, tim PKM-M telah membantu memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan pengolahan limbah ampas tahu yang tidak bermanfaat menjadi produk olahan pelet yang bermanfaat khususnya untuk peningkatan produktivitas budidaya lele dan ekonomi masyarakat. Keywords : Pro-fhishta, Budidaya lele, Produktivitas lele
PROGRAM “LOMBOK RAWIT”SEBAGAI SARANA TERAPI BAGI ANAK TUNA LARAS Verrysaputro, Exwan Andriyan; Ardhiantoro, Akhmad Riva’i
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Student Creativity Program(PKM) of "Lombok Rawit" (Latihan Among Bekso dan Karawitan) is motivated by a will to make traditional Javanese gamelan music and dance as a means of therapy for Mentally Handicapped students. Through this program, Mentally Handicapped children are expected to be familiar with the culture Javanese, while getting a therapy to reduce emotional and behavioral deviations. PKM is applied to Mentally Handicapped children in Special school (SLB) ‘E’Prayuwana Yogyakarta. The number of students in special schools was 25 people. Training was conducted in April-July 2014, the results were achieved after the training, namely: (1) the increasing of the value of the post-test by 68%. This percentage is obtained from the tabulated results from the instrument, which showed a reduction in the number of occurrences Mentally Handicapped children characteristics such as hyperactivity, fear, antisocial, and others. (2) The PKM team managed to hold a simple form of collaboration performances of gamelan and dance Mentally Handicapped children. (3) The PKM team managed to compile teaching materials in the form of modules and CD gamelan and dance lessons for children with the barrel so that it can be used widely by teachers and therapists of Mentally Handicapped children. Based ont he results of the PKM, it can be concluded that the training"Rawit Lombok", can be used as a therapeutic tool for Mentally Handicapped children. Based on the effectiveness of thisprogram, a team of the PKM trying to do a follow up in the form of mentoring and socialization, so that a similar program can be applied to Mentally Handicapped children in others special school.Keywords: mentally handicapped children, therapy, Lombok Rawit
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Banana (Musa spp) is a very big agricultural commodity in Indonesia. Its easy grows up characteristic in Indonesia, making it cultivated a lot by community. One part of banana that still underutilized is banana frond. Banana frond has enough useful content in health sector. There are tannin and saponin which functioned as natural antiseptic substances. In addition, banana sap containing two substances that have a role in curing the wound, which are flavonoid and ascorbic acid. Rawasari village, Tembalang districts, Semarang city is marginal village that has great banana potency but human resources quality there still uneducated or unable to utilize natural resources in that village, based on per January 2014 data , there were 47% population are not entering elementary school, and most of them having professions as farm workers. Looking those background we make innovation that can utilize banana waste to be hand sanitizer with brand name is handsang. Its approaching method by PRA method (Participatory Rural Appraisal), which is understanding condition in the target area, so that community can participate actively. Implementation methods are socialization, three times meeting mentoring, and evaluation as partner introduction. The manufacturing process are taking banana frond , taking banana extract by using juicer, extract frond banana filtration, sterilization, appropriate dose measurement, materials mixing, and packaging. Until now, there is Women Business Group that has been established, that has been registered in UMKM Semarang, and still queue to get brand right to register in 2015 period.Keywords: Banana, banana sap, Rowosari, hand sanitizer, handsang
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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The student program in community services was aimed at using musical poem as the media to improve the vocabularies of deaf children and internalizing moral values into them. The methods were lecturing, demonstration, practice and performance. The performance of musical poem was to build children’s self confidence. The activities took four months for program preparation, implementation and then evaluation. The program was carried out for six students of Widya Mulia Special School, Pundong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. By using musical poem, it is found that the vocabularies of deaf children are improved which are shown in their written and spoken communication. Besides, the children are able to enact moral values such as religious values, confidence, autonomy, discipline and honesty. Musical poem is suitable to be implemented to deaf children based on their level of hearing ability. Therefore, the program successfully solve the deaf children’ problems in language learning. It is recommended for teachers in the school to implement the program for developing deaf children’s language skills. The children are also able to share knowledge and experiences to others for better life.Key words: musical poetry, deaf children, vocabulary, moral values
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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The poverty happens because of the accumulation of the variety of issues and involves many aspects. Not merely in the economic aspect but the Poverty also associated with social, political, cultural, human resources (education) and various other aspects. The thing that happened in Indonesia is the existence of vicious circle of poverty, which is formed by the concatenation of problems and gave an effect to the other things. The vicious cirle of poverty lead to circumstances in which a country will be remain poor and will experience many difficulties to achieve a higher level of development. The vicious circle impress as though the eradication of poverty is very difficult to get. The problems are always intertwined and just spin in a circle without a clear solver. So the concrete program called pioneering school of MSMB (Micro, Small and Medium Business) could be a solution. This program has been implemented by using the set of methods, both the pre-execution method and program execution method that packed with an interesting concept for children in the games, visual drawing, etc. From this program, the offspring of scavengers nurtured into competitive individuals with speech capabilities entrepreneurship and get the capability to produce the products that can compete in the market when they become an adult, they could use their provision for their future. So they do not just pass the science scavenged from their parents, but will be a pioneer breaker circle of family’s poverty trap. Until eventually the concept of eradication of poverty as the mandate of the Preamble of the Constitution of 1945 could soon become a reality in the social life.Keywords: School of scavenger, Eradication of poverty, MSMB (Micro, Small and Medium Business)
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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The lost No Siala Pale culture cause conflict epidemic which spread in Sigi Regency. Therefore, a method to bring yearn peacefulness back is needed. The most effective method are drama performance and empowerment of art community. Through drama performance, No Siala Pale is able to cultivated again. In the other side, conflict is able to muted with empowerment of art community. It is evidenced by reducing frequency of conflict in Kotarindau Village from 20 in 2013 to 2 in 2014. Kotarindau community that was once accustomed to art, now back to preserve the culture and keep the peace. It can only be achieved after the Art Community Tamunggu Dolo empowered again. Thus, we recognize that Tamunggu Dolo is a cultural savior and hero of peace. Keywords: conflict, culture, No Siala Pale, drama, Art Community.
PENINGKATAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DI DUSUN NGLAMPU DENGAN PALANG DAPUR Sitio, Jessica Christy; Octavianus, Agatha Riona; Madita, Vincentia Ganesi
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Dusun Nglampu is located in Desa Pucanganom, Kecamatan Srumbung, Kabupaten Magelang. People have difficulty to access health service because of expensive medication in hospital and limited operation time in puskesmas. Commonly, people do not know how to process herbs for medication. Consequently, they do not have alternative medication which is accessible. In this program, a guideline of the use of herbs as medicine is packed in a book called "Palang Dapur" which provides information about disease and its symptoms, herbs that can be used to solve the symptoms; about methods to prepare the herbs; how to consume, and other relevant advices. There are 20 diseases and symptoms that are discussed in the "Palang Dapur", i.e.: cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, itching, cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, irregular menstruation, abdominal pain due to menstruation, vaginal discharge, toothache because of caries, fatigue, aches, burns, acne, insomnia, headache, and pain eyes. Counseling and mentoring related to the use of the "Palang Dapur" were done. This resulted in increasing people’s knowledge and skills in using herbs as herbal medicines. Results on pre-test and post-test to demonstrate knowledge and skills of the target communities increased from 52.2% to 93.7%. Results of the questionnaire showed that explaining and sharing of the "Palang Dapur" could increase the use of herbs for medication from 40.9% to 97.7%. Furthermore,, 95% of participants agreed that this program could help to solve their common daily health problems including their family.Key word: herbs, alternative medicine, Palang Dapur, people’s knowledge and skill
ARTHERY (Action and Rehabilitation to be Healthy for Geriatry) Pratama, Rovy; Bulqiah, Mikyal
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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ARTHERY (Action & Rehabilitation to be heatlhy for Geriatry) is a social programs that have a long-term goal to improve the quality of life of the elderly who suffer knee osteoarthritis and prevents osteoartristis progression. The program is implemented at the UPTD Rumoh Seujahtra Geunaseh Sayang that is the only nursing home in the city of Banda Aceh for three months. The method applied in this program is introduce laterally wedged insoles and do osteoarthritis exercise. The results of the implementation of this program are improvement average of WOMAC scores on pain and stiffness of knee osteoarthritis in 13 people and 55 other elderly people have undergone knee osteoarthritis prevention program with 12 times oateoartritis exercise and wearing laterally wedged insoles.Keywords: Laterally wedged insoles, Osteoarthritis Exercise, UPTD Rumoh Seujahtra Geunaseh Sayang
SCOUT THERAPY SENYUM LUAR BIASA (ST – SLB) Andini, Fajar Putri; Nindita, Cinanthya Lila
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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The concept of youth as the hope of the nation is now barely able to appear on the surface. Through Scouting, can build morale not to mention who have mental retardation. SLB C Yakut Purwokerto an Extraordinary School consisting of students kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school levels who have different disabilities. State remains unstable learners into problems and difficulties of the school to seek Trustees who are able to educate Scouting in their school, during which teaches learners are scouting for their own teachers. Therapy Through the Scout method, have the view that they are intended to have the appropriate proportion of the age when given an understanding of the scout fun but still educational, teaching a variety of useful knowledge for learners, the implementation will be more easily realized with the provision of a lightweight material interspersed with games, singing and clapping typical scout that will make students like and not boring. The goal is to minimize flapping and tantrums activity by pointing to activities that are more useful, especially Scout, improving the response of children to interact and socialize, hone skills and proficiency of children with special needs in SLB C Yakut Navan, foster a sense of patriotism through scoutin, creating a lightweight and fun method for mentally disabled children. Keywords: Scout, Extraordinary Smiles, Flapping, Tantrum

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