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Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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Core Subject : Education,
e-Proceedings PKM - M merupakan prosiding elektronik yang mempublikasikan artikel mahasiswa dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia yang lolos pada Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun oleh Diltilabmas Ditjen DIKTI dalam bidang Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM - M).
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Articles 69 Documents
MODEL EDUKASI PENERAPAN IPTEKS & KETERAMPILAN RAMUAN PEPAYA SEBAGAI ANTHELMINTIK PADA AYAM Argus, Argus; Jamaluddin, Jamaluddin; Khoirulloh, Khoirulloh; Firdausi, Nilam; Tanwil, Tanwil
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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This PKM-M aims to implement the education of applying science and technology & the ability of ingredients of beneficial papaya. To know the society response in the education of applying science and technology & the ability of ingredients of beneficial papaya as anthelmintik to minimalize the wormy in the livestock chicken. To manage the continuative enterprise program in Kambingan village. The action of PKM-M is based on the following statements of the problem: 1) Implementing Papaya Ingredients by illuminating and adjoining. The illumination was attended by public figure, breeder, and public apparatus. In the illumination, the interactive discussion happened between the participants, and the informant and PKM-M team. Discussion about  chicken diseases. Ascaridia galli is a parasitic gilig worm which is mostly found in the chicken and causes a big loss of financial for breeder fowl. The usage of natural ingredient is much better than chemical ingredient. One of the efforts in controlling an environmentally safe parasite is taking the advantages of the trash of papaya plants.Adjoining was done by helping (training) the breeder society in the case of giving the liquid drop to Papaya Ingredients, 2) the society responses to the importance of the advantage of Carica papaya trash, there was an improvement of society understanding after joining this program, 3) the continuative effortwas done by adjoining while training and working together in the future.  The continuative effort would be realized in PKM-K or IbW (science and technology for society) in this year, in which the object is Kambingan village. Keywords: Carica papaya trash, anthelmintik, Ascaridia galli, breeder society
GERAKAN TERTIB LALU LINTAS “GETAS”: UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KECELAKAAN SEJAK DINI Pratiwi, Restu Dyah Siam; Irvani, Achsanul Fahruddin; Nastiti, Wahyu Kurnia Dewi; Rohmah, Itsna Amanatur
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Surabaya has the largest traffic accident than others in east java (Surabaya Kompas, 2013). There is not any attention and awareness from students of junior high school to prevent accident increasing. Therefore, it needing oncoming to get student’s attention for developing their concern about traffic rules. One of this effort is making “GETAS” (Gerakan Tertib Lalu Lintas) community. This is a traffic discipline community that involve the students of Yapita Junior High School Surabaya as the first members. They have a big duty to  prove their awareness about traffic, so they can add another friend to join their community. The method that used in this program is “innovation” game.  This system aims to create  softskilled and  responsive student.  By means of game, the student can give their more attention  so the substance can delivered easily. The result can be identified by assessment about knowing and care.  Knowing is assessed by pre test and post test. Base on this test, there is inceasing knowledge from 67,2% to 90,6%. Whereas another result is assessed from student’s enthusiastic to creat “GETAS” community. This program is expected to decreas traffic accident in Surabaya and others. Keywords : “GETAS” community, knowing, care
ARISAN BACA TULIS: PEMBERANTASAN BUTA AKSARA MELALUI METODE ARISAN YANG UNIK DAN MENYENANGKAN Kurniawati, Hamida; Sudewo, Arizky Rachmad; Fachrizal, Mochamad Sony; Firdausi, Khalida Putri
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Surabaya as the capital of East Java was haven’t  free from illiteracy yet, the condition was mostly of them were women aged 30 years and over who haven’t completed the compulsory education for nine years. In addition, women are also considered capable of transmitting knowledge and their knowledge to the family, especially the children as closest network. With the  fun activity, we expect the new atmosphere of togetherness and gathering with the same degree of age are able to create its own preoccupations and improving the confidence to learn to read and write. This program, is modified such that mothers are often going ahead and daring to write or read the sentences given by instructor, will get a roll of paper that bearing their names. Thus, the more quantity Mothers forward and dare to write and read, the more the roll of their names, and a chance to win the raffle of “Arisan” at the end of training will be even greater. With different and unique method, able to attract mothers to be more diligent in reading and writing, so that illiteracy slowly be decrease, the mothers began to realize how important education started early, and spirit and motivation for learning has begun to form, evidenced by an increase in the ability of mothers to read and write, 77% of mothers who previously could not read, or only able to spell, and be able to read haltingly, and 68% of mothers who can not write, or can only write a few letters, as well as stuttering to write, has increased its ability to 86% have been able to read fluently, and 77% have been able to write correctly.Key Words: Illiteracy, Arisan, Literacy Education, Mothers of Keputih Tinja
KIDS PRENEUR (KP), SOLUSI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER UNTUK ANAK JALANAN KAMPUNG DAYAK, PURWOKERTO SELATAN Purnomo, Arifin Budi; Astuti, Yuli; Amiyah, Fitriyatun; Siddiq, Muhammad Imadudin; Charis, Abdul; Nurchasanah, Siti
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Kampung Sri Rahayu (Dayak village) is a marginalized village in the town of Purwokerto with majority of the society bearing the social problems, such as prostitutes, transvestites, unemployed, beggars and street children. There are at least 200 street children in this village, and only 20 percent are able to receive education until graduated elementary school. The main factors causing educational process blocked in this village is the lack of parental support and absence of local government programs. This condition makes mental street children in Dayak village materialistic, self-sufficient and not depend on others. Therefore we need Kids Preneur (KP) as an alternative education so that street children in Dayak village still has a chance to grow up, standalone, creative based on religious character. The objectives of this program are: 1) Increase the knowledge, skills street children of Dayak village; 2) Increase environmental awareness and creative street children of Dayak village; 3) Grow the spirit of standalone and religious life street children of Dayak village. Method of implementation this program include: 1) Kids Prenuer Leadership that aims inculcate spirit of leadership and standalone on street children; 2) Kids Preneur Educative that aim to give education such as hardskill to street children; 3) Kids Preneur Innovative that aims to give softskill training, creative attitude to environmental conditions; 4) Kids Preneur Community, is a forum for the street children of Dayak village to learn the knowledge and entrepreneurship. The results and conclusions of the implementation of Kids Preneur’s programs are to improve the knowledge, skills, spirit care for environment, creative, standalone, religious and entrepreneurial character to street children of Dayak village, South Purwokerto. So that the education of the marginalized society gradually be resolved.Keywords: Education, Kids Preneur, Street Children 
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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The learning motivation of the students of SDN 01 Manguharjo, Manucipality of Madiun on Javanese subject is regarded low. All the more, the students’ behavioral conducts supposedly violate the Javanese cultural values, e.g. eating and drinking while walking, fighting and so forth. In effort of building students’ learning motivation and character, the javanese cultural constiuents are then combined and developed in a learning strategy covering: hanacaraka letters, legends, songs and games. The learning strategy which covers the Javanese cosio-cultural values is packed in a learning media of HANOMAN. The application of the media is started by conducting Ajisaka stage show, local tales, javanese songs which are arranged with percusion music and Javanese games. The result of this learning strategy is that sudents like and appreciate the Javanese culture and then start to keen on learning the Javanese subject. Students’ learnig activities, focus and morivation increase during the learning process with this media. Students become aware of characters under the Javanese values, by caring others, holding politeness to elders, not eating and drinking while walking anymore, being proud of Javanese values. Teachers can take advantage of this model as one of strategy to attract students’ learnig morivation and to build their character. This model is tentatively effective in teaching Javanese subject and character. Key Words: HANOMAN, Education, Learning Motivaton 
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Banteran village especially Danalaya halmet is located at the foot of Slamet mountain with the contours of the hilly villages so that the location of residential areas is higher than in the river around the village, as well as their water source. With these conditions, the pump installation built hidram that is the water pump hydropower that serves to pump the water to burst higher than the waterfall, so the clean water needs at Danalaya halmet can be met. Network hidram pump clean water from the new turns up at one point and has not spread to the rest of the villagers so that not all villagers can enjoy it and it is a problem that must be solved. Given the problems we plan to help villagers Danalaya in the water distribution network by making clean water and we want to raise the water higher so water can be channeled to the whole house of the villagers. We use additional solar-powered pump (Green Infrastructure), so that the location of the water tank and the higher availability of clean water dealer network along with the water meter, it is expected the entire village can enjoy the clean water has been channeled later. PDAM of village also formed to regulate water usage recorded by the water meter so that the operational costs of water usage can be adjusted by the amount of water consumption per home residents. Keywords : water, solar power, hydram pump, water hammer,Banteran,green infrastucture.
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Indonesia was the 37th by the number of early marriages in the world and was ranked second in ASEAN (UNDESA, 2011). Gunungkidul ranks is the highest of early marriage rate in the DIY province. In 2009 an application for early marriage dispensation for women under 16 years old and men under 19 years old reach 80, That number continues to increase each year, until 2011 as many as 145 applicants( Parents point of view who want their children to marry early often occur in Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Until now, there has been no movement or trainings of the steps to prepare and manage a family. Through the creativity of the student program "Gerakan Siap Menikah (GSM) in Blekonang, Tepus, Gunungkidul is expected to provide knowledge and concrete solutions to overcome this. This program begins with dissemination for villagers related to the aims and objectives, the establishment of the GSM community with young people as the administrator, GSM organizational management training (in collaboration with Quantum Remaja), the work program of the GSM, namely; launching of GSM community, marriage preparation and dissemination danger of early marriage (in collaboration with BKKBN), training parenting (in collaboration with PLKB), and skills development. Indicators of the achievement of this program are (1) The establishment  a community board of GSM with 15 people (2) The occurrence of an increased understanding and awareness of the importance of the preparations of family management and the risk of early marriage. The percentage of understanding  marriage preparation or housekeeping increase from 40% with the criteria ’Enough’ to 79% with the criteria very well. Understanding  the dangers of early marriage increase from 69% to 73%. Keyword: early marriage, community, family management
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Indonesia, a country which is famous with its eastern culture and manners currently had been hit by a moral crisis. However, moral is a main indicator to be considered and be built to achieve a good human resources quality so that we can build our nation. Besides, an intelligence with no moral will cause failure to achieve to build nation’s prosperity. The implementation of Pancasila by young generation nowadays tends to fade. Even the adults who had learned about P4 (penataran penghayatan dan penghayatan nilai- nilai Pancasila) got involved in various criminal cases, especially corruption. From this case, we can conclude that is there are many failures of implementation of Pancasila. The goal of this program is to re-embed the points of Pancasila to the next generation. This goal is such a real action to build the moral of the next generation who will lead Indonesia in a future. We used Pancasila Serial Comic as a method to apply the points of Pancasila.Keywords : Moral crisis, Moral, Pancasila, P4
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Lahan pekarangan memiliki fungsi multiguna. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan pekarangan antara lain dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi dan gizi keluarga, menghemat pengeluaran harian dan memberikan tambahan pendapatan serta menjamin ketersediaan pangan keluarga secara berkelanjutan. Setiap rumah tangga keluarga di Desa Potoya memiliki potensi lahan pekarangan antara 0,05-0,25 Ha/KK yang dapat dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dan peningkatan pendapatan keluarga secara berkelanjutan, namun pada umumnya warga desa belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengelola lahan pekarangan secara intensif, sehingga lahan pekarangan belum dapat memberikan fungsinya secara optimal. Program PKMM dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk membantu masyarakat sasaran dalam mengembangkan pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan sebagai salah satu pilar yang dapat diupayakan untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan dan kesejahteraan keluarga, melalui pengembangkan Model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (MKRPL). Program PKMM ini dilaksanakan di Desa Potoya Kecamatan Dolo Kabupaten Sigi dan berlangsung selama 4 bulan yakni dimulai pada bulan April 2014 sampai dengan bulan Juli 2014. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan program PKMM ini adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat bagi kelompok sasaran dengan kegiatan (a) penyuluhan tentang pentingnya memanfaatkan potensi lahan pekarangan secara intensif untuk menunjang pengembangan kawasan pangan lestari di perdesaan, (b) pelatihan partisipatif untuk peningkatan keterampilan kelompok sasaran dalam melakukan indentifikasi potensi, permasalahan dan peluang pengembangan usaha, menyusun rencana kegiatan, melakukan implementasi kegiatan serta monitoring dan evaluasi program/kegiatan, (c) pelatihan teknik budidaya dan pasca panen tanaman pangan, hortikultura dan perkebunan serta (d) pendampingan pengelolaan lahan pekarangan secara intensif dengan melibatkan sumber daya keluarga bersama kelompok masyarakat sasaran secara partsipatif. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan teknologi pengembangan pupuk organik, pengembangan biopestisida dan pengembangan RPL yang dilaksanakan dalam pelatihan dan demplot dapat dikembangkan oleh masyarakat sehingga lahan pekarangan masyarakat menjadi lahan produksikhususnya dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan bagi masyarakat di lokasi sasaran program.Keywords: Ketahanan Pangan, Rumah Pangan Lestari
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM-M 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Character education is important, because it contains good moral values and be able to help children understand themselves, put themselves in a social environment and be able to support in academic achievement and non-academic. The one way to implement is sisdarling movement. Sisdarling stands for Environmentally Conscious Student that contains character education to foster positive character that focuses on the 7 characters, including: (1) love the environment; (2) Berke deity; (3) is responsible; (4) creative; (5) cooperate; (6) to be honest; (7) optimistic. The object of this program are children kelas3, 4, and 5 SD puppetry 03, Banyumanik-City Semarang.Pohon Ideals has the goal of foster positive characters to instill environmental awareness since early. Stages of implementation consists of four stages, namely the stage of program targets, dissemination, implementation and evaluation. The method used for the implementation of the program is Edufun (Education in Fun Learning). "sisdarling" movement held once a week. Each week, the children get a different material according module, which is certainly support for the formation of 7 characters sisdarling. Evaluation obtained by the observation form and interview students to the father-mother homeroom teacher 3.4, and 5 SD puppetry 03. At the end of the program, the trees are planted and cared for by the students of class 3, 4, and 5 SD 03 is expected puppetry continues to grow as one of the indicators of program success. Sustainability ideals tree is also supported by the MoU keepakatan Trees module implements Ideals in curriculum subjects KPDL (Concern In Self and the Environment)Keywords: Pohon Cita-Cita, Sisdarling, Character Education, Environment

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