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Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP) is a scientific publication on all aspect of clinical pharmacy. It published 4 times a year by Clinical Pharmacy Master Program Universitas Padjadjaran to provide a forum for clinicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals to share best practice, encouraging networking and a more collaborative approach in patient care. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy is intended to feature quality research articles in clinical pharmacy to become scientific guide in fields related to clinical pharmacy. It is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, commentaries, and brief research communications on all aspects of Clinical Pharmacy. It is also a media for publicizing meetings and news relating to advances in Clinical Pharmacy in the regions.
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Evaluasi Drug Related Problems (DRPs) pada Pasien dengan Diagnosis Vertigo Perifer di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Bethesda Yogyakarta Rendra, Andreas K.; Pinzon, Rizaldy T.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.409 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.3.162


Penyakit vertigo dapat berlangsung beberapa detik, menit hingga beberapa jam, tergantung dari penyebab, jenis serta lama durasi. Gejala yang muncul dapat menurunkan kenyamanan dan produktivitas kerja pasien. Tingginya angka kunjungan pasien ke dokter terkait keluhan vertigo akan memperbesar kemungkinan terjadinya Drug Related Problems (DRPs). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien, gambaran umum pengobatan dan mengindentifikasi DRPs terkait penggunaan obat anti vertigo pada pengobatan pasien vertigo perifer di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Bethesda Yogyakarta pada periode Januari–Juni 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non-eksperimental deskriptif evaluatif dengan rancangan case series dan menggunakan data retrospektif. Evaluasi penggunaan obat antivertigo dianalisis dengan metode subjective, objective, assessment, plan (SOAP). Data 75 pasien vertigo perifer terdiri dari 28 laki-laki (37%) dan 47 perempuan (63%). Golongan obat antivertigo yang paling banyak diresepkan yaitu golongan histaminergik (97,33%) dan golongan antagonis kalsium (53,33%). Kejadian DRPs yang muncul yaitu obat kurang efektif (10,66%), dosis kurang (36%) serta interaksi dan efek samping (48%).Kata kunci: DRPs, obat antivertigo, rawat jalan, vertigo perifer Drug Related Problems Evaluation in Vertigo Perifer Diagnosed at Outpatient Care Bethesda Hospital YogyakartaAbstractVertigo disease is able to last for a few seconds, minutes to several hours, depends on the cause, type and duration. The symptoms can reduce the patient’s comfort and productivity. High number of patient visitation to physicians related to vertigo will increase the possibility of the occurance of Drug Related Problems (DRPs). The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the patients, general treatment, and identify DRPs related to antivertigo drug in the medical treatment of patients diagnosed with peripheral vertigo at outpatient care Bethesda Hospital in Yogyakarta from January–June 2016. The study employed a non-experimental evaluative descriptive that used case series design and retrospective data. The antivertigo drug use evaluation was analyzed using subjective, objective, assessment, plan (SOAP) method. Data collected from 75 patients diagnosed with peripheral vertigo consisted of 28 men (37%) and 47 women (63%). The group of antivertigo drug which mostly prescribed were histaminergic (97.33%) and calcium antagonists (53.33%). The DRPs found in this study are ineffective drug (10.66%), too low dosage (36%) and also interactions and adverse drug reaction (48%).Keywords: Antivertigo drug, DRPs, peripheral vertigo, outpatient care
Profil Mean Arterial Pressure dan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi Krisis dengan Kombinasi Amlodipin Angelina, Ria; Nurmainah, Nurmainah; Robiyanto, Robiyanto
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.582 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.3.172


Berdasarkan pedoman pengobatan hipertensi krisis, pengobatan hipertensi emergensi menggunakan antihipertensi parenteral sedangkan hipertensi urgensi menggunakan antihipertensi oral. Tujuannya agar tercapai penurunan Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) di bawah 25% dan tekanan darah sistolik/diastolik (TDS/TDD) di bawah atau sama dengan 160/100 mmHg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penurunan MAP dan TDS/TDD setelah 24 jam pemberian amlodipin oral dengan berbagai kombinasi pada pasien hipertensi krisis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan potong lintang (cross-sectional) yang bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektif berdasarkan data rekam medis pasien hipertensi krisis rawat inap di RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak periode Januari 2016–Desember 2017. Sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 38 pasien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien hipertensi emergensi yang menggunakan amlodipin secara oral dengan kombinasi antihipertensi lainnya memiliki nilai MAP setelah 24 jam sebesar 24% dan beberapa pasien hipertensi emergensi menunjukkan pencapaian MAP-nya sebesar 32%. Namun demikian, penurunan TDS/TDD setelah 24 jam mencapai di bawah atau sama dengan 160/100 mmHg. Penggunaan amlodipin oral dengan berbagai kombinasi terapi antihipertensi lainnya pada pasien hipertensi urgensi menunjukkan pencapaian MAP berkisar 20–23%. Sementara itu, TDS/TDD setelah 24 jam mencapai sekitar dan di bawah 160/100 mmHg. Penggunaan amlodipin secara oral dengan kombinasi antihipertensi lainnya pada pasien hipertensi emergensi belum mampu menunjukkan penurunan MAP sesuai yang diinginkan. Di sisi lain, penanganan hipertensi urgensi dengan menggunakan amlodipin oral dengan berbagai kombinasi terapi antihipertensi lainnya menunjukkan pencapaian penurunan MAP sesuai dengan pedoman pengobatan hipertensi krisis.Kata kunci: Amlodipin, hipertensi krisis, mean arterial pressure, tekanan darah Mean Arterial Pressure and Blood Pressure Profile in Hypertensive Crises Patients with Amlodipine Therapy CombinationAbstractBased on treatment guidelines of crisis hypertension, emergency hypertensive treatment uses parenteral antihypertensive whereas urgency hypertensive uses oral antihypertensive. The goal is to achieve a drop in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) below 25% and systolic/diastolic blood pressure (SBP/DBP) below or equal to 160/100 mmHg. This study aimed to describe the decrease in MAP and SBP/DBP after 24 hours of oral amlodipine administration with various combinations in patients with crisis hypertension. This research was an observational research with cross-sectional design which was descriptive. Data collection was done retrospectively based on medical record data of hypertensive crisis patients that hospitalized at RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Pontianak City from January 2016 until December 2017. The samples obtained were 38 patients. Results from the study showed that emergency hypertension patients who used oral amlodipine with other antihypertensive combinations had 24-hour MAP values of 24% and some emergency hypertension patients showed a MAP attainment of 32% with decreased SBP/DBP after 24 hours reached under 160/100 mmHg. The use of oral amlodipine amlodipine with other antihypertensive combinations in urgency hypertensive patients showed an achievement of 20–23% reduction in MAP with decreased SBP/DBP after 24 hours under 160/100 mmHg. The use of oral amlodipine with other antihypertensive combinations in emergency hypertensive patients did not show a desirable reduction in MAP. Treatment of urgency hypertensive by using oral amlodipine with various combinations of other antihypertensive therapies showed a decrease in MAP according to crisis hypertension treatment guidelines.Keywords: Amlodipine, blood pressure, hypertensive crises, mean arterial pressure
Analisis Minimalisasi Biaya Penggunaan Psikotropika pada Pasien Remaja dengan Disabilitas Intelektual di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2015–2017 Nur, Ice L.; Zakiyah, Neily; Suwantika, Auliya A.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.577 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.3.180


Obat-obatan psikotropika merupakan obat-obatan yang paling banyak digunakan pada pasien remaja dengan disabilitas intelektual di RS Jiwa Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian farmakoekonomi pada topik ini penting dilakukan karena adanya peningkatan kebutuhan anggaran obat-obatan psikotropika sementara anggaran yang tersedia masih terbatas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil penggunaan obat-obatan psikotropika pada pasien remaja dengan disabilitas intelektual di rumah sakit tersebut pada kurun waktu tahun 2015–2017 dan untuk mengetahui biaya obat-obatan psikotropika yang paling rendah pada segmen drug utilization 90% (DU 90%) pada tahun-tahun tersebut. Studi observasional deskriptif secara retrospektif dan prospektif dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dari rekam medik. Metode Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification with Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD) dan Analisis Minimalisasi Biaya (AMiB) digunakan untuk mengetahui profil penggunaan obat-obatan dan untuk menganalisis biaya obat-obatan yang paling rendah selama kurun waktu tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat penggunaan 33 jenis obat psikotropika (19 jenis pada tahun 2015, 22 jenis pada tahun 2016 dan 29 jenis pada tahun 2017). Cost of DU 90% pada tahun 2015–2017 secara berurutan yaitu 55,11%, 68,73% dan 93,81%, sedangkan cost/DDD segmen DU 90% secara berurutan yaitu Rp6.258, Rp7.447, dan Rp8.803. Biaya obat-obatan psikotropika pada tahun 2015 merupakan biaya terendah selama 2015–2017.Kata kunci: Analisis minimalisasi biaya, disabilitas intelektual, psikotropika Cost-Minimization Analysis of Psychotropic Drug in Adolescent Patients with Intellectual Disability in Mental Hospital of West Java 2015–2017AbstractPsychotropic drugs were one of the the most widely used drugs in adolescent patients with intellectual disability in Mental Hospital of West Java. Pharmacoeconomic study on this topic is important because budget for psychotropic drugs need is increased while the available budget is still limited. The objective of this study was to analyze the utilization profile of psychotropic drugs in adolescents with intellectual disability during a time horizon of 2015–2017 and to investigate the lowest cost of psychotropic drugs in a segment of drug utilization 90% (DU 90%) during those years. Retrospective and prospective observational studies were applied to collect patients’ medical record data. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System with Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD) and Cost Minimization Analysis (CMA) methods were applied to analyse the utilization profile of drugs and to investigate the lowest cost of drugs during the time horizon, respectively. In this study, there were 33 types of psychotropic drugs used (19 types in 2015, 22 types in 2016, and 29 types in 2017). The costs of DU 90% during 2015–2017 were estimated to be 55.11%, 68.73% and 93.81% in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively, while the costs per DDD in DU 90% segment were estimated to be IDR 6,258, IDR 7,447, and IDR 8,803, respectively. In particular, cost of psychotropic drugs in 2015 was considered to be the lowest cost during 2015–2017.Keywords: Cost-minimization analysis, intellectual disability, psychotropic drug
Evaluasi Peracikan Injeksi Seftriakson di Salah Satu Rumah Sakit Swasta di Semarang Putri, Dina C. A.; Yuliani, Sri H.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.505 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.3.143


Injeksi seftriakson merupakan antibiotik spektrum luas golongan sefalosporin generasi ketiga, yang dalam penggunaannya di rumah sakit memerlukan proses peracikan, yaitu rekonstitusi dan pengenceran. Sesuai dengan peraturan dan pedoman yang berlaku, peracikan sediaan steril harus dilakukan dengan fasilitas yang sesuai, proses peracikan yang aseptis, dan dilakukan oleh tenaga kefarmasian, sehingga diperoleh sediaan dengan kualitas dan stabilitas yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati proses peracikan dan sifat fisik hasil peracikan sediaan injeksi seftriakson yang dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di Semarang dalam periode April–Mei 2017. Penelitian dilakukan secara observasional terhadap personel peracik, fasilitas dan proses peracikan sediaan injeksi seftriakson. Observasi dilakukan dengan bantuan ceklis yang disesuaikan dengan pedoman pencampuran obat suntik dan penanganan sitostatika. Sebanyak 60 proses peracikan injeksi seftriakson digunakan sebagai sampel. Hasil peracikan dengan kondisi proses paling tidak sesuai dengan pedoman diuji kualitas fisiknya meliputi pH, kejernihan dan sterilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peracikan sediaan injeksi seftriakson di rumah sakit tersebut belum memenuhi kriteria sesuai pedoman pencampuran obat suntik, terutama dari segi fasilitas dan personel peracik. Meskipun demikian, hasil uji kualitas yang dilakukan terhadap sediaan tersebut masih memenuhi kriteria bebas kuman, isohidris, dan jernih.Kata kunci: Injeksi, peracikan, seftriakson, steril Evaluation of Ceftriaxone Injection Compounding in One of Private Hospital in SemarangAbstractCeftriaxone injection is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of third-generation cephalosporin. Its use in hospitals requires reconstitution and dilution to obtain the desired dose. Compounding of sterile preparations is supposed to be carried out with appropriate facilities, aseptic compounding process, and performed by a pharmacist, in accordance with regulations and guidelines, to obtain a good quality and stability of ceftriaxone injection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the compounding process of ceftriaxone injection preparation in one of a private hospital in Semarang at April–May 2017.The study was done by observing the compounding of ceftriaxone injection preparations involving the facility, process, and personnel. Observations were conducted using the checklist from Sterile Dispensing Guidelines. Sixty compounding of ceftriaxone injection were used as samples. Observation results were used to determine the process of compounding with the worst possible condition, and then pH, clarity, and sterility were tested to evaluate its physical quality. The results showed that compounding of ceftriaxone injection in the hospital do not conform the criteria according to the preparation of injectable guidelines, especially in terms of facilities and personnel. However, the results of quality tests performed still accord the criteria, i.e, free from microbe, isohydris and clear.Keywords: Ceftriaxone, injection, compounding, sterile
The Impacts of Lifestyle Modification Education towards Cardiovascular Risk Profile Cokro, Fonny; Rahem, Abdul; Aditama, Lisa; Kristianto, Franciscus C.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.175 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.3.154


Obesity is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of obesity in Indonesia has increased in the last few years, therefore some efforts to reduce the risk is needed. In the current study, efforts are given through 3-week lifestyle modification education, with 3-month total of follow-up (from March to June 2014) and then the impacts on cardiovascular risk profile were observed and seen on 24 sedentary male workers in University of Surabaya with obese II. This study used before-after study design in order to see the impacts of the 3-week lifestyle modification education towards change of knowledge, dietary behavior, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and cardiovascular risk profile through various educational methods (face-to-face session, given recorder of face-to-face session, and combination of both methods). Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon signed test. Result showed an increasing knowledge in face-to-face group (p=0.046). However, there were no significant changes in other variables (dietary behavior based on healthy diet indicator (HDI), BMI, waist circumference, and also cardiovascular risk profile) in all groups between before and after education intervention (p>0.05). In conclusion, lifestyle modification education given for 3 weeks did not reduce the cardiovascular risk profile on sedentary male workers with obese II. Longer term intervention and multicomponent program including behavior therapy may be needed to succeed lifestyle changes and reduce cardiovascular risk.Keywords: Behaviour, cardiovascular risk, education, knowledge, lifestyle modification Pengaruh Edukasi Gaya Hidup terhadap Perubahan Risiko Penyakit KardiovaskularAbstrakObesitas merupakan salah satu faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Prevalensi obesitas di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan beberapa tahun terakhir, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk menguranginya. Pada penelitian ini, upaya dilakukan melalui pemberian edukasi gaya hidup yang dilakukan selama 3 minggu, dengan total follow-up sampai dengan 3 bulan dari bulan Maret hingga Juni 2014, kemudian dilihat dan diamati ada atau tidaknya penurunan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular pada 24 orang karyawan pria obese II di Universitas Surabaya. Penelitian ini memiliki rancangan before-after study design untuk menguji pengaruh edukasi gaya hidup yang diberikan selama 3 minggu terhadap variabel pengetahuan, perubahan perilaku, body mass index (BMI), lingkar perut, dan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular melalui berbagai metode pemberian edukasi (tatap muka, rekaman/recorder, dan kombinasi). Analisis dengan Wilcoxon signed test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan hanya pada subgrup tatap muka (p=0,046). Tidak terdapat perubahan yang signifikan terhadap variabel lainnya (perubahan perilaku berdasarkan healthy diet indicator (HDI), BMI dan lingkar perut, serta risiko penyakit kardiovaskular) pada semua subgrup antara sebelum dan sesudah edukasi (p>0,05). Edukasi gaya hidup yang diberikan selama tiga minggu tidak memberikan penurunan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular pada karyawan pria obese II. Dibutuhkan intervensi jangka panjang dan program multikomponen yang memuat terapi perilaku untuk menyukseskan perubahan perilaku dan menurunkan risiko kardiovaskular.Kata kunci: Edukasi, gaya hidup, pengetahuan, perilaku, risiko kardiovaskular

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