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At-Ta'dib adalah media ilmiah bidang kependidikan Islam, baik berupa studi kepustakaan, hasil penelitian maupun karya ilmiah terkait. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun, sebagai sarana pengembangan tradisi keilmuan insan tarbiyah dan pendidikan pada umumnya. Jurnal kependidikan Islam ini diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Darussalam Gontor.
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Eksistensi dan Kontribusi Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Dalam Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia Joni, Syamsuri
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.776


Significant development of pesantren over t he years become evidentof interest and attraction of Indonesian people to the Islamic education. Untilnow the number of pesantren in Indonesia has reached 27.218 pesantrensscattered throughout the Indonesian archipelago. The existence of pesantrensince its construct until today has contributed in various aspects of humandevelopment. Not only a religious science development institutions (tafaqquhfi al-din) that is focused internally, but also pay attention to the environmentthat kept submissive to people with its commitment (amar ma’ruf nahimunkar) in some form of character education. Therefore, pesantren are in thecenter of comunity who are born of the people by the people and for thepeople. So that education and orientation of pesantren can never be separatedfrom society. This paper will discuss how pesantren, especially Pondok ModernDarussalam Gontor Ponorogo Indonesia still exist and contribute to thedevelopment of human resources.
Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosa Kata Bahasa Arab Santri TPA Al-Barokah Hadimulyo Timur Metro Pusat Muhammad Syaifullah
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.781


Developments and changes in social life of nation and state ofIndonesia can not be separated effects of global change, the development ofscience and technology, arts and culture. Changes are constantly demandingthe need for improvement of the national education system, including thecompletion of the curriculum so as to create a society that is able to competeand adjust to the changing times. One of the goals of learning in schools(formal and non-formal) is to improve learning outcomes and in learningthe Arabic language there are four skills that must be learned and masteredby students. The purpose of this research in general is improving resultsvocabulary mastery of Arabic students with a model of cooperative approachto make a match. This study uses classroom action research design. Subjectsin this study is the students of TPA elementary and junior high age children(7-12 years). The data in this study of information about the activities ofteachers and students and the results of beginning test and final test in eachcycle. The results of the application of learning vocabulary with the typecooperative learning methods make a match to mention that, there increasein learning outcomes associated with mastery Arabic vocabulary studentsthe significance of each cycle and also from the initial tests before action.The average class at beginning the pre-action test is 67 increased in the firstcycle 79 and increased again in the second cycle 91. From the test results itcan be seen improvements to the mastery Arabic vocabulary of students ineach cycle.
Menggagas Model Pengembangan Standarisasi Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren Cahya Setyawan
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.777


Pesantren in the current era is a portrait of the movement anddevelopment of Islamic education. Pesantren is already a style of Islamiceducation. Image boarding now is not as ancient as the place that impressedtraditional education, but schools are now renew their education systems.Many boarding schools grow up into semi-modern, semi modern like inGontor. Even schools already teach science and tegnologi like Darul ulum.Then automatically schools already have a quality standard that is ideal atthis time. Through this article will explain about thinking dipesantreneducation standards.
Kemampuan Menulis Melalui Show Not Tell Dalam Pendekatan Quantum Learning (Studi pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kartoharjo Madiun) Elen Inderasari
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.782


This research serves an analysis for depicting: 1) the writing skill onexperiences can be developed through quantum learning approach for thestudents of fifth grade, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Kartoharjo, Madiun, 2) theimpacts of the implementation of quantum learning approach for thestudents of fifth grade, Islamic State Elementary School, Kartoharjo,Municipality of Madiun, 3) the efforts of teachers in developing students’writing skill on experiences in learning Bahasa Indonesia. This researchmakes use of Classroom Action Research under the collaboration of theresearcher, the teachers and the students. The analysis brings aboutconclusions that quantum learning approach has a significant influence onthe development of students’ writing skill and learning activity for thestudents of fifth grade of State Elementary School 03 Kanigoro, Kartoharjo,Municipality of Madiun. The reflection through indicators shows that: 1)students make development in their learning activity, 2) under quantumlearning approach, teachers are capable of generating students’ learningmotivation, 3) teachers are comfortable in implementing quantum learningapproach, 4) teachers are capable of managing the class well, and 5) studentsgrades up writing skill scores through report, by 65.2 in pretest, 71.9 in testand 75.6 in posttest in average.
Pendidikan Sains Berbasis Agama untuk Membangun Hidup Sehat Abu Darda
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.778


Term of halalan in the religion means allowed, whereas in the sciencemeans healthy. Conservative aspect of faith-based on science educationprovide an explanation of the blood from the values of religion and science.From the religious point, blood (ad-dam) was haram consumed, while scienceexplains that the consumption of blood is harmful to health. The scientificinformation can help us understand the secret dimension (hikmah)prohibition of the blood, that the Lord of Maintaining His servants. Role ofscience education that based on religion is warning people to choose whichis lawful and what is not lawful; which thoyyib and which is not thoyyib.Eating liver and spleen in the perspective of religion is lawful, whereasfrom the perspective of science, it is allowed in limited quantities. Childrenshould consume these types innard, but parents should not. Finally, therole of creative-innovative science education based on religion is warningpeople to make food based on scientific and religious-minded as theembodiment of the values halalan-thayyiban in civilization. This articleaims to explore the role of science education based on religion in increasingawareness of scientific and religious, particularly those associated withblood in personal and social life. Through the methods of literature authorsconcluded the important of optimize the role of conservative criticismevaluative,and creative-innovative science education based on religion toimprove people’s attitudes and behaviors with the blood according to thevalue of halalan-thayyiban.
Kemampuan Pengurus Rayon Dalam Ta’bir Tahriri di Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (Studi Analisis Deskriptif) Nurul Salis
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.784


Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor is Islamiceducational institutions with dormitory system oriented in the field ofeducation and cadreses of people formation. The method used by givingassignments in the dormitory as a manager of dormitory in DarussalamModern Islamic Boarding School Gontor, which functions as a regulator andcontroller for all student activities directionally. This research is intended todetermine the ability of dormitory managers of class four about writtenfabrication’s grade at Islamic Teacher Trainning Collage, Darussalam ModernIslamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo. Type of this research is field studythat is descriptive quantitative and comparative quantitative. This samplewas taken and determined by Stratified Random Sampling, becausecapabilities of each individual is different. Research data processing wascarried out by the statistic method. The result of this study was showed thatlevels of dormitory’s manager has good result for written fabrication’s. Theresults can be seen from the result that was gotten them in this lesson is 6.71which is divided the result from all of manager of class four, 42 people.
Konsep Tauhid Menurut Abdul Karim Amrullah dan Implikasinya terhadap Tujuan Pendidikan Islam Ichsan Saputro
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.779


Today, the translation of the concept of tauhid, often only beinterpreted as a form of oneness of Allah SWT. Whereas conception of tauhidcould be articulated more extensive and comprehensive. One of them is theconcept put forward by Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah contained in an articleentitled “Hanya Allah” written around 1943. He established a school of thestudy of Islam begins with small classes at Surau Jembatan Besi PadangPanjang. Education in surau evolved into Sumatra Thawalib . At that time,Thawalib Sumatra Padang Panjang is organized as a modern educationalinstitution with a structured curriculum. But he also did not separate thecommunity life: social, economic, and politic, so that graduates are notawkward in the face of society. This educational products that can bereflected in the present, so that the building concept of aqidah (tauhid) isnot only interpreted as the oneness of Allah SWT. as the only God is worthyof worship. But it also brings logical consequence of human proclamationas khalifatullah fil ardh (vicegerent on earth) that is ready for the welfare ofthe earth and its contents.
تنفيذ التوجيه والإرشاد في حل مشكلات التعلم بالمدرسة الثانوية الحكومية فونوروكو Imam, Rahma
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.785


Guidance and counseling is one of the division in schools that helpstudents who are facing problems in school, including students' learningproblems. Learning difficulties is one of the most common issues amongstudents. This study aims to investigate the implementation of Guidanceand Counseling in overcoming learning difficulties. This research is aqualitative descriptive study, which used some data collection techniques:interview, observation and documentation. While the data analysistechnique used is descriptive analysis to describe the conditions ofGuidance and Counseling in MTs.N Ponorogo in overcoming learningdifficulties. Analysis of data used Miles and Huberman’s data analysis.The subjects were students of class VIII MTs.N Ponorogo, Guidance andCounseling Teachers, Principals, and Master of Class. The results of thisstudy indicate that factors that affect students' learning difficulties are twofactors, it is inside and outside factors. Inside factors such as health,interest to the subjects, intelligence, motivation and mood of student.While external factors include state of the school environment, familycircumstances, school environment, and technology. Implementation ofguidance and counseling to prevent students' learning difficulties areovercome difficulties in understanding himself; overcome difficulties inunderstanding environment that includes school environment, family andwider community; overcome difficulties in identifying and solvingproblems; overcome difficulties in performing their abilities, interests andtalents and guide them to choose the employment that appropriate.Preventing method of Guidance and Counseling in overcoming learningdifficulties including motivate students, directing and guiding students inovercoming learning difficulties, and explains the steps of learning.
Pendidikan Islam Dalam Konteks Dakwah dan Thalabul ‘Ilmi Mohammad Muslih
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.775


This article discusses about Islamic education in relation to dakwahand thalabul ilmi. Although it is actually a common issue that has been sostrong in views of society, then the discussion is to intended to reaffirm. Butmore than that, try to do a new meaning to the concept of dakwah andthalabul ‘ilmi, in relation to Islamic education. on the one hand, this is doneto avoid the wrong understanding and counterproductive activity. on theother hand, to maximize the Islamic education’s role in the development ofthe people and the development of civilization. In the context of dakwah,education means success in the underlying human life to enter a period ofproductivity and Creativity. While in the context of thalabul ‘ilmi, educationis more than just teach science, but create the true learner, developer ofscience, even the inventor of the theory and methodology in a variety ofscience. So, thalabul ‘ilmi has significance in answering the challenges ofscience, even preparing to build civilization.
Implementasi Metode Tsaqifa dalam Pembelajaran Membaca al-Qur’an Bagi Orang Dewasa Supriyanto, Muhammad
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Standarisasi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i2.780


This study aims to assess the substance of the material in the methodof learning the Quran tsaqifa. This method is specifically designed for adultswho have not been able to read the Quran or who never learned and stillverbatim read. In addition, the method also put a target on the learner inorder to quickly be able to read the Quran. Therefore, in this research, theauthor tries to re-examine whether the method is rapid, promising thecontent of what is taught is completely in accordance with the rules ofArabic writing is good and right. This study shows that the materialsubstance of this method known arabic (hijaiyah) approach Indonesiantranslation or Latin letters. However, the use of transliteration standardyet to implement them, like the letter “qo” written “ko” letter “sho” written“so”. In addition, there is also a writing error dot on the letter, such letter“ta” which should dot two above letter, written under the letter. It is perhapsworth noting because if wrong in awarding a point it will be wrong in thepronunciation. Nevertheless, the overall method is already making a positivecontribution to learning to read the Quran. Kedepanya expected to appearnew methods in reading the Koran rather comprehensive. Not merelyconcerned with the ability to read quickly, but also pay attention to thesubstance of the material well.

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