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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain
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Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah Concrete Cantilever Dengan Menggunakan Program Plaxis (Studi Kasus : Jalan Liwa – Simpang Gunung Kemala Krui KM.264+600) Restu Arga Winanda; Setyanto Setyanto; Yohanes Martono Hadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Edisi Desember 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Landslides in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) usually occur during the rainy season, because the intensity of the rain more than usual, causing soil to become saturated with water in which the soil is no longer able to accommodate the water into the pores so that the pore water will rise resulting in shear strength become so small that the land becomes unstable and prone to landslides. Plaxis is a computer program based on two-dimensional finite element method that is used specifically to perform deformation and stability analysis for various applications in the geotechnical field by modeling geometry and mesh elements based on cross section. From the analysis of slope stability with a height of 10 m, the slope is expressed in critical condition. The countermeasures are carried out with three conditions, the slope with cantilevered wall strengthening B is considered safe because it has a safety factor value of 1.4953, and the smallest displacement and settlement value between two other conditions and satisfies the shear stability of 2.8200> 2 (Safe), the stability of overturning 3.9631> 2 (Safe) and soil bearing capacity is 2.2782> 2 (Safe). Keywords: slope stability, safety factor, plaxis, cantilevered retaining wall.
Optimalisasi Tebal Perkerasan Pada Pekerjaan Pelebaran Jalan dengan Metode MDPJ 02/M/BM/2013 dan Pt T-01-2002-B Andriansyah Andriansyah; Priyo Pratomo; Hadi Ali
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Every year, goverment incur huge cost for development of facilities and infrastructures oftransportation, especially land transportation development by increasing the road capacity. Thiscapacity expansion is done by widening the road, especially on roads that can no longeraccommodate the volume of vehicles or roads that predicted will be passed by the high volume ofvehicles. Therefore, it is required pavement thickness design solutions that based on a life cyclecost analysis and the lowest consideration of construction resources to the minimum life cycle costdesign.This research was conducted in A. H. Nasution Street, on Metro - Gedung Dalam segment. Todetermine the flexible pavement thickness, this research uses “Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan02/M/BM/2013”, “Pedoman Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Pt T-01-2002-B” and“Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Raya dengan Metode Analisa Komponen 387-KPTS-1987 methods”. After that, analyze the road deterioration that will happen during the lifedesign or life cycle design that based on the value of IRI. The results of life cycle design wasdeveloped to get the best pavement type that based on the life cycle cost analysis.From the analysis that has been done, the design with the lowest initial cost is a pavement designby using Bina Marga Pt-T-01-2002-B method, whereas the design with the lowest life cycle cost isa pavement design by using MDPJ 02/M/BM/2013 method and the most optimal pavementthickness.Keywords : flexible pavement, life cycle cost, life cycle design, IRI
Desain Sambungan Menggunakan Link Slab Untuk Jembatan Gelagar Beton Pratekan Tika Ayu Triana Lestari; Surya Sebayang; Eddy Purwanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Edisi Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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In Indonesia, bridges normally use a simply-supported system or a multisimple-span system withexpansion joint. Several problem occurred due to the use of expansion joints in bridge, iecorrosion problem on girders and supports due to rainwater intrusion, users discomfort, high costmaintenance, as well as reduction in bridge lifetime as well. In the design, the existing expansionjoints in the bridges were replaced by using continuous slab construction with link slab system.Design of link slab use classic method by Caner and Zia 1998. The design was conducted on theprestress bridges with length of span 2 x 50 m. The loadings adopted for the design referred to the1725 2016 SNI standard and dimension of girder from WIKA Beton standard. From design werefound that length of link slab zone of 7,55 m and length of debonding zone of 5,05 m. The rotationgained by 0,0058 caused by the truck load. The link slab used reinforcment stool bar D16-125 mmfor the main reinforcement and D12-300 mm for shrinkage-temperature reinforcement. It isexpected that link slab analysis can then use more variable beam types and span lengths.Keyword: Prestress bridge, Link Slab, Expansion Joint
Pengaruh Bottom Ash sebagai Bahan Pengganti Sejumlah Pasir Terhadap Kuat Tekan, Kuat Lentur dan Modulus Elastistas Beton Mutu Tinggi Sholahuddin Triwidinata; Surya Sebayang; Laksmi Irianti
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractOver time the production of high strength concrete it will increse more and more and otherwise it will decrease the natural resources. One of them is sand as concrete material. Based on the problem, it will be required another material, that can replace a number of the sand. Bottom ash is one of material from waste coal plant, generally have particle size or fine granule like as sand. This research is used to determine the variation of sand and bottom ash for high strength concrete. The testing are compressive strength with cylinder concrete 10x20 cm, flexural strength with beam concrete 10x10x40 cm, and modulus of elasticity concrete with cylinder concrete 15x30 cm. The compositions of the bottom ash for substitution the sand are 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. The results of the compressive strength and flexural strength optimum testing are showed on variation 80% of bottom ash. Compressive strength values are 39,68 MPa (7 days age) and 45,41 MPa (28 days age). Flexural strength values are 4,62 MPa (7 days age) and 5,53 MPa (28 days age). Modulus of elasticity concrete optimum are showed on variation 20% and 80% of bottom ash with 60625,67 MPa and 59441,67 MPa (28 days age).  Keywords : high strength concrete, bottom ash, compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity concrete.   AbstrakSeiring berjalannya waktu produksi beton mutu tinggi semakin lama akan semakin meningkat dan sebaliknya akan mengakibatkan berkurangnya sumber daya alam. Salah satunya ialah pasir sebagai bahan baku beton. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu material lain yang dapat menggantikan sebagian sumber daya alam tersebut. Bottom ash merupakan salah satu material dari limbah hasil proses pembakaran batubara pada sektor pembangkit listrik, umumnya memiliki ukuran partikel atau butiran yang halus seperti pasir. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan penggunaan variasi pasir dan bottom ash yang baik bagi beton mutu tinggi. Pengujian berupa uji kuat tekan dengan silinder beton 10x20 cm, uji kuat lentur dengan balok 10x10x40 cm dan modulus elastisitas beton dengan silinder beton 15x30 cm. Komposisi penggantian pasir dengan bottom ash sebanyak 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% dan 100%. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan dan kuat lentur optimum diperoleh pada variasi 80%bottom ash. Nilai kuat tekan sebesar 39,68 MPa (umur 7 hari) dan 45,41 MPa (umur 28 hari). Nilai kuat lentur sebesar 4,62 MPa (umur 7 hari) dan 5,53 MPa (umur 28 hari). Nilai modulus elastisitas beton optimum diperoleh pada variasi 20% dan 80% bottom ashyaitu sebesar 60625,67 MPa dan 59441,67 MPa (umur 28 hari). Kata kunci : beton mutu tinggi, bottom ash, kuat tekan, kuat tarik lentur, modulus elastisitas beton  
Analisis Hidrologi dan Hidrolika pada Saluran Drainase Ramanuju Hilir Kotabumi (Menggunakan Program HEC-RAS) Muhammad Jazuli Mustofa; Dyah Indriana Kusumaastuti; Yuda Romdania
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Edisi Juni 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The calculation is done using the rainfall data obtained from BMKG Kotabumi North Lampung,from 1998 until 2011 with time increment in minutes. The Log Pearson III method is used to findthe design rainfall with return period 2 years, 5 years and 10 years. Then the result isimplemented in the Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. Time of concentration is linked intothe IDF curves to determine rainfall intensity. Based on the calculated rainfall intensity, thedesign discharge for each return period can be calculated using the rational method.The values of design discharge are then inputted as upstream boundary condition in HEC-RAS.Model output are presented in cross and long section to determine at which return period thedrainage capacity is overflowed. Simulation using HEC-RAS were also done to determine thechannel capacity.Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that rainfall intensities are 52,6918mm/hour, 65,7820 mm/hour and 75,9032 mm/hour, for 2, 5, an 10 year return period respectively.The capacity of the drainage channel is 2.02 m 3 /hour and is expected to be exceeded on 5 yearsreturn period.Key words : Intensity, Rasioanal method, HEC-RAS, capacity
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Edisi September 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractPaving blocks are compositions of building material constructed from a mixture of Portlandcement or other similar hydrolysis, water, and aggregate or without other additives which do notruduce the quality of the material. In this research, the process of making paving blocks using amodified penetration tool in oder to improve the paving blocks quality in accordance with SNI-03-0691-1996. The soil samples tested from Kota Baru, Lampung Selatan. The amount of mixturepaving blocks was 75% of soil, 10% of sand and 15% of cement. The variation of curing time were0 days. 7 days, 14 days and 28 days as well as with pre and post burning treatment on the pavingblocks samples. The result showed that the making of paving blocks using silt with additionalmaterial of cement and sand fulfill the requirement in SNI-03-0691-1996. The addition and thecuring done could improve the physical and mechanical properties of the soil. For thecompressive strength value of the paving blocks with or without burning treatment, the best resultis shown in addition of 75% soil, 10% of sand and 15% of cement with 14 days curing time whichfulfill the requirement in SNI-03-0691-1996. The result of water absorption value which wasbetween 20,7% - 24,2% did not meet the specification in SNI-03-0691, 1996 that is 3% - 10%.Keywords : paving block, silt, compressive strength, curing time, water absorption.
Studi Kapasitas Way Dan Kinerja Simpang Pada Jalan Z.A Pagar Alam – Universitas Lampung - Pramuka Citra, Jimmy; Purba, Alexander; Hadi, Martono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Edisi Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This research focuses on a number of intersection performances along Z.A Pagar Alam Street.  The problems that sometimes occurs when some vehicles should be  stoped repeatedly on the intersection approach. Data collection is done by direct survey on the three intersections. The data collected consist of volume and intersection geometric. The degree of saturation on each approach in intersection I (Pramuka) is 0.68 (East), 0.68 (West), 0.65 (North). The total delays on intersection I (Pramuka) is 63217.28 pcu.second. The degree of saturation on each approach of intersection II (MBK) is 0,75 (East), 0,72 (West), 0,74 (South). Total delays on intersection II (MBK) is 67544,59 pcu.second. The degree of saturation on each approach in intersection III (Unila) is 0,72 (East), 0,69 (South), 0,67 (West). Total delays on intersection III (Unila) is 50404,36 pcu.second. After the operation of flyover on the two intersections then the total delay changed. The total delay at intersection I dropped to 9370,44 pcu.second. The total delay at intersection II has decreased to 7885,08 pcu.second.Keywords : Degree of saturation, total delay, intersection.
Studi Optimalisasi Perparkiran dan Pedestrian di Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Sipil Universitas Lampung Sherly Novita Sari Nawawi; Rahayu Sulistyorini; Yohanes Martono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Edisi Maret 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Faculty of Civil Engineering Department as one of the majors at the University of Lampung whichhas the number of students, faculty and others are quite large, this has resulted in demand forparking at the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil is a problem that can not be ignoredbecause of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department as a center of community activityacademic need a good arrangement and the campus community college population continues toincrease each academic year. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the motorvehicle users both motorcycles and cars in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil,knowing parking needs in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil, find out if parking andpedestrian facilities in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil been sufficient,, analyzeparking management solution and pedestrian in the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department.Characteristics of motor vehicle users both motorcycles and cars derived from a comparisonbetween the accumulation of the highest parking vehicles with the number of parking spacesavailable, vehicle car I is 14 pieces of land, land second car that is 20 pieces, motorcycle land I is20 pieces, motorcycles land II is 27 pieces, motorcycles III, 11 pieces of land and land motorcycleIV is 4 pieces. Based on a survey and analysis parking requirements for the Faculty ofEngineering Department of Civil to cars I and II land at 192% / day, for the motorcycle land I of11.2% / day, for the motorcycle land II, III and IV of 126% / day .Keywords: Transportation, Parking, Pedestrian
Kebutuhan Material Jaringan jalan Provinsi di Provinsi Lampung Pada Wilayah 2 dan Wilayah 4 meifra wahyudi; yohanes Martono Hadi; idharmahadi Adha
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Lampung Province is a province that annually holds improvements and infrastructure development, especially in the field of roads. By the increase of the road construction, the more material needed to meet the development.This research was conducted to know the amount of material of provincial road network of Lampung province in budget year 2016 region 2 and region 4 and to get material requirement in next year.From the collection of this data, obtained the auction pattern of project implementation began in mid-year until the end of the year. And from result of calculation of material requirement of road construction project of Lampung province in 2016 got the dominant result to use Sand, Asphalt, Aggregate Coarse, and Cement. In fulfilling the material needs of the Lampung provincial road project in 2016 region 2 and region 4 is good enough, it is shown with its fulfillment of the provincial road works material in 2016. From the analysis of the calculation of provincial road material needs in 2016 can be used as a guide to face the material needs of the following year.
Analisis Keamanan Jarak Antar Alat Penyambung Geser (Shear Connector) Berdasarkan Distribusi Tegangan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga Dista, Aditia Reshi; Suyadi, Suyadi; Helmi, Masdar
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Edisi Maret 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The function of the shear connector is to keep concrete plate oriental position. The installation of the shear connector will influence the distribution of the stress spread in unevenly on concrete plate. This research aims to analyse the safe distance of shear connector based on distribution of stress in concrete plate.  This research used software SAP2000 version 14 to find maximum stress on beam then the stress in the plate was analysed by finite element method and Microsoft Excel used base on Kirchoff-Love theories. The analysis result show that maximum stress was located in the middle of span near the support (shear connector). If position of the shear connector not accord with SNI-1729-2015, the plate can crack due to the exceed of modulus concrete crack (fr). The risk of failure increased as line with the wider shear connector distance due to overpass of crack stress.Keywords : Stress, shear connector, plate, finite elemen method, SAP2000.

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