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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain
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Tinjauan Momen Lentur Pelat Dua Arah dengan Metode Perencanaan Langsung dan Metode Elemen Hingga Muhammad Fahri; Suyadi Suyadi; Eddy Purwanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This research conducted to study and determine the bending moment plate by using the DirectDesign Method and Finite Element Method. In the procedure of calculation of concrete structuresfor buildings, namely SNI 2847 2013 has been set up several plates planning methods one ofwhich is a method of using the Direct Design Method analysis. Finite element method (FEM) isdividing a complex problem into small elements where a simpler solution can be easily obtained.The theory used in plate analysis with the FEM is Kirchhoff-Love theory in which the limits areused specifically for the analysis of thin plates with small deflections by ignoring the transverseshear forces. The program is used by applying the Finite Element Method in this study is aMicrosoft Excel as a tool for calculations and modeling program SAP 2000 as a plate structure.From the calculations that the value of deflection and the bending moment on the plate twodirections with varying results.From the results obtained show that the static moments of totalfactored Direct Planning Method and the Finite Element Method showed results equal to eachother . Distribution moments on the foundation and interior plate field differently due to directPlanning Method using a great moment coefficients in pedestal while the Finite Element Methodusing transition stiffness matrixKeywords:Direct Design Method, Finite Element Method, Two way slab, SAP 2000
Pengaruh Suhu Pemadatan Campuran Untuk Perkerasan Lapis Antara (AC-BC) Budi Raharjo; Priyo Pratomo; Hadi Ali
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The main objective of this study was to determine the influence of variations of temperaturechanges on the asphalt compaction process heat (hot mix asphalt) layer between (AC - BC)against Marshall parameter with reference to the specifications of Highways in 2010.Based on the analysis of data processing obtained that the value content of asphalt used formiddle limit is 6.1 % and the lower limit of 6.85 %.Based on the analysis of data processing obtained that the value content of asphalt used formiddle limit is 6.1 % and the lower limit of 6.85 %. From the test results Marshall at atemperature of 135oC, 145oC and 155oC in the middle limit has met all the parameters Marshall.Only at a temperature of 125oC and 115oC that do not meet the parameters Marshall Void in valuedue Mix (VIM) and the Marshall Quotient (MQ) do not enter Specifications Highways Marshall2010. While testing the lower limit on the temperature 115oC, 125oC and 135oC does not meet allthe parameters Marshall, because the value of Marshall Quotient (MQ) did not enter thespecifications of Highways in 2010 .Keywords : Solidification temperature , Specification for Highways 2010, Marshall , AsphaltConcrete - Binder Course (AC - BC)
Variasi Jumlah Tumbukan Terhadap Uji Karakteristik Marshall Untuk Campuran Laston (AC-BC) Antonius Situmorang; Priyo Pratomo; Dwi Herianto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This study aims to determine the impact that variations in the number of collisions on thecharacteristics of the mixture laston (AC-BC) with reference to the Specifications Bina Marga,2010.This study uses a gradation on common specifications, 2010 for a mixture of Asphalt Concrete -Binder Course (AC-BC) fine gradations for middle limit and lower limit.Based on the analysis of data processing obtained that the bitumen content is used for middle limitis 6.75% and the lower limit of 7.1%. From the test results on a collision Marshall 2x55, 2x65,2x75, 2x85, 2x95 in the middle of the boundary does not meet all the parameters because the valueof Marshall Marshall Quotient (MQ) and value of voids Filled With Asphalt (VFA) did not enterthe specifications Bina Marga, 2010. While testing the limits Marshall Under the collision 2x55,2x65, 2x75, 2x85 Marshall has met all parameters. Only on collision that does not meet theparameters 2x95 Marshall because the value of Marshall Quotient (MQ) does not make anySpecification Bina Marga, 2010.Keywords : Number of CollisionsConcrete - Binder Course (AC - BC)
Analisis Penyebab Kemacetan Jalan di Pusat Kota Bandar Lampung Studi Kasus Jalan Kota Raja – Jalan Raden Intan Yuntares Putri Nawang Sari; Dwi Herianto; Sasana Putra
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Bandar Lampung as a city that develops in many aspects, such as social,culture and economy .Especially travel on Raden Intan street, generally the most travelling occurs in the morning andaftenoon which is there are many people do activities at the same time and it makes traffic jam.The purpose of this research are determining a point of impact of traffic jam, getting a traffic jamcase and giving solution of it. Identification of traffic cases use weaving, capacity and free flowvelocity the street that was already identified. These analysis use to show connection one of partbetwwen two movement of trafficjam that converging the compare it with planned velocity in city.The results of study show that weaving, capacity and free flow velocity compare with plannedvelocity it makes decreasing of velocity on a street that was identified. Therefore, indisciplineontraffic needs a setting of row of traffic, such as a set of street row and rules of traffic fromstakeholder in this case.Keywords: a point of impact of traffic, a case of traffic jam,weaving , Capacity, free flow velocity
Analisis Perhitungan Gaya Internal Rangka Ruang dengan Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga Oktaviany Widyawaty; Hasti Riakara Husni; Suyadi Suyadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The finite element method is a method of modelling of an object to divide into smaller parts as awhole still has the same properties as the whole thing before it was divides into smaller sections(discretization). The finite element method can be used to analyse various types of structures, suchas plane truss, space truss, plane frame, space frame, beam, and grid.The main difference space truss and space truss are the number of degrees of freedom at eachnode. Each bar in order to space has six degrees of freedom. A space truss structure formed by thecombination of elements order in XYZ space. Variations of incorporation requires thetransformation of the characteristic elements of the local coordinate system to the globalcoordinate system.In this study, analysis of space truss using the finite element method will be assisted with thesoftware Matlab. Where the result of Matlab will be compared with result from the SAP2000. Theresults of this analysis are joint displacement, joint reaction, and element forces.Keywords : Finite Element Method, Space Truss, Matlab
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Maret 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Brick is one of the materials of building which have been long known and used by the people bothin rural area as well as urban area. Brick is a material made of clay with or without additionalmixture through several processes. The process includes of draining in the sun and then burning inhigh temperature in order to make the brick harden and not broken if it is soaked into the water. Inthis study used clay and additional materials ISS 2500 which has a variety of levels of 0.9 ml, 1.2ml, 1.5 ml and 1.8 ml with the purpose to improving the quality of the bricks, as well as tocompare compressive strength of bricks by modifying the length of the time combustion. So thatcan be known a long time the most optimal combustion.Soil samples were tested in this study are derived from clay Nyunyai Street, District Rajabasa,Bandar Lampung. Variations of burning time is used for one day, two days and three days. Beforebrick printed, the soil sample that has been mixed with the ISS 2500 and cured for 7 days, afterthat, the soil sample is printed, then drying for 2 weeks, along with treatment without burning andburning bricks. Based on the results of physical test of originil solid, USCS classified the sampleof solid as the clay with low plasticity.Based on the results of sample’s physical, USCS classify soil sample as clay with low plasticity.Compressive strength test results of the four levels of post combustion, the compressive strengthmaximum average post-combustion bricks are at a level of 1.8 ml with a burning for two days.The compressive strength value of 31.86 kg/cm 2 . The compressive strength maximum averagebrick before combustion generated by the level of 1.8 ml in the amount of 7.79 kg /cm 2 .Keywords: bricks, clay, ISS 2500, compressive strength.
Uji Kuat Tekan Paving Block Menggunakan Campuran Tanah dan Kapur Dengan Alat Pemadat Modifikasi Diah Larasati; Iswan Iswan; Setyanto Setyanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Paving blocks are widely used as a public building construction, especially for paving roads,yards, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. The use of materials such as paving block the main constituentof cement and sand is relatively expensive. So in this study will provide another alternative tousing a mixture of soil and lime.Soil samples tested were from Kota Baru, South Lampung, with variations in the levels of themixture used is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% and the curing time for 14 days, as well as with thetreatment without burning and burning which will then be tested compressive strength and waterabsorption.The results showed that the compressive strength occurs at the most optimal mix of 15% and adecline in a mixture of 20%. The addition of lime percentage ≤15% resulted in the addition ofcompressive strength of paving blocks, while the addition of lime percentage of 20% resulted in adecrease in the compressive strength of the paving blocks. The compressive strength withoutburning still not meet the specifications of SNI 03-0691-1996, while paving blocks with burningthe lime content of 15% is already included in the classification of the quality of D. Waterabsorption test values not meet the specifications of paving blocks SNI 03-0691-1996 whichranges from 3%-10%.Keywords : Paving block, kapur, kuat tekan, daya serap air
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Brick is a material t h a t made of clay. Bricks were made with or without additional mixturel throughsome processes and stages. I n t his study used the clay with additional mixture 2500 ISS ( Ionic SoilStabilizer ) which has variety levels mixture of 0,9 ml, 1,2 ml , 1,5 ml and 2,1 ml with the intention to improvethe quality of brick. It is necessary to do the research , so this study can be compared with SNI standards.The tested samples in this study are clay that comes from jl . Nunyai , Rajabasa . It sample was curing for 7day and then, the samples will be done with or without burning process.Based on the results of physical testing the samples, USCS classify soil samples as clay with low plasticityand belongs to the ML group . After doing research of compressive strength testing of with and withoutburning process from four levels generating the compressive strength maximum average at a level of 2.1 mlboth of them. With value 21,24 kg / cm 2 for burning process and 4.25 kg / cm 2 for without burning process.Which is both of those treatments are not included into 25 classes based on tables strength of compressedbricks ( SNI 1991 ).Keywords: brick, clay, iss 2500 (ionic soil stabilizer), compressive strength.
Analisa Hidrologi dan Hidrolika Saluran Drainase Box Culvert di Jalan Antasari Bandar Lampung Menggunakan Program HEC-RAS Riyo Ardi Yansyah; Dyah Indriana Kusumastuti; Subuh Tugiono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Edisi Maret 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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This research was conducted to know the Rainfall Intensity in Antasari area using Intensity Duration Frequency curve (IDF) knowing at what time of year again when the maximum discharge channel in Antasari will be exeeted and to know drainage channels capacity in Antasari based on hydrology analysis and hydraulic using HEC-RAS.The calculations performed by using minutely rainfall data obtained from BKMG Panjang, Bandar Lampung from 2000 until 2011. After checked based on statistical parameters, using Log Pearson III methods to find rain plan based on 2 years, 5 years and 10 years return period. The results were made in IDF curve by connecting consentration time to IDF curve obtained rainfall intensity for each return period. This intensity value will be inserted into the rational formula to obtained the discharge plan value for each return period. The discharge value will be inserted to channels modelling made on HEC-RAS program. it can be obtained for what return period the discharge will be exceeded. The hydrology analysis and hydraulic performed again by using trial and error model. it can obtained the channel capacity.Based on these results, it can conclude that the rainfall intensity is 58 mm/hour for 2 years return period, 76 mm/hour for 5 years return period and 115 mm/hour for 10 years return period of time. The channels capacity exceeded for 10 years period of time and channels capacity is 1,09 m3/hour.Key words : Intensity, Rasioanal method, HEC-RAS, capacity
Perencanaan Check Dam Penampung Sedimen Di Sungai Jepara Kecamatan Way Jepara Kabupaten Lampung Timur Susi Suryanta Nainggolan; Gatot Eko Susilo; Geleng Perangin - Angin
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Edisi Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Jepara watershed is part of the watershed is located in East Lampung district with an area of 10km 2 , where Jepara River is one of river flowing into Lake Jepara. Jepara River conditions at thistime had a reduction in the flow of flood discharge due to reduced cross-sectional area of the riverdue to sedimentation. The main cause of the high rate of sedimentation is the destrusction of watercatchment areas and land management less attention to the principles of conservation land.Therefore it is very necessary management effective river drainage area with emphasis on theconservation and protection of the land and water, especially in the upper reaches of the river.One of the measures for erosion and sedimentastion problem in this river is by building sedimentcontrol structures or so-called check dams.From the calculations have been done check dam is planned to have the following physical;lighthouse spillway crest elevation checkerboard on +35,915 m elevation with an effective heightof 3 m and a depth of 2,5 m foundation,wide spillway lighthouse checkerboard obtained by 40 m,Q design with a return period of 50 years at 119,9113 m3/sec, high wing checkerboard of 2,007 min elevation +39,622 with a height of 0,6 m surveillance, construction of the main dam is aconcrete construstion, lighthouse spillway crest elevation of the sub dam +33,915 m with a heigtof 1 m and a lighthouse foundation depth of 1,2 m, a high wing sub dam at 1,9 m an elevation of +34,4251 m with a height of 1,0 m surveillance, construction of the sub dam is a concreteconstrustion,the elevation of the floor protected at +32,915 m elevation with a thickness of 0,5 m,the construction of a concrete construstion.Keywords : Jepara River, erosion, sedimentation, checkdam

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