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Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian" : 6 Documents clear
Macroscopic Fungi Species in Kelimutu National Park, East Nusa Tenggara Ridwan Fauzi; Muhamad Yusup Hidayat; Grace Serepina Saragih
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4346


This study aims to identify macroscopic fungi species in Kelimutu National Park. The method used in this study was a combination of Visual Encounter Survey method in 5 tracking lines at altitude between 1,000 - 1,700 meters above sea level. Based on the results of the survey, there were 46 species of macroscopic fungi from 23 families in Kelimutu National Park. Some species of macroscopic fungi have the potential to be cultivated as food and medicinal ingredients. The existence of this macroscopic fungus has also given a special characteristic of Kelimutu because it only grows at an altitude between ± 1,045 - 1,616 meters above sea level.Keywords: macroscopic fungi, Visual Encounter Survey, Kelimutu National Park. 
Compost Quality of Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) Solid Waste Oil Industri with Four Starters Eritrina Windyarini; Budi Leksono; Tri Maria Hasna
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.5025


The purpose of this research is to utilized and provide added value from dregs seed of nyamplung solid waste through composting process using several starters, and findout the compost chemical character. The research was design as randomized complete (CRD) with 4 types of starters as treatments (biostarter of cattle rumen contents, Prouponic Gb # 1, EM4, Primadec C-15) each with 3 replications. Analysis of 7 chemical properties parameters carried out on nyamplung dregs seed before and after the treatment included: pH, DHL, organic C, total N, C / N ratio, Total P, and total K by comparing to SNI No.19- 7030-2004. The results showed that DHL, C / N ratio, total N, P, and total K of dregs seed compost fulfilled the SNI. The type of starter treatments significantly affected the quality of nyamplung dregs seed compost (DHL, total N, P, and K levels). Types of starters showing the best results were Prouponic Gb # 1 and EM4 compared to other biostarters. Therefore, Prouponic Gb # 1 and EM4 were reccomended to be applied to process nyamplung dregs seed waste into high quality compost.Keywords: biostarter, dregs seed, compost, solid waste, nyamplung
The Effectiveness of Papaya Leaves and Chili Pepper (Capsium fructescens) as Bioinsecticide for White Oyster Mushroom (Pleuroutus ostreatus) Cultivation Margaretta Christita; Ady Suryawan
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4227


This study purposes to compare the effectiveness of bio-insecticides made from papaya leaf extract, and chilli pepper in several different doses to reduce pest attack on white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Experiments conducted on oyster mushrooms that are fruitful with 3 formula are formula 1 (papaya and water), Formula 2 (papaya leaves, chili pepper, and water), and the formula 3 (chili pepper and water). Parameters observed were the fallen fruit, harvest weight, fruit diameter, the number of dead pests. The results concluded that the formula has a significant effect on all parameters. Formula 2 has the highest level of effectiveness of insecticides can reduce the fallen fruit to 84 %, have twice yields  and 1.3 times bigger diameter than  control crop yields. Formula 2 has the composition of papaya leaf extract and chili pepper (1:1:2) .     Keywords: oyster mushroom, pests, bioinsecticide, papaya leaf, chili pepper
Development and Validation of Volume Prediction Model for Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) In Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4585


Estimation model of tree volume must be high in accuracy and precisions to estimate stand potential precisely. This paper determines and validates the estimation model of Shorea balangeran volume grown in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. There were three phases of model development which include 52 trees for model progress, 23 trees for model validation, and 10 trees for external model validation. The calculation model used linear and non-linear models with diameter, diameter and height, and diameter and height combination as independent variables. The criteria of the best model was determined by statistical analyses such as coefficient determination, relative and aggregative deviation, bias, precisions and accuracy of estimation, AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion). The result of the study showed that the model with diameter as single variable was not complied with the selected best model criteria (aggregative deviation; AD< 1 % and relative deviation: RD< 8 %). The addition of tree height on model estimation increased the coefficient determination of 6.54% and the model with diameter and height as independent variable was satisfied with the criteria (AD and RD criteria). The best model of Balangeran was with coefficient determination of 89.77 %. However, the best model was not applicable for other sites with different stand characteristicsKeywords: volume, model, Balangeran, validation, stand, tree
The Diversity of Macroscopic Fungi Species of The Wallacea in The Arboretum of BP2LHK Manado Anita Mayasari; Margaretta Christita; Ady Suryawan
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4380


Fungi have a vital role in ecological processes, as an indicator of health of an ecosystem, it is not only has the potency for medicine and food but also variety of unexplored potential. Arboretum has high potential for biological conservation including fungi species, so information on its diversity and potency are very important for the basis of its management. The purpose of this research was to explore the diversity of species and the potential of macroscopic fungi in the BP2LHK Manado Arboretum. Observations were conducted 8 times in May, June, and September 2016 using a cruise and an opportunistic method. The infromation of growth media, light intensity, and temperature were collected as a supporting data. The result showed that arboretum stored 48 species of macroscopic fungi with different characteristics. 39 species were identified, divided into 2 divisions, 6 classes, 9 orders, and 17 families, while the remaining 9 species were unidentified.. The results showed that the diversity of macroscopic species habitat were dominated by 31 species grown on necromass, 11 species grown on litter and 6 species grown on soil. Based on its potential, there were 2 species of toxic fungi, 1 species of edible and medicinal fungus, 2 species of edible fungi, 5 species with medicinal fungi, 19 species were not edible, and 19 species with unknown benefits.Keyword: arboretum, diversity, macroscopic fungi, Manado
Potency and Agroforestry Patterns that Support Bamboo Sustainability in Sukaharja Village, Ciamis District Aditya Hani; Eva Fauziyah; Tri Sulistyawati Widyaningsih; Devy Priambodo Kuswantoro
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4559


Some people still thinks  that bamboo has a low economic value. Many bamboo plants in the community are removed or replaced with other commodities. Sukaharja Village in Ciamis Regency is one of the centers that produce of bamboo. The community feels the economic benefits of the existence of the bamboo, so the existence of bamboo plants is still sustained. Bamboo management in Sukaharja Village can be used as a learning for bamboo farmers in other places. The study aims to determine the potential of agroforestry bamboo in Sukaharja Village. Potency  of bamboo was collected by survey method. The observation plot was made as many as 39 plots. Vegetation observation and measurement was done by census (100 %) in all selected land area so that all types of compiler can be known. Parameters recorded/measured were bamboo species, number of clumps, number of tillers, number of young stems, number of old stems, stem height and stem circumference. Data related to socioeconomic obtained through interview. Respondents interviewed was chosen purposively by 69 respondents. Secondary data was obtained from literature study and data from agencies that are related to research objectives, such as District Forestry office, village office, and Agricultural Extension Agency, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry. Bamboo in Sukaharja Village has a potential of 765 bamboo stems per hectare with 53 % composition of young bamboo and 47 % old bamboo, dominated by 92 % Gigantlochoa apus. Bamboo in Sukaharja village can be sustainable because it is cultivated with agroforestry pattern. The pattern of bamboo agroforestry in Sukaharja village community is a) Bamboo + wood, b) Bamboo + HHBK, c) Bamboo + plantation crop, d) Bamboo + horticulture.Keywords: agroforestry, bamboo, Sukaharja village, sustainability 

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