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eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia
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Focus and Scope of this journal are : Chemical Engineering including : bioenergy processing, environmental engineering, natural resource management, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Designing tools and chemical processes, Chemical industry process, Computing and modeling (simulation) process, Particle and nano technology, membrane technology, esessential oil technology, and phytopharmaca, etc. Civil Engineering including : technology of construction materials, transportation system, environmental layout, concrete and wood structures, steel construction, bridge and dam construction, management of water resources and Hydrology, earthquake engineering, sanitation systems and urban drainage. eUREKA is published twice a year on Juni and December by Engineering Faculty of Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang
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eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Retaining wall is an important component of the main building structure for building highways and other environmental related contoured land or land that has a different elevation. Briefly retaining wall is a wall built to restrain land mass above the structure or building made. Type retaining wall used in this study is a gravity type retaining wall, The purpose of this study to determine the condition of the soil, causing the collapse of the retaining wall, analyze the planning retaining wall and determine the stability of the retaining wall on the street segment Malang Kediri STA 12 Km In the village Mulyorejo. Type retaining wall planned to use the back side of the retaining wall skewed because of this type in accordance with the height of the river. Retaining wall dimensions b = 5m,h = 8 m, stable against: the soil bearing capacity = 114.255> qa = 89.404 (secure), Steady against the wall shear = 1.66> 1.5 (secure) stable against the wall bolsters style = 2.05> 1.5 (secure). Keywords: Strong safety factor of soil bearing, sliding and rolling.
PRA RANCANGAN PABRIK BRIKET ARANG DARI JERAMI PADI DENGAN KAPASITAS 1.900 TON/ TAHUN Sugito, Bambang; Iskandar, Taufik; Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Petroleum is a non-renewable energy, while oil is still a choice that will result in the depletion of oil reserves. One of the energy that needs to be addressed to develop is biomass as an alternative energy. Alternative technologies for utilizing biomass waste is a technology for making charcoal by pyrolysis. Charcoal briquettes can be used as an energy alternative to kerosene. The raw material charcoal briquettes can be made of various materials, such as rice straw. In this study, the material used is rice straw aims to determine the effect of particle size dankuat press the calorific value and the duration of the test flame from rice straw charcoal briquette. Rice straw is the material that is not so good to be used as charcoal briquettes, in accordance with the results of the highest calorific value is 3,100 cal and flame test longest time is 10501 seconds or 1: 52 min. While most high calorific content of only 2,913. So as to substitute alternative energy not so good according to SNI 1-6235-200. Keywords: Crude Oil, Biomass, Energy alternatives, rice straw, charcoal briquets.
Studi Eksperimen Uji Kuat Tekan, Geser dan Tarik Lentur Pasangan Batu Merah Lokal Produksi Daerah Blitar rustam, rustam; naibaho, armin; Pandulu, Galih Damar
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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On a thesis is conducting research and testing a red stone against strong press , slide and pull in a pair of red stone that came from three local namely kecamatan Wates the sample, Sanan kulon sub-district , and the kecamatan Srengat all located in the Blitar district . The purpose of experiments in this research is to observe strong destroyed the couple local brick with the volume of a mixture of one part portland cement: 3 of the tide of sand, and observing strong lekatan sliding a pair of bricks with a mixture of the volume of mortar that same with strong destroyed namely 1 part portland cement: 3 of the sand on thesis is conducting research and testing a red stone against strong press, slide and pull in a pair of local red stone that came from three regions in the sample is Wates, Sanan kulon subdistrict , and the kecamatan Srengat all located in the Blitar district. The results of testing strong press a pair of red stone of each region production different , the third in production after the test , a red stone from the production of Wates regions have the power to press the average highest namely by fk = 35 , 67 kg per cm2 .The order of strong press next namely those Sanan kulon of fk = 33,52 kg per cm2 Srengat areas later by fk = 32,20 kg per cm2. Sliding strong performance also show different numbers at each region production bricks from other regions Wates = fcs the average 5.44 kg per cm2, Sanan kulon fcs the average = 4,77 kg per cm2 Srengat areas later fcs an average of = 4,06 kg per cm2. Test shows a strong sliding also different in each region production of bricks from the fcs Wates average = 5.44 kg per cm2 , Sanan kulon fcs average = 4,77 kg per cm2 areas later an average of fcs Srengan = 4,06 kg per cm2 . To vigorous pull pliable also shows as distinct from each origin its production that is, strong pull pliable regions of Wates fcs = 2.17 kg per cm2, strong pull pliable Sanan kulon fcs = 2,08 kg per cm2 , strong pull pliable Srengat regions fcs = 8 kg per cm2 Keywords: Brick, strong press, strong sliding, strong pull pliable, blitar
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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The construction project is closely related to construction materials. In the implementation of construction projects will certainly lead to the rest of the material. Waste materials sizeable appearing which one of them due to the use of materials that are less effective and efficient, so it can certainly be swelling, especially in the finance sector. Not only that, when waste materials has not be managed properly then it will have an impact on sustainability and an environmental damage around. The purpose of this research is to minimize the cost and time by way of the management and controlling of waste material, especially in the iron material of concrete, cement, sand, brick, gravel, ceramic. Data were obtained from: (1) direct observation in the field around the development projects in the form of direct counting and documentation of waste material on the ground; (2) The survey questionnaire respondents are contracting staff, among others are, field supervisors, foremen, consultants, supervisors, and workers. The results showed that: The percentage of the remaining cost of the largest material studied during the project implementation comes from Concrete steel material valued at IDR 5.4838 million, the total responses to questionnaires each type of waste material under study is the largest sand material waste by 19.68%, the percentage of remaining charge the material can not be used towards the cost of materials required field amounted to 4.9%, the percentage of the total cost of waste material to the total cost of the project amounted to 1.87% and the total results of the questionnaire in the field based on the source and cause of the largest waste material is (X3) handling factor amounting to 35.75%. Besides efforts to reduce material waste in the ground is a good material management methods. Keywords: Waste material, material management, the category of waste material.
Perencanaan Tebal Lapisan Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay) Pada Ruas Jalan Tidar Kelurahan Karangbesuki, Kecamatan Sukun, Kabupaten Malang AMARAL MAGNO, BERNARDINA FATIMA; Rasidi, Nawir; Arifianto, Andi Kristafi
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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The road has a lifespan of service life or the planlife. If the age of service ability has been exceeded, it is needed for an additional layer (overlay) to rejuvenate the structure pavement. Overlays are used as road maintenance to improve pavement structure which decreased. The existence of the highway is needed to support the mobility of freight and people who was crossing the road, which is growing requirement for leveled against transportation to Karangbesuki village. Based on the conditions of location studies, the planning of supplement pavement layer thickness (Overlay) on the Road Section of Karangbesuki village is intended to support economic growth with increasing demand of transport means that can be launched transport in the Karangbesuki Village and development capacity and quantity of vehicles which is connecting the Karangbesuki village, limited sources of funding for highway construction and operation of the traffic infrastructure is not optimal are the main issue in the Karangbesuki Village, Malang. Research conducted in the Karangbesuki Village on June 2015. This study can be obtained arrangement pavement thickness consisting of a subbase (Sub Base) thick 20 cm, 15 cm thick of foundation above, the surface layer of pavement layers 3 cm long and additional layer of Asphalt Macadam. To keep against cracks on highway body encouraged to the public, in onder to not throw away the frash in the side of highway, so causing cracks in the road body and hold regular maintenance by the related department and the public. Keywords: Layer Thickness, Supplement Pavement (Overlay), Karangbesuki Village ABSTRAK Jalan memiliki umur layan atau umur rencana. Jika umur layan telah terlampaui, maka perlu adanya suatu lapisan tambahan (overlay) untuk meremajakan struktur perkerasan. Overlay digunakan sebagai pemeliharaan jalan untuk meningkatkan struktur perkerasan sudah menurun. Keberadaan jalan raya sangat di perlukan untuk menunjang mobilitas angkutan barang dan manusia yang melintasi pada jalan tersebut sering meningkatnya kebutuhan sarana transportasi yang dapat melancarkan transportasi di kelurahan karangbesuki. Berdasarkan kondisi yang ada dilokasi studi, Perencanaan Tebal Lapisan Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay) Pada Ruas Jalan Tidar Kelurahan Karangbesuki, ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjang laju pertumbuhan ekonomi sering dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan sarana transportasi yang dapat melancarkan transportasi di Kelurahan Karangbesuki dan Perkembangan kapasitas maupun kwantitas kendaraan yang menghubungkan Kelurahan Karangbesuki terbatasnya sumber dana untuk pembangunan jalan raya serta belum optimalnya pengoperasian prasarana lalu lintas yang ada, merupakan persoalan yang utama di Kelurahan Karangbesuki, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Karangbesuki, pada bulan Juni 2015. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah Metode Bina Marga dapat di peroleh susunan tebal perkerasan terdiri dari pondasi bawah (Sub Base) tebal 20 cm, pondasi atas tebal 15 cm, lapisan permukaan 3 cm lapisan perkerasan lama dan Aspal Macadam lapisan tambaha 2 cm. Untuk menjaga agar tidak terjadi retak pada tubuh jalan maka dihimbau kepada masyarakat agar tidak menbuan kotoran pada saluran yang ada di sisi kiri kanan jalan akibat banjir sehingga menyebabakan retak pada tubuh jalan dan mengadakan pemeliharaan secara rutin oleh dinas terkait dan juga masyarakat. Kata kunci : Perencanaan Tebal, Lapisan Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay)
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Aggregate slog-sagan Gleno become an important commodity in Timor-Leste Ermera district and surrounding areas, namely as a building material. aggregates must meet various technical requirements, but as a natural ingredient quality aggregate slog-sagan Gleno Ermera district clearly much influenced by the state of the place and the environment were taken. The study was conducted in laboratory with concrete cubes 15 x 15 cm to determine the compressive strength of concrete and cylindrical with a size of 15 x 30 cm for the compressive strength of concrete compressive strength beton.dimana made 9 specimens and cylinder 9 specimens with Comparative mixture of 1 cement: Gravel 1.65: 2.47 Sand Preliminary test against the aggregate of the mountain naru showed that the water content is 0:39%, specific gravity 2:48 coarse aggregate and fine aggregate specific gravity to 2.67, the absorption of coarse aggregate by 3.23% and fine aggregate is 0.725%,. Los Angelos abrasion test machine at a speed of 30-33 rpm is 55.45%. Compressive strength of concrete at the age of 7 days converted to 28 days amounted to 197.060 Kg / cm2, Rough River Slog-sagan is used as the material quality of the concrete class 1 (Bo and B1), but for concrete grade 2 can still be used even when seen from the terms of abrasion that does not is justified, because it has been surpassed by 40% SNI requirements. Keywords: Concrete Compressive Strength, Aggregate river, slog-sagan ABSTRAK Agregat Sungai Slog-sagan Gleno menjadi komoditas penting di kabupaten Ermera dan sekitarnya, yaitu sebagai bahan bangunan, agregat harus memenuhi berbagai syarat teknis. Namun sebagai bahan alam kualitas agregat Slog-Sagan jelas banyak dipengaruhi oleh keadaan tempat dan lingkungan pengambilannya. Penelitian dilakukan dilaboratorium dengan kubus beton 15 x 15 cm untuk mengetahui kuat tekan beton dan selinder dengan ukuran 15 x 30 cm untuk kuat beton.dimana untuk kuat tekan beton dibuat kubus 9 buah benda uji selinder beton 9 buah benda uji dengan Perbandingan campuran 1 semen : 1,65 Kerikil : 2,47 Pasir. Uji pendahuluan terhadap aggregat dari gunung naru menunjukan bahwa kandungan air adalah 0.39%, berat jenis agregat kasar 2.57 dan berat jenis untuk agregat halus 2.49, penyerapan untuk agregat kasar sebesar 3.000 % dan agregat halus adalah 0,725%,. Abrasi dengan mesin Los Angelos Test pada kecepatan 30-33 rpm adalah 55.45%. Kuat tekan beton pada umur 7 hari dikonversi ke 28 hari sebesar 197,88 Kg/cm2. Kata Kunci : kualiats agregat, kuat tekan beton.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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The development of science and technology on construction cause the need of building material more and more increasingly.but, concerning to the condition of Indonesia that sensitive to the disasters especially earthquake. So, it’s needed a beuilding material alternative which is earthquake resistance. One of the material is ori bamboo. Ori bamboo is one of the replaceable alternative for steel frame in a structure. It is Caused of the ori bamboo has the great power of pulling in which it is quite the same value with steel medium quality. The research was held on the laboratory by using concrete pat 70 x 50 cm with theThicknees 10 cm, 12 cm also 14 cm to know the elasticity power of concrete in which it’s made by 9 examined things in it. From the result of examination about the elasticity power on the plat examined show that, the smallest deflection is in the 14 cm steel, (C1) then the biggest deflection is in The 12 cm steel (B2). While the maximum weight that can be endured by the steel sized 70x50 cm with 14 cm thickness and the ori bamboo Frames is 10000 KN or 1800 kg with various deflection, started from 0,74 mm up to 3,05 mm. So, it can be cconluded that the power of coherence steel with bamboo ori frames can be used on the floor steel building structure substituted the steel frames. Keywords : the bamboo ori tensile strength, flexural strength concrete plate. ABSTRAK Kemajuan di bidang ilmu dan teknologi pada bidang konstruksi mengakibatkan kebutuhan pada bahan bangunan semakin meningkat. Akan tetapi, melihat kondisi Indonesia yang rawan akan bencana alam terutama gempa bumi, maka dibutuhkan suatu alternatif bahan bangunan yang tahan terhadap gempa. Salah satu jenis bahan yang tahan terhadap gempa adalah bambu Ori. Bambu Ori merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti peran baja tulangan pada suatu struktur, hal ini dikarenakan bambu Ori memiliki keteguhan tarik yang nilainya hampir setara dengan besi baja berkualitas sedang. Penelitian dilakukan dilaboratorium dengan pelat beton beton 70 x 50 cm dengan ketebalan 10 cm, 12 cm, 14 cm untuk mengetahui kuat lentur beton dimana untuk kuat lentur beton dibuat 9 buah benda uji pelat. Dari hasil pengujian kuat lentur benda uji pelat menunjukan bahwa, lendutan yang terkecil adalah Pelat ketebalan 14 cm , (C1) dan lendutan yang terbesar adalah Pelat ketebalan 12 cm ( B2 ). Sedangkan beban maksimum yang dapat ditahan oleh pelat ukuran 70 cm x 50 cm dengan tebal 14 cm dan tulangan bambu Ori adalah sebesar 10000 KN atau 18000 Kg dengan lendutan yang bervariasi mulai 0,74 mm – 3,05 mm. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekuatan pelat beton dengan tulangan bambu Ori bisa menggunakan pada struktur bangunan pelat lantai Penggantikan tulangan Baja. Kata Kunci : kuat tarik bambu ori, kuat lentur beton pelat.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Energy needs that continue to inventories rose by and the availability of fuel oil and gas that are disappearing forced people to look for alternative sources of fuel.Therefore,conducted a study to obtain an alternative fuel that can be updated as biomass waste from bamboo. The Purpose of this research is to know the influence of dimensions and weight bioarang briquettes on the value of the heat insulation and the length of time the flame.Now the specified variable is dimensions : Triangle, Square, and the cylinder,and with the briquette Weight : 100 gr, 200 gr, and 300 gr. The results dipeoleh in this research is the value of the highest heat insulation acquired at the dimension of the shaped triangle100 gr with the value of the heat insulation of 6,229 Kcal/gr, while the length of time the flame of the longest acquired at the dimensions of the cylinder 300 gr namely for 6 hours 24 minutes 35 seconds. Optimum point obtained in strong press 8.15 kg/m2 with the weight of the briquette 279,54 gr where reachable values of heat of 5,99931 kcal/gr with the length of time the flame of 1843,49 minutes. The conclusion to be drawn that the dimensions and weight of the briquette did not influence the value of the heat insulation but affect the length of time the flame. Key Words :Bamboo, Pirolisis, Charcoal Briquettes, the value of the heat insulation, the length of time the flame ABSTRAK Kebutuhan energi yang terus menigkat dan ketersediaan bahan bakar minyak dan gas yang terus menipis memaksa manusia untuk mencari sumber alternatif bahan bakar.Oleh karena itu,dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk memperoleh bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui seperti limbah biomassa dari bambu.Penelitian inibertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh dimensi dan berat briket bioarang terhadap nilai kalor dan lama waktu nyala. Adapun variabel yang ditentukan adalah dimensi : Segitiga, Segiempat, dan Silinder,dan dengan berat briket : 100 gr, 200 gr, dan 300 gr. Hasil yang dipeoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai kalor tertinggi didapat pada dimensi berbentuk segitiga100 gr dengan nilai kalor sebesar 6,229 kkal/gr, sedangkan lama waktu nyala terlama didapat pada dimensi berbentuk silinder 300 gr yaitu selama 6 jam 24 menit 35 detik. Titik optimal yang diperoleh berada pada kuat tekan 8,15 kg/m2 dengan berat briket 279,54 gr dimana didapat nilai kalor sebesar 5,99931 kkal/gr dengan lama waktu nyala sebesar 1843,49 menit. Kesimpulan yang diambil bahwa dimensi dan berat briket tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai kalor tetapi berpengaruh terhadap lama waktu nyala. Kata kunci :Bambu, Pirolisis, Briket Arang, Nilai Kalor, Lama Waktu Nyala
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Aspek hidraulik pada bendung merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting dalam perencanaan Peredam Energi (Stilling Basin) air yang jatuh, sehingga sisa energi air di hilir kolam olak menjadi minimal sehingga gerusan dasar sungai tidak membahayakan. Yang jadi masalah adalah kedalaman gerusan hilir bendung seberapa jauh membahayakan sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui profil bendung Eksisting dan peredam energi yang mana lebih stabil, mendapatkan hasil Lj + Ld yang diperlukan untuk bendung yang akan direncanakan kembali, mengetahui evaluasi panjang kolam olak Lj + Ld terhadap existing dan stabilitas. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menghitung debit rencana pada kolam (Q), kecepatanaliran air pada kedalaman kritis (Vz), kedalaman kritis (Yz), dan bilangan Froude (Fr). Dari hasil perhitungan, diperoleh debit rencana sebesar 7,356 m3/dt, kecepatanaliran air pada kedalaman kritis sebesar 3,2827 m/dt, kedalaman kritis sebesar 0,153 m dan bilangan froude 6,522. Hasil perhitungan ini merupakan hasil dari perencanaan peredam energi. Artinya kasil evaluasi yang dilakukan mengharuskan kolam olak perlu dilakukan perencanaan baru untuk mengantisipasi gerusan. Dari hasil perhitungan dan analisis diperoleh nilai Fr pada profil bendung adalah 6,25 berada di bawah hilir bendung, panjang loncatan hidrolis adalah 14 m dan panjang kolam olak 7 m.
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Dinding penahan tanah berfungsi untuk menahan tanah serta mencegahnya dari bahaya kelongsoran. Baik akibat beban air hujan, berat tanah itu sendiri maupun akibat beban yang bekerja di atasnya. Pada saat ini, konstruksi dinding penahan tanah sangat sering digunakan dalam pekerjaan sipil walaupun ternyata konstruksi dinding penahan tanah sudah cukup lama dikenal di dunia. Kelongsoran yang terjadi di bantaran sungai konto jln. Abd.Manan Wijaya Kecamatan Pujon di sebabkan oleh dimensi dinding penahan yang terlalu kecil sehingga tidak stabil terhadap faktor keamanan (fs), nilai faktor keamanan yang di tinjau adalah faktor keamanan terhadap daya dukung tanah, gaya geser dan stabilitas terhadap gaya guling. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa penyebab keruntuhan dinding penahan tanah dan merencanakan kembali dinding penahan tanah yang sudah runtuh. Dinding penahan yang ada tidak stabil terhadap gaya geser yaitu 1,28 < 1,5 (tidak aman). Perencanan kembali dinding penahan tanah dengan menggunakan jenis dinding penahan gravitasi dengan sisi belakang tegak karena jenis ini cocok untuk dinding penahan yang tinggi. Dimensi dinding stabilitas terhadap geser : 1,67 > 1,5 (aman) dan stabil terhadap guling : 3,9 > 1,5 (aman). Kata Kunci : Dinding penahan tanah, Longsoran, Dimensi, stabilitas dinding penahan.