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Published by Universitas Diponegoro
ISSN : 18583881     EISSN : 23560088     DOI : 10.14710/ruang
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Articles 12 Documents
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Faktor – Faktor Pergeseran Fungsi Rumah Hunian di Kampung Batik Kauman, Kota Pekalongan Iin Isnaeni; Diah Intan Kusumo Dewi
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.796 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.29-38


Kauman, where located in downtown Pekalongan is one of the batik clusters in Pekalongan City. Since 2007, Kampung Kauman was established to be one of batik tourism village in Pekalongan city. Location dan development in Kampung Batik kauman as batik village has an impact on the physical development in Kampung Batik Kauman, one of which is marked by the transformation function of residental house into a business house. Based on the phenomenon, this study aims to analyze factors that affected housing function transformation in Kampung Batik Kauman. The approach used in his research is a descriptive quantitative method. From the research result can be seen that there are five types of business houses in Kampung Batik Kauman: residential house and batik production; residential houses and batik showroom; residential house, production and batik showroom; residential house and boarding house; and residential, trading and service house (expect batik). Internal factors that affected the community in making housing function transformation in Kampung Batik Kauman is a factor employment and income level. External factor that affected the community in making housing function tranformation id a development of the surrounding area in Kampung Batik Kauman.
Kajian Kesesuaian Fungsi Taman Duta Harapan Sebagai Ruang Terbuka Publik Kota Bekasi Satrio Mukti Wibowo; Nurini Nurini
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.323 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.%p


Public open space is one of the life supporting elements within certain areas. The existence of public open space in the form of urban parks or other related shapes might be featured with some important function for the surrounding community which acted as a space for activity, recreation, and human interaction. Along with regional development progression, the functional conformity of a park as a public open space may decrease and it might also affect Taman Duta Harapan in Bekasi. This may occur as a consequence of Government's lack of sustainable maintenance in all aspects. Therefore, this study aims to determine the suitability of urban park functions as public open space in Taman Duta Harapan Bekasi by considering local people's perception towards ecological, social, economic, and aesthetic function. Quantitative and qualitative methods with descriptive approach will be applied in this research, given further assistance by the Index of Qualitative Variation (IQV) analysis tool. This research conducts 4 variables in which consists of 17 indicators, hence the results found that there are 10 unqualified items that cannot be used to measure the conformity percentages. Seven qualified indicators are adequate cool air, park shades, flood protections, sports venues, community activities, street vendors, and accessible way to the park. Those seven qualified indicators could be used to measure the compatibility percentage of Taman Duta Harapan functions, and the result stated that the final conformity percentages were counted around 41.1% which means that Taman Duta Harapan has not qualified yet as one of the public open space in Bekasi City.
Upaya Pelestarian Kawasan Bersejarah Kota Pusaka Parakan, Kabupaten Temanggung Nofika Fitasari; Rina Kurniati
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.874 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.48-56


Heritage area of Parakan is one of ancient Mataram heritage area and it was ex capital city of Menoreh. This area has so many historical relics either buildings or art. Therefore at 2015, Parakan was confirmed as heritage city by Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). As a heritage city, Parakan still faced several problems. There are degradation of heritage buildings, less of local government’s attention about local art. Beside that, Temanggung still do not has any regulations about conservation activity in Parakan. This research aims to know how the way conservation effort in cultural heritages in Parakan. The method used in this paper is called AHP to determine classification weight due to value of influence each variable in this research.  Land use in Parakan is dominated by trade and service area and settlement area. Those settlement consist of Kauman and Pecinan Settlement which is early establishment of Parakan City. Research output in conservation buildings shows that  the alternative of conservation in Parakan are preservation, adaptation, restoration, reconstruction, cultural transmission, and cultural revitalization.
Pola Keruangan Kapasitas Adaptasi Terhadap Bencana Penyakit Di Kota Semarang Widjonarko Widjonarko; Maryono Maryono; Muhammad Lutfi Aliyudin
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (582.631 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.%p


The city of Semarang is one of the big cities with the incidence of disasters especially dengue fever disease (DHF) is quite high. To reduce the incidence of DBD Semarang city government has done preventive action to improve clean and healthy life behavior, intensive socialization about mosquito nest eradication and home monitoring activities against the potential emergence of DBD through routine examination of potential water reservoir as a mosquito breeding. This effort is enough to show encouraging results with a decrease in the incidence of disease. But in 2017 there is an indication of the increase in the incidence of dengue disease when compared to the previous year. Based on this incident it is important to examine the level of adaptation capacity of the community against the occurrence of DHF. Based on the results of research, the adaptation capacity of Semarang City community has high adaptation capacity level with diffuse pattern. Low adaptation capacity has a pattern of gathering around North Semarang, Pedurungan and Gayamsari districts. This condition can not be separated from the domination of society with limited economic level and awareness of low clean and healthy life behaviour.
Pelestarian Kampung Pecinan di Desa Karangturi, Kecamatan Lasem Brillian Syafiria; Nurini Nurini
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.691 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.%p


Karangturi Village, located in center of Lasem District is in a strategic location close to the pantura street and a large mosque in Lasem, the Jami 'Mosque has historical potential associated with traditional Lasem batik making, traditional cake making, and ancient building distribution. This is an advantage as well as a challenge for the government, because its location is at the center of activity prone to social and physical changes of the ancient buildings. Therefore, Kampung Pecinan in Karangturi Village needs to be preserved to be able to maintain the existence of the area. This study aims to identify efforts to conserve Kampung Pecinan in Karangturi Village. The methods used in this study is a quantitative method of scoring analysis techniques performed by experts. Scoring analysis conducted in the study aims to strengthen the description of the results of the analysis conducted to facilitate the identification of Kampung Pecinan buildings in Village Karangturi. The results of the assessment by legal experts on the feasibility of historic area and buildings, as well as community activities where three things deserve to be preserved with preservation forms for the region, 14 ancient buildings with preservation, and six ancient buildings with a form of preservation of restoration / rehabilitation, and preservation for community activities.
Kajian Perubahan Morfologi Kampung Condet Sebagai Kawasan Cagar Budaya dan Buah-buahan Emmilia Sandy Leonita; Parfi Khadiyanto
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.876 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.39-47


The existence of the city related to the history of developments, current conditions, as well as the image of the city in the future. As part of the history, Kampung Condet, located in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, was designated as the cultural and lands heritage area in accordance with Governor Decree No. D.I-7903/a/30/75. The occurrence of urbanization in Jakarta affecting Kampung Condet. Now, Kampung Condet has experienced numerous changes that also eliminate the identity of the cultural and land heritage area. The developments change the morphology of Kampung Condet. Based on these problems, this research aims to identify the morphological changes that occur in 2004 to 2016. This research uses qualitative descriptive spatial methods with five stages, i.e. identify Kampung Condet’s condition as thecultural and land heritage area, identify the figure ground, identifies the linkage, identify the place, and analyze the changing shape of morphology at 2004 to 2016. The results showed themorphology in Condet changing from of linear in 2004 into form of an octopus in 2016. Changes in the morphology due to land use change amounted to 36.87%. Land use in 2016 developed following the network approaching urban areas.
Pengembangan Transit Oriented Development (TOD) pada Titik Transit Trase Light Rail Transit (LRT) Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Hendry Natanael Gumano; Yudi Basuki
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.323 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.75-84


Salah satu urgenitas pengembangan sistem transportasi massal LRT di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan adalah untuk mendukung pergelaran ASIAN GAMES tahun 2018 di Kota Palembang. Selain itu, keperluan pembangunan LRT juga sebagai solusi bagi masalah transportasi dan pembangunan Kota Palembang yang berkelanjutan. Keberadaan LRT perlu dianggap sebagai salah satu upaya dalam mewujudkan hal tersebut, melalui konsep pembangunan yang berorientasi transit (TOD). Kondisi ini kemudian menjadi pertanyaan penelitian yaitu “bagaimana pengembangan TOD pada jalur LRT dalam mendukung perwujudan transportasi dan pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan?”. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menyusun konsep pengembangan TOD berdasarkan tipologi kawasan titik transit di trase LRT Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu skoring, pembobotan serta analisis spasial yang dinilai berdasarkan pada prinsip TOD: diversity & destination, density, distance & design, dan demand management yang terbagi atas 14 variabel penilaian.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 3 tipologi TOD dari 12 kawasan transit yang dinilai yaitu 1 kawasan sebagai TOD Kota, 6 kawasan transit sebagai TOD Sub-Kota, dan 5 kawasan transit sebagai  TOD Lingkungan. Kawasan transit yang kecenderungannya sebagai TOD Kota perlu pengembangan dan peningkatan pada prinsip density, sedangkan di kawasan transit yang kecenderungannya sebagai TOD Sub-Kota perlu pengembangan dan peningkatan pada prinsip demand management.
Hubungan Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dengan Kualitas Udara di Kota Semarang Galih Maulidia Nawangsari; Mussadun Mussadun
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.722 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.11-20


The biggest problem in Semarang City these days is the increase of population. This happenes because of the increase the birth rate and urbanization. The impact from this phenomenon is the need of spaces that encorage people to convert the land use of their area, mostly green space. In addition, an increasing number of the population is also increasing the number of motor vehicle which may cause air pollution. This condition imply that there is a relation between the avaibility of open green space with air quality in Semarang City. In this study, three sub-districts being choosen, which is Banyumanik sub-district, Pedurungan sub-district and Tugu subdistrict. These sub-districts, was choosen because they can represent every sector of their land use. Banyumanik sub-district represent central bussiness distirct, Pedurungan sub-distict represent settlement area and Tugu sub-district represent industrial area. Methods of analysis that used in this study is quantitative method, which is regretion analysis and descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of this study, it is known that there is a corelation between the open green space and air quality in Semarang city with every differences from each sub-district. The most influential parameter in Banyumanik sub-distric is CO, in Pedurungan sub-distric is O3 and in Tugu sub-district is dust. The expansion of open green space and the selection of appropiate vegetation for every sub-district are the right solution to make a better air quality in Semarang City.
Morphological Studies: City Image and Urban Design Elements 
at Ngesrep Timur Corridor Intan Muning Harjanti
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1750.257 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.105-113


Semarang as the capital of Central Java has an important role in the development of the city, especially in the Ngesrep Timur corridor which  connecting UNDIP education area with other areas around it. The rapid development of UNDIP, followed by the development of Ngesrep Timur corridor. Therefore it is necessary to study morphology of urban image elements and urban design elements, in order to create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere amid the density of the Ngesrep Timur corridor.  This report used descriptive qualitatve approach, based on guiding theory of city image elements and urban design analysis.Analysis of city image elements resulted path form main roads and gangways settlement; edges form toll road, Setiabudi Road and settlement roads;  district as a function of trade and services and  settlement;  nodes form the junction of Jl. Setiabudi to Jl. East Ngesrep; landmarks form Diponegoro Statue. Urban design analysis resulted dominant land used is trade and service and settlement, and form mass of building have enough good and interesting. The existence of circulation and parking is not sufficient;open space in this corridor form field and parking area, but the existence of green open space is not sufficient. Pedestrian ways are available, but its functioning is not maximal yet. Supporting activities in this corridor is commercial activities and preservation in this corridor have not been seen. 
Komoditas Unggulan Tanaman Pangan Untuk Mendukung Perekonomian Wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu Indri Mustikaningrum; Widjonarko Widjonarko
Ruang Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Ruang
Publisher : Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.61 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ruang.4.1.%p


Regional development is a general effort to reduce regional disparities by supporting economic activities in regions. Regional development is also a strategy to utilize the internal and external factors to increase production of goods and services. Economic aspect can be used as an indicator to determine whether the regional development is success. Regional economic growth will be determined by the natural resources and demand for its poducts or commodities. Economic activity in developing-countries, depends on the agricultural sector. This sector has a great contribution to economic growth in most of regions. The economic growth of Kabupaten Indramayu depends on its agricultural activities as well, especially food crops agriculture. The food crops production of Kabupaten Indramayu is able to supply the national needs. Rice, corn, cassava, sweet potatoes, soybeans, peanuts and mung beans are the 7 commodities of food crops in Kabupaten Indramayu. Based on the research conducted by quantitative methods using Location Quotient analysis, Shift Share analysis and Domestic Resource Costs analysis, were found that rice and soybean are the region’s flagship commodities. Meanwhile, based on SWOT analysis, was found that improving the quality and quantity of irrigation infrastructures; improving the quality and quantity of human resources; applying modern agriculture methods; and paying attention to the land conversions, become the main strategies in developing flagship commodities of food crops.

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