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The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies
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Articles 137 Documents
The war of terror : An Analysis of Recent Terrorist Attacks in Two Indonesian News Media Prayudi -
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v1i1.1318


This paper analyses how different Indonesian mass media represent issues of terrorism within an Indonesian context. Mass media and issue of terrorism are inseparable. The representation of terrorism in the Indonesian mass media is the result of a complex construction process which incorporates cultural, political economic and industrial factors. Particularly, it is very much influenced by the rise of the idea of civil society. It has also driven the new idea of freedom of the press in Indonesia. The press becomes more critical in reporting an issue. Media policies also experienced significant changes. Government communication policy only regulates the press in order to ensure they obey codes of ethics and law. To this extent, controversial and highly significant events like the recent terrorist attacks and the international ‘war on terror’ are managed and represented according to the internal policies of the media organizations, rather than the directives of government. At the same time, the mass media has to consider various factors in reporting the issue as terrorism is a sensitive and potentially divisive issue. In this research, the mass media to be analysed includes two national news media with two different perspectives: the Jakarta Post and Sabili. Within each of these news publications, the cultural, political economic and social conditions are treated differently in constructing news. It is assumed that each news publications will report the issue of terrorism and the specific events under review differently.
Media and the War on Terror: A Case Study of Islamic News Magazine Reporting in the Transition Indonesia Prayudi -
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v2i2.1330


This research looks at the representation of recent terrorist attacks in Indonesian Islamic news media within a context of cultural and social transition. It is based on an understanding that modern terrorism is formed in relation to the media and global networked media systems. Terrorism can be considered to be a stage upon which political ‘drama’ is performed for specific audiences, (national or international publics, particular groups or individuals, or political elites). In this context, the news media play a crucial role in distributing the message to the audience. At the same time, the way the news media represent the issue is influenced by the cultural, political, economic and social conditions in which the political violence is being played out.
The Effect of Health Claims on Television Commercials toward Consumer’s Decision Making in Food Product Buying (Case Study in Yogyakarta City) Yuni Retnowati
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v2i2.1335


Advertisement is a medium to declare claims based on product benefits. However, there are times where the claims are not supported by evidence, hence mislead and confuse consumers in buying the products. Health issues discussed in public sphere are used to show the product benefits compare to other competitors. The aims of this research were to study consumer’s perception toward health claims on TV commercials and the effect of health claims on TV commercials (external factor) and internal factors toward consumer’s decision making in food product buying. Path analysis was used to analyze the effect of external and internal factors. The result of this research shows that consumer’s perception toward health claims on food product TV commercials is easy to understand, attractive, believable and suitable for the condition and the needs of consume, therefore its perception able to influence buying decision making (buying intensity). Food product includes in this category was food fiber which helped metabolism and natural diet. Consumers who attain the age of 21–50 years old, married, working and have good knowledge of nutrient are often do the buying activity.
Intercultural Communication Accommodation in Interethnic Family Christina Rochayanti
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v3i1.1340


Interethnic family is a family consisting of two different ethnics due to the legal unity of couple from different ethnic groups (Sundanese and non-Sundanese). Ethnic differences substitute different cultural background. The focus of this research is the condition in which culture can be accommodated by interethnic family. The aim of this research is to gain the picture of the attitudes of interethnic family in facing their different cultures. Symbolic Interaction Theory and Accommodation Theory are utilized to analyze the accomodated condition of intercultural family. Qualitative method is used in this research; data collecting is conducted through depth interview, involving 13 interethnic families. The families chosen are those which have child and reached 10 years of marriage. The result of the research shows that accommodated condition in interethnic family is the attitude of educating children and of getting aquainted with extended family. Open-mindednes in interethnic family includes the matters of children education, language used, children’s name, activities outside of school, school selection. Yet, for the children’s mate, interethnic families want their children to marry spouse from the same religion, no matter what their ethnics are. Social intercourse, especially with extended family, is considered as family recreation, studying cuisine, and introducing cultural elements to children. The involvement of wife in customary events is to support the husband’s position and to keep the relation to the husband’s extended family.
The Failure of Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in Managing Malaysian Cultural Claim Issue Iva Rachmawati; Sri Issundari
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v3i2.1345


According to traditional conception of public diplomacy, the positive building of country’s image is the main aim of public diplomacy by sharing clear and credible information and persuading other foreign government and public abroad. In the era of rapid development of information and communication technology, the good image of one country cannot be build by focusing on the parties abroad. The image should be built by focusing on domestic public. By sharing clear and credible information government can persuade public in shaping supportive attitudes. Unfortunately, Indonesia government failed in managing public diplomacy. The anarchic actions and narrative coercion were frequently happened during Malaysian cultural claims. These were unsupportive situation for Indonesian image itself. Lack of mechanism in public access to obtain trusted information and also lack of guidance to respond sensitive issues determine those attitude and lessen the level of relation between countries.
Semiotic Analysis of Characteristic Image of Jogja Society in the film of “Jagad X-Code” Herawati -
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v3i2.1350


The object of the research is the film of Jagad X-Code. The film of Jagad X-Code took DI Yogyakarta as the setting of this film. The people of Jogja maintain the strong characteristic of Java which is represented in this comedy film. It conveyed the cultural values which started to fade away. The aim of the research is to identify the symbols and the sign used and the characteristic of the Jogja people presented in the film ‘Jagad X-Code’, and to identify the meaning of the film. The data source helped the writer in the process of interpretation and significance of the film was obtained through observation to the film, information from the book, internet and informants who understood the javanese culture. It is concluded that film is one of media which convey the cultural value which should be maintained by the society. The characteristics of Javanese People represented in this film are submissive, polite, respectful to the elderly, helpful, and innocent. These characteristics are symbolized by the director of the film through the attitude and behavior of the actor in the film.
Politics and Culture In Indonesian Cinema Pawito -
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v1i1.1314


This study deals with Indonesian cinema. Perspectives of politics and culture employed to provide understanding of how Indonesian cinema from the early period of its development untill the recent times. This study demonstrates that Indonesian cinema could be associated significantly with politics primarily in the 1950s and 1960s when Indonesian cinema had really started to grow. In the period of New Order cinema becomes a manifestation of kitsch pursuing for capital gain. Yet after the fall of the regime significant shifts occur namely no longer have Indonesian cinemas strongly related to politics in their content of messages but the cinemas promote much moore various discoursive contents.
Pornography Manifestation in Internet Media ( Content Analysis on Popular Local Porn Websites in Indonesia ) Edwi Arif Sosiawan
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v2i2.1336


Pornografi yang semula hanya berupa tulisan saat ini berkembang dalam berbagai macam manifestasi seperti gambar, cerita pendek, video , film, lagu dan sebagainya. Bahkan pornografi di internet bukan lagi hanya pekerjaan orang iseng tetapi menjadi komoditi bisnis di dunia maya. Inilah yang menjadi penyebab menjamurnya situs porno di Internet. Pada sisi lain pornografi di internet juga dicap sebagai penyulut adanya kejahatan seksual, penyimpangan seksual dan bisnis seksual. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada fakta ilmiah yang mencoba untuk menggali tentang pornografi di internet. Oleh karena itu maka penelitian ini mencoba mengambil satu rumusan masalah yaitu : “Bagaimana manifestasi pornografi di internet dalam bentuk situs web site ? “ Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode content analysis, yaitu jenis metode yang menguraikan kecenderungan suatu fenomena melalui bantuan unit analisis dan kategorisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa situs yang digunkan lebih banyak menggunakan situs blog agar tidak terkena pemblokiran oleh pihak pemerintah. Visualisasi yang dimunculkan adalah gambar foto serta file 3gp. Secara keseluruhan jenis hardcore lebih banyak dipapangkan di internet. Fakta lain menunjukkan uptoditas materi pornografi tersebut bersiklus mingguan. Secara sifat maka pornografi yang terjadi bersifat vulgar dan sedikit sekali yang bersifat erotisme. Dari kesimpulan yang ada maka penutupan situs porno adalah hal yang sulit dilakukan mengingat jumlah situs yang banyak disertai dengan beralihnya pengelola situs porno ke domain websites publik sehingga sulit bagi aparat untuk menutupnya. Oleh karenanya keaktifan pribadi dan kesadaranlah yang mampu untuk menggerakkan agar pornografi tidak meluas di internet.
The Perceptions of Gender Bias as a Communication Constraint in the Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming within the Context of Regional Autonomy of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region Puji Lestari; Machya Astuti Dewi; June Cahyaningtyas
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v3i1.1341


This study aims to determine the communication constraints in implementing gendermainstreaming programin the province of Yogyakarta within the era of regional autonomy. The program which was initiated in 2000 has not been brought encouraging results. The qualitative research method was used with focus group data collection techniques. Head of the Office of Yogyakarta’s Women Empowerment, head of government in the province of Yogyakarta, members of parliament as well as women activists of several women’s NGOs were theinformants. The data from the interviews equipped with secondary data collected from the annual report from the Office of Women’s Empowerment and all government agencies in the province of Yogyakarta. All data was then analyzed using descriptive-qualitative analysis. The results of this study found that implementa- tion of mainstreaming in all offices in Yogyakarta were not optimized, but the Education Department has a good gender responsive planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs. This study also identified a variety of communication barriers in the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in Yogyakarta Province agencies, namely: cultural aspects of society’s perception that support patriar- chy, perception of gender, resulting in work programs and behaviors that gender bias, the absence of data between men and women as a basis for making the program work, the unuse of gender analysis tools in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of work programs, the existence of mutations that are less concerned employee PUG experience, and budget issues that have not been gender responsive. Thus, this study suggests that the government should have the same perception of gender as a basis for making the program work and implemented in a gender responsive planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs. It needs to be supported by personnel in all offices that have a correct perception of the gender mainstreaming, for the sake of harmony and well-being of society, especially in the government of Yogyakarta.
Women and Culinary: From Domestic to Public Kitchen Liliek Budiastuti Wiratmo
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/ijcs.v3i2.1346


The widespread ulinary programs in television has brought domestic activity into the public sphere. When start to be shown at public domain, such as shops, hotel, restaurant and even televi- sion, the activity which was originally conceived as women’s work in the house begin to be possesed by men. The emergence of men as host chef in the culinary program confirms the dominance of men in public spaces, which is packaged as a television performance that shown how men as it is but also show their ability in food processing. This is different when we enter the era which women host no longer placed as a mother who cooked for the family, but as chef and host with ‘catchy’ packaging. This paper highlights how the culinary program seen from the sex based job classification, how male dominance in the culinary program on television, as well as how women compete to fight for culinary stage on screen.

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